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Three Wishes

Page 10

by Reana Malori

  He pulled at the towel, releasing the knot. At her gasp, his heated gaze blazed a trail from her toes to her bare mound, to her breasts, to her lips, and finally to her eyes. “Let me make it up to you. Let me show you how much I want you and only you.” Turning their bodies, he ambled toward the bed, pushing her back to lie down. Lifting, he widened her legs. His tongue came out of his mouth, licking his lips as he stared at the space where her thighs met. “This beautiful pussy finally belongs to me,” he whispered.

  “That goes both ways,” she spoke up. “We’re in this together.”

  “Damn right we are,” he said with a smile, his head moving down to her honeypot. “Just stay right there, baby. I’m feeling a little hungry.”


  December 20th

  “EVERYTHING’S ALL SET UP for you. You ready?”

  Jordan turned at his sister’s voice. He’d never been readier for anything else in his life. This week with Leticia had been perfect. Her hours at the hospital were somewhat sporadic, but they’d managed to see each other every night. Most times, she came to his house since it was easier for both of them. He’d hold her in his arms, talking about all the things he wanted her to know. There wasn’t much they didn’t know about each other, but he wanted there to be no secrets between them. He wasn’t perfect. There were times he got angry. When it came to her, he was jealous and possessive, which he’d hidden at great cost to his peace of mind.

  She’d even met him at his MMA gym one day after work. She watched the last thirty minutes of his practice before he got into the ring with one sparring partner. Worry for his safety was all over her face. Although he wanted to comfort her, to let her know he was going to be fine, he didn’t. She needed to trust him. Believe in him. Even when it came to this. After he’d placed his opponent in a rear-naked chokehold, the guy tapped three times, which is the signal for surrender. Leticia’s voice was the loudest in the gym. She’d run up to him, grabbing him around the neck as he exited the ring. Her soft kisses on his sweaty skin had felt better than any accolades anyone had ever given for his fighting.

  After the initial hiccups of last weekend, he wasn’t sure if she’d try to avoid him, give him the cold shoulder. Not that he would have allowed her to pull that shit with him, but he thought she might try it. “Yeah. I’m more than ready. Thanks, Piglet. I appreciate your help with everything.”

  Punching him lightly in the arm, she scrunched up her face. “Stop calling me that!”

  “Okay. Okay. I’ll stop. Next year,” he teased.

  Coming to stand in front of him, she poked his chest with her finger. “Don’t mess this up, man. We’re rooting for you,” she said with a slick smile.

  Rolling his eyes, he wondered again just why he kept her around? Oh, yeah. His parents might get upset that their baby girl suddenly disappeared. And since he loved them and wanted to keep them happy, he figured she was here to stay. “Just who exactly are we?” He’d told her to keep this between just the two of them. If she felt Gabby needed to know, that was fine. But no one else. As usual, she failed to listen to him.

  “Gabby, of course.”

  “Of course. Who else April?” he pressed.

  “Well, I couldn’t keep mom and dad in the dark. I mean, what if something goes wrong and you need their help? Plus, they’ll help keep everyone out of here,” she said with a glance around the glass room.

  Here, was a six-sided structure his dad built for their mom on their twentieth wedding anniversary. They’d held their party in this glass gazebo, including a mini ceremony to renew their vows. Since that time, it had been used for any number of parties and gatherings. According to his parents, just because it got cold in Virginia, that was no reason to stop the party. They’d installed double-paned glass with a special material held within it to insulate the room. It never was above seventy-five degrees in the summer or under sixty degrees in the winter. And to help regulate the temperature, they’d installed a system ten years ago to help keep things exactly where they needed to be.

  Catching his sister staring at him as she waited for his response, he shook his head. “No, I guess you couldn’t. Don’t worry about it. It’s okay that you told mom and dad.” Looking over his shoulder towards the main house, he changed the subject. “The party going okay inside?”

  Tonight, was their parents annual holiday gathering. More than a hundred people filled every crevice of his parents’ home, and the heated tent they’d rented this year. Now he understood what April said to get his parents to rent that contraption rather than use their own glassed-in structure. Looking up, his eyes captured the stars sparkling in the sky.

  Sending up thanks to whoever was willing to listen, he knew tonight was the perfect night to fulfill another of Leticia’s wishes. While she didn’t know he’d found the list, he made a point to look at it every day. Mind-blowing orgasm? Check. Dance under the stars in a beautiful silver dress? Check, in about—looking at his watch, he noted the time—fifteen minutes.

  His sister gave one last look around, her eyes picking up all the minute details he’d asked her to arrange. “The party’s going fine, as always. Well, other than Granddad getting into the punch,” she laughed. “And did you see his date? I thought dad was gonna blow a gasket when they walked in.”

  Jordan laughed. His grandfather was a hound and a half once he got some liquor in him. When their grandmother passed away five years ago, it had almost broken the old man. Two years after she’d been gone, Jordan’s father sat him down for a ‘son-father’ talk. Dad and his siblings didn’t want their father to wallow in grief over their mother’s passing. Not living his life, but also not ready to leave this world.

