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Feral Empires: First Spark

Page 10

by Stephen L. Hadley

  “It’s fine,” he said. “Just dried. That way it doesn’t spoil as fast.”

  Cautiously, Kathryn followed his example and chewed a small piece. She made a face immediately and maintained it long after she’d swallowed.

  “Tastes bad,” she confirmed.

  Liam shrugged, moving to take the meat back. He was thwarted by the girl, who promptly held the meat out of reach. Despite her obvious distaste, there was a faint smile on her face.

  “No. Old meat, my meat.”

  Unwilling to argue the point, Liam settled back and watched the girl feast. With every bite she took, her look of disgust faded.

  He wanted to speak to her. It felt like he should. But in her current state, he doubted Kathryn would even hear him, so instead, he merely mouthed the words to himself.

  You’re free now. So let’s keep you that way.

  Chapter Ten

  After her hunger was satisfied, Liam had expected some of Kathryn’s enthusiasm to fade. Upon further consideration, it proved a foolish assumption. Apparently, the only thing holding back the girl’s boundless energy and inquisitive nature had been her desire to feed. Freed from such concerns, she took to interrogating him as she climbed among the barn’s lopsided rafters.

  Liam did his best to answer her questions, keeping his eyes safely averted and subtly guiding the conversation whenever it began to stray into unimportant curiosities. Along the way, he learned a few interesting tidbits, mentally filing them away for later discussion with Jenn. According to Kathryn, she’d been born and enhanced at a sister-Institute far to the south. But, aside from stories of the few other enhanced she’d met, she didn’t seem to know anything they could possibly use against the Occs. She had no idea why they’d decided to bring her here. She had no idea how many Occs there were, what they wanted, who their leaders were, or anything remotely useful in that regard.

  In fact, aside from an expressed desire to feed and continue having ‘fun’ with Liam, she didn’t seem to want much of anything, either. Certainly, she lacked the deeply ingrained hatred for the Institute that he shared with Jenn. Still, she was free now. And if she proved willing to hunt alongside them, that was loads better than having her hunt them.

  He was lost in such thoughts for quite some time. It wasn’t until the conversation ceased, Kathryn descended from the rafters, and stretched out to lay her head on his thigh that he realized the lateness of the hour. The light filtering in from outside had gone from colorless to gold to a murky blue.

  Liam waited until Kathryn’s breathing steadied and carefully extricated himself from beneath her. Though he was loath to subject her to the mildew-blanket, he nevertheless wadded it up and slipped it beneath her head. Even asleep, the girl’s face twisted into a grimace, but she did not stir.

  Stifling a groan as he stretched, Liam exited the barn. He immediately looked for Jenn, but found her former perch vacant. Frowning, he moved forward and began to search. When the surrounding treetops turned up nothing but empty branches and mutely rustling leaves, his heart began to beat harder to a silent note of panic.

  Jenn wouldn’t have left, would she? She’d been angry about his decision to bring Kathryn with them, but not to the point that she’d abandon them, surely. The idea of being alone had been so terrifying to her, after all.

  But then, where was she?

  Pacing, Liam continued to scan the hills for any sign of her. If she’d been captured, they would have heard. Perhaps she’d gone searching for water? Or stepped away to relieve herself? Or gone searching for more food?

  Unable to calm his nerves, Liam hauled himself into the low-hanging branches of a nearby tree. If he had a higher vantage point, he might be able to catch a glimpse of her.

  He’d barely begun reaching for the second branch when something wrapped tight around his ankle and pulled him off-balance. He yelped, only to have a thick wooden gag slide between his teeth. More vines caught his wrists, his waist, and his other leg, all pulling him forcefully out of the tree.

  Liam fell, bracing himself to hit the ground. The impact never came. Instead, the vines twisted, righting him and depositing him on his feet.

  Jenn stepped out from behind the tree and the sight of her was such a tremendous relief that Liam could have cried. But, upon further inspection, he barely recognized the woman. Aside from her face, there was barely a part of the woman that remained unchanged.

