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Curse of the Candy Corn Queen

Page 7

by Rena Marin

  “Jesus,” Caleb mumbled as he slowly lowered his gun then clicked the mic on his collar. “This is Deputy Rollins. I need assistance at the library. Double homicide,” he reported as he took a step back. By the girl’s feet he saw a pink and black backpack. Kneeling, he opened it, noticing the normal female items. Her cellphone, makeup, notebooks, and a billfold. In the bottom corner though, something caught his eye.

  Without thinking, he reached in, snatching the old looking book in his hand. Getting back to his feet, he opened it, carefully turning the tattered pages in hopes of not causing any damage. “I’ll be damned,” he whispered to himself as the sound of sirens filled the distance. Knowing how important the journal Shelly was trying to hide in her bag was, Caleb didn’t think twice about stuffing it in his back pocket. He knew eventually, it may come in handy.

  Chapter Twelve

  “I’m sorry to inform all of you, but our friend and fellow Candy Corn hopeful, Shelly Baker was killed last night,” Rheanon announced to the girls as they stood around in a circle, clearly in shock of what they’d heard. “I know tonight will be difficult, but I need all of you to keep your heads up and put forth your best efforts. The mayor wants this pageant to continue, so do I. That’s up to all of you. Do you have what it takes to be Dead Oaks’ Candy Corn Queen?”

  Hearing the sobs, gasps, and other reactions from the other contestants, Chelsea shook her head trying to wrap her mind around what she was hearing. Another girl had been killed and again Caleb had kept her out of the loop. Add in the fact that Rheanon expected them all to compete like nothing had happened and things were getting way too out of hand.

  “You think these girls can go on that stage after being told about Shelly?” she questioned, seeing Carmen sobbing openly at the loss of her friend.

  “To be a queen, you need to put your emotions aside,” Millie piped up as she squared her shoulders and looked up at Rheanon. “I’m ready to do Dead Oaks proud.”

  “That’s my girl,” Rheanon smiled as she tossed her inky black locks over her shoulder. “You girls know what to do. Get ready, look your best, and smile no matter what’s happening. Do it for Shelly. Do it for all those we’ve lost. Show this town how important this is to not only you, but everyone involved.” With that, she turned and walked away from the crowd of girls, leaving them to their own devices.

  Tossing Mia a look of disgust, Chelsea quickly went to Carmen who was clearly beside herself. She wrapped her arms around the distraught girl, holding her close as she cried.

  “I can’t do this, Chels. Not now. Not after losing Shelly too.”

  “We all understand, Carmen. This pageant isn’t that important. Don’t let them tell you any different.”

  “Not that important,” Millie piped up, interrupting the moment. “Are you insane? The Candy Corn Queen is one of the biggest things to take place in this shithole town. Winning it puts you on the map. It’s clear most of you don’t have what it takes to be queen. Maybe you should all quit. The crown is mine anyway.”

  “I don’t care about a stupid crown,” Carmen yelled as she pulled away from Chelsea and quickly ran toward the rest room.

  “Seriously? You couldn’t have used a little tact?” Mia mumbled as she and Chelsea watched Millie throw on her best smile and saunter away toward the dressing room area. “Can you believe her?”

  “Yeah, actually I can,” Chels answered with a shake of her head. “She doesn’t care about anything but winning.”

  “You don’t think…” Mia spoke then trailed off.

  “Maybe,” Chelsea sighed as she let the possibility of there being no curse sink in. “Caleb could’ve been right this entire time.”

  “Text him or something. Let him know to keep an eye on her. Someone needs to.”

  Nodding her head in response, Chelsea pulled out her phone and quickly sent the text. Sure, Caleb was upset with her but knowing something was up with one of the contestants is information he needed.

  “Come on, let’s get this show on the road,” Mia sighed. “We’ll keep our eyes on her as much as we can. I believe between the two of us, we can take her.”

  Chelsea couldn’t help but laugh as she fell in line and followed Mia toward the back where the other girls, their dresses, and their makeup were waiting.


