Book Read Free

All Right Now

Page 19

by Madelynne Ellis

  “Probably best not to torment him over it.”

  “I wasn’t going to.” He’d turned over a new leaf. Picking fights was so yesterday. “Xane…” Ash waited until his friend turned around. “Hey, I’ve been working on something while you’ve been gone, I wondered if you might be interested in hearing it.”

  Xane took off his sunglasses to look him over. “I see a few days alone with sweet Ginny has worked wonders on you. Yeah, I’d love to hear it. Are you going to play it to me, or do I have to play it and let you yell at me?”

  Ash sucked his teeth. Yeah, he’d been acting like a dick. He deserved that dig. “I’ll play it. I just want you to listen and give me an honest opinion.”

  “Okay,” Xane agreed, squinting at him. “What’s Ginny done to you? Weren’t you Captain Unbearable a few days ago?”

  Ash thumped him on the back and gave him a shove toward the studio. “She put me on the G-plan. Thank her later.”

  “G-plan? Don’t they make sofas?”

  “Oh, shut up. It’s working, so don’t knock it.”

  Xane perched his sunglasses back on his nose. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”


  Rather than following Ash and Xane downstairs, Ginny crossed the mezzanine level and knocked on Spook’s door. He’d been there for her when she’d needed a shoulder to lean on. It seemed only right to attempt to return the favour now, when he was upset.

  “Yeah, come in,” he answered after a moment.

  She’d not seen the inside of Spook’s inner sanctum before. Like the rest of the building, the walls were whitewashed, and exposed honey-gold beams dissected the space. The roof was steeply angled at the centre, but branched to both sides so that the space formed the shape of a cross. He’d drawn the shutters across all the windows, so that it was dim and cool within, with stripes of light stretching across the hardwood floor. Spook sat up on the bed and swung his feet to the ground when he saw it was her, and not, perhaps as he’d expected, one of the guys.

  “I’m going to make a cuppa after I’ve dealt with that cream. I wondered if you’d like anything?”

  “No. I’m good, thanks.” He rubbed his hands across his face, then made to lie back down.

  Ginny took a further step into the room. “Is there something up? Did something happen?”

  “No, everything’s good. It was emotionally draining, that’s all. I just need a bit of chill time.”

  “Ah, okay… Well, if you need anything, give me a shout.”

  “All right. Thanks.”

  She turned, and put her hand on the door knob, unsure how else she could offer assistance without it seeming like she was prying into his personal affairs, when she only wanted to offer him the same sort of support he’d lent her.

  “Wait, there is one thing you could possibly do.”

  “Name it,” she said turning to face him again.

  His eyes seemed to glow as he faced her, and a definite nervous—actually, no. It was more excited—tremor infused his voice as he spoke. “Do you still have those kits, like the one you got Xane for his birthday?”

  The willy making kits! She blinked at him a time or two, as her brain went into overdrive trying to figure out why the hell he’d want such a thing. “Um, yeah. I guess I do. That is—” She coughed to clear her throat. “Yes, I have several.” Her merchandising plan to market Black Halo dildos hadn’t quite garnered the enthusiastic support she’d anticipated. Heaven knows why, it was a genius plan. Seriously, chicks would dig it. Take your own Black Halo favourite to bed with you. Well, a replica of his cock. Who wouldn’t go for it! It was freakin’ genius. Her friend Lykke had even volunteered as the first tester. So far, only Xane seemed game. Well, and she’d sneakily made Ever Ready Ash.

  “May I have one, please?”

  Ginny bit her tongue to stop herself from demanding what for. That was really none of her business.

  “Shall I go fetch it now?”

  “Whenever’s convenient.” He waved his hand as if they’d been talking about nothing more exciting than tea and biscuits.

  “Although, if you could manage to be discreet about it…”

  He meant sneak it up here so that none of his band members saw her. Sure, she could do that, and she’d bite her tongue and not prod him for information on what he could possibly want a vibrating replica of his own cock for. As she marched down the stairs, delivery in mind, the answer seemed patently obvious. There was only one reason for wanting such a thing—to indulge in kinky sex games with this mysterious woman Xane had mentioned.


