To Defy a Duke: Dangerous Dukes Vol 1

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To Defy a Duke: Dangerous Dukes Vol 1 Page 17

by Wendy Soliman

  ‘Especially your own. You’ve fallen for him hard, I know.’

  ‘That helps, of course. I can’t pretend I’m indifferent. Besides, if I was, I wouldn’t do it, no matter how dire our situation.’

  ‘I know that, lamb. Still, if you are determined, take my advice and insist upon a contract so that you know where you stand financially.’

  ‘You don’t make it sound very romantic, Millie.’

  Millie laughed. ‘You can have all the romance you want, once he’s agreed to keep us all in style.’

  Athena’s glance clashed with Millie’s, and her lips twitched. All the vicissitudes of the day warred inside her tired brain, the stresses and strains, pleasures and passions merged, and the two of them dissolved into fits of nervous laughter.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Eli returned to the party, brooding as he watched the long train of carts making their way down the driveway, wondering if Athena’s was still amongst them. It was impossible to tell from this distance. Damnation, he hadn’t handled things well just now! Time constraints and the crowds of people milling just feet away from them had made it impossible for him to insist she tell him what had frightened her so badly, why her husband had abandoned her, what or whom she and her sisters were hiding from.

  Instead, he’d blurted out a request for her to become his mistress. Eli threw back his head, closed his eyes, and stifled a groan. What a fool! At first, he had been elated when she agreed to consider his proposition, but he could see now she would have agreed to anything simply to get away from him. He had probably frightened her off for good simply because he’d been thinking with the wrong part of his anatomy. Now he must face the unpalatable truth, which was that he might never see her again.


  Eli’s heart lurched, and he refused to accept that possibility. He’d only known her for a few days, but in that time she had managed to turn his well-organised existence on its head, and he couldn’t imagine his life without her in it. She could never be what he wanted her to be, which was his wife, but they would find a way. Perhaps he was being selfish. Except he knew from the way she had responded to his kiss, his feelings were returned. She understood his dilemma, and they would reach an understanding. Somehow.

  Eli became conscious of his mother sending him strange, considering looks, presumably because he had been absent for some time. Now he had rejoined his guests, but wasn’t dancing attendance on any of his prospective brides.

  The hell with that!

  He strode into the drawing room and poured himself a substantial measure of brandy, downing it in two swallows. He refilled his glass and sipped more slowly this time, trying to figure out who had spooked Athena. She had been so carefree, her dazzling smile completely bewitching him, while they danced together. He had never seen her in such a light-hearted mood before. It was as if she had put aside all thoughts of the responsibilities that weighted so heavily on her slender shoulders and given herself over to her own pleasures for once. Eli had wanted time to stand still.

  Then something had happened to spoil it all.

  But what? She had obviously caught sight of someone who scared her witless. Whoever it was, and it had to be a man, Eli would throttle him with his bare hands when he discovered his identity. A murderous rage consumed him as he thought about the cowardly, faceless blaggard who took pleasure from frightening a helpless woman. No one, but no one, scared his goddess and lived to tell the tale.

  What connection that person had to her, and how it involved the law, Eli was at a loss to know. She was right in one respect. If the person was a relation who wielded legal powers over her, then he had right on his side, but that wouldn’t deter Eli. He had power and influence enough to stop a dozen irate relations in their tracks. But first he would install Athena and the twins in Amulet House, where no one would be able to get to them. Even if she decided against becoming his mistress, he would still insist she take the house. He smiled to himself as it occurred to him that a house had never been more aptly named. It would suit his witchlike goddess perfectly.

  Harry and Franklin joined Eli, bringing an end to his mental perambulations. He poured brandy for them both and forced himself to chat with them about nothing more taxing than their plans for the coming hunting season.

  Then Baintree and Blake came in, too, and the relaxed atmosphere became strained. Eli had even less time for Blake than he did for Baintree, and was annoyed Charlotte’s husband had just assumed he could bring him along. It wasn’t the first time he had sprung an uninvited guest on them. Eli would need to talk to him about his habit of treating the Park as though he was its owner.