  Walking toward the auditorium doors, Caleb could already hear the music inside. The pageant had already started. He hated that he’d gotten tied up down at the coroner’s office and missed the beginning. Hopefully, he would catch it in time to see Chelsea walk across the stage.

  Inside the auditorium, people were packed inside like sardines. Wishing he could be anywhere else but refusing to let Chelsea be alone during the pageant with a killer on the loose, Caleb wiggled his way to an empty corner to stand and keep an eye on things best he could. Her text about Millie and her strange actions were still fresh in his mind.

  “Next up, we have Chelsea Bishop. Miss Bishop was born and raised here in Dead Oaks and is the owner of Wicked Treasures, a unique shop located in the center of town. In her spare time Miss Bishop writes for the local paper while also assisting local families in their time of need.”

  Caleb leaned up, no longer needing the wall behind him to keep him on his feet, as Chelsea slowly emerged onto the stage. The black dress she wore flowed to her feet in delicate cascades. The fabric clung to her hips perfectly, showing each curve as it should be seen. The strapless gown screamed for every man to take notice of her creamy, sun kissed skin. The smile on her face radiated with a splash of red lipstick as her chocolate eyes twinkled out at the crowd, before finding their mark and fixating on him.

  “Wow,” Caleb mumbled to himself as he watched her walk from one end of the stage to the other. With each stop, she smiled and posed but her eyes stayed locked with his. Finally, she turned, allowing everyone to see the upswept beauty of her perfect auburn locks before making her way off the stage.

  “And now it’s time for our last contestant,” Rheanon’s voice called out, snapping Caleb back to reality. “Millie Turner. Miss Turner is a native of Dead Oaks who is currently enrolled in college. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends while helping those less fortunate.”

  Caleb eyed the girl as she owned the stage. It was clear how much being Candy Corn Queen meant to her but there was something else he noticed. There was anger in her eyes each time she glanced in the direction of Rheanon Nichols. The girl had a chip on her shoulder, but was it enough to make her a murderer?

  Once Millie finished her time on stage, Rheanon made her way out to the center. “Again, we would like to thank all of you for being here with us tonight. While the mayor and the rest of our judges tabulate their scores, we would like to ask you to join us all in remembering the Candy Corn Queens of the past. May their smiles forever shine brightly in our hearts.”

  A projector screen slowly lowered as Rheanon made her way off the stage and over toward the judges table. Caleb knew it wouldn’t take long for a decision to be made. Trying to not disrupt the people in the crowd, he moved slowly around those standing like him in hopes of being near the stage. Something in his gut was telling him everything would come to a head the minute the announcement was made. He’d barely made it half-way when the lights brightened, and Rheanon was back on stage.

  “We have a decision,” she called out excitedly. “I will be announcing the second runner-up, first runner-up, and of course, our new Candy Corn Queen. If by chance our Queen is unable to fulfill her duties to Dead Oaks, our first runner-up will step into the role accordingly. Now, drumroll please,” she laughed as soft music filled the air to enhance the anticipation. “Our second runner-up is Miss Mia Evans!”

  Caleb could hear his brother cheering over the rest of the crowd. Looking over, he saw Austin on his feet, Tia beside him, as they both clapped and whistled at the announcement. Mia looked shocked, but thrilled as she stepped out from her spot in line and rushed forward for her roses and sash.
  “Now, our first runner-up and the one to take the reigns if our Queen is unable, Miss Millie Turner!”

  The crowd exploded with applause, but Millie wasn’t hearing it. Anger was etched on her face at the idea of coming in as second place. She hesitated before finally lurching forward to receive her sash and roses. Caleb couldn’t hear what she had to say, but he could see her mouth angry words at Rheanon, who kept her poise and ignored the issue like nothing was happening.

  “Now, are you ready to meet our 2019 Candy Corn Queen?” Rheanon asked the crowd as everyone cheered. “Our winner is…oh, this is so exciting…Miss Chelsea Bishop!”

