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Page 23

by Jessica Joy

  “Axel did it. All of it,” he says, through a jaw that clearly isn’t working as well as it should.

  “Axel did what Subs?” shouts a voice from the press of men that has gathered around.

  “Axel planned the fight in Seattle so he could get rid of King. Axel shot King,” he grunts out. The room stills and anger starts rolling through the crowd.

  “I saw it meself,” I say, “I saw Axel shoot King in the head with his own gun. But then someone shot me, didn't they Subby?” I ask. I know I’m leading the witness as this point, but he knows what is coming.

  “I shot you Gage. Axel told me that if I kept you occupied, I would be Road Captain once we got you out of the way,” he says, his voice cracking. He starts to sob as he continues, “I didn’t mean… I didn’t want you to get hurt! I… I… I’m sorry.” Snot runs down his face as he starts to openly cry and heave gasping sobs.

  “I know Brother, I know it didn’t turn out like you wanted,” Sawyer says, stepping up in front of him.

  Tink steps forward, pointedly not looking at the cooling bodies and spreading pools of blood. “I found all their deals, they tried to hide it all, but they’ve been skimming from the club, paying off gangs and lackies to deal with the mess they’ve created. Axel himself was the mob connection. He paid off a DiMarco lackey to kill Gage after Subzero fucked up in Seattle, they fucked that up too,” he ends with a confidence that I rarely see in him. He knows that this couldn’t have happened without his help and he’s right.

  Sawyer draws his .45 and points it at Subzero’s chest. “For theft of club funds, mutiny, the attempted murder of a Brother, and the murder of a fellow Brother, I declare these men dead,” Sawyer says, holding the entire attention of the room. Tinker nods to Sawyer, and then turns his back. Each and every Brother nods to him and turns their back until I’m the last one looking at him.

  “Aye Brother,” I say and turn my back. The thunder of his gun echoes in the room as Subzero’s body slides to the floor with a thud.

  A second bang makes everyone jump as we all turn to the door as Old Man walks in mutter to himself. He meanders his way around the pools of blood and bodies, casually stepping over Axel’s distorted face and righting the barstool to sit on it while motioning for a drink. Kiki reaches over the bar and pours him his customary whiskey double.

  “Reminds me of that party back in ‘73. Man, that was a fuckin’ rager,” he says, after downing the whole thing in one throw.

  “What the fuck Old Man!?” says Cotton, and the room just bursts out laughing at the sheer absurdity of all this.

  As the laughter calms Sawyer turns to the room. “Anyone have any more questions?” The silence takes over the room again. “Good, then let’s clean up this place and get back to fuckin’ business.”

  Chapter 29


  This has been the longest night of my life. The only one that comes even close is the first night after Gage’s accident, before I could get to Seattle and still had no idea if he was alive or not. Our motley little crew rolled into town earlier this morning and the guys dropped Tessa, Evan, and I off at Roxy’s while they handled the final preparations for tonight. Alice ended up stopping by and she brought some of François’ biscuits and gravy, the angel she is. I’m not sure who was more excited, Tessa when she saw the biscuits, or Alice when she saw Evan was finally back. There was squealing, bouncing, a few tears, and cuddles from both parties, so there really is no way to tell.

  The plan was to have Kiki give us a call when it’s safe for us to come to the compound. Totally reasonable plan, until you factor in the indomitable will of Roxy. She’s like a bloodhound locked onto the scent of her prey and she can be fuckin’ terrifying when she wants to be. Which brings us to our current predicament. Roxy has spent the last four hours alternating between berating us into telling her the plan, and her getting rip roaring drunk. I honestly can’t think of a single time I’ve seen Roxy as anything less than the perfectly composed President’s Ol’ Lady; so this side of her is more than a little jarring. The fact she is holding it together enough to function after losing King makes me respect her even more though. If I lost Gage, truly lost him, I wouldn’t be able to go on with even a fraction of the grace she carries herself with even now.