  Gone were the cloak of vines and the clothes of woven grass. Or, more precisely, little of them remained visible beneath the new layers that had been added. Every inch of Jenn’s body from the neck down was covered in layers of wood that bore a striking resemblance to the tactical gear worn by several of the Occs they’d ambushed. And, while the cloak of vines remained, it had been expanded beyond what Liam had thought possible. The number of vines appeared to have tripled, many of them curling around her limbs and writhing across her brow in a makeshift helmet.

  “What do you think?” Jenn asked. She lifted an arm and, as if by some unseen mechanism, several of the vines encircling her arm lashed out like living bayonets. “I thought it would help with the next ambush.”

  Liam stepped forward and wrapped her in a tight embrace. Jenn stiffened in his arms, then relaxed.

  “It’s brilliant,” he whispered. “The Institute doesn’t stand a chance.”

  “How’s your friend?”

  There was an edge to Jenn’s voice that gave him pause. Forcing himself not to frown, Liam stepped back and glanced toward the barn.

  “Kathryn’s sleeping,” he said, putting just a hint of emphasis on the girl’s name. “And she’s on our side. I’m fairly sure that she’ll help us with the next ambush.”

  “Oh? And how did you convince her?”

  “She was hungry. I gave her some food.”

  “Really? Are you sure that’s all you gave her?”

  Liam sighed, fighting to keep the growl out of his voice. “Jenn, why are you being like this?”

  At the look of fury that flashed in Jenn’s eyes, Liam immediately knew he’d made a mistake. She stepped forward, vines rising. Rather than lashing out physically or verbally, however, she used pulled him forcefully against her and kissed him powerfully. There was no softness to her mouth, only steel.

  “Because,” she whispered, as their lips parted. “I don’t want to share.”

  Her words made Liam want to laugh, but the manner in which she’d said them left no room for humor. He leaned in and kissed her again, every bit as forceful as the first. Then, struck by sudden inspiration, he bit at her lower lip and tugged gently. Jenn moaned softly and the stiffness of her posture slackened somewhat.

  “You’re not sharing me,” he said.

  Jenn nodded and rested her brow against his shoulder. The brush of her skin reminded him of the dried blood still flaking across his chest, but Jenn didn’t seem to care.

  “I’m still mad at you,” she murmured.

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Jenn lifted her head and from the look in her eyes, Liam knew immediately what she wanted. He eyed the multiple layers of her newly armored clothing.

  “Does that take long to put on?”

  “Yes.” Jenn retreated a step and gave a subtle wave of her hand. Several vines responded, unwinding from around her waist. At once, the lower half of her armor fell away, baring her skin from navel to knees. “Comes off quick, though.”

  Liam expected her to continue undressing, but apparently Jenn had other plans. She grinned, squeezing him through the front of his trousers. His body had already begun to respond to the sight of her and did so further at her touch. Satisfied with the progress, Jenn turned and bent over. Her arms braced her against the tree and she gave her naked rear an enticing shake as she glanced back at him.

  “Don’t be gentle.”

  Liam didn’t need to be told twice. The demand, paired with the urgency in Jenn’s voice, left him fully erect and aching b
efore he even had a chance to drop his trousers. He stepped close, lined himself up, and buried himself inside her with a single, rough thrust.

  Jenn moaned loudly, back arching and her insides clenching down around him. She was already soaked and he found himself wondering if she’d been planning this outcome even before she picked a fight. He had little time to consider it before Jenn began to move. She rocked her hips, coaxing him to move even as she squeezed. Only too happy to oblige, Liam did precisely that.

  Their coupling was fast and passionate, almost brutal. Jenn’s delighted gasps and shivering moans left no room for romantic murmurings, nor was he in the mood to provide them. The position and half-dressed pounding made it clear what she wanted. Jenn didn’t want to be seduced; she wanted to remind them both that she was his. And that he was hers.

  Grunting, Liam grasped the woman’s hips as he hammered into her. He couldn’t recall the last time Jenn had felt this tight, or the last time he’d felt so large, for that matter. Something about the way she’d invited him to claim her made him feel unexpectedly powerful. And that power spilled over where their bodies joined, urging him to make her cry out for him.

