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Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy

Page 79

by Tom Jones

  The radio operative wanted to clear up ambiguity, “What do you mean by captive? Over.” Tau 1 used his eyes to scan the two naked restrained anthros, “They’re both completely naked and in moderate restraints. Over.” Tau 2 lowered his weapon after realizing that Arcades and Jason were not physically able to resist. The first human received a response from the radio operator, “Affirmative. Take them both in. Leave the other four anthros. The black and white furred fox is the priority target. Over.” Tau 1 finished his radio conversation, “Solid copy. We’ll bring them both in. Out.” Arcades’ ears began to lower, for he knew that he was in deep trouble. The human approached the helpless fox, and he grabbed Arcades by the shoulder. Forcing the fox to stand up, Tau 1 visually looked over Arcades to ensure that that fox was not carrying a key to the restraints or anything else he could use to escape.

  Tau 2 examined the way that Arcades was restrained, “We’re gonna have to restrain him more. We can’t bring him in like this.” The fox was confused since he knew that he was already unable to perform many actions with his wrists, ankles, and thumbs bound together. Tau 1 nodded, “That’s right. Good thing we have enough in the truck for both of ‘em. Come on, let’s bring them out.” Tau 2 grabbed Jason by the chain connecting the handcuffs, and he forced the wolf to his feet as well. Though neither of the two anthros did not want to proceed with the Omega operatives, they knew that they had no choice but to comply given their current state. Arcades and Jason were both tugged by the humans through the small encampment, and both anthros shot a look at the dead gray cat who was lying in a pool of her own blood. The two anthros also looked at the rest of the cats, and they could not tell if they were incapacitated or dead as well. They did not want to ask.

  With the front door still hanging open, the humans exited the building first, and they yanked the chains which connected the anthros’ ankles to their wrists. Arcades and Jason both staggered as they were brought outside into the morning light, and the fox immediately could feel the chill of the wind on his naked body. Tau 1 approached the BAE Caiman while his colleague forced the two anthros to their knees. Tau 1 opened the rear of the vehicle, and he stepped inside of the cargo compartment of the truck. Both anthros could only sit and watch as they waited for the human to emerge from the vehicle. Meanwhile, Tau 2 paced back and forth carrying an XMP-1 while making sure that the two anthros did not attempt an escape. The human spoke to the noticeably frightened anthros, “Don’t you fucks try anything. You’ll only make it worse for yourselves.” The fox frowned as he continued to watch as the human continued pacing. He knew that he would be entirely unable to escape even the humans if he desperately tried to. Jason, on the other hand, only looked at the ground as he pondered over the same thing that Arcades thought about.

  Tau 1 emerged from the vehicle carrying restraints which Arcades was quick to recognize. Tau 1 was holding a pair Smith & Wesson Model 1 handcuffs which were outfitted with BOA locksets rather than the standard factory locksets. The fox knew that BOA locksets were keyed uniquely for each set of restraints, so he knew that he would have no chance of using any of the keys he owned to open the locksets. The human was also holding a pair of Smith & Wesson Model 1900 leg shackles which were outfitted with similar BOA locksets. The Omega operative gave an order to the fox, “Stand your ass up, fox.” Arcades slowly began to stand up while his legs were noticeably shaking from the sheer stress of the situation. The fox looked down, and he watched as the high security leg shackles were applied directly below the original pair of Smith & Wesson 1900 shackles which the fox was currently wearing.

  When the human finished locking the modified shackles around the fox’s legs, he removed a standard handcuff key from his pocket in order to remove the shackles which Arcades was originally wearing. With the fox’s original shackles now removed, the fox watched as the modified handcuffs were locked around his wrists as well. Since Arcades’ wrists were so thin, Tau 1 was able to easily lock the second pair of handcuffs directly behind the fox’s first pair. Tau 1 then began to unlock the original handcuffs which the fox was wearing. With the original handcuffs no longer attached to the fox’s wrists, the human then unthreaded them from the fox’s restraint belt while still leaving Arcades’ thumbs and wrists cuffed together. When the restraints were finally unthreaded from the belt, the Martin link immediately fell through the chain, and the entire chain began to fall down the fox’s thin waist. The chain landed down at Arcades’ ankles, and the Omega member reached down with one hand to grab the chain while using his other hand to make sure that he was still maintaining control of the fox’s wrists.

