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Kelley (Were Zoo Book Six)

Page 5

by R. E. Butler

  A chorus of goodbyes followed her out of the building. They walked to the security office for her ID, which she clipped to the waistband of her skirt, and then they took one of the park’s SUVs to drive to the hotel.

  “What are the rules about being away from the park? Since you’re all so security-minded, I figure there’s things I need to know.”

  “Nothing that would apply to you or I any longer,” he said. He rolled down the window as he stopped next to a guard house in front of a wrought iron gate. “This is my mate, Rhapsody,” he said to the male in the little house. “Rhapsody, this is Xavier.”

  “Caesar let me know the situation. Congrats and welcome to the zoo.”

  She smiled in greeting.

  “We’re going to the hotel for her things and then we’ll be back.”

  “Cool. Be safe.”


  He put up the window and the gate opened slowly. She plugged in the address for the hotel into the GPS.

  “We could have taken my car. It’s in the parking lot.”

  “The alphas prefer if we use the SUVs when we leave the park, since they have locator beacons in them. It’s a safety precaution. If you want to keep your car, the mechanics can put a beacon in it.”

  “To be honest, it’s a piece of junk, but it was Aunt Joy’s and I kind of want to keep it.”

  “I understand. When we get back to the park, I’ll drop you off at your car and you can follow me to the security gate. The gorillas handle the vehicle maintenance, and they won’t mind taking care of it.”


  “Anyway,” he said, “the rules for leaving the park pretty much only apply to unmated males and females. An unmated male or female isn’t allowed to spend the night outside of the park.”

  “Why not?”

  “Win, one of the gorillas, met his human soulmate one night when she had a flat tire and he stopped to help. He spent the night at her apartment and unintentionally shifted while he was asleep.”

  “Holy crap!”

  Kelley chuckled. “Exactly. He woke up when she screamed after finding a gorilla spooning her. He shifted back to human and had to convince her that he wasn’t dangerous and that the secret of our shifting was to be kept secret. Win’s mate is Lexy, who you just met.”

  “Oh, she’s so nice,” Rhapsody said. “I can’t imagine how scared she must have been.”

  “It worked out for the best in the long run, because Win and Lexy mated, and then her cousin, Trina, mated Justus, one of the bears. But it could have been a disaster. Just one slip up like that in front of the wrong person and our secret could have been broadcast to humans. With the way social media is nowadays, it would only take one video of a human turning into an animal, or vice versa, for it to become viral.”

  “I’m not too much up on social media,” she confessed. “Joy refused to try out new technology. I like the cell phone for playing games, but I’m always afraid to put myself out there on social media and accidentally reveal something.”

  “That’s understandable. Better to be safe than sorry.”

  “So, the reason the alphas want everyone to use the park SUVs is because of Win? They want to know where their people are if they’re not in the park.”

  “Pretty much. Jenni, the lioness you just met? She fell asleep with her mate at his hotel before they were officially mated and he didn’t know about shifters. Alpha Caesar looked up her location with the GPS and went to pick her up. It nearly ruined the relationship between her and her mate because Devlin didn’t understand why she couldn’t stay with him.”

  “Gracious. I never really thought about how it would be to have a human for a soulmate. I just always expected that my mate would be a shifter.”

  “I did too, until we started the VIP tours. The truth is that less and less shifters are finding their soulmates among their own kind, or even other shifters. If we don’t have offspring, shifters will die out. A half-human, half-shifter would still have a chance of shifting. It’s a way to keep our people going.”

  “I think it doesn’t really matter what a soulmate can or can’t shift into.”

  “I agree a hundred percent.”

  He parked in front of her room and she unlocked the door and he followed her in.

  “It’ll just take me a sec to gather my stuff.”

  “I’m not in a hurry.”

  She packed up her things and then surveyed her toiletry bag. “How long before we can go back to my home?”

  His brows rose. “Whenever you’d like to go. What do you need? You can order things from the market and they’ll deliver it to our private area.”

  “The house is mostly empty, but I have a couple boxes of clothes and family heirlooms. Plus, I’d really like to have my mom’s rocking chair to put in the baby’s room.”

  His eyes darkened as his nostrils flared. “Baby’s room? That sounds amazing.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “I think so, too.” Clearing her throat, she said, “There’s a wolf pack that wants to buy the land, so I just need to call and let the alpha know I’m ready to sell so he can get the money together. We can meet up with him after we pack up the house.”

  Kelley nodded. “Sounds good. Maybe we can go this weekend. I need to check with Alastair and make sure my shifts with the norms will be covered. Are you sure about this?”

  “About what?”

  “You don’t have to sell your family’s land right now, we can wait.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed and he joined her. “Aunt Joy was really the only reason I stayed. The territory is too big to keep up on my own, and if I’m living and working here, then it will just be untended and unused. I think my clan would be glad to know that the wolf pack is going to watch over the land and use it. There’s nothing there for me anymore. My family’s in my heart and memories, not in the houses and land.”

  He kissed her temple. “Just as long as you know that you’ve got my support no matter what.”

  “Thanks. Would it be okay if we did a little shopping on the way back to the zoo?”

