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Seed of Scorn

Page 43

by Aaron-Michael Hall

  “The future cannot be foretold, Zaxson. Until choices are made, infinite variables exist. Once a path is selected, then aspects of the future are revealed. Each choice one makes, dictates a certain direction. The Guardians envision inestimable outcomes, all contingent upon the choices made. Precognition is protean, in respect to a free mind and will.”

  “Then who?” he asked, more forcefully than he intended.

  “Draizeyn Vereux’s heir possesses the blood to breach the seal. By the heir’s blood, the eidolons can be freed.”

  “Draizeyn? He didn’t have any other children. We thought that Ayrmeis was the last of their line. If there’s another Vereux, tell me where to find them. Help me end this before it has a chance to begin.”

  “Look no further than Nazil. The seed of scorn has caused the imbalance.”

  “Seed of scorn?” Pentanimir repeated, grasping at his temples. “Please, speak plain and tell me who I seek and what instrument needs to be driven through their heart!”

  [23]“R’ryn sha’low, son of Manifir. We cannot alter what has been, we can only prepare to confront what will be. Mah’saahc’s manipulations won’t fully manifest for many seasons. Although the mode to facilitate her release is identified, we endeavor to forestall such an outcome. The Guardians will provide what’s required, yet the implementation will be difficult. Another is being prepared to aid in this.

  “The Ke’ohnzi is tasked with securing Sanctium. This is where the gateway has been breached. He alone will know what’s required, though there are others who hold the key. If this battle is inevitable, Ayrmeis must choose to wield the [24]She’naad T’reyUhm.”

  Noticing Pentanimir’s perplexed expression, she continued. “The scepter of the divine,” she translated.

  “Ayrmeis? He’s an infant,” Pentanimir protested. “How’s a child supposed to face such evil? I’ll wield the scepter. Place it in my hands and I’ll cleanse Faélondul of this evil.”

  “If you possessed the ability to wield the scepter, we’d offer it to you. Only Ayrmeis is capable of withstanding the power needed to pierce the heart of this darkness. He’s integral to your family and to Faélondul.”

  Pentanimir’s mouth slacked, shaking his head in abject disbelief. “No…no…I won’t. I can’t. Is this the only reason you wanted Sarai to birth him? To…to fight some ancient demon? He’s my son, AsZar. You said that Ayrmeis is supposed to aid Tardison, not this. I can’t, I won’t force this upon him.”

  “Nor will we. This isn’t the only reason for Ayrmeis’ birth. Albeit, we were aware of the possibility of such an outcome. As with all mortals, Ayrmeis must choose to accept this path. He alone possesses the strength to wield the scepter. Accepting this task we’ll aid Tardison in innumerable ways. They’ll share a connection that binds them as one, both in body and spirit. Their energies will merge with that of the Ke’ohnzi, enhancing all that they are. If we cannot seal the breach, eidolons will ascend to the mortal world.”

  Pentanimir continued shaking his head, not willing to accept her words. “If you knew, why didn’t you stop it?”

  “That is known to you, son of Manifir. Choice. The Guardians’ prescience encompasses incalculable outcomes of choices yet to be made. Until a path is selected, the variables remain in flux. Each choice manifests new circumstances and challenges. We prepare and guide, ensuring those capable of providing defenses are forewarned of the most pernicious of probable outcomes. This is one of those times.”

  “What? No. Who is it, then? Who might my son be forced to battle. You haven’t named the host of the—the eidolon, the one who bears the mark. Who in Nazil has betrayed us?”

  Angelaris stood, moving back toward the stone wall. “Arinak will see you safely, Zaxson. The scroll on the table will provide more insight and probable defenses to assist you. Know that I mourn with thee.”

  “Please, tell me the name. Ayrmeis is my son. I can’t do this without knowing. Please, I beg of you!” Pentanimir said, rushing up behind her and falling to his knees.

  The AsZar’s visage was forlorn as she rested a hand on his shoulder. “Ayrmeis will face another of his blood. If the eidolon merges with the host, it must be destroyed. Unless you succeed, everything that you’ve done to free Faélondul will be for naught. The seal will be broken and with it, Mah’saahc will unfetter the remaining Zon’Tuls. If they ascend to the mortal world, everything that you’ve known will be destroyed.

