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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

Page 182

by Manda Mellett

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Chills as cold as ice ran through me when I heard that call, the detective’s warning and the death threat he’d overhead. We’ve got to protect Marc. I haven’t just claimed her to lose her now. There’s no fucking way we’re giving her up to dirty cops looking for a chance to get her permanently out of the way. Alonso Herrera. That’s the same name that Susie spouted with what she hadn’t known was one of her last breaths. How has Marc crossed him? Why does he want her dead so badly? What’s he got over the cops who are risking their jobs to take her out? They must know what they’re doing is chancy, and that’s why they won’t risk taking her in. She must know too much.

  Drummer’s deep in conversation with Wraith and Peg, hopefully working out a game plan. I take my gun out of my waistband and check it over, patting my pocket to make sure I’ve got enough ammunition, hoping like fuck we can avoid a firefight, but needing to be prepared. It wouldn’t surprise me if Reynolds and Garza intend to force their way onto the compound.

  As I’m replacing my weapon, a hand grips my arm. “Heart, I can’t let you do this. It’s me they’ve come for, not any of you.”

  I gaze at her staring up at me intently, then put my arms around her and pull her in close. “I thought we’d established how much you mean to me. Not gonna let you walk into a bullet. It’s not just you, now, Marc. Think of those babies you’re carrying.”

  “I still can’t believe they would hurt me.”

  “Your friend, Reed, sounded pretty certain they would.” Placing my finger under her chin, I turn her to face me. “Can’t take the risk. And, I need you to look after Amy.” Again I move her head so she can see my daughter playing with Grunt, pleased to see the pup seems quite tolerant as she pulls at his ears. “I want you to take her and the dog up to Drum’s house. Sam, Jayden, and Sophie will be there with the kids.” It’s one good thing that the other old ladies who have homes off-site haven’t yet come in today, or are working.

  “I need a gun. If…” her voice breaks. “If something happens, I need to be able to protect them.”

  She’s got a point. A quick word to Drum, a cautious look in her direction, and then she’s given a Glock, which she checks over and seems to know how to use. Oh fuck, who am I kidding, of course she knows, she’s been trained as a cop.

  Prez has given it to her himself, along with a few words. “Sam’s armed, she’s a good shot. If they get through us, then the two of you will give them a run for their money.”

  Marc shakes her head. “If they get that far, I’ll give myself up, Drum. Not going to risk women and children.”

  Prez looks at her sharply then follows that up with a pat on her arm. Though she doesn’t realise it, it’s a silent acceptance, his way of showing she’s now one of us. No longer a cop, but a biker’s old lady.

  I tell her goodbye with a kiss, not drawing it out, not giving her any idea that it might be a final parting. She’s scared enough as it is, for me, for herself, for everyone here, and for our babies.

  We don’t know how long we’ve got, they could already be approaching, so following Drummer we go to the gates. Prez might just have wanted the officers with him, but as we mill around waiting for instructions on how to greet our unwelcome visitors, all of my brothers have come with us.

  Prez steps into the centre. “We’re not supposed to know that they’re coming, so I don’t intend a show of force to greet them. Slick, Viper. Look like it’s any normal day and man the gate, will ya?” Both men nod, giving him chin lifts, not even complaining that’s normally a prospect’s job.

  “The rest of you, get into the shop. When they start waving that warrant, Peg and I will come out. Won’t raise suspicion. Wraith, you and Blade stay back out of sight. If it sounds like we need backup, come out with the rest of the boys, armed, and form up behind us.”

  “Got it, Prez.”

  “Don’t you want me to go out first? Keep you in reserve?”

  Drum tosses a glare at his VP, that one expression showing why he’s got the respect of the club. He’d never ask anyone to do what he’s not prepared to do himself.

  As Wraith shrugs, looking like he thought it was worth a try, the sound of sirens approaches us.

  “Prez, I’d like to be here. She’s my ol’ lady after all.”

  He considers it, then nods. “Don’t think they know who you are, so okay, you tag along when Peg and I come up. Now scat, everyone. Why the fuck they’re coming in loud I don’t know.”