  “Sure, what do you need?”

  “Just a few toiletries. I’m running low.”

  She packed quickly, double checked that she hadn’t forgotten anything, and loaded the SUV. Most of her stuff was still in her car in the zoo’s parking lot. After turning in her key to the hotel and paying for two days, they stopped at a pharmacy and she bought the things she needed to restock her supplies.

  She grabbed a bag of sugar coated orange jellies and put them on top of her things on the counter.

  “Are those your favorite?” he asked, pointing to the bag.

  “Yes. My parents used to pick up a bag for me whenever they went into town.” She gave him a side glance and said, “You probably like circus peanuts.”

  He stared at her in silence for a moment and then said, “Oh ha ha.”

  She giggled and attempted to pay for her items, but Kelley insisted he pay for them. Then he carried her bag to the SUV.

  “I only like real peanuts,” he said as he started the vehicle.

  “Seriously? I was just teasing.”

  He made a face. “Those orange fluffy things are not peanuts in any sense of the word.”

  “But they’re adorable.”

  She opened her bag of orange slices and handed him one, which he popped into his mouth. “Do you really like peanuts?”

  He nodded. “Absolutely. I think our shifter natures mimic the natural animal a lot. I’m not a vegetarian, though.”

  “I like red meat probably more than the average person, so I’d agree with that.”

  He returned to the zoo, and the parking attendant waved them through. She directed him to where her car was parked and he stopped next to it. “Follow me back to the security gate,” he said.

  She got into her car and followed him to the security gate. Then she parked alongside the SUV and left her keys in the visor.

  “We’ll wait until the park is
closed to empty your things from the vehicles,” he said as he took her hand. “It would look suspicious if we were taking suitcases into the employee cafeteria.”

  “Good point.” She carried only her purse and her bag of items from the pharmacy.

  “We’ve still got about an hour before the tours are done, and then it’ll be another hour or so before everyone shifts back and makes their way down here,” he said. “Let’s go talk.”

  When they walked into the house, she put her bags on the coffee table. Kelley closed the door and said, “There’s a problem.”

  Her brows rose. “What?”

  He cupped her face and stared at her intently. “I never asked you to be my mate.”

  She blinked in surprise. “I…oh. I guess not. But it’s okay.”

  He shook his head. “It’s not remotely okay. I took it for granted that you understood about mating because you’re a shifter, but it’s still not right.”

  “Okay. I’m listening.”

  He slid his hands down her throat and over her shoulders, his eyes darkening slightly with passion. “Rhapsody Caine, will you please be my mate? Will you live with me here in the zoo and make me the happiest male on the planet?”

  He was so sweet she wanted to cry. “Yes.”

  “Everything I have is yours, sweetheart. It’s not my house anymore, it’s ours. Whatever you want to change to make it home for you is okay with me.”

  She put her arms around his neck, rising onto her toes and kissing him. “How did I get lucky enough to have such a sweet soulmate? You’re wonderful.”

  “I’m the lucky one, trust me.”

  “I didn’t think it was possible to feel at home so quickly, but you’re it for me. Wherever you are is home. I’m already crazy about the zoo, and the people are so accepting and friendly. I can’t think of a better place to start our life together.”

  “Good. I want you to be happy. You’re the most important person in the world to me.”

  “You are for me, too.” She kissed him again, slower and more fully, sucking on his tongue and tracing the muscles in his back and shoulders.

  “We were going to talk,” he murmured against her lips.

  She twisted, pushing him toward the couch, where she straddled his lap. “We can talk later. I can’t get enough of you.”

  “I was just pointing out that we were going to talk,” he said. “Not that I wanted to do anything else but this. You’re addictive.”

  “Just one taste was all it took for me, too.”

  Chapter 8

  By the time the tour was over, and Kelley could hear the elephants return to their private area underground, he was head over heels for Rhapsody. She was witty and beautiful and so sweet. He was still astounded that he was lucky enough to have found his soulmate. He’d been wondering if the VIP tours would really work, and if perhaps the two soulmates found through them were just flukes.

  Now, he knew they weren’t.

  “I hear your people,” she said.

  “Yep. Alistair will text when everyone’s cleaned up and ready for dinner.” He toyed with his cell for a moment. “Would you like to video chat with my parents?”

  She tipped her head up to look at him. “Um, sure?”

  He smiled and brushed his lips over hers. “They’ll be in between shows right now so it’s a good time to call and say hi.”


  He could tell she was nervous about talking to his family, but he was positive there was nothing to worry about. His parents knew about the tours and had been hopeful he’d find his soulmate at some point. And they’d fully expected she would be human, which was what he’d been thinking as well. That Rhapsody was a shifter and he didn’t have to tiptoe around with his true nature until he could trust her was amazing.

  He walked into the bedroom and grabbed his tablet. He set it on the coffee table and used the case’s stand to adjust it so that they could both see.

  “I can hear your heart pounding,” he whispered as he opened the app and found his mom’s cell. His dad didn’t keep his cell on him during show nights, but his mom did. He typed out a quick text to say he had news and to ask if they were available to video chat. She replied right away that they were, and she’d call when they were in their trailer.

