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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

Page 31

by Manda Mellett

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  The Rock Demons know that Sophie is at our compound. Since the ultimatum that was delivered on the day of Hank’s funeral, there’s been no further movement on either side. We’re watching them, just as we know they’ll be watching us, each waiting for the other to make the first move. But that doesn’t mean that we’ve been sitting with our thumbs up our asses. No, we’ve been putting the groundwork in place.

  At church, the following Friday, we get the update we’ve all been waiting for. After the usual business is out of the way, including Beef’s report that the new dancer he’s taken on at the strip club is working out well and drawing in the punters, and Dollar’s confirmation that takings are up, we all sit up straighter as Drum gets to the main point of the meeting, the Rock Demons.

  Slick holds up his hand, the one without the lit cigarette in it, and takes the floor after taking a long drag. “Jill took me to meet her friend, Ella. She’s a fiery lass, got some spark in her. Tucson born and bred and wants in with us.”

  “Did you try her out, Slick?” Blade smirks before leaning back in his chair and folding his arms.

  Slick stares him down. “Could have, she’s hot for biker cock, but that’s not what I was there for.”

  “Get to it, Slick. Everyone else pipe down.” Drum puts a stop to any other snarky comments.

  “Spoke to her for a while.” Slick takes another drag then continues without further prompting, “I reckon she’d fit in okay here. That spark she’s got, well, she’d stand up for herself with the other bitches, but she shows a lot of respect for the men.”

  Now it’s Drum who interrupts, his steely eyes centred on Slick. “She able to damp down that fire? Demons don’t allow the women the leeway we do.”

  “Reckon so.” Slick nods thoughtfully. “I explained what we wanted her to do. She’s smart enough to know she’s got to play the part and act dumb, but she’s confident she’ll be able to get the cameras planted.”

  “She know she might have to get down and dirty with the Demons? She can’t go in as a hangaround and stay on the sidelines.”

  Another nod. “Yeah, if it’s dick and it’s attached to a biker, she’s happy with that. As long as they don’t get too rough.”

  “Can’t make no guarantees on that, but we’ll do what we can to get her out of there before they have her pulling a train.” Drum is obviously not happy about sending a woman into the rival club, particularly the sort of club which might have all members lining up to take a turn at the new girl, but we’ve talked about it all ways to Sunday and can’t come up with another plan. We can’t take them on without knowing more about them, and this is the best way to get the intel we need.

  “Okay.” Drum looks at me. “VP, we set up from your end and ready to go?”

  I lift my chin. “Yeah, we’ve rented a one-room apartment in Phoenix near their clubhouse, nothing fancy, and it’s ready for her to move in. The Demons’ base is a ways out of town, so I’ve got her a cheap beater to get back and forth.”

  “Have you met this Ella?”

  “Nah,” I tell him. “The less she has to do with any of us the better. Slick’s been the only contact, and he’s always visited her without his colours.”

  “I got the cameras, and Slick’s got instructions how to set them up. They’re tiny and will be difficult to spot. Unless you are looking for them, you’d never find them,” Mouse tells us, tucking his long hair behind his ear.

  “Difficult? I hope it’s fuckin’ impossible,” Drum growls. “As the new girl, this Ella would be the first one they’d suspect.”

  “Got that covered, Prez.” Slick draws our attention again. “She’s to go there, get herself accepted, then when she feels it’s safe―probably late at night when they’re passed out drunk, she’ll drop the cameras discreetly and then get the fuck out of there. We’ll pick her up and bring her back here.”

  “She got the burner phone?”

  “Yeah, Marsh and I will be up in Phoenix near enough to move quickly once she’s clear and ready to get out. If she has any problems, we’re prepared to go in.”

  A thought makes me want to grin, but I push it down. Slick seems mighty fixed on doing this himself, when it hasn’t been put up to vote who’ll be watching her. And selecting Marsh? Well, he’s the one of the two remaining prospects that I’d trust with something like this. Seeing as he doesn’t want to take any chances, I think the woman might have made more of an impression on him than Slick’s letting on. Glancing at Drum, who raises an eyebrow at me, I gather he’s also thinking along the same lines. But like me, he says nothing. At the end of the day, we’ve all got a lot of respect for the girl who’s taking such a risk on our behalf, and it’s up to us to minimise it.