  Blake was witty and charming, and the ladies were attracted to him. But Eli had never taken to him, and thought there was something sinister about the man. Blake’s father was Lord Michael Blake, the younger brother of the Marquess of Trent. Blake himself was Lord Michael’s second son and, apparently, a great favourite with his mother. The well-established family didn’t lack for blunt, and Blake didn’t appear to do anything with his time except gamble and cling to the Prince Regent’s wild set, making him an ideal companion for Baintree in many respects.

  Eli provided the new arrivals with brandy but was actually glad when the ladies found them and he no longer had to suffer Blake’s annoyingly high-pitched voice relating endless raucous stories. Since they had all eaten so well at luncheon, his mother had arranged a light buffet supper, allowing the indoor servants to join what was left of the harvest party. There was no formality attaching to this meal, but Eli was still plagued by his four would-be brides the entire time. His training kicked in, and he entertained them with witty anecdotes, with no real idea of what was said or by whom.

  All the while he was conscious of his mother’s piercing gaze resting upon his profile. He might be able to fool the rest of the world, but she knew there was something on his mind that had nothing to do with his forthcoming nuptials. He could only hope she had the good sense not to cross-question him upon the matter.

  He got through the evening, somehow, and retired to his chamber as soon as he politely could, but not to sleep. He needed to think this thing through. If Athena didn’t meet him in the morning then he would go to the cottage and drag her out, forcibly if necessary. She would hear what he had to say to her, and that was an end to the matter. He also needed to think of another way to find out what bothered her so. Direct questioning clearly wouldn’t work. She didn’t trust him completely, which saddened but didn’t surprise Eli. Someone had frightened or disappointed her so badly she was suspicious of everyone. But he would prove to her not everyone in the world was out to manipulate her. He would put himself out to earn her trust, because it was worth earning.

  He was up before dawn, dressed in plain breeches and shirt, just as he had been on the morning when she rescued him. He wanted her to see him as an ordinary man, not an aristocrat. He saddled Byron himself, waving the surprised night-groom whose sleep he disturbed back to his cot in the tack room.

  He cantered away from the Park and reached the hollow before he could expect to see Athena there. He dismounted, leaving Byron to graze, as he watched the dawn light filter through the leafy canopy, counting the moments until he could reasonably expect her to appear. Wondering if she would lose her nerve. He was deep in thought when he heard a twig snap behind him. He turned, and there she was, early morning mist shrouding her as she walked towards him wearing her old gown, hair floating loose around her shoulders. Relief flooded through Eli, and he sent her a heated smile, thinking she had never looked lovelier.

  ‘You came.’

  She stopped a short distance away from him. ‘I said I would.’

  They were awkward with one another, as though their passionate kiss had never taken place.

  ‘Where is Boris?’

  ‘I left him with the twins.’

  Ah, of course, she was concerned for their safety. ‘The men will be back to work on the cottage today. They will be quite safe.’

  ‘I can’t be away for long.’

  ‘Then come.’ He held out a hand and, after a moment’s hesitation, she stepped forward and placed hers in it. The moment his fingers closed softly around her palm, he felt a strong surge of desire just from that simple contact. Her eyes widened, implying she felt it, too. ‘Shall you mind riding behind me on Byron?’

  ‘Not if Byron doesn’t object.’

  ‘Oh, he can be quite obliging.’ He touched her face and lowered his voice. ‘Just like his master.’

  She swallowed and looked away from him, obviously nervous. ‘Where are we going?’

  ‘I want to show you Amulet House.’

  ‘Amulet House?’ There was a hint of amusement in her tone. ‘What a peculiar name.’

  ‘The house could have been named for you, my sweet.’ He so wanted to kiss her, but sensed the moment wasn’t right. She didn’t look as though she had slept well, and anxiety was making her both shy and skittish. ‘Come.’

