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Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy

Page 48

by Tom Jones

  The Prince asked again, “Why do that, though? Aren’t they looking for anthros to capture and sell?” Arcades replied, “Yeah, but I doubt that’s all they’re up to. Think about it. They have an experimental weapons program and everything.” The Prince considered the facts, “Perhaps. They did possess those advanced helicopters, and they have those armored trucks that they sent out when they were on the hunt for you. How much money do you think they pull in?” Arcades spoke, “Probably plenty. I’m not sure how much all of the anthros go for, though.” The Prince continued, “Well, I hope that CDI will believe a fox like you. You’re right, though. The Omega Foundation must be stopped.”

  “This is it. There they are. Pull in here,” Arcades said as he could see the CDI personnel standing near the building that had been burned down. Many of them were armed with SA80s, and some others had M4A1s. When they saw the vehicle pull up, they aimed their rifles at the car. Arcades spoke to the Prince, “Let me handle this.” The fox put his hands up, and he slowly exited the car. One of the CDI members shouted, “Car with three anthros and a human pulled up!” Another man said, “Watch out, they could be with the terrorists.” Arcades tried to diffuse the situation, “We’re unarmed! We have information about the terror attack.”

  One of the CDI members recognized the fox, “Hey, that’s the fox from earlier. He’s black and white just like the one that came here.” Arcades nodded, “Yes, that’s me. The attack happened because they were looking for me.” One man lowered his SA80, “Who is they?” Arcades replied, “The Omega Foundation is hunting me down, and I have evidence to prove it.” Several voices were heard, and they were the humans asking about what the Omega Foundation even was. A few men were still aiming their rifles at the vehicle. One of the CDI members asked, “How do we know we can trust you, fox?”

  The Prince of Sealand stepped out of the car next, and this prompted another man to aim his rifle at the human. The Prince said, “He’s telling the truth! I saw the video for myself.” The CDI members were more ready to believe the human rather than the fox. A few of the men even lowered their weapons. One member asked, “Where can we see this evidence?” The Prince knew that the video had been uploaded already, “It’s on the internet. I mirrored it.” The CDI members looked at each other. They were still not entirely sure what was going on. Arcades slowly lowered his hands, “We can show you the video. I was trying to show you guys earlier, but that’s when they attacked.”

  While Arcades continued speaking to the human operators, Jason peeked out of the window to see the building. The CDI building was still standing, but it was heavily damaged from the combined damage caused by the fire and the helicopter crash. The fire had already been completely extinguished, and there were still firetrucks nearby with medical teams and police on standby. Jason knew that something had collided with the building, but he didn’t know that it was a helicopter. The wolf turned to Bocchino, “How about we get out and see how it’s going?” The cat replied, “Damn bastard is a fucking madman. I’m sure he’s doing alright.” The wolf ignored the cat’s words, and he stepped out of the car.

  “You’re telling us that those anthros were part of a false-flag attack?” The CDI members were still trying to understand what the fox was trying to say. The Prince was also helping, “Our evidence points in that direction.” Another CDI member asked, “How come they knew you were coming here?” Arcades replied, “They’re trying to hunt me down. When the attack first started, some of your own men started shooting other CDI personnel. I believe that some of your men are double agents.” The fox looked at a few of the men’s reactions, and they appeared as if they were pretty surprised to hear this. The Prince was surprised too, “Shit. Kurt, you didn’t tell me about this.”

  The fox turned to the Prince, “Kinda hard to explain everything at once.” The fox turned back towards the CDI operatives, “Is there a way that I can show you guys the evidence?” Arcades felt his pocket, and he noticed that he did not have the USB stick. He felt around his other pockets, yet he still could not find the USB stick. The Prince saw that the fox was looking for something, “What do you need?” Arcades replied, “Where did the USB stick go?” The Prince did not remember taking the stick with him, “Damn, I think we left it back at Sealand.” Though it would not be the end of the world, the fox preferred the hard copy of the evidence. Jason heard the fox, and he stepped forwards, “Kurt, I grabbed it for you.” The wolf held out his hand, and Arcades saw the USB stick. Arcades smiled upon grabbing the stick, “Oh, thanks Jason. This will be better than finding it online.”

