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Six Times the Ecstasy

Page 4

by Blythe Reid

  “So, your résumé said that you worked in Vegas?” I asked him.

  “Yeah, I worked at an all-male dance show for about two years,” said Jacob. “I tried applying at a sex club just outside the city called Snug, but they were full up.”

  “Oh, I’ve heard of Snug,” I told him. “I’ve always wanted to check that place out.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty awesome,” he told me. “Vegas was pretty killer.”

  “And you’ve also done some modeling outside the Vegas show,” I said in the form of a question.

  “Yeah, I did shoots before I did the dance shows,” he said. “I’m pretty used to taking off my clothes for strangers.”

  “How old are you, Jacob?”

  “I just turned thirty last September,” he answered.

  “You look younger than thirty,” I told him honestly.

  I held the door for him to the place I’d become quite accustomed to. Not only was I becoming weary of letting others have the men I’d had, but I was somehow also feeling strange at the idea of others using the room that I’d marked as my own.

  “So, you’re hoping to have this place up and running by New Year’s?” he asked.

  “New Year’s Eve night, that’s right,” I confirmed. I closed the door behind me.

  He took a seat in the chair. I stayed standing, wondering what my move would be.

  “All right,” he said. “Tell me about the next step to the audition. I’m ready.”

  I smiled. “What made you leave Vegas and want to try this place?”

  “I just had to get out of Vegas for a while,” he answered. “I needed a change, and you were offering better pay, so I thought I’d give it a shot.”

  “I offer better pay than a show out in Vegas?” I asked with genuine shock.

  “You certainly did,” he said. “Unless you were lying just to get me over here.”

  “I never lie,” I said. “I really do believe honesty is the best policy.”

  I walked slowly over to him, placing my hands on his knees and running my hands slowly up his legs. He laughed, still wearing his bright smile.

  “On that note, perhaps I should elaborate more on what I expect from you here today,” I said.


  I sat down in his lap, straddling him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

  I started to kiss him, making out with him aggressively, signaling to him what was soon to come. We didn’t wait. We ripped off each other’s clothes, kissing and touching all the while.

  Once we were totally naked, I found that my eyes weren’t just locked onto his juicy cock. I saw a fairly noticeable scar going down his thigh that held my attention during many points of our making out.

  Eventually, our lips broke apart. He noticed me looking.

  “I was a little worried what you’d think when you saw the scar,” said Jacob. “If you think it’s too much, I’ll understand.”

  I slid down off of his lap and got onto the floor so that I could look at the scar up close.

  “How did you get it?” I asked him.

  “I got it in a car accident,” he answered. “A long time ago.”

  “Was it painful?”

  “Yeah, a bit. I was better off than everyone else in the car, though. I was in the backseat with my brother, and my parents were up front. My brother and I survived, but our parents didn’t.”

  I looked up into his eyes, seeing my naked body in their reflection.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” I told him.

  “Me too,” he said. “But hey, I’m lucky to be alive. I hate how the scar looks, but in a weird way, I don’t know, it makes me feel connected to my family or something. Is that weird?”

  “I don’t think that’s weird at all,” I said reassuringly. “And, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with scars. We all have scars. Some are visible, and some you can’t even see.”

  “Ain’t that the truth,” he said.

  I wanted him to know that it was okay that his scar didn’t matter when it came to the job, and that I respected it when it came to the man.

  I kissed his scar. I left soft, tender kisses across each centimeter of flesh. I could feel chills erupt across his entire body, and I could see his throbbing dick growing out of the corner of my eye.

  Before I could do something about his beautiful cock, he stood up out of the chair and took my hand. He guided us over to the biggest loveseat in the room and pushed one of the buttons on the side of it, turning it into a bed. In my past adventures, I’d been so eager to get to the sex that I hadn’t taken full advantage of what I had at my disposal.

  He pushed me back against the bed and went right for it. He put my legs up onto his shoulders, spreading them as far apart as they could go. He practically shoved his cock inside my aching pussy, going deep inside of me.

  I’m not sure what made me cum so fast. Maybe it was the position we were in, maybe it was the speed with which he pounded into me, or perhaps it was the depths that he was exploring. It somehow felt like he was breaking new ground inside of me. Regardless of the reason, I came for him fast and without warning. He gave me another winning smile once he was aware of what he’d done to me.

  I wasn’t moving, so he moved me instead. He bent me over the bed, ready to pound into me again. He entered me from behind while simultaneously rubbing my clit.

  The doubled sensations felt just as good as they had before with Darren. It almost felt too good. Sometimes I would move my hands close to his, considering moving them from my remarkably sensitive clit. But, my lustful greed still had the better of me, and I couldn’t make him stop. I didn’t want him to stop anything that he was doing.

  He began to spank me with his free hand. Once he wanted to spank me more frequently but still fuck me with his speed, he released my pussy from his grasp. I could feel that I was close, and so I decided to pick up where he left off.

  I wanted to cum as often as possible, just like I’d gotten to with my former lovers. I rubbed myself ferociously while he continued to spank me mercilessly. His smile had morphed from pleasant and warm to mischievous and incredibly sexy.

