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Mrs. Robin's Sons

Page 2

by Kori Roberts

  “Oh, yeah?” Rylee smiled, her expression filled with genuine interest. “Somehow, when I think of Wisconsin, I don’t picture dog breeding.”

  “Most people don’t.” He laughed. “But, trust me; the only four-legged animals you’ll see on our land are of the canine variety.”

  “Wow, I guess you would have to really like dogs to have a job like that.”

  “Oh,” Nick clutched his chest, “please don’t wound me by telling me that the most beautiful woman in the room is a cat lover.” His theatrical display had the desired effect as Rylee began to laugh.

  “Hey, I’m an equal opportunity lover of cats and dogs. I’ve just never spent a lot of time around either.” She shrugged. “My father was a musician. We traveled a lot and moved even more when I was a kid. It’s hard to have pets when you’re on the road all the time.”

  “So, did you ever travel to Wisconsin?” Nick asked.

  Rylee seemed to think about it for a moment. “You know, I think Wisconsin is one of the few states that I’ve never visited.” She chuckled in embarrassment. “And it’s one of the closest.”

  “Well, I think we should fix that,” Nick told her. “You’re more than welcome to visit me in Wisconsin anytime. I’m sure my dogs would love you.” “Thanks…I’ll keep that in mind.” God, he wanted to kiss her so badly. Wanted to hold, and touch, and… At some point, Nick realized that he’d begun to lean closer and closer to Rylee, their mouths separated by less than an inch of space. All he had to do was pucker, and they’d be kissing.

  “So, when is your brother getting here?” Rylee’s warm, sweet breath feathered across his face.

  “Good question.” Nick reluctantly pulled his gaze away from her and looked down at his watch. He was shocked to see how much time had passed. It had been two hours since he’d met Rylee, and nearly three hours since he’d last spoken to Noah, so he figured his brother would be arriving soon. Regardless, he wasn’t going to worry about it at the moment.

  “I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” Nick told her. “Besides, I’m enjoying my birthday just fine right here.”

  Before Rylee could respond, a hand landed on Nick’s shoulder. “Here you are. Sorry it took me so long to get here.” He turned around and looked into familiar hazel eyes.

  “Hey, you made it. We were just talking about you.” Nick saw Noah zoom in on Rylee, watched his eyes go wide in shock. Yeah, he knew the feeling. He made the introductions.

  “Hi, Rylee.” Noah reached past him to shake Rylee’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Same here, Noah.” She smiled warmly, shaking his hand.

  “Do you mind if I steal Nick away for a minute?” Noah asked her.

  “Not at all.” She smiled.

  Nick looked at Rylee. “Sorry. I’ll be right back, okay?” When she nodded, he walked away to speak to his brother.

  “She’s beautiful,” Noah said approvingly, his gaze wandering back to where Rylee sat.

  He gave Nick a knowing smile. “So, I guess this means I’m going solo tonight.”

  Nick’s gaze followed Noah’s back to the bar. “If I’m lucky, you will.” “That’s cool,” Noah said. “I saw a club down the street on my way here that I think I’ll go and check out.”

  “Well, enjoy yourself, because I plan to.” Nick walked back to the bar, and Noah followed behind him. When he got there, Rylee was gone. “What the hell…” Nick looked around the crowded room, but couldn’t see that red head anywhere. “Hey” — he tried to catch the bartender’s attention — “The lady sitting here? Where did she go?”

  “You mean Rylee? She left, man,” he said distractedly, as he continued to make drinks.

  Nick stood there in shock, trying to figure out what went wrong. He would have sworn that Rylee was into him as much as he was into her, and he couldn’t believe that she would just leave without saying good-bye.

  “Damn, Nick. Sorry about that,” Noah said. “Hey, don’t sweat it. You can come to the club with me.”

  Nick sighed as disappointment weighed heavily on him. “Nah, it’s cool. You go enjoy yourself. I’m gonna hang out here for a little while.”

  “Then I’m staying, too.” Noah’s voice was adamant. “This is your birthday, Nick. If anybody’s supposed to have fun this weekend, it’s you.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” Nick found a smile for him. “I’ll be fine. Go have some fun.”