  Arcades presented the USB stick to the men, “I have the evidence on this USB stick. We’ve already mirrored the contents of it online. We hope that this will be enough to convince you guys that this was a job by the Omega Foundation.” The Prince grabbed the fox’s arm and whispered in his ear, “Kurt, how are you sure that there are no more Omega spies here?” Arcades replied, “I don’t. This is the only play we have. If Omega knows that we’re coming, then we’ll just have to play it like that.” One other CDI member spoke, “An Mi-26 is coming in order to fly us to the nearest CDI FOB, and that’s where those Typhoons took off from. You can come with us and show us the evidence there.”

  The fox nodded, and he was glad that the humans finally were willing to listen to him for once. The Prince said, “Looks like things are finally looking up for you, Kurt.” The fox replied, “That’s just part one. We need them to come and help us actually take down Omega.” Arcades then asked the humans, “What’s the ETA on that transport?” One of the men responded, “We’re gonna say about thirty minutes from now. We’re moving our stuff to that FOB for now.” Arcades remembered that the Mi-26 was capable of lifting some smaller aircraft. If he could convince CDI, he could get them to bring his HH-60 back to the mainland. That would take care of one problem for the fox; However, he would still have to get the two other vehicles that they put on the Super Galaxy.

  Arcades came up with a plan. He turned to Jason, “Hey, I have an idea.” Jason inquired, “What is it, mate?” Arcades continued, “How about we go and get the 4Runner and the Mustang from the airport and come to CDI’s FOB. We should get there about the time they do when they get their helicopter here.” Jason considered the idea, “Perhaps. If they let us in their base, we’d be able to do that.” Arcades turned to the men, “Can we meet you guys at your FOB? We need to bring our vehicles with us.” A CDI member stepped up, “Alright, if that’s what you want to do. We’ll tell them that three anthros are coming. Unless he wants to come with you guys?” Arcades looked at the Prince of Sealand, “Are you coming with us?” The Prince nodded, “Yeah.”

  Jason was driving the Mustang and Arcades was riding in the passenger seat, for the wolf had a better idea of how the British roads worked. The wolf watched as the sky was even darker than it was earlier. He knew that he would have to spend the night at CDI’s base before they would be able to mobilize in the best case scenario. He still did not know how long it would take until Arcades would be able to convince the humans to help him free anthros. The wolf looked in the rear view mirror, and he could see Bocchino was driving the 4Runner closely to the vehicle that he and Arcades were in. The Prince of Sealand was driving in front of Arcades’ vehicle, and the fox was watching the Prince closely. The fox was still trying to figure out why some European countries decided to drive on the left side of the road rather than the right. He looked back at Jason, and Arcades wondered what the wolf thought about the American roads.

  “So, do you think CDI will agree to help us?” The wolf asked. Arcades kept his eyes on the Prince’s vehicle as he answered, “I sure hope so. If they can’t help us, then we’re basically shot outta luck. Three anthros can’t take on that entire place.” Jason had not seen the video for himself, as he had only heard about it. He did not know about how large the complex actually was or what actually happened there. Jason asked, “Kurt, what exactly did you see there?” Arcades did not want to answer the question; Howeve
r, he knew that he would have to explain it all to CDI in the near future. He ought to start practicing now, “Absolute sin.” Jason did not understand what the fox was trying to get across, “Uh, I’m not sure what you mean. What did you see in there?”

  The fox sighed as he tried to gather up the will to explain it all, “Imagine a place where anthros are kept chained up in small little boxes while being forced to be subject to various sexual stimulations.” When Jason heard the fox say this, he began to feel mixed emotions. One part of the wolf was in disbelief, as he just could not wrap his head around this concept. Another part of the wolf felt excited in a way, for Jason now wondered how it would feel to be kept in such a place. The fox looked at the wolf for a moment, and he noticed that the wolf seemed to be lost in thought. Jason’s facial expression seemed similar to the last time that he had restrained the fox. Arcades also noted that Jason did not reply to what he had said. The fox began to wonder if the wolf was fantasizing about the place. Arcades shook his head slowly as he turned his attention back to the scenery outside.