  “Intimidation,” Peg suggests as we walk to the shop.

  “As if that’s gonna fuckin’ work,” Blade shouts back.

  Yeah, but it might if we hadn’t been warned and only had a green prospect like Fergus on the gate.

  The sirens get louder, and then the engines cut off. I’m trying to estimate the number of cars—definitely more than one, probably three. Reed was right, they’ve come with full backup, and all just to pick up one female ex-cop.

  There’s shouting outside, an exchange I can’t quite make out, and then Drum gives the signal, and I follow him and Peg out, walking the fifty or so feet to the gate. Slick and Viper are arguing with a man in uniform, beside him is standing a man in a suit, and behind them eight other cops.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Prez, the cops here have a warrant.”

  Without getting close to the gate, Drum asks, “What is it? Not a good time to look around the compound. We ain’t got any guided tours running today.”

  Ignoring Prez’s attempt at levity, the uniformed man steps closer. “I’m Sergeant Reynolds. I’ve got a warrant for Detective Marcia Hannah.”

  That’s interesting, he’s given her her title. Does he not remember yesterday he gave her the sack? But I keep my face impassive, giving nothing away.

  “Not sure I know anyone of that name. And why you think we’d have a cop on the compound, I’ve no fuckin’ idea.”

  “She’s here,” Reynolds states, and then startles as the man at his side pops his gum loudly. A brief twinge of disgust, then his attention turns back to the prez.

  Drum’s grinning, only those that know him realise he’s not amused. “You saying I’m harbouring a cop? And if there’s a warrant out for her arrest, one who’s walking my side of the law?” He shakes his head, and his gaze takes in me and Peg. “You seen any cops here?”

  Dutifully we smirk. Remembering she lost her job, we’re not even lying.

  Drummer takes a step forward. “There is no cop on the compound,” he repeats, as he rolls his shoulders.

  Reynolds exchanges glances with Garza. Garza moves closer to the gate. As he does so, he spits the gum out of his mouth. Another job for the prospects to clear up. I, for one, don’t want that shit stuck in my treads.

  “Look, Drummer, I know she’s here. I don’t know what story she’s given you, but she’s playing both sides. Telling you things she shouldn’t, and feeding back facts to us about the club.”

  No she fucking hasn’t. I’d stake my life on it.

  Reynolds swings around and makes a gesture to the cops who’d arrived with him. All of a sudden, they’re all holding guns. Peg whistles, and Wraith, Blade, Dollar, and all my brothers come out and stand at our backs. I watch Drum’s hand, it’s held palm down, our own weapons stay firmly out of sight. Safer that way, one trigger-happy cop could kill the first man who goes for his piece.

  “Unless you’ve got a search warrant, that’s as far as you come.” Prez sounds reasonable as he explains, “My brothers and I have a right to protect our property. Any attempt to force open the gates, and you’ll be illegally trespassing. Don’t give a fuck as to the reason you’re here, but you’re not coming inside.”

  For a moment it’s a stalemate. They’d love us to take out our guns and threaten the cops. It would result in a firefight which they wouldn’t win, and I really don’t feel like burying bodies today.

  “Could do with the dirt track being extended.”

Road’s low mumbled comment behind me makes a few men give strangled laughs.

  Drum silences him with a look that could kill all by itself.

  It’s quiet for a moment, both sides waiting for the other to make a move, the peace broken by the sound of yet more engines. As they’re obviously cars and not bikes, Reynolds and Garza share a look of concern.

  The new police cars park sideways across our drive, making sure the vehicles in front can’t get past them. The cops turn around and start greeting colleagues, wide-eyed at the interruption. Reynolds swings about and goes to meet the uniformed Hispanic man getting out, alongside another plain-clothes detective.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Reed?” he snarls out. Ah, so that’s who Marc was talking to. He’s an older man, obviously been in the force for years. Then the sergeant looks more respectful as he greets the uniformed man. “Lieutenant Diaz? What brings you here?”

