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Zero Rising: Soldier of Light Chronicles Book 3

Page 22

by Ireland Gill

  “I was angry, yes. But I forgave. We’ve moved on.”

  He picked a small stick from the fire, poking at the burning logs. “Forgiveness.” He nodded. “I see. Well, it would seem that you may, surprisingly, have a little more of that in you than some.” He continued to poke at the fire. “But you don’t appear to have enough forgiveness for your mother’s murderer. And I don’t blame you. I would have tortured him in the same way. Most likely, worse.”

  My breath hitched. This conversation wasn’t going where I needed it to go. He was taunting me. He knew things, way too much. Things he should not have known. He and Jericho were no longer associating from what I’d gathered of Alysto’s and my last conversation. I wondered how he’d known anything about me anymore.

  “Tell me, Fortis. Did you feel empowered? In that moment of darkness, and with that surge of hate that drove you into maiming that man, did it satisfy you?” He reached for my hand, and just like last time, it voluntarily met his. We slowly stood as he raised me up with him to stand. I was mesmerized by his eyes, those guilty gray pools that held my gaze. “His suffering pleased you.”

  I almost stopped breathing. “How do you—-?” I struggled with my words. I struggled with whether or not I even wanted to know the answer I’d be given.

  “How do I know these things, you wonder?” His grin widened and his shoulders went back. He slid over the material of his already-unbuttoned dress shirt, exposing the side of his chest. There, over his heart, was my negative zero imprinted backwards on his skin, right where I’d left the mark.

  “I can feel it, Fortis. I can feel all of your hatred, all of your anger. There is so much more I’ve learned about you that has fascinated me since you’ve marked me.”

  I started to tremble. “No,” I shook my head. “This is impossible.”

  He shrugged with mockery. “Believe what you want. But I must point out something to you that you may also find impossible.” He pressed his hand over the scar on his skin, admiring it for a short moment before pulling his shirt closed. Then he looked straight into my eyes again. “I have never lied to you. Can you say the same for the company you keep?”

  My limbs tingled and my chest tightened. I started to feel dizzy, stomach churning. I backed away from him and bent over, holding my stomach, taking short breaths to calm down.

  He rushed to my side in such a haste that the sand he’d kicked along the way had put out most of the fire, leaving us under only the light of the full moon.

  Alysto guided me to sit back down onto the sand. His touch was human-like, nothing of which I had to be afraid. He was warm, not the icy-hot feeling like the first time. His touches on my back and arm were gentle, just as any caring human would possess. Why was he expressing such care for me? How could he even possess any compassion at all? He was the devil.

  I leaned up against the small rock wall that aligned the sand. Right when I sat down again, I’d realized I was then out of view from Hayden and Luka, which would be a problem. Especially since the fire was almost out. I tried to stand back up to be sure I was still in their view, but felt the dizziness again as my weight fell forward. My teetering came to a halt as I landed mid-fall over Alysto’s forearm, his strength unwavering under my stomach. I looked up into his eyes, the second time I’d been so close to him since the first time we’d met. It felt as though we were frozen in time, neither of us moving a muscle. Blood rushing all over, stalled breaths, I was captivated by his presence. And puzzled all the same.

  “Evika!” I heard a faint yell coming from the boardwalk. The pounding of racing footsteps sprinting toward us, getting louder and louder.

  “Evika!” It was clearer now. It was Hayden’s voice. And my stomach dropped, just as the devil removed his arm to gently let me go before he backed away and changed his form into the beast he truly was. His body formed into the dark, gargoyle-like creature, his height rose twice as tall, towering over me and leaving me in his shadow. And finally, his dark wings unfurled, closing off the moonlight that shone onto the sand below us. I was a small and breakable thing under the beast he’d become.

  “No,” I whispered. I turned behind me to see Hayden duck out of the way of Luka’s dive from the air to try to stop him. Luka’s reach missed him by only a few inches, so he flew closer to the end of the boardwalk and spread his wings to stop Hayden from going any further.

