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Three Wishes

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by Reana Malori

  Three Wishes

  Reana Malori

  Three Wishes

  Copyright © 2018 Reana Malori

  Covert Artist: Glowing Moon Designs

  Credits: Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You © Lady Antebellum

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. Due to copyright laws, you cannot trade, sell or give any ebooks away.


  Jordan Hunt's need for Leticia James is coming to a boiling point. The beautiful, curvy, and oh so feisty woman grabbed his attention from the first moment he noticed her. Taking a chance, he introduced himself, not giving her a chance to walk out of his life. Two years, and a lifetime of memories later, he's determined to make her his. Even as she continues to push him away. She doubts he’s ready to settle down with just one woman. Namely her.

  Desire clawing at him to claim his woman, Jordan’s done all the right things. He’s bided his time and proven to Leticia that he’s not going anywhere. Shown her that he’d changed his ways. Still, the stubborn woman refuses to see they’re perfect for each other. Her lush curves would fit perfectly against his hard muscles. Those soft lips would kiss away the memories of anyone who came before her. If only she’d given them a chance.

  When visiting her home one day, he finds a piece of paper hidden away from public view. Three words catch his eye. My Three Wishes.

  Now Jordan has a mission. He's determined to make Leticia his in every sense of the word, even if he must use a little Christmas luck to make it happen.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  About the Author

  Books by Reana


  HIS FUCKING HEAD WAS POUNDING. If he didn’t get an aspirin soon, someone was going to feel the brunt of his anger. Better yet, he needed to get the hell out of this office and away from all the shit piling up on his plate. This had been the week from hell, and it was only Tuesday. Clients demanding too much, throwing their weight around. Constantly asking him to make miracles out of mincemeat. If they’d done the right things in the first damn place, he wouldn’t have to figure out how to get them out of this mess. Storming out of the office and onto the street, Jordan stopped for a moment to get his bearings. Taking a deep breath, he lifted his face to the sky, hoping to calm down.

  “Fuck this. I need a damn drink.” Deciding to head towards his favorite bar up the road, he set off in that direction. They’d know what he needed, and it came in a glass with a couple cubes of ice. Plus, this walk would do him some good. Hopefully. Figuring out a way to deal with his client’s latest catastrophe was going to take all his time and energy. But first, a drink.

  A shit acquisition of a shit company had cost his client more than eighty-million dollars. They’d gone against the damn good advice he’d given them, going off and doing their own thing. Stupid fucks purchased a small computer manufacturing company they’d now realized was useless. It was now worth less than one-third of the purchase price. Yet, Jordan was the one getting the urgent emails and frantic calls from the chief executive with demands to fix the situation. “Dumb motherfucker,” he growled.

  Rubbing his fingers across his tired eyes, he ran scenarios through his head. How the hell was he supposed to invalidate a binding contract that had been reviewed and approved by another lawyer? Shaking his head in disgust, he still couldn’t believe his client had gone to another lawyer just because he wasn’t happy with his advice. He’d never steered him wrong before. But he’d gotten a burr in his saddle for some reason. One day, he’d began grumbling and complaining that Jordan was too risk-averse. That was the same time he’d made the purchase, signing the paperwork to close the deal three months ago. The purchase was final, and there was no going back. Running his hand down his face, he sighed deeply. He knew he’d eventually have to come up with something to fix the situation.

  His lips turned down in a grimace. He loved the law. Truly and completely. Hell, he’d never even thought of choosing another profession. But some days—yeah, some days were worse than others. Like right now. It wasn’t a surprise that today had turned into a shit day. He’d just broken up with his latest girlfriend of the moment, and she’d taken to following him whenever he went out. He’d show up at a restaurant to have dinner with friends; she’d be there, glaring at him all night from across the room. His phone would ring at all times of the day and night. When he’d pick up to answer, there’d be no one on the line. Text messages would be sent begging him to come back to her, to not break her heart. He’d broken down and called his boy Tommy, a Fairfax County cop. Asked him to investigate the situation and let him know what his options are. It was his own damn fault for dating a woman he’d met while at a known hook-up spot. He needed to get his shit together. Stop dating women who couldn’t hold a thought in their head and only knew how to use their tits and ass to keep a man interested.

  What he needed to do was focus more on his career. Corporate law was where the money was, but he still questioned if he’d sold his soul to the devil the moment he decided to go pre-law. At the time, all he could see were the things that came with being an attorney. Including the five-hundred-dollar hourly billing rate and scores of women willing to drop their panties for him.

  After his first year of law school, he knew being a lawyer was his calling. From that point on, he excelled in every class, destroyed his classmates in mock courtroom battles, and planned for his future as a hotshot attorney banking seven figures by the time he was thirty. Without batting an eye, he’d gotten two back-to-back prime summer internships at an international law firm in Washington, D.C. and a formal offer to start with them after graduation, even before he began his final year. He passed the state bar on his first try, finishing the test first, and strolling out with his head held high. There’d never been a question of whether he would pass. Only how high would his score be. The truth was, he was damn good at what he did. Especially for a man his age. Yeah, he was just that damn good. Better yet, get him in front of opposing counsel or a courtroom, and he was a fucking shark.