  Picking up the gavel, Drum just finishes up. “Okay, Slick, I’ll leave it in your hands. Send her in as soon as she’s ready. Report back to Mouse when the cameras are set up and he can start monitoring. Mouse, you keep us informed. Shame she won’t be able to put one in their fuckin’ church, but that’s too much danger if she tries that, so don’t even ask her. Hopefully there’ll be some loose mouths in their clubroom.” He bangs the gavel down. “Church dismissed!”

  For the next two weeks the waiting game continues. Sophie continues to get better at walking without her crutches and makes it down to the clubroom herself without any help. I’m so proud of her, and since that night with Red―the night I admit I enjoyed but never want to repeat―she seems more confident in herself. She’s started wearing makeup again, and while, in my view she doesn’t need any, as she’s beautiful the way nature left her, I take it as a sign she’s more accepting of herself.

  We’ve finished up a few more of the fire damaged rooms, meaning Horse has been able to move out of the suite—a good thing, as I’ve virtually moved in. Well, why not admit it, I have. There’s not one night that we’ve spent apart. I’ve been toying with the idea of buying a house off the compound where we can start to build a life together, following the example of the other brothers with old ladies, but that will have to wait until there’s no longer a fucking price on her head. Some days I’d love nothing more than to throw her on the back of my bike and take off on many of those sightseeing trips I’d planned in my head until I remember the danger in her going out of the club. Once was enough to risk for that until we put the fucking Demons in the ground.

  It’s two weeks later when I’m walking into the clubroom and Slick calls me over. “Hey, VP, come ‘ere a sec.”

  He’s got a woman beside him. She’s got long auburn hair that reaches down to her ass, and a fringe coming down almost hiding her eyes. As I move closer, I see her shoulders are hunched, and as she raises her head to look at me, I see a darkening bruise across her right cheek, and her left arm is held tight across her stomach. When I get closer, the haunting look in her wide eyes hits me. Without him having to introduce me, I know who she must be. This is the woman we sent into the Demon’s club. But I wait for him to confirm it.

  “Wraith, this is Ella.”

  I hunker down in front of her, lifting my hand to push back her hair, wondering whether she’s got any more injuries. She flinches before my fingers can reach her face, and Slick puts a possessive arm gently around her.

  “Sorry, darlin’,” I tell her softly while vowing those bastards will meet a painful death.

  I flick my eyes toward the man at her side. “She get caught?”

  Slick shakes his head, “No. Cameras should be transmitting now well enough. This is just how those bastards treat their women.”

  “Doc look at her?”

  “I’ve called him, he’s on his way in. Reckon you’ve got a broken rib, don’t you, babe?”

  Ella nods, and I growl, “Fuckin’ bastards.”

  Turning back to Slick, I ask, “Drum know?”

  “Not yet, was just going in to see him.”

  At that moment, Jill runs into the clubhouse, making a beeline for her friend, obviou
sly already having been told she’s here. Her eyes widen in horror at the sight, and she demands to know what’s happened.

  I’m impressed when Ella looks up at her and, after throwing a small smile at Slick, tells her, “I was mugged.”

  I stand and step back, allowing Jill to move in and comfort the battered woman, then jerk my chin toward Slick. After he makes sure Ella will be alright left with Jill, he takes the hint and follows me to Drum’s office.

  Slick updates Drum about Ella and apprises him of her condition. Drum’s eyes narrow, and Slick’s first thought is for the girl.

  “She’ll be staying here now, too risky her going home. I’ll be looking out for her.” Slick’s eyes challenge his prez and VP.

  “Of course she’s fuckin’ staying here. She’s under our protection now, Slick. Girl’s done a solid for the club.” Drum seems astounded he’d think anything else.