  Not wanting to let go of the fox’s wrists, Tau 1 signaled Tau 2 over to unlock the padlock that was holding the restraint chain together. Tau 2 looked at the padlock, and he recognized that it would be able to be opened with the use of a standard handcuff key. Tau 2 removed his standard key again, and he was easily able to remove the padlock from the chain. The human stepped away while grabbing up the rest of the chain that was dragging on the ground. Tau 1 then took out a long pin, and he used the pin in order to double-lock the high security handcuffs and shackles that Arcades was now forced to wear. Tau 1 now was looking at the restraints that the fox was currently wearing. Arcades no longer had a chain around his waist, and he did not have a chain that was connecting his wrists to his ankles. While Tau 1 did intend on adding these two restraints, he knew that he had to add a couple of other devices that the Omega Foundation specifically used when dealing with high-value individuals.

  Tau 1 nodded to Tau 2, and the second operative stood over and held onto the fox to make sure that he would not run away. Tau 1 returned to the truck, and Arcades was wondering what the human was planning on retrieving from the vehicle. Jason could only sit and watch while Arcades was restrained yet again. By the state of the wolf’s genitals, it was clear that Jason was somewhat enjoying the event despite the fact that the Omega Foundation themselves had now shown up to take both anthros away. After a few more moments, Tau 1 emerged from the truck with a device which made the fox’s eyes widen. Tau 1 noticed that Arcades was visibly concerned due to what he was carrying, so he morphed his facial expression into a malevolent smile. The human spoke to the fox, who still had his eyes locked on the device which he carried, “You know what this is, don’t you, fox?”

  Arcades looked down as the human placed a metal ring with a loop over the fox’s exposed genitalia. As the human fitted the ring on the fox’s genitals, he could listen as Arcades’ breathing rapidly increased due to stress. The human then took a second component of the device composed of polymer, and he placed it over the fox’s penis itself while compressing it in the process. The experience was painful for Arcades, but he knew that there was nothing he could do to stop the Omega operatives. When the cage component of the device was placed over his penis, the human used a different padlock to secure the cage to the ring. The fox felt more pain from his genitals since they were now compressed into such a small state. The pain caused Arcades to grunt, and this noise prompted Tau 2 to begin to squeeze the fox’s neck in order to silence him.

  While Arcades hoped that the nightmare would soon end, the fox’s eyes widened yet again as Tau 1 removed a metallic buttplug from his pocket. The fox shook his head rapidly, but his nonverbal pleas would not prevent the Omega Foundation from doing what they wanted to the fox. Tau 1 moved behind the fox, and he lifted Arcades’ bushy tail upwards. Tau 1 gave Arcades an option to comply, “Spread those cheeks, fox.” The fox refused to comply with the human’s demands, and Tau 1 nodded to his colleague who then proceeded to hold the fox’s muzzle shut and bend him forwards in order for his rectum to become exposed to the human. Tau 1 watched as Arcades’ anus was now exposed before him, and he wasted no time pushing the device directly into the fox’s anal cavity. The fox produced an audible grunt from the action, and his legs also began to shake even more from a combination of both physical stress and psychological torment. When Tau 1 finished, he gave the go-ahead for Tau 2 to f
orce the fox to stand up straight again. When Arcades was stood up straight yet again, Tau 1 walked back over to the vehicle to retrieve more equipment.