  The color drained from Chelsea’s face as Mia and several of the other contestants jumped up and down excitedly around her. Caleb froze in his tracks, unable to take his eyes off her as she stood there, unable to believe what was happening. During the excitement, he lost track of Millie, the one he should’ve been watching. His happiness at seeing Chelsea finally recognized for not only how beautiful she was but for everything she’d done for their town engulfed him.

  “Join me, Miss Bishop,” Rheanon called out as the mayor and several of the judges made their way to the stage, a pillow holding the crown, a winner’s sash, and a huge bouquet all with them.

  Chelsea took the few steps between her and Rheanon, unable to stop the tears that seeped from her eyes. She searched the crowd, finally spotting Caleb. His smile told her she’d really won. She hadn’t cared anything about being queen, but hearing her name called out ignited something inside her. Something she hadn’t expected to feel.

  Caleb and the rest of the crowd watched on as the mayor placed the sash. Another judge handed over the bouquet while offering congratulations, but it was Rheanon, the last surviving Candy Corn Queen who lifted the crown from the pillow and with shaking hands, placed it on Chelsea’s head.

  “Here she is ladies and gentlemen, your new Candy Corn Queen!” she announced as a gunshot went off making the crowd erupt in chaos.

  “Don’t move! None of you!” Millie screeched at the people on the stage as she emerged from behind the curtain, a gun in her hand.

  “Millie, what are you doing?” Chelsea asked as she and Mia scrunched together in shock.

  “I did everything to win that crown. You told me I had to want it,” she snapped at Rheanon as she shook the gun in her face. “You told me I had to do whatever it took. I did. I pushed that idiot down the stairs. I stalked that bitch through that shop. I even took out that annoying Shelly at the library. I did it all to get them out of my way. Carmen would’ve been next. She was my biggest competition, but she quit at losing her friends. Then you people have the nerve to crown someone else. I deserve this!”

  “Millie, please, just calm down,” Rheanon pleaded.

  “I’m not crazy,” Millie laughed looking out at the crowd. “I’m taking a page out of your playbook, aren’t I? You didn’t want to lose the crown, so you did the same thing. You killed Mary Donovan. You took out all the other Candy Corn Queens that followed. You made sure the pageant stopped. You made sure you were the only queen the town had. Didn’t you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Rheanon answered looking around like she was in complete shock.

  Angry at the words she heard, Millie rushed forward, grabbing Chelsea. Wrapping her arm around Chelsea’s neck, she leveled the gun at Rheanon again. “Admit it. Tell them you did it. Everyone knows it. I just wanted to be like you. I wanted to be Queen, that’s all. Eliminate the competition, make the crowd love you, don’t give up! That’s what you kept saying. I’m not giving up. I’ll kill this bitch, then I’ll finally have the crown, but you are going to admit what you’ve done. You’re going to tell Dead Oaks all about your obsession with being queen. You’re going to show them that I’m just like you. Don’t you see how much I want to be the one to walk in your footsteps?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please, just put the gun down.”

  Another shot rang through the auditorium sending people rushing out the back of the building. Caleb pulled his gun, trying to get a clear shot, but there was no chance with the people between him and the stage.

  “One last chance,” Millie fumed, “the truth will set you free.”

  “Leave Rheanon alone!”

  All heads on the stage turned at the same time as the beast of a man who’d been seen cleaning and working around the auditorium rushed the stage.

  “Stay back,” Millie instructed. He didn’t listen. “I said,” she started as he pushed past the mayor, his angry eyes set on her. Pulling the trigger, she watched as he crumpled to the ground.

  “Kirk!” Rheanon called out as she crawled her way toward him. “What did you do? He was just trying to protect me.”

  “Rheanon, do what she’s asking,” Chelsea spoke up. She knew the only way anyone would be able to defuse the situation was by getting the truth out of the pageant director.

