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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

Page 180

by Manda Mellett

  I give a small smile then a nod. But there’s one last thing to ask. “Okay, you’ve persuaded me. If you let me, I’ll stay at the compound.” Then I remember what else I’ve acquired, and add, “What about Grunt?”

  “Fuck me. If we decide you can stay, that fuckin’ pooch can too,” Drummer grumbles, a small smile softens his face for an instant until he returns to looking stern once more. He jerks his head toward his VP. “We’ve got things we need to think about and discuss. Stay close to Heart tonight, and we’ll let you know our decision when it’s been made.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Watching Prez and the VP take Marc into the office, I wonder what the fuck they’re going to say to her, hoping they don’t do anything to increase her already highly charged emotional state. Today’s thrown so much shit at her, I’m not sure how much more she can handle. Knowing she’s carrying my babies only increases my anxiety. I don’t want her upset.

  Babies. Fuck. I’m still trying to get my head around that. Trust the fucker Hyde to spit out she’s pregnant, but that it’s with twins we’ll keep to ourselves. Listening to that doctor, there are a lot of hurdles in the way until she gives birth. Whatever she believes, I’m going to be right by her side every step of the way. And if the worst happens, and she loses them? I’ll be there to pick up the pieces.

  Even if it’s not here. I don’t want to leave the club, but it’s obvious neither Drummer nor my brothers want a cop permanently on the compound. While we don’t often discuss members lost during Bastard’s days—the majority of us having come to the club long after they went—their spectre still hovers above us, the way they died hanging heavy as a warning.

  “You know what you’re doing, Brother?” Viper, one of the originals, has come up to me, moving quietly for such a big man. “You really want this? Want her?”

  That’s one thing I’m sure about. Fuck knows why, but now I’ve realised I can’t let her go. And it’s not just because she’s carrying my kids. I like the woman, missed her like fuck when I couldn’t talk to her. “Put it this way, Viper. If I have to turn in my patch, so be it. Don’t wanna live in the civilian world, but she’s the best thing that’s happened to me since I lost Crystal.” There, I’ve said it. Mentioned her name aloud. What I don’t tell him is this feeling inside me that’s convinced me my lost wife has had a hand in bringing us together.

  As Sam comes up, Viper puts his arm around her. Out of all of us, he should know how much I want to be part of these children’s lives and not just get to know them when they’re adults. The prez’s old lady looks concerned, even annoyed. She smacks her lips together and then makes an observation. “She tricked you, Heart. Oh, I know you must have fucked her, takes two to tango and all that. And you could have gloved up, but apparently didn’t. If she got pregnant on purpose—”

  “Shut the fuck up.” Although I’d been feeling light-hearted since hearing the news, having seen Marc today, having witnessed her breakdown, I know Sam’s so far from the truth with her suggestion I’ve been trapped, it’s laughable. Some of my anger of the past months returns as I stare at her. “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

  Now, she’s joined by Sophie. “Heart, why did she lie?”

  “She didn’t, alright?” I snap, then noticing Viper’s glaring at me, realise I have to tone it down. Fuck, their reaction is only the same as mine when Hyde dropped his bombshell. “Look, when she lost her family, she was badly injured herself. Fucking doctors made a call, told her she couldn’t have kids. She was rightly convinced she could never conceive.” My eyes go to the door of the closed office, and I hope Drummer isn’t being too hard on her. She doesn’t need any more shit to worry about, not today. I sweep back my hair, then turn to the two women. “I heard it today myself from the doctor. Fact is, it’s a fuckin’ miracle she got pregnant. And if anything happens, chances are she might never be able to again.”

  “Hey, you got super sperm or something?” Joker’s hand slaps my back.

  My anger starting to fade, I flash him a quick grin. “Seems that way.”

  “You got twins in your family?” Lady, never far from Joker’s side steps up. “Might be lucky and get two at once.” I look at him sharply, then understand he’s just joking. We hadn’t said there were two. Some things are best kept to ourselves. We’ll be lucky if she carries one to term, let alone two.

  Frowning, I realise what a long fucking journey this will be, for me and for her. I answer Lady’s question, leaving it open.

