Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1 Page 147

by Manda Mellett

  “Can we come in, Mom? We’re overdue for a long talk.”

  “I don’t think we’ve anything to discuss,” she brushes me off.

  Surprising me, Dart reaches down and lifts my top, my scars on my chest coming into view. “I think you need to rethink that statement. See this? That’s what the monster you forced Alex to marry did to her.”

  She stares for a moment, her eyes widening. “Alexandra?”

  She’s asking me if it’s true. “Yes, Mom. I think I deserve some answers. Including why Tyler and I were living in a dump of a house while Ron bought a house and had his mistress living there, for the past six years.” Then it hits me, how to get the answers I need. “If you don’t want your friends to know how you basically sold me to an abusive man who tried to kill me for insurance money, I suggest you start talking.”

  I pause as her mouth opens and shuts, knowing after all these years, at last I’ve got the upper hand. “Actually, let me tell you. You paid him to marry me and have been giving him money ever since.”

  She doesn’t deny it, and her face tightens. “The money was for you and for our grandson.”

  “Tyler needs expensive treatment, but I didn’t see a penny of the money you gave Ron.”

  “Why, Mrs Argent?” Dart’s hand grips mine, a silent message that he’s taken over for now. “What did Thompson have over you?”

  “He had nothing. He was a respectable man. Not that you gave him any respect, Alexandra. You didn’t even go to the funeral.”

  “I think you can see why. She was recovering from the injuries he inflicted. They’ve been separated for months, but Ron didn’t tell you that, did he? Just kept taking whatever you were paying out.”

  She’s flustered, her hands won’t stay still, her fists are opening and shutting. “Alex, we did it for you. We didn’t want you to go the way of your sister. We met Ron when we had that burglary, you remember? He was the policeman who came along. He seemed such a nice man with a respectable occupation.” She puts one hand on the doorframe as if she needs help to keep upright. “We told him we’d support you both if you got married.” She nods toward the truck where Tyler’s looking out. “We offered to increase the payment if he gave us grandkids.”

  That explains why Ron impregnated me and didn’t give a damn about the consequences. It was always the money he was after, never me or my son.

  “Mrs Argent, Tyler’s a very sick little boy. Alex—”

  “What are you to Alexandra?”

  As always, my mother’s not happy unless she’s directing the conversation. Dart raises my hand to his lips and brushes his mouth over it. “We’re going to get married.”

  She tries to shut the door, but Dart’s ready, and his strong arm pushes it back open. With a sneer she looks at me. “Then you’re dead to me, Alexandra. If you go ahead and marry a white man—”

  “You’re going to disown me? Like you did Celine? Neither of us live up to your expectations?”

  “You’ve got a son, Alexandra. You need to think about him.”

  “Dart will be the father Ron never was.” Frustrated, I brush my hands over my face. “You know what, Mother? Real people don’t give a damn about skin colour. But you’re a racist. Tyler’s suffering because you never gave me a chance to make my own choices. Now I’ve made my own choice, and I’m proud to be with a white biker.”

  “If that’s your decision, we have no more to say, Alexandra.”

  “Hold on a minute.” Dart waves his hand at the house. “You’ve got money. Tyler needs an expensive operation. At the very least, you should pay Alex what you were paying to Ron.”

  “Money. Might have figured that was what you were after.” Dart’s face goes dark, and I throw him a pleading look. Mom’s oblivious and simply continues saying slyly, “You can come back to us, Alex. We’ll find a suitable husband for you and pay for whatever Tyler needs.”


  “It’s alright, Dart.” After giving him a reassuring look, I turn back to my mother. “Give you another chance to ruin my life? I’ve got a new family now, Mother. True friends who are doing all they can to help me out. You don’t want to give your grandson his only chance at a normal life because of the colour of the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with, and how that will look in your circle of friends. Well, you know what? If they knew the truth about you—”

  “Doll, that’s enough. This bitch ain’t worth giving the time of day. Come on.” Dart gives me the full force of his warm eyes. “Let’s go home.”