  When Kiki calls a few hours later, all three of us are just shy of wasted. Tessa and I resisted for as long as we could, but we both gave in to the nerves just about the time we knew the guys would be getting to the compound. God bless Alice for putting up with our neurotic asses and getting Evan down for the night. When she saw the state the three of us were in, she took mercy on us and called her newest waitress, Jocelyn, to come pick us up and bring us to the Compound. Not exactly the triumphant return I was hoping to make, but I guess it’s too late for that now.

  We pull through the gate, a member I can’t remember the name of opening it for us and waving us in. Jocelyn pulls her car into a spot close to the main doors and looks nervously at each of us. Her eyes flit back to the gate and she lets out an audible squeak of distress when she sees the Brother closed it behind us.

  “Come on Joss, into the frying pan and all,” Tessa says with a teasing smile on her face.

  “I… I don’t think that’s how the phrase goes,” Jocelyn says weakly, her voice a timid squeak. For someone built like a goddamn supermodel, all willowy limbs, high cheekbones, and easily pushing six feet in her flats, it’s amazing to me she can sound so… small. Blondie has a story to tell, and I’m gonna pry it loose, one shot at a time. Well, I will once I sober up and make sure my man is still in one piece. Oh, and claim that ridiculous Irishman while I’m at it.

  “Stick with us babe. We’ve got ya,” I say brightly, stumbling out of the backseat and tugging open her door. Joss looks up at me like I’ve grown a second head and just told her she needs to follow suit.

  “I… I don’t know…” She stammers again. Her look of trepidation turns to downright fear when I reach in and start to tug her from the car. She struggles to unbuckle the seat belt before it strangles her, and stumbles out, hardly catching herself before slipping and falling on the gravel.

  “Yep, it’s settled. I’m adopting you Joss. Stick with Momma Lex and you’ll be just fine,” I say, looping my arm with hers and giving her a bright smile. She looks down at me with a hesitant, clearly forced smile and offers a slight nod. Why is she so tall, it’s not fair.

  “Not that you’ll give me much of a choice,” Joss says, her voice tight but I’ll give her credit for at least trying to sound excited.

  Looking past the car, I notice Roxy and Tessa are almost at the doors of the Clubhouse so I drag Joss along with me and hurry to catch up. Roxy takes the lead as we reach the pair and I see her take a deep breath before pushing through the massive ironbound front doors. The three of us fall into step behind her, all traces of our earlier intoxication melting away when we cross the threshold.

  The Brothers all go silent as the doors bang against the wall and Roxy strides silently into the common room, head held high and looking every ounce the Queen her King crowned her to be. She stops in the center of the room, silently surveying the scene around her. The floor is covered in a mix of kitty litter and saw dust, though thankfully it looks like the worst of the mess has already been cleaned out. The Brothers on the other hand, all look a little worse for wear. Gage refused to tell us exactly what their plan for tonight was, and judging by the state of the remaining Brothers, I am glad I missed the carnage. Roxy’s gaze lands on Sawyer and holds for a long moment. He’s standing near the doorway that leads to King’s old office and the Church room, dried blood staining his jeans and shirt. Sawyer straightens, holding Roxy’s stare and offers her a deferential nod. Roxy’s shoulders tense just slightly before she gives him one stiff nod, turns on her heel, and makes her way to the bar.

  “What just happened?” I whisper through the side of my mouth, trying to not break the silence that still blankets the common room.

  “She just gave
her approval to what happened tonight,” Kiki explains quietly, coming up to stand with us. The silence in the room is deafening as everyone watches Roxy take a spot at the bar and down the shot Kiki left for her without a word. Just when the oppressive quiet is starting to feel unbearable, Sawyer’s deep voice echoes through the room.

  “Brothers! Today has already been a long day for all of us. Let’s leave the rest of Club Business until tomorrow. For now, go drink, gamble, fuck; Do whatever makes you feel whole. I’ll see you in Church. 10am. Spread the word for those who aren’t here.” and with that he stalks right toward us. Poor Joss attempts to hide behind me which is a laugh in itself since her tits and poking me in the back of the head. But I stand my ground, I know where he is going and it isn’t after either of us. Sawyer makes his way over to Tessa and bends her backward in the deepest kiss that I never want to see my sister do ever again.