  I watched Hayden run straight into Luka, driving his shoulder right into his chest. Luka was knocked off balance only slightly and recovered quickly, still standing rigidly with his arms up to block Hayden from getting past him. And then I saw something I never imagined I’d witness; Hayden buried a punch into Luka’s jaw. No hesitation. Luka’s head was forced sideways, his hands raised to his face, leaving an opportunity for Hayden to move past him.

  It wasn’t enough assurance for Hayden though, Luka’s momentary stun. I could finally see he was carrying the hydro-gun. But before he took any further steps, he socked Luka right on the skull with the gun before running toward us. Luka’s body fell, landing on his left wing. My body trembled, consumed by the overwhelming sense of doom. I didn’t know how to stop Hayden.

  I was horrified watching him behave this way; so aggressive, so impulsive. He was insane. I heard him call Alysto's name, waving the hydro-gun around in the air and threatening the Keeper of the Wicked as he ran closer.

  Alysto’s magnificent, black wings spread further, and he took swift steps along the sand to get around me and closer to Hayden at the sand just past the boardwalk.

  “Hayden! No!” I screamed as I ran to him. I couldn't get to him fast enough. The sand slowed me down, but did not burden the devil.

  Hayden turned to me with an awry expression. It was as if he was already too far gone. I saw someone that I didn't know anymore. He turned to face the beast and aimed the gun.

  “Hayden! Stop this!” I screamed at him again, still pulling my heavy steps toward him. Tears fell from my eyes. “You're going to get yourself killed!”

  The wind started picking up. The dark, massive figure started walking closer and closer to my angel, disregarding the weapon in his hands, as if he didn’t care. He knew Hayden was angry, and he was going to use it against us. I felt it.

  “Ah, the Guardian that Fades.” Alysto smirked.

  “No games, Keeper!” Hayden yelled, still aiming the gun with a threatening shake. The weapon and the devil’s lowered neck were only inches apart now. “You stay away from her! Do you hear me?”

  Alysto cocked his head and his brow. “Such anger, Guardian. Or should I say....Faded angel?”

  I was close enough now to make my presence known. “Hayden, stop this!” I demanded. I was finally near them, standing between them.

  Hayden bore his eyes into Alysto's, ignoring me. Alysto lowered his head and turned in my direction.

  “Fortis? Is there any reason I am to humor your Guardian? I was unaware he’d be joining us,” he said in a patronizing tone.

  I opened my mouth, then quickly shut it again. I could feel the tension from Hayden and just wanted to bolt somewhere underground. I looked over at him and saw him staring into me with the same emotions I already knew he had. It immediately brought back the fresh memories of when I'd captured Anton Carter in the warehouse. The disappointment in his eyes. It killed me. Absolutely killed me. This very behavior is what I’d put Hayden through.

  “Alysto,” I raised my hands in surrender to him. “Please. I was trying to keep him away. It was only supposed to be me out herewith you.”

  It was quiet between the three of us. Hayden was heaving breaths, still holding the gun straight out to point at Alysto. The devil gave no care to the weapon, which was even more disconcerting. I’d wondered if a few HWBs would even hurt him, should they be shot at him point blank.

  “Hayden, put the gun down,” I said quietly with a shaky voice, still watching Alysto.

  His eyes narrowed, staring only at the devil. “No.”

  “Please,” I begged.

>   Hayden didn’t budge.

  Along with brutal fear that twisted my insides, I hung on to the last thread of hope that I had. If it was at all possible that Alysto would be able to advise us of anything about the Phantom that possessed Jaxon, then I would make a deal with him. I was ready to do it for my brother. I would sacrifice myself if I had to save him. He was never meant to be taken, and it was my fault that I'd let things get this far. Due to my selfishness, my stubbornness and my want for a normal life, my brother was captive of a new type of being; a new evil that was lurking in our world. I was ready for whatever I had to do to get Jaxon back.

  “Alysto, I’m sorry. I didn’t plan this,” I gestured to Hayden. “But we need your help,” I said. “I need your help in regard to the Phantom that possessed my brother.”

  Alysto slowly turned his head, narrowing his at me. “That being is far out of my control now, Brave One,” he huffed.