  But I’ve not finished. “I’m as dead to you, Mother, as I would have been had Ron succeeded. You’ll never see your grandson again. Oh, for good measure, seeing as colour matters to you so much, you might like to know that while I never saw a penny of that money you were paying out, Ron was using it to buy a house for, and live there with his girlfriend.” My hand goes to my mouth but I can’t stop the giggle from escaping. “You’ve been supporting Ron and his white girlfriend for six years, Mom.”

  She gasps, obviously shocked, and looks around to check nobody is within hearing. “You say one word to anyone, Alexandra—”

  I don’t let her finish. I turn and walk away and go back to the people who don’t give a damn about the colour of my skin, or that of the man who, although I haven’t actually told him yet, I am going to marry.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  “Niran’s fitting in well, VP.”

  We’ve come to the table for another Friday church. It’s been a month since I returned, and the chapter’s settling down. I never thought I could replace my brothers in Tucson, but there are men here I’ve come to trust and like almost as much as those I left behind in Arizona.

  “I’m pleased he’s working out.”

  “Yeah, you were right. He was looking for something. Haven’t found nothing he ain’t willing to put his hand to.” Grumbler’s looking happy, and the rest of the men around the table are nodding. I’m pleased I was right that day on the beach. Briefly I think back on that meeting with that bitch of Alex’s mom, and the difference between her and these men, and how easily they accepted him as though they didn’t even notice his colour, just the man underneath. Alex’s mom hadn’t bothered to see me, just stopped at my skin. It had been a strange feeling, and one which helped me better understand my woman’s challenges in life.

  “So, VP. You wanted to bring something to the table?”

  “An update is all.” I lean forward and rest my chin on my hands. “You know Tyler’s condition.” They’ve all been witnesses at one time or another to one of his episodes. “I want to thank you all for what you’ve done.” Yeah, there’s been some changes around here. No one smokes in the clubroom anymore—it had only taken Salem’s brief conversation with Alex for him to use his enforcing role in that direction and fuck it if these hardened men hadn’t objected once they understood how it could trigger a serious reaction from the kid. Even Smoker didn’t complain, though it does mean he spends most of his time outside.

  Likewise, the air conditioning had been turned down with hardly a grumble. They’re good men here in San Diego. After they’ve accepted my gratitude with nods or chin lifts, I give them the news. “Tyler’s doctor has given the okay for the procedure to go ahead.”

  “That’s fuckin’ ace, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, Prez. But it’s gonna be hard. There’s a small chance he might not survive the process, and if he does, we have to keep everything crossed that it’s a success. He’ll be in the hospital for a month or two after.”

  “But it’s being done here, in San Diego?”

  I slowly nod. “Alex has confidence in Dr Crowther and his team at the university hospital, and they’re consulting with experts in the field in Boston.”

  “We got your back, Brother,” Pennywise offers.

  “Whatever time off you need, VP, just let me know.”

  “Thanks, Prez.”

  That’s all I can tell them. They don’t need
to know all the hours Alex and I have been thrashing out what’s best for Tyler. It’s a terrifying decision to make—the chance of a normal life on the one hand balanced against the possibility it might not be a success on the other, and the worst, that we might lose him. When Dr Crowther had confirmed the stem cells were viable, Alex didn’t know whether that was good news or not. But she’s again shown me her grit, trying to leave her emotions aside and to do what’s best for her son.

  “Okay. Let’s move on. The road trip to Tucson.”

  “Fuck yeah. Can’t fucking wait.” Dusty’s enthusiastic input is picked up by the rest.

  Most of the chapter will be making the ride to Tucson next Friday night, staying over in the compound, and then taking part in the poker run the next day.

  “Blaze, anything you want to say?”

  The road captain nods at the prez. “Just ride safe, brothers. And Kink, try to stay shiny side up, will ya?” He adds the last drily.

  That gets a laugh. Kink took a corner too fast week before last and parted company with his bike. Apart from a few scratches on his ride and a small patch of road rash, he’d escaped relatively unscathed, only to become the butt of many jokes.