  When I came again, he slowed down his thrusting just enough so that he could feel and hear the sounds of my orgasm coating my spent pussy. He spanked me yet again, surely leaving both cheeks redder than a fresh apple.

  “I think it’s my turn now,” he muttered, leaning in to kiss my ear and nibble on my earlobe.

  I agreed wholeheartedly. Without verbal direction, I knew what he wanted. It was time to come full circle.

  He sat down in the chair, stroking his cock as I made my way over to him. I sat back down on him, letting him insert it back into my quivering hole.

  As I rode him, feeling every inch of him filling every inch of me, he was also rubbing my back and keeping an interesting hold on the back of my neck. It felt incredible. I wanted to feel his hands rub me like that all over.

  My breasts would hit him in the face as I rode him. For a while, he simply let them go where they would, but eventually he began to suck on my nipples, kissing and nibbling on my tits, making me even wetter than before.

  Time had slipped away from us. I wasn’t sure how long we stayed in there, with me riding on him, his hands on my ass and my nipples in his mouth. When next we came, we came together. While most of me was thrilled at the ecstasy that we shared, another part of me was slightly disappointed. I didn’t want the sex to be bad, but because it was so good, it was that much harder knowing I would have to send him off with other women.


  I’d given Araya that Friday off, but she decided to show up anyway. She knew that I was feeling pressured the closer it came to opening night. I was also incredibly excited about what lay ahead, but the risks were many, and I kept thinking about how this was my first true business venture that was solely my idea.

  Araya was somewhat surprised at just how on-edge I was, especially considering I had been having regular sex with different hot guys each day
of the week. But, we sat down and had gone through a list of the last few things we needed to get done before New Year’s, and thankfully, seeing everything written down on paper made it somehow feel less intimidating.

  “Everything seems to be in order,” I commented once we’d finished.

  “It pretty much is,” she confirmed. “I actually think we can get this all done by New Year’s Eve. I think we’ll have that opening we wanted after all.”

  “Yay!” I said clapping my hands together. “I can’t wait.”

  “Everything’s coming up Sarah,” she said. “No pun intended.”

  “Ha-ha,” I went. “I’m so ready to get it started here.”

  “Me too,” she said. “Do you have any interviews lined up for today?”

  “Today is Will Hicks,” I informed her. “He looks like a model, but apparently he’s just a manager at a clothing store.”

  “Hey, don’t judge the book by its contents,” said Araya. “Is Will the last one?”

  “No, there’s actually one more after him. Then, I guess the interviews are done.”

  “Are they, like, officially hired?”

  “Officially, no,” I replied. “I even have some of those other guys that came in the first day on standby in case I decide not to hire any of the ones I originally chose.”

  “Why wouldn’t you want to hire any of the guys you’ve been saying are giving you mind-blowing sex?” Araya wondered.

  “Exactly because of that,” I answered. “They’ve been giving me mind-blowing sex.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “In other words, selfishness. I like what they’ve done for me, and I don’t know if I just want to send them off, you know?”

  “In other words, you want them all to yourself.”

  “Kind of, yeah,” I admitted. “I mean, it’s not just the sex, even. I think they’re all pretty nice guys, too. Sure, they’re hot, and yeah, they really know how to fuck, but I’ve fucked some real jerks before, and I know them when I see them. I’ve been really lucky. All these guys are actually nice. They’re gentlemen, but they know how to turn on the animal when they…”

  I stopped once I noticed Araya giving me a look that I knew all too well.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You like them,” she teased.

  “Sure I like them,” I said dismissively. “Why shouldn’t I? I think they’re good people. I like them each as a person. They’ve got great personalities as well as bodies.”

  “Sounds like you love them,” she continued. “Are you falling in love with your cock-tail waiters, Sarah? Did you drink a love potion?”

  I burst out laughing. “Shut up.”

  “Hey, I’m a little jealous,” she said. “If you weren’t so in love with them, I’d ask you to send them over my way. I could use a love drug.”

  “Don’t you have a boyfriend or should I say, two boyfriends?”

  “I’m sure I could get a third one no problem,” she said. “Tell me, which of the four you’ve had already has the biggest dick?”

  I pulled out my phone, turning my attention away from her. “I’ll let you know after I’ve tried them all.”

  “Who are you calling?”

  “Just calling to confirm Will’s coming in for his appointment,” I said as I put the phone to my ear. “I want to find another big dick to ‘fall in love with’”.

  Will indeed arrived for the next part of his audition. He seemed dressed for it, wearing an unbuttoned shirt over a wife-beater that revealed his fit form and a tight pair of pants. He had dark hair, dark piercing eyes and a very strong jaw.

  I escorted us over to the back room. I was a little embarrassed when we got in and I realized that the loveseat Jacob and I had turned into a bed the day before hadn’t been turned back into a loveseat. The evidence of my previous entanglement was undeniable, but I tried not to draw too much attention to the obvious.