  The lieutenant looks on wearily. “You’ve got some explaining to do, Reynolds. And Garza too.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, then gives the instruction. “Take all of them in, we’ll sort it all out at the precinct.”

  Suddenly cops are being handcuffed by cops. Several of those first to arrive look bemused. A couple of others object and put up a half-hearted fight.

  As we stand watching our entertainment for the day, I almost miss Garza taking out his gun and pointing it at the prez. Diving for Drummer and pushing him aside just as it fires, I feel a burning sensation in my arm. Fuck, not again. Haven’t I been injured enough? Clasping my other hand to the wound, I feel blood dripping out.

  Garza’s been overpowered and taking down by his own. When the presumably clean and dirty cops have sorted themselves out, Lieutenant Diaz steps up to the gate and points at me. “You alright?” His voice sounds weary, as if this was a day he didn’t expect.

  Peg’s by my side and answers for me. “He’ll live. He’ll have to see his best friend, Doc.” Yeah, I’ve been seeing far too much of him over the last few months.

  Diaz then focuses his eyes on the prez. “Drummer. Heard some things today. It’s going to take time to sort out. Detective Hannah appears to be under your protection.” He wipes a hand over his face. “These are strange times. I don’t know what’s going on, but what I have heard, I don’t like. Think it’s best she stays here for now, but she will need to come down to the precinct once I’ve questioned Sergeant Reynolds and Detective Garza. Tell her I’ll be in touch.”

  Drum acknowledges him with a lift of his chin, and then we watch as the police get back into their cars and drive away. No one’s surprised when the next word out of his mouth is, “Church.” But I don’t expect him to add, “And bring Marcia along. Reckon there are a few things we need to discuss.”

  And that’s how an ex-cop takes the unusual step of taking a seat at the end of the table. She’s biting her lip as she sits down, so I throw her a smile. Doc’s already been and put a couple of stitches in my arm. As Peg thought, the bullet just grazed me, though it hurt like a bitch. When I see her eyes fall on the bandage, I shake my head to dismiss her concern.

  “Let’s get started. Marcia, you missed all the fun.” There’s a rumble of laughter, which prez waits to fade. “Your man Reed was right. Your sergeant and partner definitely had the hots for you. Lucky for you that detective managed to raise the alarm and get the lieutenant on his side.”

  She raises her hand, and when Drummer nods, casts her eyes around everyone sitting there. “Thank you, all. I don’t like asking other people to fight my battles for me—”

  “You wouldn’t have won this one, darlin’. They were intent on taking you in. Came in heavy enough to show that. And, as Reed predicted, I don’t think you’d have arrived at the precinct.”

  She’s looking flummoxed. “I’ve just been trying to do my job.”

  “I suspect you were doing it too well.” Wraith nods at her.

  Prez jerks his chin toward Wraith. “And I think that’s what we’re dealing with here. Thing is, what do you know? What is it that makes two experienced cops risk themselves like that?”

  “It wouldn’t have been a risk if Reed hadn’t found out.” Again, her teeth worry her lip. I notice she’s gone a bit pale as she realises how close she’d just come to ending up dead. “He mentioned Alonso Herrera. He’s either paying them or holding something over them.”

  “Or both. This didn’t start yesterday. If they’ve been working for the Herreras for some time, no doubt there’s plenty of stones that could be turned over.”

  Blade points his knife directly toward Marc. “What is it? Just what do you know?”

  “And would you tell us?” Drummer asks succinctly. It’s a short question, but what he’s really asking is whether she’s going to throw her lot in with the club. My thoughts confirmed as he continues, “Lieutenant Diaz referred to you by rank. I suspect your job is still yours.”

  She drops her head into her hands, and we give her some space. When she looks up, she catches my eye and the corners of her mouth turn up. “I became a cop so I could put the bad guys away. Trouble is, I don’t even know who they are anymore. And now I think I need to re-examine what I want out of life. There are two things I know. I want to give what’s between Heart and I a chance. And the other, I can’t give up searching for those missing kids, finding out what’s happened to them, and preventing any more going missing.”