  He whistled to Byron, who obediently trotted across. Eli swung himself easily into the saddle and then reached both hands down.

  ‘Now it’s my turn to help you onto Byron’s back.’

  She weighed nothing at all, and he lifted her from the ground with ease. She swung her leg agilely over Byron’s quarters, and he then had the pleasure of feeling her pressed close against him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head against his shoulder.

  ‘I could get used to this,’ he told her, sending her a sensual smile over his shoulder as he pushed Byron forward.

  Their journey skirted the village until they were approximately equal distance to it on its opposite side from Whispers’ Hollow. Eli slowed Byron as they approached the house he hoped to persuade Athena to call home.

  ‘We’re here.’

  He tried to see the house through her eyes. It was a square, solid building, standing in its own grounds of about an acre, no other buildings within sight. There was a spinney off to one side, common land on the other, and a small stream marked the end of the garden.

  ‘This is it,’ he said, riding around the house to a small stable at the back, acutely aware she hadn’t said a word yet. He threw his right leg over Byron’s withers and slid to the ground. Then he reached up to place his hands around Athena’s waist and helped her down. An old groom emerged from the stables and took Byron’s head.

  ‘Morning, Walters,’ Eli said.

  ‘Your grace.’

  Walters led Byron away, showing no interest in Eli or his guest. Walters was the soul of discretion, which was one of the reasons why he was such a good and trusted employee, rewarded well for his service.

  ‘Who was that?’ Athena asked.

  ‘Walters looks after the grounds. His wife keeps the house tidy.’

  Athena looked alarmed. ‘Oh, is she inside now?’

  ‘No, don’t worry. I sent word I would be here early today and required the house to be empty. I thought you might be embarrassed, otherwise.’

  ‘Thank you. I would have been.’ She paused. ‘I am. This is all so unexpected. I haven’t had time to adjust to the idea.’

  He touched her cheek. ‘There’s no need to worry, my love. I know this is strange for you. I don’t want you to feel any pressure, but—’

  She sent him a twisted smile. ‘You can have no idea how strange. I never imagined it would come to this.’

  ‘Do you find the idea so very repellent?’

  At last, she met his gaze. ‘You know I do not.’

  ‘Then I’m glad.’ He took her hand and let her towards the house. ‘The Walters live in an apartment above the stable, which I imagine is where Mrs Walters is now. There are rooms in the attics for more servants, as you will see in a moment. When you live here I shall hire more people to take care of you.’

  ‘I haven’t agreed to live here yet.’

  ‘No, but I plan to persuade you. And, just so you know, my powers of persuasion are legendary.’ He stood back, his arm wrapped lightly around her waist, and looked at the house with her. ‘What do you think of it?’

  As elegant as its owner and just as compelling, the house appeared to be the answer to Athena’s prayers. She had laughed at Eli when he said it could have been named for her, but secretly she agreed. It had to be a good omen, surely? She was still reeling from riding behind him on Byron, and the excuse it provided her with to snuggle up against his lovely broad back and breathe in the intoxicating scent of the man she loved. He was hatless and his dark hair had blown back in the breeze as they sped along, touching her face, just as Eli had indelibly touched her vulnerable heart.

  ‘Who’s land is this?’

  ‘The house and spinney is the farthest most reach of the Winsdale estate. The common is…well, common land. The occasional rider comes by, and sometimes local farmers graze their livestock on it, but mostly no one comes here.’

  ‘Are you telling me that because you think it is what I wish to hear?’

  ‘I’m merely telling you the truth.’ His glance was faintly condemning. ‘I would never lie to you, Athena.’

  ‘No, sorry, of course you would not. You must forgive me. I’m nervous, and I tend to blurt out the first thing that comes into my head when I am nervous.’

  ‘There is absolutely nothing to be nervous about.’ He stood behind her, his arms circling her waist. ‘I will take care of you. All of you.’ His lips brushed the top of her head. ‘Never doubt it.’

  She tilted her head backwards and smiled up at him. ‘Yes,’ she replied softly. ‘I know you will.’