  Jordan’s father arranged for the old man to go on a senior’s cruise, hoping it would give him a new lease on life. Well, it worked. And then some. From that point on, the old man lived life to the fullest. His date was a short little redhead with green eyes, probably fifteen years his junior. Jordan’s father almost had a damn heart attack. But, if his grandfather was having fun, Jordan couldn’t begrudge the old man his happiness while he was still on this earth.

  He’d lived a good life. Raised four kids with the woman he said was his soulmate and love of his life. They’d been blessed to see ten grandkids born while they were able to enjoy spending time with them. All in, they’d had sixty-five years of life and love between them before his grandmother passed away. When he was eighty-five, if he could look back on his life and see the same blessings, he’d be damn happy.

  “Let the old man have his fun. Just make sure we take his keys away from him.” There was no way he’d let his grandfather, or his date, drive away from his parents’ house tonight.

  “Don’t worry, bro-ham, already handled. Dad made him fork them over about thirty minutes ago.” Running her hands down her red dress, she made her way to the glass door. “Time for me to head out. She should be down here shortly. Good luck.” He gave her a nod as she exited, making her way back to the house as he waited for Leticia to show up.

  Everything had been planned down to the smallest detail. Her favorite wine was on the table, opened and ready to pour whenever she wanted a drink. He’d had the chef prepare several small servings of her favorite hors d'oeuvres. He’d brought her as his guest to this event for the past two Christmases, so his asking her to be his date again this year was expected. What she hadn’t expected was the delivery at her front door two hours ago. Knowing her so long, he knew her dress size. Although he’d bet money she wished he didn’t. Once the delivery person left, she’d called his phone asking him what was going on.

  Laughing at the memory of her going off on him about the dress, with the matching shoes, he walked over to his phone. She may have been upset initially, but once she pulled the dress out of the garment bag, she’d gone silent. He couldn’t wait to see how she looked. There was no doubt she’d be stunning, but he wanted to see her with his own eyes. Turning on his playlist, he adjusted the volume on the Wi-Fi connected
speakers situated throughout the room. The music needed to be loud enough for them to enjoy, but not so loud that it would prevent conversation.

  The click of the door had him turning around. There was only one person who should be coming down here at this point. Leticia. As soon as she walked through the door, his dick went to full attention. The only thing holding him back from ripping that dress from her body and fucking her up against one of the glass walls was the importance of this night. His gaze took in the silver shimmer of the gown as it flowed with the movement of her hips. “Goddamn, you’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” she returned softly. “Jordan, this dress is beautiful. The shoes. Everything. I don’t understand but thank you.”

  Picking up the white box sitting on the table next to him, he walked over to her. “I’m not finished yet. There’s one more thing. Your Christmas gift.” Approaching her with the box in front of him, he lifted the lid, pulling out a white gold tennis bracelet. It was one she’d seen when they were out shopping a few weeks ago. She probably thought he didn’t see her salivating over the piece of jewelry, but he had. He’d gone back the very next day and bought it for her. Even then, before he’d gotten his head out of his ass, he was willing to do anything to keep her happy.

  Her eyes got big as she stared at the bracelet. “Jordan, it’s beautiful.” Looking even closer, her gaze met his, and a smile covered her face. “Is this the one we saw a few weeks ago?” After he’d secured the clasp, she raised her wrist, twirling the bracelet around. The light caught the motion, casting rainbow prisms to sparkle around the room. Items around the room caught the light reflections, causing Leticia to laugh and smile as she twirled around.

  “It is. I saw how much you wanted it. So, I got it for you.” He could stand here looking at her all day.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said.

  “No, sweetness, you’re beautiful. I’m so glad you wore the dress,” Jordan smiled down at her.

  Stepping closer to him, she wrapped her arms around his waist. Leaning her head down, her face rested on the lapel of his black tuxedo. The only sound in the room was the slow music playing in the background and their deep breathing. “You are too good to me. What did I ever do to deserve you?”

  “You were just you. You’re my best friend. My lover. The other half of my soul, before I realized what that even meant.” Tightening his hold on her waist, he pulled her closer. Their bodies began swaying to the beat of the song playing over the system.

  I know that the bridges that I've burned along the way,

  Have left me with these walls, and these scars, that won't go away,

  And opening up has always been the hardest thing,

  Until you came.

  So lay here beside me just hold me and don't let go,

  This feelin' I'm feelin' is somethin' I've never known,

  And I just can't take my eyes off you…

  Words he never meant to say, at least not this soon into the night, came pouring out. “I’ve watched my parents love each other, and their kids, for over thirty years. I never realized how much I want what they have. But I do.” He felt her stiffen in his arms but kept moving and talking. She’d try to interrupt him, stop him from saying the words that needed to be said. Not tonight. What he needed to say was too important. He wanted her to hear the words. “My grandparents were married for sixty-five years.”

  “Almost a lifetime,” she whispered.

  Giving a low laugh, he thought of something his grandfather said when his grandmother passed away. The words still resonated with him today. Even more so tonight. “It was more than a lifetime, and still not enough. They loved each other deeply, fought at least once a month, but in all that time, they never questioned whether they belonged together. My parents still flirt with each other like teenagers.”