  Bocchino watched the taillights of the Ford Mustang GT that was driving in front of him as he continued following the two vehicles. Most of Arcades’ stuff was in the 4Runner and Bocchino had his belongings in the vehicle as well. The cat glanced back at the cargo in the SUV, and he wanted to make sure that none of the equipment that they brought was lost. The cat remembered that they left the XMP-1 back at Sealand. Bocchino cursed quietly to himself, “Fuck… Dammit.” The cat knew that CDI would be more inclined to believe them if they had more evidence to show. However, Bocchino remembered the video that Arcades shot, and he wondered what would happen if the humans did not believe the video. The Contour ROAM’s camera quality was not perfect, and the compiled video that was mirrored on the internet was lacking in terms of overall image fidelity. This was partly due to compression, as the video files dropped image fidelity when it was compiled into one singular file.

  The cat remembered the HH-60 as well, and he knew that it was still at Sealand as well. Bocchino was not sure how Arcades planned to get the helicopter back to the mainland in order to refuel it, but he figured that the fox would figure out something eventually. Bocchino was starting to change his mind about leaving Fox Security after defeating the Omega Foundation. The cat knew that Arcades genuinely cared about his men, and he was willing to do what he believed was the right thing to do. The cat remembered when the fox returned from Hong Kong, having turned down a multimillion dollar contract, for the jade cane simply was not worth that much to him. Bocchino remembered when Arcades explained to him how the cane had symbols inscribed into it, but the cat was not sure how much he believed the fox on this. Though he did see the symbols for himself when Arcades brought the cane back to the US, the cat had never seen such symbols before. He assumed that the fox was just deep in another one of his crazy conspiracy theories. There come issues when you listen to what a fox has to say.

  However, the cat directed his mental attention to the video that Arcades had shown him. He still did not want to believe that what he saw was real. The cat already did not believe Arcades when it came to Facility Eleven. All Bocchino had to go off on was the word of a fox, and the word of anonymous posters on the internet who allegedly had insider knowledge of the facility. Though Arcades came out with the Omega Foundation patches that he took from their Stealth Hawk, Bocchino still wanted to believe that the fox made the patches himself. The cat then asked himself a question, ‘Why would Kurt want to fake stuff like that?’ The cat squinted as he shook his head and began thinking harder. He was not sure what to believe anymore. He was very reluctant to believe a fox, but he also now was starting to become open to the idea that Arcades had been telling the truth to him the entire time. The cat figured that he would wait and see what CDI would say. If anybody would choose not to trust a fox, it would especially be the humans.

  “Jason, what are you thinking?” The fox asked the wolf that had still not replied to him. Jason realized that Arcades was speaking to him, “Huh? Oh, Kurt… I was just trying to imagine what a place like that would even look like.” The fox was predicting that the wolf was thinking just this, “I don’t recommend that you do think about it. That’s a place that I wish I could forget, but I unfortunately don’t get that luxury.” Jason began thinking some more when he heard the word ‘luxury’ and ‘forget’ used together in such a way. The wolf asked, “Mate, how are you going to go about taking down the Foundation if you forget about them?” Arcades sighed softly, “Ah, I know… It’s just that…. Sometimes, you’re just not ready to bear witness to stuff like that. I know for sure that I was not ready to witness the stuff I did last week.”

  The wolf began to recollect that happened during that week, “I know we went to Germany together, but what else happened that was bad?” Arcades thought about Facility Eleven, “That one hotel place that I snuck into. When I first got there, I witnessed….” The fox paused. He wasn’t sure if he had even told anybody this part in specific detail. Arcades continued, “I witnessed anthros partake in…. How do I say this? Homosexual relations.” Jason’s eyes opened a tad bit wider than they were, “Say what, mate?” Arcades spoke again, but with a flat tone that almost sounded emotionless, “I witnessed anthros shoving each others’ dicks up their butts.” Jason was silent. Arcades continued, “There were puddles of semen all over the darn place. I had to freaking avoid them like land mines!” Jason was having a hard time taking in all of this information. Arcades tried to explain this stuff to Bocchino, but it was too hard for him to do that. Now, the fox had little to lose, so he was a tad bit less reluctant to speak about the specific details.