  We discuss some of the details and then round the meeting up.

  In the clubroom, Alex is talking with Niran, obviously having already put Tyler to bed. As my brothers file past her, they all say a word or give her a nod, and as usual I’m blown away at how easily she’s fitting in here. She’s the only old lady, which gives her top spot, and while I had doubts at first, she’s managed to gain the respect of the sweet butts. Any fears I had there might be bad blood between her and Eva have disappeared, and they’re often found together, discussing Tyler’s condition, his forthcoming operation, and the aftercare he’ll need. I have to smile as I recall Bones telling me early on that he’d witnessed a blow-up between them and overheard what Thompson had done to Alex would be nothing compared to what she would do to Eva if she caught her sniffing after me again. Yeah, that seemed to do the trick. Eva barely looks in my direction nowadays if she can help it.

  For a few seconds, I simply stand and admire Alex. She’s squeezed into leather pants, and oh fuck, that ass as she bends over. I notice Deuce, the newly patched in member, is eyeing her up, and slap that fucker around the back of the head. “That’s my ol’ lady you’re ogling.”

  “Sorry, VP. But she’s a stunner.”

  As I raise my fist, he puts his hands up and backs off grinning. Yeah, she certainly is. And she’s mine. All mine. Watching her ass give a little wiggle as she talks makes me want to get away and take her somewhere private. Approaching her, I curl my hand around her shoulder and pull her back into me. “Want ya, doll.”

  She turns and comes into my arms, attuned to me as I am to her. “What you got in mind, old man?”

  “Showing you I’m not old for a start,” I tell her, then lift her up, and as she wraps her legs around my waist and arms around my shoulders with a squeal, I carry her up and into our room.

  “I was talking—”

  “And now I want your attention. Get naked, doll, and on the bed. You can put that pretty ass in the air for me.”

  I’ve given her a lot of firsts, but there’s one thing I haven’t yet tried, and unless she has any objections, tonight’s the night. And fuck me, she’s winding me up. She’s done what I asked, and while I’m standing here, admiring the view, she’s wriggling that luscious ass at me. She has no fucking clue what she’s asking for.

  Stripping off my cut and t-shirt, and then dispensing quickly with the rest of my clothes, I close the gap between us and bring my hand down on her butt.


  “That’s what you get for teasing me.”

  As a response, she wriggles again. And gets another smack. She giggles.

  “Think that’s funny, do you? You’ve no fuckin’ idea what you’re gonna get for tempting me, doll.”

  “You’re keeping me waiting, Dart.”

  She’s become so much more confident in the privacy of our bedroom. I lean over her, letting her feel the warmth of my chest on her back. “Whatcha want, doll?” I put my lips to that pulse on her neck, and her breathing starts to speed up. Reaching my hands around her, I palm her gorgeous breasts, and then can’t resist pinching her nipples. She pushes herself into my hands.


  “That’s my name. Whatcha want, hmm?”

  “Lick my pussy.”

  I’ve no problem with that but take a moment to enjoy the feel of her tits. I don’t need anything to encourage me, my cock is already primed and ready to go, but I’ll take care of her first. I want her so turned on she won’t care what I do.

  Sliding down, I part her ass cheeks and stare at that puckered hole. It looks like it’s waiting for me. My tongue comes out and circles around, and then I push in, just a little. Her musky perfume is all I breathe in and fuck me if I don’t get harder.

  I lower my tongue, and she’s already wet. I lap at the sweet salty moisture, the taste driving me crazy as I get into the routine that I’ve learned she likes, bringing my hands into play. I tease her clit, push my fingers inside her slit, and it’s not long before her legs clench and her muscles begin to quiver.

  “Dart! Please…”

  I don’t keep her waiting, just give her what she needs, and soon she’s releasing over my hand. I continue to fondle her.

  “Dart, no, stop.”

  I ease my touch a little, but don’t give up, and quickly another orgasm makes her drop onto the bed. While she’s panting and trying to recover her breath, I open the drawer of the bedside table and extract something I’d left there, leaving one item that will be too much for today.