  “You lie!” Hayden snapped.

  Alysto's brows furrowed, but did not leave mine while he growled at Hayden's remark.

  I stared into his eyes incredulously. “I feel that you know something. I sense it. Something can be done about this.” I paused, thinking of what I was about to say. I looked over at Hayden, then back to Alysto as I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “I’ll make a deal with you.”

  “Evika! Are you crazy?” Hayden yelled at me.

  I hadn’t even given details as to what I would agree to, and already Hayden was panicking over my words. I looked over at him and mouthed the words ‘trust me.’ His response was unchanged, but at least he didn’t make things worse by drawing more attention again.

  Alysto’s brow raised, and his head cocked. “A deal with the devil, you are suggesting?”

  “I need to know the Phantom’s weakness.”

  “And what, pray tell, makes you think I would know that answer, Fortis?”

  I searched his dark eyes. They were deep and dark, just like the Watcher’s eyes I’d come inches from only a year ago. The one that saw right through me. The one that reported the darkness it saw inside of me back to Alysto. And because of that, Alysto had been fascinated with me since then. It made even more sense to me now, what I could use as leverage.

  “Your Watcher makes up half of that entity, trapping the Seeker into what it is now. There has to be a weakness of which you know about.”

  He huffed a laugh. But I could tell it was forced.

  I walked up closer, slowly raising my arm and placing it on top of the hydro-gun. I pushed down, making Hayden lower it. “If I destroy the Phantom, I destroy both the Seeker and your Watcher. That’s why you won’t tell me. You’d lose them both.”

  Alysto raised his clawed hands, clapping slowly, dramatically...mockingly. “Smart girl.”

  The beast squatted on his hind legs, straightening his back. His expression remained the same as my words resonated. “I’ve given you the gift of safety from my Drones. I’ve confirmed I’ve never lied,” he nodded to Hayden, “unlike your companions.” Hayden’s face tightened and his fists tightened even more around the hydro-gun. “Why must I humor any requests that would help you but not myself? I don’t see what benefit I receive in the matter.”

  I narrowed my eyes, searching his. He claims to have never lied to me, but he was clearly doing so right then. “You haven’t been honest with me, despite what you say.” The devil’s head lifted and his shoulders straightened. I felt confident with my next words to him. “You need me. You need me because you can’t rid of this thing on your own.”

  He gave me an incredulous stare. “And why would I care whether or not this Phantom existed? Be it in your realm or mine?”

  It was a simple answer. “Because it’s becoming more powerful than you. And you know I have the potential to make more of these. You’d lose your entire army of Watchers. And the only thing left in the Dark Realm would be you, alone.” I came closer to him, closing the distance between our faces.

  I calculated if moving closer to the devil was a smart move. I was still aware of Hayden’s unpredictability with the gun. I’d wished Luka would become conscious to handle him, because I wasn’t sure how long I could hold him off.

  “I know that you want to rid of it just as much as I do,” I continued. “But you won’t want to lose your Watcher, your power. I’ll spare your Watcher, but you have to tell me how I can save my brother.”

  The devil’s deep laugh vibrated through his gargoyle-like body. “Isn’t the answer obvious yet, Brave One?”

  I looked at him, incredulous. “What do you mean?”

  He leaned forward, dropping his face to my level, searching my eyes. I could hear Hayden cock the gun and put it right back up where he’d had it before. Alysto growled at Hayden’s actions, and I gulped. I really wished Luka would have come to right then.

  “You’d have to do what you do best, you see?”

  “What would that be?” I asked.

  “Simply invite it in, and finish what your father never could.”

  I thought about this further. The Phantom was a hybrid, the result of a Watcher that captured the Seeker’s soul to become one being. They would need separated again. Pulled from each other so that the Phantom could no longer exist. It made the most sense to have a plan in place to make that happen, but it was only a theory.

  “You’re saying, I have to let it possess me?” I asked. “Is that the truth?”

  Alysto’s brow raised. “It seems we both speculate the same, Fortis.”

  “Bullshit!” Hayden howled, cocking the gun and stepping closer to Alysto.