  “They’ll merge with those of power and the humans won’t resist. The Zon’Tul’s allure is of the foulest creation: hypnotic is their gaze through eyes bereft of color. Their skin appears so pallid that it’s nearly translucent, possessing a shimmer testifying to the otherworldly aspects of the creatures.

  “However, those caught in their enchantment will have eyes that do not see. Anyone the Zon’Tuls beguile will submit to their will obsequiously, begging to fulfill whatever their vile whispers command. After their energies are syphoned, another will fall victim to the Zon’Tul’s manipulations. These eidolons leave vestiges of their maleficence in their victims, yet lose none of their own potency or their command, leaving cogs where men once stood. They’ll entrench themselves into societies like a plague, contaminating the whole.”

  Pentanimir’s eyes darted wildly back and forth, unable to fully comprehend. He couldn’t calm his thoughts or quell his mounting fear. It wasn’t merely the danger they might soon face, it was the revelation about his son. He loved him as his own, and now to discover the reason for his birth was tied to a suicidal battle to slay an ancient demon was too much. Pentanimir would willingly forfeit his life to protect his family, but the life of Ayrmeis was not so easily surrendered. He couldn’t…he wouldn’t allow this fate for his son. There had to be another way to defeat Mah’saahc and mend the seal of the Doh’Mahn Vwazi Tr’Eon.

  “Who?” Pentanimir entreated, his voice pitched high and trembling. He needed the name of the bringer of this evil, the one who unleashed Mah’saahc into the lands.

  “Nikolina d’Garrion sowed the seed of scorn into Sanctium’s arable soil. Due to her wroth, Mah’saahc’s essence dwells within her as Lilinth’s dwells in her father. Nikolina is bound by blood, but Allister’s joining with Lilinth was through seduction. Through that bond, impish fiends have come forth in aid to her. Nikolina sought the sycophant and is obligated to deliver the blood of Oisin.”

  “Nikolina? Why? Why would she do this? Why?”

  “Retribution,” Angelaris answered, evenly. “Yet, she was ignorant of what truly lie on Sanctium. Nikolina believed the Cha’s mendacities, and enlisted her father’s aid. The pain of her rejection influenced her actions, and now she’s bound to them. When Mah’saahc no longer needs the cover of shadow, Nikolina will be consumed. Mah’saahc will extricate herself, and in doing so, will syphon Nikolina’s life energies. Mah’saahc will become more powerful and completely embody the true host. ”

  “Because of scorn? Because of my brother, she brings ruin upon us? What host, AsZar? Who is it? There’re too many questions and not enough answers.”

  Angelaris caressed the crystal dangling around her neck, gliding back toward the illuminated archway.

  “In time,” she said, fading into the stone.

  Promise Fulfilled

  Yonas kissed him again before peering down the corridor. Both men had waited anxiously throughout the lengthy ceremony for an opportunity to be alone. After his wedding, Yonas doubted that they’d be together again soon, and that both angered and frustrated him.

  “What am I to do?” Yonas said. “I don’t have any experience in completing such a bond.”

  “Nor did I, my love,” Reinhold said. “But I was able to meet my obligations.”

  “You speak as if you enjoyed bedding your wife. Was it so easy for you to turn against your true self?”

  “Easy? None of this has been easy. I do only what I must. My wife deserves no less, and the same is true for Janiya. The pleasure doesn’t compare to what I experience when we’re a pa
rt of each other. However, you can be pleased if you allow it. Think about your wife’s needs as I think of my own. Is it unreasonable for them to want their husband’s affections?”

  Yonas sighed, running his thick fingers over his head. “I don’t want this.”

  “No, but it’s necessary.”

  “You don’t care that I’ll share my bed with someone else? With a woman?”

  “With your wife,” Reinhold said, pensively. “Your beautiful young wife who’s adored you since she was a child. No, I don’t like the thought of sharing you with anyone. I want you for myself alone, Yonas, but I understand the way of things. I finally have you back into my life and I certainly don’t plan on losing you again. You’ll always have me, my love,” Reinhold said, guiding his hand to feel his arousal. “Whenever you want me.”