  Unleashing a series of enthusiastic thrusts, Liam made her do just that. Jenn whimpered, the sound turning into a moan as she came. Her insides fluttered around him, juices gushing out as he continued to take her without the slightest pause. The slap of his hips colliding with her rear grew louder, as he increased the pace.

  “Fuck!” Jenn yelped, her fingers clawing at the bark of the tree. For a moment, Liam worried he’d hurt her. Those fears evaporated as Jenn twisted to stare at him with a single, lust-clouded eye. “Pull my hair! Use me!”

  Liam practically doubled over, breathless with pleasure. Every inch of him tingled, egged on by her words. Curling his fingers through Jenn’s hair, he yanked her head back until she groaned and tightened around his member. Without even being asked, he delivered a fierce spank to her exposed rear.

  Soon, the passion of their coupling grew to be too much and Liam felt his climax nearing. He threw more weight into his thrusts, struggling to bury every bit into Jenn’s warm, inviting depths. Pleasure was welling up inside him, threatening to spill out at any second.

  A flicker of motion caught Liam’s eye and he turned to find a pair of eyes watching him. Kathryn peeked out from the barn door, invisible except for her wide, golden eyes and a hint of her pale dress. Breath catching in his lungs, Liam stared back.

  It was too late. His eyes closed as he felt himself slide headlong into his orgasm. His balls ached from the force of his release as his cock throbbed and flooded Jenn with his cum. Eyes closing, Liam groaned and shook in time to the waves of bliss rushing through him like a second heartbeat.

  And then it was over. Face flushed and heart racing, Liam looked to the barn. There was no sign of Kathryn. He wasn’t entirely sure what he would have done if she’d still been there, but her absence filled him with anxiety nonetheless.

  Nothing he could do about it now. Sighing with satisfaction, Liam straightened and slipped out of Jenn’s body. She shivered as he left her, trembling slightly as she panted.

  “Liam,” she murmured. “Help me up.”

  Chuckling, Liam did precisely that. Jenn appeared unsteady as she gratefully accepted his arm and was still swaying even when she found her feet. Giggling under her breath, she leaned against his shoulder, her face unusually warm.

  “That,” she said, “was amazing. Guess you like it rough, huh?”

  Liam didn’t answer, except to lean over and kiss her brow. From the corner of his eye, he continued to search the barn for any hint of Kathryn. There was none. Giving up, he bent down and retrieved one of the discarded pieces of Jenn’s armor. She accepted it, but hugged it to her chest instead of donning it.

  “I guess so,” he said, wishing he could give the conversation the attention it deserved. As it stood, it took all of his self-control not to let his anxiety show. “Want me to take the first watch?”

  Evidently, sex had left Jenn’s observant nature otherwise occupied. Rather than picking up on Liam’s obvious discomfort, she merely grinned at him.

  “Are you kidding? You’d be asleep in fifteen minutes.” Planting a kiss on his cheek, she gave him a playful shove. “Go get some rest. I’ll keep an eye out.”

  When Liam returned to the barn, he found Kathryn curled up on the ground, feigning sleep. The only sign she’d woken at all was the mildew-blanket, which had been thrown several feet away in obvious disgust. The girl’s arms were folded beneath her head and her legs drawn up with her knees tucked inside the hem of her dress.

  Rather than call her out, Liam simply dropped to the ground, himself. He eyed the blanket, wrestling internally for a moment before deciding that Kathryn had the right idea. Even without his shirt, the nights were plenty warm and there was no need to spend the whole night grimacing at the smell. He stretched out facing the girl, one eye open and waiting to see her move.

  She didn’t. And soon, despite his best efforts, Liam soon lost himself to sleep as well.


  When Liam awoke, it was to the sensation of a slender hand easing its way down the front of his trousers. He sat up swiftly, looking for Kathryn and blinking in surprise when he found her several feet away, still asleep. Glancing down, he gave a wry smile.

  One of Jenn’s vines tugged at his trousers, fumbling in a blind search. Unable to resist, he offered up two fingers, held erect in an obvious parody.