  “You let Mouse know?” I ask.

  “Yeah, texted him as soon as she was out.” Slick pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lights one up.

  “Any problems her leaving their club?” Drum wants all the details.

  “No. She phoned me about eight o’clock this morning. Pretended she was calling her ma and finding out she was sick. They didn’t bat an eye when she left, as she said she needed to go see her.”

  “What’s the story, Slick? If they didn’t catch her planting the cameras, what’s with the state she’s in?”

  “Couple of the bastards were rough with her last night, she protested, and they both clocked her for it.” As Slick gives me the details, my hands clench and unclench, and I can see Drummer’s leg start bouncing. “She was gonna wait for a better time but couldn’t take much more. So she hid the cameras around the bar once it was empty, then waited for her chance and got out.”

  “She’s a brave woman.”

  “Yeah, she is that, Prez.”

  Drum’s fingers tap on the table and we give him the space to think. He then looks directly at Slick. “So she’s gonna be a new sweet butt once she’s healed?” He raises his eyebrow.

  I have to hide my grin when Slick sits up straight and almost roars his answer, “No she’s fuckin’ not.”

  Drum chortles. “Thought things were going that way. She yours?”

  For a moment Slick looks like he’s a rabbit caught in the headlights, then he too gives a laugh. To be honest, Slick was probably last on my list to get himself an old lady, but that’s what he seems to have gone and done. And probably he’d thought the same about me. Christ, we’re going down like flies.

  “Fuck, Prez, hadn’t really thought that far. ‘Cept I ain’t gonna want any other brother touching her.” His eyes narrow at the thought.

  “She feel the same way?”

  Slick’s face falls. “Think she’s had enough biker cock to satisfy her for now. Fuck, I think it’s gonna be hard just getting her into my bed.”

  Our prez nods, his face grim. “Give her time, Brother. I’ll make it clear at church it will be hands-off.”

  I throw a snide look at my brother. “Welcome to the club,” I tell him.

  He huffs a laugh. “Suppose I am a member, now. Fuckin’ pussy-whipped. Who’d have thought it?”

  When we get all the brothers together at church there’s no dissension about leaving Ella alone—we were all too much in awe of what she had done for us. Especially when those cameras started feeding back interesting video and audio of the inner workings of the Rock Demons club. There appeared to be about twenty of them in all, but it was hard to make out how many of those were prospects. Ella had placed the cameras well, but it was impossible to make out the differences on the cuts or recognise all the faces, so we could have been double counting at times.

  They were, as we had hoped, not close-lipped around the bar. Not so much when the sweet butts were about, but when it was just their members, they inadvertently let slip some extremely useful information for us.

  The Rock Demons had big plans. Not only did they want to take Sophie, but they wanted to take us all out, take over our clubhouse, and start up their own Tucson chapter, another city as an outlet for drugs. That was the reason they hadn’t yet made another attempt to grab my woman—they were getting themselves organised for the bigger hit. And before they made a move on us, they were carrying on with business, waiting for a gun shipment to arrive and preparing for a drug run to Vegas.

  But we were going to hit them first.

  That they discussed their plans so openly was nectar to our ears. Drum got onto Red and made arrangements that he would take out the drug-running group as they entered his territory. That was going to be child’s play as we had all their routes and waypoints given to us straight from the horse’s mouth. As Dart suggested, the members going on the drug run were probably sampling their own product and had gotten over-confident on their home turf.

  The gun shipment was more of a worry. The members involved in that were obviously more experienced and played their cards closer to their chests, only letting slip the timing, and not openly discussing the route or destination. So we decided on going in before it arrived.

  Five members of the Demons were going to Vegas the week after next, and Red would deal with those. That left, to the best of our knowledge, fifteen we’d need to take out.

  We started to make plans.

  Three days before the final twenty-four hours the Demons would be breathing air, we have another emergency church. We’ve been meeting almost daily this last week to make our final plans, Drum not wanting to leave anything to chance. Mouse is tapping on his laptop, as usual, the info he’s been able to pull down from Google Maps vital in planning our three-pronged attack.