  Yonas wasted no time pushing through the chamber door, kissing him passionately. After the two quickly made love, they straightened their clothes, peering down the corridor again.

  “The musicians have stopped playing,” Reinhold said, tying his laces. “The celebration is at an end. We must hurry.”

  Yonas took a deep breath, following him from the room.

  “You enter first, and I’ll linger a while longer,” Reinhold said.

  Some of the guest had already departed when Yonas entered the hall. He smiled, looking over at the raised table where his wife awaited him. Gali and Julaybeim sat chatting with their new in-laws as Janiya cradled Dawntaylesha. Before he could join his new family, his mother came up beside him.

  “You dishonor all of us,” she said in a loud whisper, smiling to the guests around them.

  “Dishonor? Haven’t I just wed the maid of Father’s choosing?”

  “Indeed. And then you left your bonding celebration to lay with your lover.” She leered at the entryway where Reinhold entered, joining his wife and children.

  When Yonas tried to respond, she gripped his arm. “Don’t attempt to speak false to me. You reek of your dishonor. Could you not allow Janiya the opportunity to have her husband to herself on her wedding night?”

  Yonas’ gaze lowered. It was a dishonor to his wife and he surprised himself at how easily he’d done so.

  “Forgive me, Mother.”

  “Go to your wife, Yonas. The procession will soon begin, and you’re expected to complete your bond. I’ll have water heated and brought to you. Surely you wouldn’t approach a maid with the stink and seed of your lover oozing from your body.”

  His face nearly displayed his shock as she walked away, hugging Janiya before sending attendants from the room.

  He could only stare for a moment, watching their interaction. A sickened feeling roiled in his stomach, considering his selfish and insouciant behavior. Dawn was right. Had Reinhold come to him reeking of his wife, he wouldn’t be pleased. He could only shake his head, contemplating his recent behaviors. All that had taken place in his life seemed of little difference: his sister’s capture, his father’s death, his time as a helding priest. None of it. Now he was Caretaker of Kaleo, acting more like a spoiled child than a man grown.

  At that thought, he looked over at Janiya again. Yes, she was a handsome woman and had always loved him. As he approached, taking her hand, all others in the room appeared to fade. He heard them, yet focused on the woman standing at his side. The lands were in peril and Yonas complained about bedding a beautiful young woman.

  He glanced down at her then. Janiya was overcome with emotion, trying desperately to hold back her tears. Resting a hand over hers, he smiled, mustering the courage he needed to be the husband that she deserved. He could do this for his father, for himself, and Janiya most of all. For this night…one night…he had to try.

  Once they were alone in their chambers, she sat on the divan, staring at her new husband. Neither of them had any experience with such a bond, but Yonas knew what pleased his lover. There was no question that it would be much the same with a woman. At least, that was his hope.

  “Would you like to freshen?” he asked, loosening his restraining attire.

  “If—if it would please you.”

  “Janiya, I’m your husband, not your possessor.” He smiled. “Come, I’ll help you get comfortable.”

  After removing his formal coat and tunic, he stepped over to her, reaching for her laces. When his hand grazed her neck, she flinched, taking a sobering breath.

  “Would you rather I allow you privacy?”

  “No,” she said quickly, craning around to face him. “Please, continue.”

  He nodded, untying her laces while she unclasped her sleeves. Once he untied the bonding knot, he slid the gown to the floor and then watched as she did the same for the layers beneath. Maneuvering to her front, he admired her nakedness, astounded by how intrigued he was.

  “May I touch you?” he asked.

  After she nodded, he reached out to her. Her constricting clothing had hidden much of what lie beneath. Never had he seen a woman so well endowed.

  Janiya’s eyes closed, enjoying the feel of his gentle touch. His perfumed breath warmed her face as he leaned forward, kissing her brow, then her cheek, and finally her lips. As he pulled away, he looked at her again.

  “Have you ever kissed a man before?”

  “No. You’re the first.”

  Yonas lifted her face to his, moving but a kiss away. “Open your mouth,” he whispered against her lips, drawing her in closer. The softness and warmth of her breasts against his bare chest sent pleasured tingles down his spine, and that sensation surprised him.