  Noah still stood there, the look on his face letting Nick know he was unconvinced. “It’s cool…really,” Nick finally said.

  Noah sighed and nodded reluctantly. He gave Nick a brief hug. “Happy Birthday, bro.

  If you change your mind, call me, and I’ll let you know where to find me,” he said, before he headed off.

  Nick waited until Noah left before he blew out an agitated breath. He couldn’t help feeling seriously played as he tried to figure out how in the hell he’d managed to misread Rylee’s signals so badly. Finally, he just shook his head. Who the fuck was he kidding, anyway? He never really stood a chance with a woman like Rylee anyway. He should just be happy that she even bothered to kill a couple hours of her time with him to begin with.

  “Hey, is your name Nick?” He turned at the sound of the bartender’s voice.


  “You…are you Nick?” he said again. At Nick’s nod, he pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket.

  “I almost forgot. Rylee left this for you.” Nick reached across the bar and grabbed the paper. The message inside was short and simple: Room , minutes.

  “Oh, hell yeah!” His face split into a huge grin. “Happy Birthday to me!”

  Chapter Five

  He’s not coming. Rylee paced around the room and cast glances at the clock on the wall. She’d left Nick in the restaurant downstairs almost a half hour ago, and she hadn’t heard from him since then.

  She threw herself on the couch. This was such a stupid ass idea. What in the hell was she thinking to try and pick up some guy in the hotel where she worked? She was the hotel manager, for God’s sake! She knew better than to mix business with pleasure; knew hotel guests were off limits. In fact, she talked to the staff about that exact thing all the time. And look at her, practically handing out pussy at the bar — and to a kid of all people!

  Rylee groaned and rolled onto her stomach, her eyes tightly closed, her face buried in the cushions. She let the silence of the empty room soothe her as she wondered for the thousandth time how a supposedly intelligent woman could be so successful in her professional life, but completely incompetent when it came to her personal relationships.

  She was embarrassed to admit that ending her engagement with Ethan a month ago was probably the smartest decision she’d made in her personal life in nearly a decade. And now that she was single once again, Rylee knew that she needed to spend some time focusing on herself and figuring out exactly what she wanted in her life, instead of considering a relationship with someone else so soon. Especially someone like Nick.

  Hell, she barely understood men her own age, the last thing she needed was to start something with a man nearly half her age. No matter how good he looked, or how much he turned her on, or how wet she got at just the thought of him.

  It was just that Nick had seemed so different, so sincere, so… “Jesus,” she muttered out loud, feeling completely disgusted with herself. “I am so pathetic.”

  She needed to have her fucking head examined, carrying on about some guy, who was probably sitting back right now, laughing with his equally as fine brother, about how he had this older woman thinking that he was actually interested in her.

  It was said there was no fool like an old fool, and she was certainly proving that theory correct. Apparently, when it came to sex, men weren’t the only ones who allowed their genitals to dictate their common sense.

  Rylee jumped off the couch. She needed to get out of here. Go for a walk. Take a drive.

  Buy new batteries for her vibrator. Anything to help distr
act her from the overwhelming embarrassment, disappointment, and need she felt at the moment.

  She grabbed her purse, snatched the door open…and came face-to-face with the person she was trying to forget.


  Nick’s hand froze in midair when the door he was about to knock on suddenly swung open. Rylee stood there, her expression a mixture of surprise, irritation, and excitement.

  She’d changed her clothes and now wore a pair of jeans that molded to her long, toned legs, and a fitted T-shirt that showed just a peek of her smooth, flat belly.

  They stared at each other for what felt like forever. “You’re late,” she finally said. “I’m sorry,” he started. “I didn’t know —”

  “Shut up,” she interrupted, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him into her room.

  The door had barely closed before she was all over him, her mouth finding his, her tongue teasing, probing, seeking entry; her taste hot and sweet exploding on his tongue.