  “So, VP, you’ll be leading the first group here.” Drum points to the map we’ve got set out on the table. “Dart, Slick, and Tongue will be with you.” He moves his finger to another weakness in their defences that we’ve identified. “Blade, you’ll be…”

  “Hey!” Mouse’s shout interrupts the prez; Drum glares at him. “What the fuck is it, Mouse?”

  “Ethan St John-fuckin’-Davies is dead.”

  “What?” That was not the news I expected to hear, but the best fucking news ever as far as I was concerned.

  “Yeah.” Mouse’s eyes aren’t on me, but on his laptop screen. I watch them scan left to right as he takes in some news article he’s reading. “There was an attempted coup in some fuckin’ Arab country. Somewhere in Ezirad, though fuck knows where that is. Hang on, it doesn’t say much, the emir—is that a king or something?―well, Emir Kadar issued a statement saying he regrets the death of the prominent businessman who got caught up in the fighting.”

  “Here, let me have a look.” I go around the table and lean over his shoulder. As I dare to touch his beloved laptop to turn it toward me, Mouse actually snarls at me. I ignore him, speed reading the contents, though there’s not a lot more than Mouse has already told us.

  “He’s right, it’s Ethan St John-Davies alright. There’s a footnote explaining who he is. There can’t be two of his name who run ElecComs.”

  “The man who took the contract out on Wheels? Hey, man, this means she’s got nothing to worry about now.” Peg looks excited on her behalf.

  “Yeah, there can’t be a fuckin’ bounty anymore if he’s not around to pay it.” Even Beef’s nodding enthusiastically. My brothers have all taken my woman to their hearts, and I’m overwhelmed with the relief they’re feeling for her.

  “It says here he leaves no heirs,” I’m still reading it through, “so I think it’s safe to assume the contract died with him.” Thank fuck.

  “Demons going to be shitting themselves at missing their chance. Heard any chatter yet, Mouse?” Rock questions him.

  “News is just hot off the press—they might not be so quick on finding out about it. Will be interesting to hear what they have to say. They left it too long to make their move.”

  “Sloppy bastards.”

  “That as may be, but we s
houldn’t underestimate them, and we can’t forget their other plans. Still, it’s some better fuckin’ news for once.” Drum bangs the table to get our attention. “VP, you’ll want to be off to tell Wheels the good tidings. But brothers, this doesn’t change our plans one iota. Demons already killed one of ours, and it probably won’t make a difference to their plans to get rid of the rest of us. Attack’s still going ahead in three days.”

  He bangs the gavel. I leg it out of there fast, the biggest smile on my face.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Wraith is pushing up into me, gently pulling out and then thrusting in again as though he’s got all the time in the world. He’s keeping me on edge, so close to coming, but not quite being able to go over. I’m floating in a state of ecstasy, so aroused, yet feeling so loved.

  He keeps on with his slow slides, and gradually my muscles start to contract, squeezing around him.

  “Fuck, I can’t hold off,” he groans out. “You’re strangling my cock, darlin'.”

  I can’t even answer him. Rapidly approaching my peak, I let him do all the work, and then I’m there.

  “Let it go, I’ve got you, babe.”

  He’s spent so long bringing me here that my orgasm is not so much intense as a strong but gentle wave washing over me, seeming to go on forever. I moan loudly as I slowly come down. Wraith slows his movements, my muscle spasm triggering his release.

  “Fuck, oh fuck,” he shouts into my ear, and gives a last few sporadic thrusts. “Oh, fuck, darlin’.” Bringing his forehead down to mine, he releases my hands, which he’d been holding above my head and takes his weight on his arms. I pull him down to me, wanting to feel his warmth, chest to chest. It was the sweetest lovemaking I’d ever experienced.

  It felt like he was saying goodbye.

  Tears form at the corners of my eyes. “I don’t want you to go.”

  “Darlin’ we’ve been over this.” He nuzzles my face and gently wipes away the tears with his fingers.


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