  Ash couldn’t recall the last time he’d felt this nervous. Maybe the day he met his adoptive parents. Nah, his guts had never chewed themselves into knots like these, not even right before his degree finals.

  When they reached the studio, he drew out unfolding the staff paper and lyrics sheet and separating them from one another in order to place them on the music stand for so long that Xane started grinning at him and shaking his head.

  “You didn’t miss out on anything, while we were away.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Australia’s a bloody long way to go for an interview. Paul and Spook didn’t even get a look in. They got introduced and that was it. The rest was all trash talk about the line-up changes. Willows, my relationship—” He drew air commas. “—with Steve and Elspeth, and how they both left the band. Honestly, the way the interviewer talked, you’d think Steve planned to check out on us, yet no one has gathered that was Elspeth’s actual exit strategy.”

  Thank God slitting her wrists hadn’t actually worked. Ash might not have been her biggest fan, but she wasn’t nearly high enough on his shit list to want her dead. Iain Willows on the other hand… That two faced bastard had come close to destroying him. He’d gladly tie him a noose, or load him a pistol.

  “What is the official line then, re: Elspeth?” he asked, seizing the opportunity to delay his performance a bit longer. His limbs were quaking so much, he had to hang onto one of the stools for support.

  Xane scratched his head. “She’s taking a break. Plenty of bands shake up their line-up every six to eighteen months. I guess we left it open.”

  “As long as we’re not actually contemplating welcoming her back. I’m up to here with drama.” Ash raised his hand to his eyebrow. It only shook a little.

  Xane made a disgusted face that twisted his lips into a scowl. “Not happening. I’m not sure Paul would even get behind that idea at this stage. She’s barking, from what he’s said about his visits. Look, are you set, or what, ’cause I’m dead on my feet after that flight. Soon as I’ve heard this masterpiece, I’m hitting the sack.”

  Bile welled up Ash’s throat, leaving an acrid taste in his mouth. It wasn’t a masterpiece, and he was half tempted to send Xane to bed now without hearing it. Except, he wasn’t a chicken. “We need a guitar.”

  Xane fetched Ash’s new Les Paul.

  “You realise I’m still rusty as fuck,” Ash warned. He flexed his fingers a couple of times to ensure he got his point across. Although he wasn’t suffering any cramps at the moment, the last nerve flare-ups in his arm were still recent enough for him to expect it to happen at any point. Also, playing this was a major step up from teaching Ginny the intro to Smoke on the Water.

  Xane settled himself on the sofa, while Ash perched on the stool he’d been hanging on to, only to change his mind and stand. He always performed standing, guitar low in what Ginny described as his Mr. Tickle pose.

  All right, enough delaying. “It’s called Lockdown.”

  He played the opening notes, stopped, then began again.

  “You know I can’t sing.”

  Xane raised his hands and lifted his chin so that his gaze was towards the ceiling. His mouth opened around a groan. “Ash, just play the fucking thing. I don’t care if you screech like a cat. Trust me to be able to see past that. Come on, just give me it.”

  That was his cue to stop farting about. Ash rubbe
d the lucky stocking he had in his pocket. Yes, he was a sad bastard, and he’d stolen one. Then he went for it. His voice was about as pleasing as listening to someone gargle gravel, but he lost himself in the emotion of what he was saying. Allowed the frustrations that had weighed him down for months to flow. Not once did he look at Xane, but kept his focus firmly on the strings. And at least his fingers cooperated and saw him through to the end.

  He got a single clap at the end. That was it. He raised his head, convinced he was going to find Xane all pursed lipped and chewing over methods of being tactful. Instead, he discovered Xane was already out of his seat and hurrying towards him. His friend snatched the score off the stand and peered at it like a myopic professor.

  “You wrote this?”

  “Just say so if you think it’s shit.”