  “Fuck if I know, man. Never knew my folks.” Again, my gaze goes to that door. I don’t want that for my kids.

  I realise, if I’m staying, I want my brothers’ support. “Truth is, we weren’t going to say anything. Can we not make a big thing of this? Just in case things go wrong? Her injuries might mean she loses it.”

  Sam, quiet since I admonished her, has her hand over her mouth, sympathy shining out from her eyes. Her fingers press into my arm. “We’re here for you, Heart.”

  Sophie, still relatively new to our world, goes one step further. “For both of you.”

  My insistence that I haven’t been trapped eases some of the tension out of the air. Now, Dollar switches to the other subject.

  “She really lose her job?”

  “Yes, Dollar, she did.” I believe her, have every faith in her. Today proved she’s never lied to me before, and for some reason I don’t think she would.

  Grunt makes a whimper, and I realise the pup probably needs to go outside. Thinking fast and sliding my belt out of my pants, I fashion a makeshift slip collar and lead and make my way to the front of the clubhouse. Good dog that he is, he soon does his business and I take him back inside.

  Tongue’s eyeing him up. “Looks like he’s got deer or wolfhound in him. Doubt if he’s a pure breed, not if he was discarded.” He squats down to examine him and ruffles his hands through the grey wiry hair. “Probably only a few months. Cute little fucker.” He’s rewarded by a lick.


  At my shout, Fergus, who still works part time as a bouncer at Angels, runs up. He’s always eager to please, but even his mouth drops open as I send him to get food, bowls, and all associated paraphernalia that goes with having a pup. He goes off muttering under his breath, but that’s what being a prospect’s all about. In truth? If I’d seen him thrown out of the car, I’d have taken the mutt myself. If I ever catch up with the person who threw him away like a piece of garbage, they’ll have breathed their last breath.

  I can’t wait to introduce him to Amy. And where is my daughter? “Where’s Amy?” I call over to Sam.

  “Jayden’s babysitting all the kids up at our house. You want her to stay with us tonight?” I think about her offer, it will give Marc and I some space to talk. Tomorrow will be soon enough to introduce Amy and Grunt. As I’m thanking her, the office door opens, and the woman who’s occupying most of my thoughts steps out.

  She looks tired and worn. As her eyes catch mine, she gives a half-smile and makes her way over to me.

  Drummer follows her out and hollers, “Peg, Blade, and Dollar. My office, now.”

  An officer meeting. Well, without me. But as I’ll be the subject of their discussion, I can’t argue at that. I watch the sergeant-at-arms, enforcer, and treasurer as they walk toward the prez, then guide Marc toward the bar. Now she’s here, with me, and I’ve made a commitment. I’m nervous. I get a beer for myself, and a soda for her.

  I take a deep breath, and ask, “How did it go in there?”

  She makes a seesaw motion with her hand. I take it no decision’s been taken, or not one that’s been communicated for now. I lean on the bar and stare unseeing at the bottles behind. Will I have to make good on my promise to leave the club if my brothers don’t trust Marc to be around? Until Drummer gives us his verdict, all I can do is play a waiting game.

  “You feeling alright?” She looks tired and drawn.

  “Honestly, Heart?
My mind’s in a whirl. I don’t know which way is up at the moment.” She’s relaxing against me, as though she’s got no fight left in her.

  It seems natural to put my arm around her, and her head rests against my shoulder. I can’t help glancing down to her stomach, still finding it hard to believe she’s carrying my babies in there.

  We stand like that, in silence. When the office door opens again, it’s as if everyone in the room stands to attention. Marc presses herself back against me.

  Prez marches out and stands in the middle of the room. He doesn’t have to call for quiet, all eyes are on him. “Heart’s ol’ lady stays.”

  I let out a breath in a whoosh. Thank fuck for that. I’d have done it, but I didn’t want to leave the club, go out into the world with no brothers at my back.

  Prez hasn’t finished. “Heart takes responsibility for her.” His eyes find mine. “I’m sorry, Brother, but I’m still not sure if this can play out permanently. Leopards can’t change their spots, and once a cop, always a cop. But for now, and until the current situation is sorted, this is where she’ll be.”