  He groaned deeply, leaning against the door for support. One hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her tightly against him; the other held onto that glorious red hair, tilting her head just enough to deepen the kiss. His tongue slid into her mouth, tangled with hers, took the kiss from wanting and needy to urgent and demanding in the span of a heartbeat.

  Rylee made sweet whimpering sounds that sent chills through him. “Fuck. Rylee…” He shuddered. His hands moved down her spine and slid into the back of her jeans to cup that fine ass. He kneaded the rounded globes before he lifted her off the floor to grind his thick, hard shaft against her pussy.

  “Nick!” Rylee cried out, “God…please.” Her long legs locked around his waist, and she gyrated against him.

  Nick’s mind tried to convince him to take this slow, to savor the moment. But his body wasn’t having any of it. His cock was heavy and aching, ready to explode at any second with need. Rylee’s soft, warm body wrapped around him like a blanket; her full, luscious lips kissed a path up his neck. Her teeth nibbled along his jaw until she reached his ear, and her tongue darted inside before she sucked the lobe into her mouth.

  “Goddamn, baby,” he moaned, searching for her lips and kissing her deeply. “Feels so fucking good. Want you so bad…” One hand continued to hold her against him, and the other slid under her shirt.

  “Oh, Christ…” She wasn’t wearing a bra, and the feel of her bare flesh in his hand was nearly enough to make him come. Her breasts were firm and full; not overly big, but a nice handful. He leaned down and took a nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the tip, his teeth nipped at the hard pebble before he gently sucked on it again. “God, baby…more. Please…” Rylee gasped; her body arched against him.

  “Yeah…so good.” Nick bent, licking and sucking at each nipple, then suddenly spun around, placing Rylee’s back against the door. Tugging, pulling, twisting on the zipper of her jeans, he maneuvered it enough to get his hand inside; his fingers slid past the silky material of her panties and into her slick folds.

  “Oh, yeah, baby…so wet for me.” His voice was rough and close, rasping over her skin, two fingers pushing inside, slowly thrusting into her warm, tight heat, his thumb teasing her swollen clit.

  “Oh, fuck…Nick…I…gonna make me…” Rylee’s head fell back, and she moaned


  “Uh-huh…yeah,” Nick panted, “wanna see you.” He licked along the column of her exposed neck, his fingers buried inside her.

  Rylee bucked wildly against him, fucking herself on his fingers. “Oh…Nick…yes!” she screamed out, and her entire body shook as her climax poured over her.

  “That’s it, baby…let me feel it,” Nick whispered hoarsely against her lips, encouraging her, his fingers still moving inside, loving how she pulsated around him, her juices freely flowing down his hand.

  Nick continued to hold her and placed soothing kisses along her face, in her hair. His cock was rubbing against her, hard and insistent in his jeans, seeking satisfaction.

  “I need…” he whispered raggedly, and Rylee nodded, as if understanding exactly what he needed, in spite of his inability to say it. Her hand moved down his chest and stomach until she reached his erection, so aching, so hard, and so ready.

  Rylee unlocked her legs from around his waist, and slowly stood on her feet. She turned him, placing his back against the door again, before slithering down his body to her knees in front of him. She buried her face in his crotch, nuzzling him through his jeans. Nick leaned against the door, legs parted, stomach muscles taut, cock filled to bursting as Rylee opened his pants, her slender fingers reaching in to touch before pulling him out.

  She pumped up and down his thick shaft for several moments.

  Nick groaned. His eyes fluttered closed and his body shivered at the feel of her hands on his skin. He heard the familiar sound of foil tearing and looked down to see Rylee lean forward to take him right into her waiting mouth, those lips working the condom over his cock before that sweet mouth proceeded to blow his mind.

  The sensation of his shaft sliding on the smooth, velvet heat of Rylee’s tongue had his hips driving forward, seeking more. Those lips pulled at him, that wicked tongue swirled around him, as Rylee’s head bobbed up and down and she took him deep into the back of her throat.

  His eyes rolled back into his head, and he inhaled with a hiss. “Oh, fuck, yeah. Right.