  “Trailer?” Rhapsody asked.

  “Yeah, it actually looks like an old-fashioned circus train car, but inside it’s a modern trailer. I grew up on the road. Some of the performers have RVs, but my mom wanted a home that was more home-like with a real kitchen. I had my own bedroom and everything.”

  “You must have seen a lot of amazing places on your travels.”


  “Where’s your favorite place?”

  He hummed in thought. “Well, I like Florida. You have the beaches and the swamps. I actually met a family of alligator shifters when I was a kid.”

  She arched her brow. “I didn’t know there were alligator shifters.”

  “Me either. And I really like California, too. The redwoods are my favorite.”

  “I’ve never been anywhere but where I grew up.”

  “Your family didn’t travel? Not even for vacations?”

  She shook her head, her hair slipping over her shoulder with the motion. “My parents didn’t have the money to travel, and I don’t think they were the adventurous sort. Our family vacations were just taking a couple tents and going to the nearby lake for the weekend.”

  “That’s still nice to get away, though. Even if it’s just for a short while. Would you like to travel?”

  “I’m kind of a homebody. But I’m looking forward to going to see the circus.”

  His phone buzzed and his mom texted that she and his father were home and able to chat for a bit.

  “Ready?” he asked as his finger hovered over the button on the tablet to start the video chat.

  She pursed her lips for a moment and then let out a shaky breath. “Yes.”

  He kissed her temple with a chuckle. “You’re mine, Rhapsody. They’ll love you because we’re soulmates, I promise.”

  The ring of the app echoed a few times, and then his parents appeared in the screen as they accepted the call.

  “Hi Mom, Dad,” he said.

  “Hello, Son,” his dad said with a smile.

  “Hi,” his mom said.

  “Mom, Dad, earlier today on the tour I met my soulmate. This is Rhapsody Caine. She’s a panther shifter.”

  His parents’ eyes widened in silent surprise and then they both cheered, his mom clapping as her eyes glistened with tears. “Oh, how wonderful!” his mom gushed. “I’m so happy to meet you, Rhapsody. What a beautiful name.”

  Rhapsody’s cheeks pinked. “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  “I’m Donovan,” his father said, “and this is my mate Rowena. Where’s your family from? Did you really meet on the tour?”

  Rhapsody explained about the loss of her family and recognizing him as her mate on the tour. He held her hand, and from time to time she’d squeeze it a little harder, as if she needed some extra support. They’d only been together for a few hours. Although their time together was wonderful, things were still new between them and they had a lot to learn about each other.

  “We’ll be in Delaware in two weeks,” his dad said as he looked at his phone and swiped his finger on the screen.

  “Oh, yes,” his mom said. “Would you both come down? We’d love to meet you in person, Rhapsody.”

  “I’d love to,” she said.

  “Can you stay for a while?” his dad asked. “Make a vacation out of it?”

  “I’m sure we can, if it’s okay with my soulmate.” Kelley gave Rhapsody a wink and she smiled.

  “I’d really like that. Do we need a hotel?”

  “No, no,” his dad said. “We’ve got an empty camper you can stay in. It’s Franklin’s old place.”

  Franklin was one of the oldest members of his parents’ memory, and had passed away a few mon
ths ago. The camper he lived in was small and outdated, but would be just fine for a visit.

  “Sounds good,” he said. Kelley’s phone buzzed and the text from Alistair read that the memory was gathered in his home to meet Rhapsody and have dinner. He returned a quick message that they’d be over in a few minutes.

  “I’ll send you our information when we get to Delaware,” his mom said. “We’re looking forward to seeing you both.”

  “It was nice to meet you,” Rhapsody said.

  “You too, dear,” his dad said. “Be well, both of you.”

  Kelley told his parents he loved them and would see them soon, and ended the video chat.

  Rhapsody leaned back on the couch and blew out a breath. “Your parents are really sweet.”

  “Told you they’d like you.”

  “My parents would have liked you, too,” she said.

  “Are you ready to go have dinner and meet the rest of my family?”

  “You bet,” she said.

  They left his home and walked to Alistair’s. “All the homes are the same,” he said. “We could always add onto the house if we needed to.”

  “Do you mean if we have a lot of kids?” she asked, a curious smile on her face as she looked up at him.

  He stopped walking and she turned to face him, not letting go of his hand. “We didn’t get a chance to really talk about having kids. Just that little conversation in the hotel room.”

  She hummed. “We probably should have talked about it before we made love, since I’m not on birth control. But we’re soulmates so I think we’re taking a lot of things for granted because we just knew we were right for each other immediately.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She shrugged. “Don’t be. I’m not. I want to have kids. I was an only child, and I always wished I’d had brothers or sisters. Especially when I lost my folks, and it was just me and Joy. That was very lonely.”

  He brushed his thumb along the bottom of her lower lip and cupped her cheek. She nuzzled his palm and let out a soft purr. “I want to have a big family, too. Being an only child isn’t too bad, but it can definitely be lonely. I have lots of cousins my age, though, and we all grew up together, so it’s not entirely the same thing.”


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