  So our future isn’t certain. Except, I can’t see anything other than being with her. I nod my thanks to Drummer while knowing Marc and I need to have that talk. If she does anything the club takes an objection to, it won’t just be her that ends up dead. It will be me too.

  Formalities over, I put my arm around my old lady, take the lead of our new dog, and walk them both up to the suite. She makes a move to go to the door of the room where she stayed before, but that’s not going to settle with me. Tightening my hold, I pull her into mine instead. I free Grunt from his leash and take him to the crate Fergus had bought and set up, settle him inside, and give him a bowl of food to keep him occupied. She stands and watches me.

  When I’ve finished, and clearly to her satisfaction, she shakes her head. “Heart.”

  “Don’t talk.”

  I twist my hands in her hair and angle her head, then my mouth comes down on hers. It’s the first time our lips have met. The first time I’ve kissed since the last I shared with my wife. The first time my mouth’s touched that of another woman in years.

  Her hands bat at my chest, trying to push me away, but now’s not the time for conversation. I’ve claimed her, for real. Time enough for words later, but now I want to cement our relationship the biker way. She’s mine. The suspense of waiting for Drummer’s pronouncement, the expectation of having her back in my arms, I’m not giving her any opportunity to escape.

  My lips press so tight to hers with almost enough pressure to bruise, and at last her arms drop to her sides and she opens for me. As my tongue makes its invasion, a little gasp escapes and her hands rise again, this time to touch me, her fingernails curling into my biceps.

  She matches me, giving as good as she takes as I grasp her hair tighter, her tongue duelling with mine. Her taste, slightly sweet from the soda she’d consumed, acts like a drug invading my veins. My damn cock’s so hard, it’s pressing against my zip. This is no gentle exploratory kiss, this is a meeting of animals, two creatures preparing to rut.

  But there’s something else as well—pent-up emotions and longings. Her response to me suggests I’m not alone in admitting my feelings at last.

  I’d enjoyed passion with Crystal, but never like this. She’d take what I wanted to give, responding almost politely in a ladylike manner. Marc is trying to take control, but I’m not going to let her. My tongue dives in, hers pushes it back, sweeping into my mouth. I retaliate in kind. Releasing her hair, I place my hand on the back of her head, pressing her to me, not allowing her to break away until we’re both gasping for air.

  Slowly I pull back, then lean my head to her forehead. “You’re mine.”

  “Heart, we need to talk about this,” she gets out in between pants.

  “Nothing to talk about, darlin’.” Too impatient to wait, my hands go to the top of her blouse, taking hold of each of the sides and ripping it apart. Buttons fly left and right and ping to the floor.

  “Heart!” she gasps. “We can’t do this.”

  Yes, we can. It’s not like we haven’t done it before. What she’s carrying in her belly bears witness to that.

  I unclasp her bra and release those amazing tits, nipples already erect. I need to taste her, this woman of mine. With one hand on her back, I imprison her, pulling her closer so I can lower my mouth.

  “Heart.” There’s a hitch in her voice as my tongue traces her aureole and then my teeth nip at her teat. Soon she’ll be nourishing my children here. The thought makes me even harder, and I have to loosen my jeans. At least I don’t have a belt to undo.

  With my free hand, I undo the button and take down the zip. As my hands free it from its confines, I can’t remember my cock ever feeling so much like steel. Now I’ve eased my immediate discomfort, I move my hand the few inches and next tackle the rest of her clothes. Soon my fingers are pushing the fastening aside. Due to my administrations to her breasts she doesn’t notice until her dress pants slide to the floor.

  “Heart.” I grin against her chest. All she seems able to say is my name. At least she knows who she belongs to.

  Sweeping her up into my arms, I turn to the bed and lay her gently down on top of the covers. Her eyes are wide open as she stares at me, bewildered.

  Without giving her time to protest, I’m sliding off her underwear, and now she’s naked, lying spread out as though she’s a feast, and I can’t wait to partake. Quickly, I dispense with my jeans and shirt and then kneel between her legs.

  “We can’t do this,” she rasps out. “Heart, stop. We need to talk.”