  Fucking. There.” Rylee kept moving on him, lips tight, tongue rubbing along the underside of his cock.

  “Goddamn, baby. Soon…” His hands twined in her hair and held her steady, pushing even deeper, fucking her mouth, his hips pumping in short bursts, yelling out as his orgasm ripped through him, and he shot, filling the condom.

  Rylee continued to suck him. She finally pulled back, removing the used condom as she went. She looked up at him; her amber eyes shone, her swollen lips glistened.

  Nick slid down the wall and reached for her. “You…fuck, you’re amazing.” His lips crashed down on hers, his hands cupping her head to hold her close.

  They writhed against each other on the carpet. Rylee wrapped one leg around his hips and planted the other on the floor as she thrust up against him. In no time at all Nick’s cock was raging again.

  They were all over each other, needy hands groping, touching, feeling; moving fast and frantic, attacking each other’s clothes, desperate and anxious for the feel of skin against skin. Finally, bare bodies came together. Heat poured off their skin, lips locked, limbs tangled. Nick moved down her and settled between her legs. He feasted on the sight of her spread open for him, her mound completely bare except for a strip of neatly trimmed dark red hair, her dusky pink lips coated with her cream.

  Nick’s thumbs held her folds open as his tongue licked from her crease to her clit. His lips latched onto the swollen, sensitive bud and sucked it into his mouth.

  “Oh…God, yes,” Rylee cried out sharply, her fingers clutching in his hair, her hips lifting off the floor, pushing her pussy toward his face. Nick gripped her ass, burying his face in her cunt, tongue fucking her, loving the sweet, spicy taste.

  With a final lick, Nick sat back, panting harshly, unable to take it a moment longer. He leaned down and kissed her deeply, letting her taste herself on his lips.

  “Can’t wait…need to be inside of you.” His voice a deep growl, he groped for his pants, searching the pockets for a condom. Fingers trembling, he struggled to open the package, barely containing his overwhelming lust long enough to get it over his aching shaft.

  He came down on top of her. “Gonna fuck you now,” he warned. “Can’t go slow…can’t be gentle.”

  “Yes. Hard and fast.” Those amber eyes stared back at him, clear and sure, her skin flushed a deep honey brown.

  He lined his cock up with her pussy and pushed inside with one long thrust, the sensation explosive and breathtaking, their twin gasps echoing through the room. They lay locked together for a moment, the rise and fall of their chests the only movement in the r
oom, and he could see in her eyes that she felt the same undeniable connection between them that he did. Except it was so much more than physical.

  With a groan, Nick began to move, fucking her with deep, hard strokes, his hips snapping back and forth, one hand reaching out and gripping the arm of the couch in front of him for leverage, the fingers of his other hand digging into her hip bone. His knees were planted on the carpet as he pulled sweet sounds from her while he plunged in and out of her wet heat.

  “Don’t stop. Please, please. Harder…” She was begging for it, making him moan and move faster, his heart pumping in time with the thrust of his cock. He felt Rylee ripple, felt the tension squeeze his cock as she climaxed, heard her wails of pleasure as heat poured over his cock, and that was all it took to send him over the edge. He shot so hard it almost hurt: his back arched, his mouth opened as he yelled, the sound torn from him, and he thought his lungs would burst through his chest.

  He collapsed on Rylee, her body pinned beneath his weight as his breath huffed from him. “Damn, I could so get used to doing that every day for the rest of my life,” he finally managed to pant out.

  Rylee chuckled softly, placing kisses along his neck. “Maybe we’ll even make it to the bed next time.”

  Chapter Six

  Nick lay in the bed and watched Rylee as she slept. He couldn’t believe it was Sunday all ready, and the weekend was almost over. He wasn’t ready for it to end, wasn’t ready to say good-bye, wasn’t ready to walk away and never see her again.

  When he’d first come to Rylee’s room, Nick had no idea that he’d still be there nearly forty-eight hours later. When they hadn’t been all over each other, they’d talked, laughed, and simply enjoyed each other’s presence.

  Nick was amazed at how much he’d learned about Rylee in such a short period of time.


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