  He never lost. Ever. It was more than his legal knowledge and ability to always find a person’s weakness. Although both of those served him well. It was also his unquenchable thirst to have it all. And he’d do anything it took to make that happen. Nothing stood in his way. He knew it. The partners of his firm knew it. And his clients banked on it. On occasion, the partners had even commented that if he didn’t stop and slow down, enjoy the life he’d worked so hard for, he’d end up like many of them had. Multiple divorces. Kids who could hardly stand to be in the same room as them. Young women on their arms who could care less about the man standing next to them, as long as the money kept flowing.

  It wasn’t that he’d grown up in a broken home or gone through some type of abuse when young. He hadn’t. This summer, his parents celebrated thirty-seven years of marriage. Thinking about his parents brought a small smile to his face. After all this time, they were still like two teenagers in love. Maybe one day he’d have
that, but it wasn’t something he wanted, or needed today. His life was just fine the way it was. Parents that loved him. A little sister he loved—when she wasn’t being a nuisance. Money. Power. Women. What more could he need?

  Turning the corner, he found himself behind a woman walking briskly down the street. His attention was immediately drawn to her. It was the sway of her hips as she confidently strode down the sidewalk in high heels. Her ass was encased in a tight black skirt. Just visible under a black jacket, the round globes shifted and moved with each step. Her hips switched from side to side in a motion that made her ass pop, hypnotizing him as he followed behind her. He licked his lips as he pictured his hands palming her round ass as she bent over in front of him, his body slamming into hers as he fucked her senseless. “Damn,” he whispered, slowing his pace so he could gaze at her a little longer. His vision went blurry as heat began to fill his body. Maybe a beautiful distraction was what he needed.

  After another half-block or so, she stopped in front of an unkempt man leaning up against the wall of the building. Clothes ragged and dirty, hair limp, and bags holding his possessions were strewn around him. Listening to the conversation, he heard her offer the homeless man money, but he declined. She then asked if he was hungry, which he said he was. Giving up all pretense of not paying attention, he leaned against the wall of the building closest to him and stared at the duo. The woman rushed away, telling the man not to leave. “Where the fuck’s he gonna go lady?” Jordan couldn’t help but say the words out loud. Smiling at their interaction, he’d bet every dollar in his pocket the homeless man was just as enraptured by the woman as Jordan. Seems he didn’t want to take her money for some reason. This situation alone made his leaving the office completely worth it.

  A few minutes later, she returned, a bag of food in her hand. Handing it over to the man, she looked him in his eyes as she spoke. “Promise me you’ll go to the shelter tonight. It’s starting to get cold at night. I don’t want to worry about you.”

  “I’ll try,” the man responded with a nod.

  “That’s all I ask. Okay, well, I’m off to grab my afternoon treat. You take care of yourself.” Giving him one last smile, she pulled her coat a bit closer around her body, warding off the October chill. Within moments, she continued a few doors down to a coffee shop before entering.

  Coming out of his daze, Jordan moved to follow her. It was like he was a fly caught in a spider web, unable to do anything but be drawn deeper, no matter the consequences. As soon as he came flush with the homeless man, Jordan stopped. Turning to the guy sitting on the dirty sidewalk, he watched as he took a sip of the hot drink the woman had given him. “You know her?”

  Eyeing him with suspicion, it took the man a few moments to answer. He looked at Jordan, then up the street, as if picturing the beautiful woman who’d stopped to talk to him. “Not really. She gives me food occasionally when she sees me out here. Mainly when she’s going to the coffee shop for her afternoon treat.”

  Interesting. “How long has she been doing that?” Now he was intrigued. Beauty and compassion? Damn, it might turn out to be a good day after all.

  “About six months or so. She’s good people. Asks me every time if I need money, but I’m not taking no money from her. Too damn sweet to be giving money to the likes of me. That woman is—damn, she’s just—I don’t know. It’s hard to say no to her. So, instead, I let her buy me some food. It makes her happy. I get a little joy out of seeing her smile. Sue me,” he snarked. After a moment, the man placed the food down and peered up at Jordan with a shrewd look. “Why’re you so interested in her. You ain’t looking to do anything bad to her, are you? I may not look like much, but that woman is one of the few people who treats me like I’m human. I’ve seen your face, buddy.”

  Jordan laughed. “Calm down, old man. I’m not trying to hurt her.” Did he look like someone that would hurt a woman? No. But he understood the concern. What kind of person just walked up to a homeless guy and began asking questions about a woman he’d seen on the street. “I’m just…” How could he explain what he was feeling at the moment? Intrigued? Interested? Curious? “Never mind. You don’t have to worry about her. Trust me. It’s all good. Enjoy your food.” Putting all thoughts of the homeless man aside, he turned away and began walking. Going in the direction of the coffee shop, he entered a few minutes behind the woman and stood in line. Listening to her order, he made his own and looked for an opening.