  As I feel a warm glow inside as she publicly admits she’s going to give our relationship a try, Drummer cocks his head to one side. “There’s more than one way of doing that.” He nods at Slick and me. “We’ve got a vested interest in trying to keep our girls safe.”

  “You’re saying the club will help me investigate?”

  “You want to put the bad guys off the street? Seems we’re both on the same side.”

  Now her tongue’s licking her lips and eliciting a most inappropriate reaction from my cock in church as I remember her mouth around me last night. As I adjust myself under the table, I try to concentrate on her words.

  “I can’t have Heart and my job. And I’d never ask Heart to leave the club. So whether or not my lieutenant thinks I’m still a cop, consider me unemployed.” She looks at me and smiles.

  There’s a ripple of relief around the table, a couple look more reserved, but much of the tension has been relieved. Slick gets out his smokes, offers one to Blade, and they light up.

  “So, what have you got to share?”

  Marc leans back in her chair. “I’ve been thinking. Reynolds threw out my report on Archer. I thought it was because he didn’t want his reputation tarnished, possibly working on instructions from the Herrera family.” Again she’s biting her fucking lip, and I wish she’d stop drawing my attention to her mouth as I’d prefer not to keep experiencing very inappropriate flashbacks. “What if I was on the wrong track? What if I hadn’t done enough digging? What if there was more to Archer being in the house that night? What if he’d been working with someone else?”

  “What do you mean?” Drum asks sharply.

  “We had information that house was used to molest kids. I didn’t like working with Archer, he acted inappropriately toward me and other women, and some of the things he said… Well, it wasn’t too far a stretch for me to assume he took part, if not in the grooming, in benefitting from the results.” Now she sits forward. “But what if there was another sideline?” She pauses, then focuses her eyes on Drummer. “What if he had closer links with this Alonso Herrera than I’d supposed?”

  Mouse puts up his hand. “Alonso’s one of the new lieutenants Javier promoted when he took over from Leonardo.”

  How the fuck he found out while tapping at his keyboard I’ve no idea, but the information comes in useful now. Drum’s staring at him, smoothing his hand over his beard, then gives a brief nod of acknowledgment. Alonso’s far enough up the food chain for Javier to be involved. We still don’t know what we’re dealing with.

  Marc’s savvy enough to allow a pause for the new
s to sink, then tells us, “I found a report on Jayden Greenway being a missing person. Archer had written it up, but it was unusual that there was no interview with her mother.”

  Drummer looks at Slick, who thinks for a moment before he nods. “You tell this to anyone, and you’re fucking dead.” He waits for that to sink in. “Jayden was part of the child grooming ring.”

  I watch the pained expression on Paladin’s face and then glance back to Marc. She’s connected the dots. Her hand’s gone over her mouth. “That poor kid,” she gasps.

  Drummer nods. “And you already know about Amy. We happen to know the Herreras were behind it. Thought the ring had all been taken out.” He doesn’t go so far as to admit we were responsible.

  But Marc’s not stupid. “Tucson has a lot to thank you for.” No one acknowledges her words, so she fills the silence. “I don’t think all who were involved were killed that night, and that those who were left have taken it a step further. Not only grooming, but moving on to taking and selling underage kids.”

  I think we’ve all reached the same conclusion. Prez pushes back his chair in that familiar stance which shows he’s thinking, one foot perched against the table. After a moment, he lets us in on his thoughts. “Archer was behind wanting to take Amy. Maybe the idea came to him then. Okay, so they got money from the customers sexually abusing the kids, but maybe the payoff is bigger if they can sell them.”

  “And it’s less messy,” Marc adds intelligently. “Instead of keeping the kids controlled by threats and hoping they work, this way is a quick in and out. Snatch them, then find a buyer to take them. Less trouble all around. Let’s face it. The reason we know kids were groomed to go into that house was because on one occasion at least, their threats didn’t work.”

  Mouse looks up. “That’s been the business of the cartel, not the Herreras. What if we’ve got Los Zetas in town?”

  Marc shakes her head. “There are too many from one place in quick succession. It smacks of something local to me. The cartel is too clever to concentrate the abductions in the same town.”


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