  When she parted her lips, he eased his tongue into her mouth. He could feel her flinch and only brought her in tighter, savoring her sweet taste. Yonas closed his eyes, imagining his lover. His kiss grew more passionate, gliding his hands over her softness as he encircled her tongue with his. When she moaned, he pulled away.

  Reaching into the basin, he squeezed the cloth, and then glided it down her chest. Yonas studied her every inflection, growing more aroused as he looked at her. When he slid down passed her abdomen, he halted. He opened his hand, allowing the cloth to fall to the floor. Using only his fingers, he began to explore. When she tensed, he stopped, caressing her gently.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. No. It didn’t hurt,” she said, trying to control her breathing.

  He was amazed how his body responded to her. The warmth and feel of his wife were titillating, erasing any of his previous doubts.

  “You seem anxious for my touch,” he said, leaning forward, tracing the tip of his tongue down her neck. His fingers continued their motion as he kissed and nibbled down her shoulders. Janiya’s body taunted, a pleasured moan escaping her lips.

  Yonas’ lips lingered on her chest as his fingers brought her to her completion. “Would you like to lie down?” he asked, bringing a finger to his lips.

  Janiya’s breath was heavy, accepting his offered hand.

  “Come,” he said, leading her to their bed.

  After laying her in the center, he disrobed, allowing her to view all of him. When her eyes widened, he moved over her, covering her lips with his. As she grasped at his back, he slid into her warmth.

  He wouldn’t look away, enjoying her pleasured expression and the way her body moved in response to his efforts. When she reached her peak, his eyes rolled back as the stimulation added to his pleasure. His moans joined hers, increasing his efforts until his body erupted with satisfaction.

  Yonas gazed down at her in disbelief, kissing her again before falling to her side. His heart raced, as did his mind. He could love and please his wife, and that realization lessened the anxiety he’d felt so recently.

  Janiya nestled into him then, and he enjoyed feeling her skin against his, drawing her in closer. Now, he understood what Reinhold meant. He’d honor his wife as she deserved. It no longer felt like a duty. It was a privilege.

  Dissemination of Fate

  “Is there anything more you can do for him?” Pentanimir asked the priests.r />
  “No, he must choose to return to us,” Kuhani said. “The strength is within, but he needs to grasp hold of the consciousness which appears before him.”

  Pentanimir was more concern now than when he’d visited the wood. He’d hoped that Ahvixx would be conscious and communicative upon his return. The opposite was true.

  Ahvixx still lay unmoving. If not for his intermittent mutterings, he appeared moribund. Nothing the priests had attempted thus far could awaken him from the unnatural sleep.

  “What do you mean?” Pentanimir asked.

  “This assault wasn’t physical,” Kuhani said. “It manifested as such due to Ahvixx’s lack of discipline during meditation. There was a weakness within the wall he’d constructed around his subconscious. Such an opening permitted the intrusion. In doing so, his thoughts were also known to whomever or whatever invaded his mind.”

  “Are you to say there’s a—a force assailing his mind?”

  “In a manner. It cannot be truly known until it is. Once he wakes, Ahvixx can help us to understand.”

  “How can we know that he’ll be aware of any of this? He doesn’t recall when the Guardians use him. Only those around him know when these episodes occur. He was alone in his prayer chamber.”

  “Yes. He needed the seclusion to commune. This occurrence isn’t the same as when the Guardians communicate through him. He’s their conduit, their corporeal connection to the mortal, but he sought their guidance for a deeper understanding and clarity. Ahvixx facilitated the connection, not the Guardians.”

  Pentanimir nodded. “What caused the attack?”

  “We don’t know what could’ve drawn this…entity to him. Mayhaps his recent merging with the Guardians triggered this assault. Ahvixx was focusing on their message and its meaning; this could’ve been the catalyst.”

  “But how? If the Guardians imparted the words, aren’t they shielded from whatever force incapacitated him?” Pentanimir asked.

  “Zaxson, your mind remains absolute. You don’t contemplate in the abstract or unfamiliar. For you, the answers must be unequivocal: either black or white with no variance in between. However, when dealing with the spiritual, this is hardly ever so.


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