  Smiling I turn to see Gage tossing his cane aside, narrowly missing pegging Cotton in the head with the damn thing and flinging his sling behind his back like a freakin’ superhero cape before barreling toward me. I let out a little squeak as he scoops me up over his good shoulder in a fireman's hold and carries me off toward his room in the back. Each and every step followed by some jeer or joke from the Brothers but all in good fun. All I can do is laugh and slap at his ass as he bounces me more than is strictly necessary on his shoulder.

  “None of that Al. We’ve serious business to attend to!” He admonishes, giving my ass a solid slap as he finally stops in front of what I’m assuming is his door, but it’s honestly hard to tell from this angle.

  “Oh yes, so very important that it required that little show of ridiculous dramatics back there. Did you really have to make your sling into a cape, ya loon?”

  “As I said, Mo phráta beag, we have serious matters to address that will require superhuman acts on my part,” he states with all seriousness as he opens his door and steps inside. “And what is a hero without his cape?”

  The leprechaun finally lowers me to my feet again and I throw him a sweet smile. “A man that doesn’t look like an escaped mental patient?”

  “A dashing and well-endowed escaped mental patient at least.” He snarks, throwing me a wink as he kicks the door closed behind him.

  “You know, I really should be pissed at you for cave-manning me like that. I didn’t even get a chance to say hi to anyone before you carried me off to have your wicked way with me,” I tease, slinking up to him and pulling the sling from around his neck.

  “Ye gonna punish a poor soul for bein’ eager?” He asks, goading me with that twinkle in his eye.

  I hum thoughtfully as I press my palms against his chest, guiding him toward the edge of the bed. He stares at me intently, following my lead without hesitation and sitting when the back of his knees connect with the mattress. Without a word, I drop to my knees in front of him. I have to bite the inside of my cheek at the little growly inhale he gives when I do, not wanting to give my plans away just yet. To his utter disappointment, I bypass the button of his jeans completely, dragging my hands lightly down his thighs, over his knees and stop at his walking boot, working it off. His gaze on me as I work is a physical thing, the heat of it burning into me.

  Once I pull the damn thing off his bummed leg I sit back on my heels and look up at him, gently gliding my hands up the back of his calves. “I’m so proud of you Gage,” I whisper, leaning in and pressing a kiss to the inside of his knee. His breath catches and I see his hands clench into fists on his thighs at my actions. Looking up at him once again, I let the teasing hint back into my voice and say, “So fucking proud… but still gonna make you pay for that little stunt.”

  “Make me pay eh Al? What exactly did ye have in mind?” He goads.

  “Something to shut that ridiculous mouth of yours for a bit,” I snark, trailing my hands up his calves again and up over his thighs, stopping just before reaching his groin. The bulge forming in his jeans, just millimeters from where my fingers rest, betrays the calm exterior he’s putting on. He likes being teased.

  “Shut me up huh? Might I offer a suggestion, gorgeous one?” He asks, sinking his hands into my hair and using his hold to tip my face up to his fully.

  “Whatcha have in mind?” I ask breathlessly, the feeling of his fingers flexing in his hold making me bite back a groan.

  Gage’s blue eyes go dark, almost feral as he leans into me, pausing with his lip just hovering over mine and says in a voice that’s pure liquid heat, “Get that perfect ass up here, and sit on me fookin’ face lass.”

  Jesus Mary and Joseph and all the Saints. He. Just. Said. That. Any ideas I had about teasing him or drawing this out to any extent go flying straight out the fucking window with those words in that devastating accent of his. Pretty sure I can’t get to my feet fast enough, not giving a shit that he’s now laughing at me as I desperately attempt to rip my jeans from my body.