  Tilting her head up to capture his gaze, she smiled, “Yeah, I’ve seen them do that a few times.”

  Leaning down, he kissed her softly on the lips, “Try living with them during your formative years. When I was young, it was odd for me to see my parents be so affectionate with each other. I’d tell them to do that in the privacy of their room. That my young mind would be scarred for years to come if they kept it up.” Jordan smiled at the memory. “At the time, I didn’t realize that I was one of the lucky ones. The love my parents had for each other created a home that allowed me and my sister to flourish, because we knew they loved us just as much.” Pausing to twirl her around in his arms, he continued speaking once they were stationary again, “So were you.”

  Nodding her head, she smiled at him. “I was. My parents loved each other until the day my father was taken from us. They never shied away from showing my brother and me that it was okay to love your spouse, to laugh with them, and yes, sometimes fight.”

  Holding her in his arms, Jordan felt this was exactly where he wanted to be. Where he needed to be. And the woman in his arms was the only one who was supposed to be there. “It won’t make sense to most people. Hell, it doesn’t even make sense to me. It’s because of my parents and grandparents that I’ve always been afraid to take that next step. When you see every day what the good stuff looks like, what a marriage should be, that’s what you aspire to have. I never wanted to get into a relationship, bring someone into my life only for things to go wrong.”

  There’d been a few close calls, but something always happened before it got too far. The situation would change before he did something he couldn’t easily take back. “I never wanted that type of failure. To see the disappointment in their eyes.”

  “But what about…” Leticia interrupted in a soft voice, and he knew she was going to ask about one of the biggest mistakes he’d almost made.

  “Complete and utter mistake,” he declared before she could finish that sentence. Meghan was not going to intrude on his plans tonight. He didn’t even want her name spoken in this room. “There was a time I thought I knew what I wanted. I was more fascinated by the next shiny new thing. It blinded me to what was real. The things that mattered. Beauty only gets a person so far in life. At the end of the day, there has to be more. My only excuse is that I was young and stupid.”

  Her brown eyes met his blue ones. “What are you now? Old and sophisticated?”

  “No, sweetness. Not even close. Although I’m older, I’m just a bit smarter.” As the song finished, Jordan loosened his hold on her. He’d hold her in his arms all night if he could, but that was the selfish part of him speaking. Having her with him like this, Jordan knew he’d found the missing piece. The woman who completed him, made him want more. He’d questioned it at first. Whether his attraction to her was only because he wanted her in his arms.

  That thought left his head within months of meeting her. And now that he’d lain between her legs, allowed her to love him, give herself to him, he knew no one could take her place. Leticia was his future. It had taken him more than two years to get it right, and he wasn’t going to fuck it up now. He’d do everything in his power to make her happy. The only thing he regretted was that it took him so long to get off his ass and tell her how he felt.

  Looking at his watch, he noted the time. There was another surprise he had for her in about forty-five minutes. He wanted to stop for a bit and let her grab something to eat. He’d eaten earlier while up at the house, but if he knew his woman—and he did—Leticia wouldn’t have eaten any food from the moment the dress showed up at her door. She would have been too afraid to drop something on it. Which is why he opted for the bite-size food awaiting them instead of a full meal. She’d need her energy for everything he had planned for tonight.

  Tilting his heard toward the table full of food. “Come on, let’s grab something to eat. We have all night, and I refuse to be rushed.”


  LETICIA’S HEART WAS BEATING so hard, she could practically feel it bursting through her chest. Questions ran through her mind like wild horses. Jordan had shown her a side of him she hadn’t seen before. Look
ing at him in his formal tuxedo, she couldn’t believe he was here with her. If she could hide them away in this room forever, she would. Block out the outside world, keeping them safe and protected. No outside influences coming in, trying to break them apart. Although, she still had questions about the reality of their relationship. Smiling in his direction as he stood off to the side, she watched as he stared out at his family’s property. Calling him her boyfriend was too tame. Plus, they were much too old for childish labels like that. Her man? Better. Her lover? Hmmm, she liked that one even more.

  Taking another bite of the bacon-wrapped scallop in her hand, she wondered again what tonight was all about? When she’d opened the door to the delivery-man from the well-known and very expensive designer dress store, she’d told him he had the wrong person. The poor kid’s face flushed red as he repeatedly said that he had the right address. Not until he read the buyer’s name, Jordan, and then read off her name and address as the intended recipient, did she accept the large package. She’d called and fussed at him for ten minutes before letting him get a word in edgewise.

  “Just open the gift, sweetheart. I want you to have it. It’s for tonight’s party, and you can’t be late. Not tonight,” he teased.

  Leticia harrumphed, “I’m never late.” Yes, she was. All the damn time. But she wasn’t admitting it right now. Not when she was in her feelings about Jordan buying her a dress without her permission. “I’m just saying, the blue dress sitting in my closet is perfectly fine, thank you very much. There was no need for you to purchase me another one.”

  His growl came through the phone. “Open the damn gift, Leticia.” His tone should have pissed her off. Instead, it made her desire for him flare-up.


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