  The wolf was still struck thanks to Arcades’ words. The fox still was not done yet, “And then I was making my way through one of the floors, and I was detected by this one leopard. He freaking chased me down, chained me up, and then he attempted to rape me before I was able to get out. I knocked that sucker out cold. He’s lucky to still be alive. I could have killed him right there, but I didn’t.” Jason was beginning to see a few parallels. In the heat of the moment, Arcades finally finished by saying, “Congratulations. You are not the first anthro to attempt to rape me.” To which Jason replied, “Kurt, please. I thought you told me that you forgave me for that.”

  Arcades immediately frowned. He knew that he was supposed to forgive the wolf, but this was just something that he was finding difficult to do. He knew that the difficulty was caused due to the fact that he was a fallen creature living in a fallen world. Since God was perfect, He was able to forgive the wolf if Jason had repented of this sin and trusted in Jesus to forgive him for doing so. Arcades spoke, “I’m sorry, Jason. I just hope that you know why it is important that we stop the Omega Foundation.” The wolf nodded, “Yeah, I see what you mean, mate. Aren’t these the blokes that had those two anthros from the train?” Arcades remembered the train, “Yes, that is correct. Those anthros were on their way to be taken to Facility Five, the place that I shot the video from. We didn’t even know that it was a real place at first. When we tried to look at it with satellite images, it seemed to have been scrubbed out.” Jason looked out the window again. He wondered what Omega was thinking.

  “We have a problem here,” the man with the laptop said while he looked at his computer’s screen. The camouflaged man had just entered the room again, “Say what? What’s the problem?” The laptop man opened a couple image files, and then he opened the video file that he had already seen. He spoke, “The evidence has been leaked again to the internet.” The camouflaged man shook his head, “Shit. Was it leaked by Hofmeier?” The laptop man shrugged, “I don’t think so. The earliest instance of this that I found is dated after the building burned down. He can’t upload it if he’s dead.” The camouflaged man looked at the video file that was playing, “We never confirmed that he died.” The laptop man looked up at his colleague, “All of our CDI spies in the UK died in the fire. They were trapped between the burning floors. Nobody can confirm t
his for us.”

  The camouflaged man sat down on one of the living chairs. As he sat down, the anthro groaned slightly. The human ignored this, “You know, this could just be another mirror. A decent number of people saw what was originally leaked, right?” The laptop man shrugged, “That’s what I’m currently placing my money on, but one problem is that the XMP-1 has been leaked as well. These seem to have been taken from one of our trains.” The camouflaged man knew what the laptop man was speaking of, “Dammit! Did someone in the Foundation leak that?” The laptop man quickly shook his head, “Nah, no, no. Kurt Hofmeier took these pictures. I can see black fur in the pictures on the dude’s arms. I bet he took these when he broke into the train.” The camouflaged man felt some relief, “Glad to hear that someone within our Foundation didn’t post it. Wait, how come we didn’t see these pictures earlier?”

  The laptop man minimized the image, “A couple of things could have happened. One possibility is that these pictures have been on the internet earlier, and we just haven’t seen it. Another possibility is that somebody else obtained Hofmeier’s evidence and dumped it on the internet.” The camouflaged man then asked, “So, where did you find the evidence this time?” The laptop man opened his internet browser, “We found this on 4chan. It’s where we found it last time. /pol/ had one mirror of it.” The camouflaged man asked further, “So, do they think it’s legit?” The laptop man looked up, “Some do, but some don’t. We’re gonna be sure that they don’t believe it is legit. We’re gonna get our guys to post on the boards and deflect off of it. Either that, or we can just deflect it on somebody else like we’ve been doing before.” The camouflaged man nodded, “Who did you cast the blame on it last time?” The laptop man viewed an archived post, “We got them to believe that the Jewish Internet Defense Force was the one to spread the fake images in the first place in order to bait some of the people on /pol/. As far as they know, this is all still a hoax.”


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