  Who the fuck came up with skinny jeans and why are they still a thing? Fucking skin tight death traps stuck to me like glue. How far down my legs do I have to get them before he can make it work? Maybe if I lay down I can…

  “Need a hand Al?” The bastard laughs. I go to growl at him but he silences me by hooking his fingers in my waistband and with one swift tug, has my jeans and panties to my knees. Desperate to get this part over with, I flop ungracefully on the bed and kick my pants the rest of the way off. Rolling onto my back, I look up at Gage seeing my desperation mirrored on his face.

  “Off,” I growl, gesturing vaguely at the truly offensive amount of clothes he’s still wearing. By the time I wrestle my way out of the overly complicated strappy top Tessa talked me into wearing tonight, Gage has already stripped and is laid out across the bed. Kneeling next to him, I take a moment to drink in the sight of him. I’ll never get tired of just looking at him like this, the riot of color from his tattoos rippling over the muscles they decorate, the glint of the little loops he has through his nipples begging for me to tease them with my tongue. Dragging my gaze lower, my fingers itch to trace the little trail of blonde hair from his navel to his groin, to follow that path with my tongue, pressing kisses against his hip bones. The sight of his cock standing at full attention for me has my mouth all but watering as I watch it bob against his stomach when he tenses, the little bead of precum that was gathering on the tip now leaving an enticing string between his stomach and the head of his gorgeous cock.

  Maybe that’s not a normal thing to think but fuck normal. His cock is goddamn glorious. Thick, long, and with just the perfect little curve upward that ensure he hits just the right spot every fucking time. I know a lot of Americans are weirded out by uncut cocks, and I’ll admit he’s the first I’ve been with, but goddamn I’m a convert. The noises I can get him to make when I take him in my mouth and tease along the edge of his foreskin with my tongue are otherworldly. Just thinking about how long it’s been since I’ve heard those particular noises from him has me distracted and leaning forward, licking my lips in anticipation of tasting him again.

  Before I can get even halfway to his dick, I feel a sharp smack to my ass and hear him growl low in his throat in warning. Looking up the bed at him, I attempt to put on my most innocent face but I know it’s more “let me suck you dry Master” and less “daddy let me taste you pretty please”

  “Believe I’m waitin’ for a punishment there lass,” He taunts, an evil smirk tugging at his lips.

  All I can manage is a whimper, licking my lips again, desperate to taste him. He can see I’m about to lean forward again and his smirk turns even more sinister. He lands another resounding smack to my ass and holds my gaze in challenge. “I said, come sit on me fookin’ face woman and smother me with that perfect little cunt.”

  Can ovaries explode? Can you spontaneously orgasm just from the sound of someone’s voice? Cuz I’m pretty sure I just did. His voice is thick with need, more gruff than I’ve heard from him before and his accent is so thick I can tell he’s as lost in the moment
as I am. The gush of wetness between my legs makes me moan and all conscious thought flee my brain. Before I can even tell my limbs to move, I’m scrambling up the bed and crawling over him, settling a knee on each side of his head, my feet resting over his shoulders. Holding onto the headboard in front of me, I look down my body and catch his eyes.

  His pupils are completely blown and he’s sucking in deep breaths through his nose, arching his neck back, straining to make contact as I hover over him. His fingers sink into my ass and he growls, tugging at me to sink down for him. When I don’t move his expression goes positively feral. “Lexi,” he growls, deeper and more menacing than I’ve ever heard from him. That one word combined with the look in his eyes breaks what little resolve I had and I lower myself slightly, intending to keep my weight off him completely. Gage has other plans apparently though, because as soon as I start to move he pounces d, lifting his head to make contact and wrapping his arms around my hips to drag me down.

  I may be on top but there is no mistaking who is in control. The instant his lips connect with my center he’s devouring me. His tongue sweeps out and laps at me before his lips close around my clit, worrying the little bug between them until my vision goes white and I’m screaming his name.

  Time ceases and I’m reducing to a writhing, screaming mass above him. His lips and tongue work me expertly, driving me up before backing off just enough to keep me riding that razors edge for an eternity. As if his actions alone aren’t enough, the grunts and groans and satisfied moans he’s making are hands down the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. All I can do is cling to the headboard for dear life in an attempt to stay upright as he works me over, my hips now shamelessly grinding against him.


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