  But the scent of her arousal is driving me crazy, and the glistening between her thighs shows she’s just as turned on as I am.

  I don’t want to talk, don’t want to pause to make conversation. Putting a hand on either thigh, I force her legs further apart, and then my mouth’s there, on her most private place. The taste just as good as I remember.

  Her hands twist in my hair, at first trying to pull me away, but as I find her clit her back bows, and now she’s holding me close. My tongue sweeps inside that channel which will give birth to my kids, so tight it seems it will be an impossible feat. I use my hands and thrust my fingers inside, working her clit with my tongue and my teeth.

  She’s pushing up toward me, and still my name keeps coming out of her mouth. “Heart, Heart. Right there. Oh God, that feels good. Heart.”

  One hand comes up to toy with her nipple. As I pinch it hard, I feel her whole body tense. Her thighs and her hands now keeping me trapped, I couldn’t move away even if I wanted. And right here and right now, that’s the last thing on my mind.

  She’s shaking, her muscles visibly rippling, and then she goes still, and a wail comes from her lips. “Heart.” My name extended as though it has more than one syllable.

  I continue to lick, to lap up her cream. That taste of hers I know I’m already addicted to. My cock’s leaking pre-cum onto her thigh.

  “This is gonna be fast, darlin’.” I start to move up the bed when she suddenly moves and I find myself flipped on my back.

  “Fair’s fair.” I didn’t expect her to flash that grin toward me. Nor for her to slide down and before I realise her intention, she sucks my cock into her mouth. She can’t take it all, but uses her hands on the shaft.

  “Not going to take much, sweetheart.” I give her fair warning, watching her mouth over my dick, the way her tongue’s lapping up my pre-cum as though it’s the best thing she’s ever tasted, that look of concentration as she works me. I’m enraptured the way her cheeks hollow as she takes me inside until I’m hitting the back of her throat. She raises her head, takes a breath, then sinks back down, this time taking more and swallowing around me. Then she repeats her actions, pausing to lick at that sensitive spot under the head. My balls draw up, and I’m close, so close…

  “Sweetheart. Marc. Now goddammit.”

  But she’s ignoring my instruction to
pull away, and I can’t hold back my release as I come into her mouth.

  She swallows it all, licking her lips and then licks me clean. When she sits back, she’s wearing a wide, satisfied grin as she wipes the back of her hand over her face.

  I sit up sharply, my hand curling around her neck, pulling her to me. As our tongues meet, I taste me on her, and her on me, the combination driving me wild all over again. Her cheeks are flushed, her eyes sparkling. What fucking magic she’s working I don’t have a clue, but my cock is already swelling and ready to go once more.

  This time it’s me who tosses her over, first onto her back, then manhandling her until she’s on her hands and knees. She’s trying to get me where she wants me, but I give her no chance to take charge. We’re fighting for dominance in my bed, but I’m going to win this, no question of that.

  Lining myself up, I slide home in one thrust.

  “Heart! Oh my God, Heart!”

  I only came a minute or so ago, but the feeling of her tight cunt squeezing me shows it barely took the edge off. She’s no passive lover, she’s an active participant. I fucking love it. As I hammer in, she’s pushing back against me, trying to take all I’ve got to give. It doesn’t take long before I feel the telltale signs. Reaching around, I press the heel of my hand to my dick to give me more time and then move my fingers to her clit and pinch it. That’s all it takes, and she’s coming all over me, my poor cock being strangled as her muscles contract. Thank fuck I’ve already come, else I’ll have lost it again.

  While she’s coming down I pull out, turn her over, then hoist her legs up over my shoulders and drive in once again, this time even deeper. Her whole body’s flushed red now, covered in a sheen of sweat, and I wipe a drop from my own brow. This is no civilised union, we’re each giving as good as we can get.

  Raising my hand, I encircle her neck. Her eyes go wide, but she doesn’t protest. I’m letting her know exactly who’s in charge here, and it’s not her, it’s me.

  I’m lunging in and out as though the devil is after me, driving hard into that sweet, tight cunt. Suddenly, I need to see her joining in.


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