  “Tell me about yourself,” I said to Will. I sat on the edge of the bed, and he did the same.

  “What would you like to know?” he asked.

  “Anything you’d like to share with me.”

  “Work history? Personal life?

  “Give me a little bit of both,” I said.

  “Well, my name’s Will. I’m twenty-nine, turning thirty next month and not looking forward to it. I’m a manager at Evans Clothes & Wears over in downtown, and I’m pretty sick of the job. I want out, and I wanted to try something radically different than what I’ve ever done. I thought this would be an ideal place to start.”

  “Was there anything about this job in particular that drew you to it?”

  “Well, to be perfectly honest, I was hoping to have some noncommittal sex with attractive women and get paid for it.”

  “I like your honesty,” I said.

  “May I ask why you wanted to open a club like this?” he wondered.

  “Because I really like sex and I want other people that really like sex in Boulder to come to a place that they’re comfortable at,” I answered. “And I like sex clubs.”


  “Do you have a girlfriend?”

  “I had a girlfriend,” he replied. “I’ve had a few serious girlfriends over the past couple of years. I’ve been taking a break from a commitment for a while. It kind of sucks though, my roommate gets all pissy whenever I bring over a date.”

  “Why, does he get jealous that you bring over girls?”

  “She,” he corrected me. “My sister lives with me. Before her, my parents were actually crashing with me for a while.”

  “Oh,” I went, trying to piece together his life story.

  “My parents have always sort of hopped from job to job,” he explained. “When they go through their financial woes, I try to help them out. My sister got divorced a few months ago, that’s why she’s crashing on my couch.”

  “Well, that’s really thoughtful and sweet of you.”

  “Thanks, I thought so.”

  I stretched, arching my back so that my chest would protrude out for him. His eyes stayed locked onto my body.

  “What about you?” he asked. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  “I sure don’t. In fact, right now my interests are very similar to yours. I’m looking for good, raw, passionate sex with no strings attached. And, seeing as I’d be hiring you to work at my sex club, I think it would behoove me to know just what kind of worker would be working for me, don’t you think?”


  Luckily, Will agreed. Without needing additional motivation, he decided to pull me into him, where he began to kiss me and feel around my body. I enjoyed kissing him, although he wasn’t quite the fit that the other four men had been. But, what he lacked in the kissing department, he made up for in assertiveness.

  He practically tore my clothes trying to take them off of me. He bit my lower lip, tugging on it while he played with my breasts and squeezed my sides. He grabbed onto the back of my head, holding it steady while he continued to kiss me intensely.

  “How do you want it, darling?” he asked me.

  “Will you eat me out?”

  “I’ll devour you, darling.”

  I leaned back at the head of the bed and let him work on me. He first inserted two fingers inside of me, loosening me up and making me wet for him. He was slow and meek with his fingers, but I didn’t mind how he was playing with me.

  Next, while his fingers stayed inside me, he began to kiss and lick on my clit. Simply by feeling his fingers explore my regions and feeling his mouth pressed into my pulsating pussy, I could feel myself instantly starting to surge. My initial fears with him were a waste, because he could easily contend with the rest of the gentlemen with his abilities.

  And, like with the men before him, I wasn’t able to enjoy his dual performance for as long as I’d wanted. His tongue had tickled my clit lightly enough to drive me wild and release the first orgasm of what I was hoping would be many.

  He removed his fingers from out of m
e, and then he used those fingers to stroke his throbbing cock. I grew wet again at the sight of him using my nectar for his lubricant.

  “I like watching you get off, Sarah,” he growled. “It turns me on to please you.”

  “Lucky me,” I said in between deep breaths.

  “Anything else you’d like from me, boss?” he asked while continuing to masturbate for me.

  I bit my lip, my mind going to some strange places as it pondered on the question. I thought about all of the places that I wanted that cock to go.

  “I’d like you to fuck me from behind,” I requested. “But, while you’re doing that… could you also play with my ass?”

  “I can do anything you want, darling,” he said with a smile.

  I’m not sure if that smile stayed plastered on his face the whole time, but I know that I had a smile. He bent me over on the bed, and just as I’d wanted, he inserted his wide cock into my folds and he gently inserted one finger up into my tight ass.

  I hadn’t had a man play with my ass in a long time, and in that moment, I couldn’t recall any reason why I’d allowed myself to lose out on such a delight. It was hard to tell just exactly what his precise movements were with the finger he’d chosen to explore me with, but it was enough to make many other parts of my body go numb from the pleasure.

  The pleasure was heightened tenfold when he would spank my ass while fingering it. He was fucking me gently at first, concentrating on giving to my different bodily desires equally. I wanted him to play with my clit as well, but I knew that no matter how skilled he might be, he couldn’t grow a third hand. So, while he took care of my pussy and tickled my ass, I began to play with my clit, using my entire hand. As I pressed against it, I could feel his firm dick as it went in and out of me.

  He spanked me again, and this was my cue. I came hard, screaming louder than I had for any other man that had entered this room. I thought my belting might be enough to draw out his own hot orgasm, but he managed to stay full for me.


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