  Obvious to him, at least. Jenn’s vine curled around the digits with relish, squeezing and stroking at them with a technique that would undoubtedly have felt wonderful under different circumstances. Such as one in which he was not being jerked off by a plant.

  Grinning, he rose silently and made his way out of the barn. He found Jenn waiting for him, once more retired to her chosen tree. Her face was flushed with excitement, though her smirk turned to a scowl when she realized what her vine had actually been playing with.

  “That’s not funny,” she grumbled, quickly withdrawing the vine. Her indignation only made the whole situation more amusing, however, and Liam was forced to mask his laugh with a groan as he stretched.

  “My turn to keep watch?” he asked.

  Jenn nodded. “I’m about to pass out.”

  “Head inside then. There’s a mildew-blanket with your name on it.”

  Jenn made a face and glared at him. “She’s in there too. I’ll sleep right here.”

  Liam briefly considered arguing the point, but quickly decided against it. He watched as Jenn guided a few of her vines further up into the tree. There they wrapped around assorted branches, apparently to keep her from falling in her sleep. She must have been every bit as exhausted as she’d said, since her quiet snoring was audible within minutes.

  Liam returned to the barn, seating himself just outside the doorway. Now that night had fallen in earnest, the slight breeze had turned cool. Not cold enough to drive him back inside, though. Fortunate, since between the mildew-blanket and his torn, bloodstained shirt he was quickly running out of options.

  “Plant-girl sleep?” Kathryn murmured.

  Liam whirled, heart pounding suddenly. He hadn’t even heard Kathryn stir, but she’d somehow managed to close within a foot. Pressing a hand to his chest, he let out a shaky breath.

  “Damn it, Kathryn. Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

  “Sorry,” she said, sounding not the least bit apologetic. Grinning, she sidled up and pressed herself against his back. The warmth was welcome, but the soft pressure of her breasts and the stiffness of her nipples were decidedly less so.

  Liam shrugged away from the touch and glared at her.

  “Don’t do that,” he said.

  Kathryn smiled at him, the very picture of innocence.

  “Do what?” she asked. The teasing in her voice was palpable, even if it was not reflected in her face. “Cold.”

�s a blanket.”

  “Smells bad. Worse than meat.”

  Despite himself, Liam chuckled and nodded in agreement. Patting the ground beside him, he waited until Kathryn crawled forward to join him before taking his eyes off her.

  “Yeah,” he agreed. “It does.”

  The two of them fell silent then, staring out at the trees and the small patches of night sky visible beyond their canopies. Unsurprisingly, it was Kathryn who spoke first. The surprising part was the uncharacteristic hesitation in her voice.

  “Liam… heals?” she said. Frowning, she seemed to struggle with the words. “Before… Kathryn bites. Feeds. Liam blood. Plant-girl attacks. Liam heals. Fast.”

  He looked at her and was surprised to discover that Kathryn would not meet his gaze. She’d never shown such reticence before and the change gave a significance to her question.

  “That’s right,” he said. “Why?”

  Kathryn’s frown deepened and there was an even longer delay before she spoke again.

  “Liam hurt… heals new blood? New blood fast?”

  He frowned, uncertain if he liked the direction the girl’s questions were going. But seeing her struggle so visibly to make herself known was surprisingly intimate. Her grasp on language seemed tenuous and he wanted to respect the effort she was making to communicate.

  He nodded.

  Kathryn reached out and took his hand. The gesture was so unexpected Liam had no time to consider the implications before she spoke again.

  “Hungry,” she said. “So, so hungry. Not meat. Blood. Blood-hungry. Liam heals… Kathryn can feed?”

  It felt as though the world had gone cold. Liam stared at the girl and felt her fingers tighten around his hand. She stared up at him, golden eyes full of earnest desperation.

  “Not attack,” Kathryn whispered. “Not attack. Not hurt. Not kill. Only feed.”

  Without meaning to, Liam glanced toward Jenn. From this angle, the only part of her he could see was a single dangling leg. He let out a slow breath.


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