  A laugh burst from Xane’s throat. “It’s fucking awesome, dipshit!” He fanned the pages in front of Ash’s face. “We need to get Spook over here to listen to this. Do you have rhythm and drums written, to go with the melody?”

  “I’ve not really had practice with those things.”

  “But you can hear them, right?” Xane tapped his fingers against the side of Ash’s head. “Please tell me you can.”

  “I’m… Yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess.”

  Xane pounded him across the back. “It’s good, Ash. Better than that. It’s bloody brilliant. I love…love that second verse. By God, they’re not easy lyrics, but you’ve nailed the emotions.” He kept hitting his palm against his fist to emphasise his point. “All the feels are there, the angst, the heartbreak. All with such dynamic precision.”

  Ash scratched at his neck again, as he gave way to a goofy grin. “I have no idea what you’re saying.” But, whatever it was, sounded very much like approval.

  “A shit load of bollocks probably, but this,” Xane replied. He tightened his grip on the score again. “This is good and needs to be heard.” He passed the pages back to Ash. “Stay here. I’m going to get Spook. I’ll be right back as soon as I’ve dragged his sleepy arse out of bed. You, make copies.”

  Ash had dutifully stuck the crumpled pages into the photocopier and produced enough duplicates for the whole band by the time Xane returned with Spook. The latter looked more ghost-like than ever, as he alternated between yawning into his palm and rubbing his red-rimmed eyes.

  “Jet lag,” he complained, when he noticed Ash staring.

  By the time the rest of the band joined them at around four o’clock, the rhythm, bass, and drums had been added, along with a few piano chords. The chorus got a do over too, in that the end became the middle, and the beginning the end. Everyone was all smiles and enthusiasm, but it wasn’t until Ash heard Xane sing his words that he accepted that his squalling offspring really was something precious.

  “How in fucking hell have you written a classic?” Paul asked, six times over.

  “No need to vote over what should be the lead track for the new album,” Spook said.

  “It’s gonna be massive,” Xane added.

  “Christmas release,” Paul piped up again.

  Ash shook his head. “It’s not Christmassy,” and he didn’t want to add any sort of hideous seasonal jangle.

  “Valentine’s.” The new guy nailed it.

  “Yeah, definitely.” Xane wrapped his arm around his lover, and leaned in to smack a kiss upon his cheek, only for Luthor to turn to meet him so they ended up snogging. The rest of them averted their gazes, Dani included.

  “So, how soon are you going to be up to recording this?” Rock Giant asked, freeing them from the awkwardness of attempting to ignore Xane and Luthor getting slurpy.

  “Paul.” Spook shot a warning at the big guy, followed by an apologetic one at Ash. It made Ash realise exactly how much tiptoeing around him his band mates had been doing in case he had a meltdown.

  “It’s okay. It’s a reasonable question. I don’t know that I have the answer. Soon hopefully, if I stick with Ginny’s rehabilitation program.” They exchanged smiles from across the room. She really had made all the difference.

  “It’d be good to get this and the album done before we have to hit the road again. It’ll be murder if we have to squeeze things in between tour dates,” Spook remarked.

  “Actually, about that,” Xane finally disentangled himself from Luthor. “I spoke to Graham yesterday. He’s booked us into Rockfield Studios for six weeks starting in November. We’ll be recording and then heading straight into the video shoot for the launch single.”

  The buzz of a half dozen voices began at once, each with their own questions.

  “I thought you were recording here.” Ginny managed to make herself heard over everyone else, citing the same thought that had immediately occurred to him. Wasn’t the fact that Spook had a state-of-the-art studio the reason they were all holed up here together in the first place?

  “The label feels our needs will be better served at Rockfield,” Spook replied, cutting Xane off as he started to answer. “Also, they have the technical wizardry available on site, whereas we’re struggling with convincing anyone to travel, and there isn’t exactly room to accommodate them anyway.”

  “Rockfield,” Rock Giant managed to make himself heard over everyone else. “Cool, but what happened to the woman you had lined up?” He swung his bass back onto its stand.