  Jordan watched her grab the coffee sitting on the counter, a lemon pound cake in her hand. Busy talking on the phone and juggling her possessions, she walked over to a corner table and plopped down. Turning his head, he caught the gaze of the barista holding another cup of coffee in front of her. The young woman’s voice called out behind the gorgeous lady, “Ma’am! Ma’am!” He asked what drink she had in her hand, and after hearing her answer, he smiled. Well, this was just about perfect. His distracted beauty picked up the wrong cup of coffee. She’d picked up his order. The one in the barista’s hand belonged to the woman who’d captured his interest. Jordan gave the worker a tight smile. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll grab her before she takes a sip. We’ll just trade them out.”

  He made light of it, but the real reason he was so calm is that he wanted an excuse to approach the beautiful woman sitting there so oblivious to the world around her. In the few minutes he’d watched her, his gaze took in her skin-tight black skirt wrapped around her body like a second skin. Now that she’d removed her winter coat, he saw that she wore a red and black patterned blouse that highlighted her breasts and fit tight to her small waist. Her body was made for a Goddess. She stirred something in him that hadn’t been awake in a long time.

  Her skin was the color of milk chocolate. It begged for his touch. His fingers itched to reach out to see if she was as soft as she looked. Perfectly shaped lips tilted in a smile as she listened to the person on the other end of the phone. A stirring of inexplicable jealousy filled his stomach. Her smiles should be reserved for him and him alone. Not sure why—or how—he could feel this strong of a pull for someone he hadn’t even spoken to, he allowed the feeling to roll through him. Jealousy wasn’t something he’d felt before. This shit was a bit uncomfortable if he thought about it long enough. He wasn’t sure he liked this feeling at all. But the closer he got to her, the more excited he became. As a lawyer, his days were filled with using the world around him to his advantage. Using every possible angle to get the best outcome for his clients. What he faced now—the woman who’d veered him from his path of scotch and debauchery—was more than just angles and advantage. This was fate.

  He could feel his dick thickening in his slacks as his body responded to the beauty in his line of sight. Everything about her made him want to know more. From her thick, natural hair that she’d pulled into a high ponytail, to the bottom of her shoes. Most especially, he wanted to know how she’d sound with his dick inside her, hitting those sugar walls as her nails scorched his back. That sweet ass voice of hers moaning his name as he took her to heaven and back.

  A smile came over his face as the scene played out in his mind. “Excuse me, Miss?” He said, stopping in front of her table.

  “Yes.” It took her a minute to look up at him since she was pulling out a tablet or e-reader from her purse. As she finally looked up and his eyes caught hers, she paused. “Oh. Wow. Um, may I help you?”

  She could help him all right, but he decided that telling her just what he was thinking wasn’t the best way to start. “I think you grabbed my coffee. This one is yours.”

  “I did?” Eyes going wide, she picked up the cup and looked at the writing. The servers usually put the customer name on the side. “Oh, pooh. You must be Jordan?”

  “Yup, that’s me. And you must be Leticia.”

  “That’s me. Sorry about that. I was distracted.” A sheepish look came over her face as they switched cups, his fingers grazing hers as they pulled away.

  A surge of electricity shot through h
is body as they touched. From the look on her face, she felt it too. In that case, he knew exactly what to do next. “Are you alone?”

  “I’m sorry?” Her brow was creased in confusion as she stared at him. Her lips separated, and her eyes roamed his body from the top of his blond hair to the bottom of his five-hundred-dollar shoes. As she bit her lip, which he was confident she didn’t realize she did, his dick swelled even more. Good thing he still had on his coat, since it covered the bulge trying to break through his pants.

  Jordan was no fool. He knew precisely what Leticia saw when she looked up at him. Throughout his adult life, he’d never been at a loss for female companionship. At a couple inches beyond six feet tall, his blond hair, and blue eyes gave him the all-American boy look. He’d used his looks to his advantage, and they’d served him well over the years. On the flip side, because of his looks, people thought they had him pegged. What he liked in the bedroom. Who he was attracted to. The type of woman that drew him in. While he’d never shied away from beautiful women and tended to date whoever caught his eye, he’d always been more drawn to women with dark skin and lush curves. Smiling down at her, he motioned his head toward the empty seat across from her. “I said, are you alone? May I sit down?”

  Leticia’s eyes went wide as she swallowed deeply. Her gaze traveled between him and the chair as she digested his words. He could see her debating whether she should let him sit down with her or tell him to leave her alone. When she came to a decision, nodding her head and motioning to the chair in front of her, he smiled. If only she knew, that one decision had just changed the game.


  Two Years and Two Months Later


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