  Pulling her ass up, I again part her cheeks and dribble some lube down her crack. She yelps at the coldness and starts to tense as I rub it around the hole.

  “Shush, babe. Let me play.”

  Gradually she begins to relax, then tenses again as I use more lube and push a finger through that tight ring.

  “Relax, babe.”

  “How can I relax? You’ve got your hand in my ass!”

  That makes me laugh. “Not my hand, doll. Just one finger for now.”

  I add a second, and this time she squeaks.

  “Go with it, babe. Feel the sensations. Don’t overthink it.” As I speak, I start scissoring my fingers inside.

  “Dart! Dart, I…”

  With my other hand, I reach around and finger her clit. She might be surprised at the unfamiliar feeling, but it’s brought her close to another peak. It doesn’t take long before she’s coming again. I risk a third finger while she’s distracted, and at the same time tear open the condom wrapper with my teeth and extracting the latex, one-handedly smooth it over my very hard cock, then smother it with lube.

  Before she can come back to her senses, I start pushing inside. She tenses, I smack her lightly. “Relax, you can take me.”

  “Dart, you’re too big.”

  “Bear down. Let me in.” Another smack, with enough force that she likes. And fuck, she’s trying for me, and in goes the head.

  “Is that it?”

  “Got a little way to go yet, doll.” I chuckle. Actually, it’s quite a lot. “You feeling okay?”

  “It burns.”

  “Is it too much?” A pause and I push in a little more, and at the same time, finger her clit.

  “Dart, I…”

  I what? Hate it? Like it? Don’t want to admit to enjoying me invading her forbidden place? Hoping it’s the latter, I decide to push in more. “Tell me to stop if you have to.” And fuck me if I’m not all the way in. “That’s it, babe.” I pause for a moment to let her get used to the alien sensation. “I’m gonna move now.”

  “Thank God for that!”

  Shit! Even in the middle of initiating her into ass play she can make me laugh. But the smile on my face doesn’t last long, as I slide out, then back in again slowly, the feel of her gripping me so tightly is
making me count the cables on my bike in an effort to stop me blowing my load too soon. Brake cable, throttle, battery lead to...

  “Oh, Dart. Oh, God, that feels so good.”

  I quicken my pace.

  “Dart! I never. Dart!”

  I play with her clit again, and when she tenses up, start moving faster, thrusting in and out. Fuck, I’m not going to last. She feels so fucking good.

  “Dart!” she screams out, and I feel her shaking, and her orgasm ripples over my cock. I lose it. Hammering in, the tingling starts in my spine, cum churning up from my balls and shooting out into the condom. Fuck, that was probably one of the more intense and best orgasms of my life. Oh, I tried ass play before, but it’s never been this good before. Everything’s better with my ol’ lady.

  “You like that?”

  She shudders, and I can’t interpret the answer.


  She takes a deep breath. “I don’t think I’m supposed to, but yes, I did.”

  “Hey, there’s no right or wrong, you know that? What we want to do in private is up to us, okay? And,” I lean over and wait until she turns her head, then press my lips to hers, “I’ve got another toy for another day. A vibrator to fill up your pussy while I’m taking your ass.”

  Now I know that shiver’s one of anticipation. Oh yeah, I’m gonna enjoy my old lady. Going back to a sweet butt? Hell, no. Never. No way. They just can’t compete.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  “How many registrations is that?”

  “Two-hundred-and-fifty-eight. Fifty-nine,” a very pregnant Sophie corrects as she takes the money from a biker who’s just appeared as I stare around, amazed to see such large numbers milling around, some on their own, but the majority mingling in groups with men wearing the same patches on their cuts. As well as Satan’s Devils from all different chapters, there are a number of other clubs represented, and many unaffiliated bikers just along to enjoy the ride. It’s an incredible turn out, and far more than I expected. Quickly I add up the ten-dollar entry fees in my head. That’s over two-thousand dollars, and that’s just the start. Even allowing for paying out for the prizes, that’s still more than I’d hoped.


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