  The air among us was so brittle it could snap at any moment. And if that didn’t, Hayden would. None of us said more.

  Alysto cocked his head, ignoring my angel, and lost himself as he looked me over. Starting at my toes, scaling all the way up to my eyes again. I felt naked and vulnerable under his long gaze.

  “Such a team we could make, Fortis.” The pointy tip of his claw raised to caress my cheek. I shuddered at his touch.

  Just then, Hayden belted three bullets into Alysto's head. The beast flinched, bellowing a loud growl, covering the wound with one claw and whipped his other massive claw around to grab Hayden by his neck, slamming him against the boulder just a few feet from me. He held him there. The hydro-gun flung through the air and landed in the sand at my feet. My heart sped and I breathed hard, looking between my love and my enemy.

  “Alysto, let him go! Please!” I panicked. “This isn't Hayden's fight with you. It's mine!”

  Alysto bellowed a laugh that carried throughout the air. “Such valiance I see in you this time, Brave One!” he said patronizingly. He pressed Hayden harder against the rock, choking him and laughing again. “So ironic, Fortis, that you become the protector of this Fading angel.”

  “Evika......g-go,” Hayden choked out. “Run!”

  I saw Hayden struggling against Alysto's immovable hand. “Alysto! Please let him go. He's angry and he was only trying to protect me. Don't fault him for that,” I cried. “Let him go.”

  “I told you to heed my advice regarding your Guardian's involvement, Brave One.” Alysto seethed at me. Then he hissed into the air as Hayden kicked him in his gut, which only made his grip tighter around Hayden's neck. I saw my angel look at me pleadingly with his sad eyes. His apology to me lied within those green emeralds of his. He knew he’d made things worse. I saw the despair in them; the same hopelessness that consumed me.

  Suddenly, there was a silence that filled the air around me as I froze. I could only hear myself breathing. My eyes blinked each time I took a breath. I grit my teeth and clenched my fists, hoping that something would happen, that someone or something would just give me a sign that I had the power in me to save him, my love.

  Hayden's eyes rolled slightly upward and he was losing the fight in him.

  My eyes started to water as the strength within me grew a thousand times more, but I didn't let the tears spill. I harnessed that strength in me and I felt invinc
ible. I felt indestructible and powerful. My anger flared and I was done being nice. I was done negotiating. I was done watching the people I loved being hurt or taken from me. Alysto once said he saw a dark side in me; I now felt it come to me again, but I would turn it against him.

  In one quick movement, I grabbed the hydro-gun laying at my feet and stood to grab the scaly skin of the devil’s neck, forcing his eyes to meet with mine. I jammed the gun against the side of his throat, making him give me a low growl.

  “Now you listen to me, asshole. Because I'm only going to say it once more. Let. Him. Go.”

  The beast laughed. I could feel the vibrations in his throat as I held him in place. “Ah yes, the side I love to see in you, Brave One.” I squeezed the skin of his neck and made him flinch. He growled lower this time. “Quite a bold move for a little human to take on such a horrific beast, don't you think, Fortis?” I could hear the anger in his voice. His brow furrowed as he lowered his head and searched my eyes. Then, in a low voice, he said, “I could end you in one move, Warrior. End you.”

  He said it as if he were calculating a next move which would prove his words. He could end me. He could end Hayden. I didn't let the fear envelope me like it should have. I let my anger drive me to see this through.

  I could see movement in my peripheral; it was Luka, cautiously making his way closer. I was so relieved he’d awakened just in time. I wanted him to keep Hayden safe just in case I couldn’t anymore.

  Adrenalin pumping through my veins, preparing to fight him however I could in order to save my angel. And then I realized – Alysto spoke threats, but his eyes showed me something different. I felt my expression soften. That hint of light that I tried to find in him before, might still have been there, and I felt it in my heart that he would never have the guts to hurt me the way he threatened.

  “You could end me. But you won't, will you?” I asked him with confidence, already knowing the true answer within me. “Because you care, Alysto.” His face tightened at my words. “You care about me. Because I’m the only one who’s ever seen the light in you.”


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