  “Being queen was all I had,” Rheanon started as she smoothed back the hair of the man who’d been her only friend through the years. “After winning, I could hear these voices in my head. It was like Dead Oaks was talking to me. They wanted me to represent them. I could’ve done like the others before me and ignored it, but I didn’t. I embraced it. I watched new queens be crowned then Kirk and I did what was needed to keep me in the spotlight. I gave them their win first, though. I know how important that part is. I just kept myself as the one most adored.”

  “But you let them give it to her!” Mille yelled pointing the gun at Chelsea. “Why her? I was better suited to follow in your footsteps.”

  “Don’t you see,” Rheanon smiled up at her. “I didn’t choose. They didn’t choose. This damn town chose her. It has nothing to do with us. It’s Dead Oaks.”

  “No. No,” Mille grumbled. “I’ve heard it too. I’ve heard the voices. I listened like you did. I done everything they wanted. The crown is supposed to be mine. It’s only fair.”

  “Millie, you don’t have to do this,” Chelsea pleaded. “Just drop the gun and let it go. Please.”

  “No, you’re the last one. I kill you and I’m queen. That’s what the voices want,” she smiled as she placed the gun next to Chelsea’s head. “It’s weird. I didn’t even see you as competition,” she laughed as another bang echoed through the auditorium.

  Chelsea felt the hold on her loosen. Pulling away slowly, she turned to see Millie’s eyes staring blankly at nothing. “See, there they are,” Millie whispered. “They’re bringing me my crown,” she sighed as she fell to the ground, the gun falling free of her hand.

  Shocked, Chelsea turned to see Caleb standing just to the left of the stage, gun in hand. “Caleb,” she whispered as the fear of what nearly happened shook her and her body began to tremble.

  “I’ve got you,” he called out as he rushed toward the stage. Reaching her, he wrapped his arms around Chelsea, letting her bury her face against his shoulder. “Next time, how about you listen to me for a change,” he sighed into her hair as he kissed the top of her head.


  December 1st

  “Wow, the decorations look gorgeous, Chelsea,” Tia and her sister Mia both announced at the same time as they enter Wicked Treasures.

  “Thanks,” Chelsea laughed at the way the two of them still have the uncanny knack for speaking in unison. “I’m feeling the Christmas spirit this year.”

  “Does that have anything to do with your man?” Mia teased then dodged the ornament thrown at her.

  “I take full credit,” Caleb laughed as he stepped in the room, Smoky the cat in his arms. “I made mention of how this place could use a pick me up. She leaped into action.”

  “The holidays are fun, or well, they used to be,” Chelsea smirked. “I want to bring that back this year. We deserve it.”

  “That you do,” a voice called from behind them.

  Turning, the gang noticed Stella Benson and her granddaughter Carmen in the doorway. Confused by
the arrival, Chelsea sat the box of ornaments down and hurried over to greet them. “What brings you two by?” she asked as Carmen hugged her warmly and Stella offered a wayward smile.

  “I wanted to be the one to tell you what happened in court today,” Stella started with a sigh.

  Chelsea shook her head, not sure if she wanted to hear. Since the Candy Corn crowning, the local judge had been dealing with Rheanon Nichols case and exactly what to do with her. Her lawyer’s insanity defense was one no one could laugh at. The woman clearly wasn’t all there.

  “Do we want to know?” Caleb asked as he leaned against the counter, setting the meowing cat next to him.

  “They chose to send her to Maple Leaf Sanitarium.”

  “Makes sense,” Caleb mused. “Especially with ‘the voices made me do it’ defense.”

  “Exactly,” Stella nodded. “At least up there she’ll be under constant surveillance and receive treatment. Since the pageant, she’s well…”

  “She’s gone bat shit crazy, huh?” he questioned.

  “Yes, Deputy, she has.”

  “I’m just glad it’s over,” Chelsea added. “Now we can get on with our lives.”

  “Most of us can,” Stella smirked. “You, my dear, will be in high demand for the holidays. Everyone wants a piece of the Candy Corn Queen.”

  Chelsea rolled her eyes in response as the others laughed.

  “I expect an editorial on my desk by tomorrow evening on Maple Leaf and your thoughts,” Stella instructed.


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