  “She got busy,” Spook replied, turning his head away from all of them to occupy himself with some non-existent issue with the various leads running across the carpets.

  “Bummer. She was good.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not going to work out,” Spook mumbled.

  “Mm, Ash,” Xane said, drifting towards him as the others chattered. “There was one other thing, Graham’s booked you in for a medical. Apparently, the insurers for the tour have insisted on it. It’s on the 17th.”

  “Of October?” Ash gagged as if he’d been punched in the guts.

  Xane got close enough to give him a one-armed hug. “I know, right? Sucky choice, but you’re going to ace it.”

  “What if he doesn’t?” Ginny demanded, crossing the room to inveigle her way between him and Xane. “Does he then get locked out of the tour?”

  Ash wrapped his arms around his precious lady from behind, as they waited on Xane to provide an answer.

  “The impression I got was that it was more about establishing his level of fitness. There’s no question that he’s coming with us, more about what’s a reasonable work load. If you can’t do a full set, then I’m going to have to pick up the slack.”

  “Reckon you can multi-task that well?” Ash asked with a laugh. Xane had always complained that he hated playing guitar on stage when he had to sing too, as he couldn’t then concentrate on one thing over the other.

  “Also, being good for one show isn’t the same as being fit enough for a whole tour,” Rock Giant pointed out.

  Also true. And even supposing Ash continued to progress at the rate he had been the last few days, he was unlikely to be wholly back to normal by December.

  Xane sighed and rubbed his hands down the front of his shirt. “I guess I’m going to have to put in some practice. I’m sure we can work things out between us.”

  A week ago, Ash knew he’d have been put out by the remark, now he was relieved to know there was someone there willing to help out. Being fit and well to tour was a huge ask, but knowing Xane was there and ready to pick up a guitar, even if it was only for a song or two during each set, lifted a huge burden from his shoulders.

  “Does this mean we have a genuine action plan figured out?” Rock Giant yawned into his fist. “’Cause if so, can we call it quits for the day? I don’t know about the rest of you buggers, but I’m dead on my feet here.”

  “I’m with you on that one.” Spook started herding people towards the stairs.

  Ash looked around at their tired faces. They did all look about ready to drop. Spook couldn’t stop rubbing his eyes, and Dani almost had her thumb in mouth. Luth
or gave a huge baying yawn over the top of his snare as he rose from behind the drum kit. Only Xane lingered as the rest of the band trooped away.

  “You and Ginny don’t party too hard while we’re all flaked out.”

  Ha! Fat chance of that. Some celebratory bonking was definitely in order. Well, unless Ginny said otherwise, and that would depend on whether she thought he’d accomplished enough to earn his reward today, bearing in mind they’d already made out twice.

  A glow of longing glinted across the surface of Xane’s pale eyes, then with a regretful sigh, he turned away. “Nah—I’m actually too tired to be jealous I’m missing out. Have fun, guys. Night, night.”

  Neither Ash nor Ginny moved until the sound of Xane’s footsteps grew distant. They faced one another, smiles creasing their faces.

  “We seem to be alone again,” Ash remarked.

  His Ginny Bear beamed at him like he was a genuine song writing legend, and not the one-hit wonder he suspected himself of being.

  “Seems that way.”

  “Got any plans?”

  She chuckled at his attempt at nonchalance, and slapped her hand across his arse. “Yeah, I thought I’d give it five minutes until they’re all asleep and then go and give them all comedy eyebrows with this here trusty Sharpie I found just lying around.”

  God, he loved her. He made that apparent by hugging her tight.

  “Comedy eyebrows, eh? You don’t want to take advantage of the lack of distractions to indulge in some mutual admiration, then?”

  She poked a finger against his breastbone. “You haven’t done a single task today, buster. I’m not about to reward you for slacking, and I hasten to add, you left me to tidy up all that cream you sprayed about earlier. It was in danger of stinking the whole place out.”


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