  ‘There’s a lovely sunny patch on the south side of the house,’ he said, pointing to it. ‘I thought your herbs would grow well there.’

  Athena thought the same thing. She could already imagine herself here, tending to them, with nothing more taxing on her mind than the rate of their growth or the twins’ latest escapade.

  ‘Come, let me show you inside.’

  Eli reached into his pocket, produced a key and opened the door. They were greeted by the smell of beeswax polish and a feeling of homeliness that told Athena this was a happy house. Athena exclaimed with delight when she stepped into a drawing room with large windows looking out over the gardens. She could just imagine a roaring fire dancing up the chimney on a cold winter’s night, her and Eli cuddled up on a sofa in front of it as she rested her head in his lap and he stroked her hair. Except that wouldn’t happen too often, she reminded herself. He would soon have a wife to think of, as well as his duties at Winsdale Park to keep him occupied. Jealousy cramped her insides. Don’t think of those things. Think only of yourself and the twins.

  There was a dining room and small study on the ground floor, as well as a wide entrance vestibule, all of which were spotlessly clean and elegantly, yet simply furnished.

  ‘The kitchens are through there,’ he said, waving a hand. ‘Do you want to see them?’

  ‘Perhaps later. Show me the rest first.’

  ‘So eager, Mrs Defoe,’ he said with a mocking smile.

  ‘You have a wife to select, and I have work to do,’ she replied, turning away so he wouldn’t see her blush.

  ‘You have a happy knack for spoiling the mood,’ he said, lightly swatting her behind as she ascended the stairs ahead of him.

  ‘Just being practical, your grace.’

  There were four bedrooms on the first floor, the largest sharing the same extensive view over the gardens and countryside beyond as she had just admired from the drawing room. She entered it with a hesitant step, knowing what would happen in it very soon, if she agreed to Eli’s proposition. Surprised at just how desperately she actually wanted it to happen.

  Eli led her to the window, and they sat together on the bench seat in its embrasure. He took one of her hands in both of his, turned it over, and planted a soft kiss in the centre of her palm.

  ‘If you agree to become my mistress, I will have my lawyers draw up a binding agreement, just so you know where you stand. I will support you and
the twins, bearing all of your expenses as well as providing them with a governess.’

  Athena gasped. ‘You would do that?’

  ‘With gladness in my heart. They will be my responsibility, as you will be. I will supply you with a clothing allowance and pay all the household expenses.’ He lowered his voice. ‘I will also acknowledge and support any children resulting from our liaison.’


  He sent her a quizzical smile. ‘They would be a distinct possibility, because you need to be aware I won’t be able to keep my hands off your delectable body.’

  ‘Oh, I hadn’t thought as far as children.’

  ‘You will associate with no man other than me during the term of our agreement. Should that agreement come to an end for any reason, and provided you haven’t broken the terms of it, I will supply you with somewhere to live and the means by which to live there unless or until you take up with another man.’

  ‘You make it all sound so…well, formal.’ Athena shuddered.

  ‘That isn’t how I feel about you, sweet Athena, but it would be best to establish where we both stand.’

  She stared out of the window, too embarrassed to look at him. ‘Yes, I expect you’re right.’

  ‘I know what a big step this is for you, and so the contract is for your peace of mind more than mine.’

  ‘If you say so.’

  ‘What terms would you like to impose, my sweet?’

  Athena shook her head. ‘I can’t think of anything at all.’

  ‘Then you agree?’ He looked disbelieving, quite unlike the autocratic duke she had come to know over recent days. A slow, devastating smile broke across his face. ‘You won’t run away from me?’

  Part of Athena wanted to run. Being a mistress—even Eli’s—seemed tawdry somehow, and she was still worried about the effect it would have on the twins. But she was also tired, so tired of running. Besides, there didn’t seem to be anywhere she could run to without Blake finding her—not unless she gave up lace-making, and then how would she support herself? And she loved Eli with a passion that stole her breath away.


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