  Tears were now rolling down the fox’s cheeks, and both humans were able to hear the fox audibly sob despite the fact that Tau 2 was still holding Arcades’ mouth shut. Jason only silently sat on his knees while watching the whole event, and he was now only horrified since he knew that he would receive the same treatment when the two operatives were done with Arcades. Tau 1 emerged from the vehicle yet again, and he was carrying a fox muzzle with a unique addition along with a lockbox for the BOA locksets. When Arcades noticed that the fox muzzle was reaching closer to his mouth, he could see that the inside of the muzzle was fitted with a silicone dildo. The fox tried to resist the device, but the two humans forced the dildo into Arcades’ mouth. Arcades gagged at first, but it was clear to him that the humans would not remove the specialized muzzle from his mouth. When the muzzle was fastened, the Omega operatives let go of the fox’s head, and they watched as Arcades thrashed his head around in vain as he tried to remove the muzzle. Tears were flung from the fox’s eyes during this action, and Arcades sobs were somehow louder than they were earlier.

  Tau 1 then took the BOA lockbox, and he prepared to place it over the handcuffs that Arcades was wearing in front of himself. However, the human paused right before placing the lockbox. Tau 1 gave an order for the fox, “Step through the cuffs. I want you to have your hands cuffed behind your back. Do it now, you fucking fox.” Arcades, with tears still rolling down his cheeks, reluctantly complied with his human captors. The fox bent over yet again to step through the legcuffs, and he was able to easily feel the pain of both devices the ISG used on his lower parts. Arcades stepped through the shackles, and he brought his restrained wrists past his violated buttocks and tail before being able to bring his hands behind his back. With the fox’s hands now behind his back, Tau 1 moved behind Arcades, and he placed the box over the BOA handcuffs. While the orange box covered the keyholes of the high security locks, it also featured a loop in the frame of the box which would be able to accommodate for the restraint chain which the fox had been previously wearing.

  Tau 1 inserted a double-sided steel plate into the orange box, and this addition prevented the box from opening by itself. The human then picked up the fox’s restraint chain, and he began to wrap it around Arcades’ waist until it was uncomfortably tight for the fox. When Tau 1 decided that Arcades’ waist was wrapped tightly enough, he passed the Martin link through one of the regular chain links before pushing it through the opening in the orange box. Since the Smith & Wesson restraint belt featured a differently shaped Martin link when compared to competing manufacturers, Tau 1 had to lock a padlock through the end of the Martin link to prevent it from sliding out of the orange box. The fox’s wrists were now locked to his waist yet again; However, there was still a considerable amount of chain remaining which was dangling from Arcades’ waist. Tau 1 grabbed the chain tightly, and he pushed it through the fox’s buttcrack in order for it to prevent the buttplug from becoming loose in the fox’s anus. The chain was run along Arcades’ groin until it passed over his penis and reached the front of his waist where the chain was applied. Tau 1 gripped the chain, and he tightly wrapped it around until there was no more chain that was dangling. When the human was satisfied, he applied another padlock in order to prevent the chain from becoming loose. The fox could only continue to weep.

  Tau 1 returned to the Caiman again, and he promptly returned with a thirty inch chain which had two rings at each end. Tau 1 briefly unlocked the padlock that held the excess links of Arcades’ restraint chain together, and he threaded the chain through the ring on the chain before locking the padlock to the fox’s chain again. Tau 1 then padlocked the other ring to a center point of the chain of the Smith & Wesson shackles. Tau 1 stepped back away from the fox, and he looked Arcades over. Tau 1 spoke, “Still missing a couple things.” Arcades, still sobbing as much as he could, did not believe what he was hearing. He did not know what else these people could possibly do to him. The fox attempted to make some more noise, but the muzzle gag prevented him from doing so. Tau 1 returned again to the Caiman.

  When the human returned, he was carrying what appeared to be a set of black mitts along with a few more items which he had placed in his pockets. Tau 1 first moved behind the fox, and he briefly removed the fox’s thumbcuffs before placing the black mitts on the fox’s hands and pushing the wrist enclosures underneath the fox’s wrist restraints. The mitts featured holes for thumbs, and the only reason why this was a feature was so that Arcades would be able to wear the thumbcuffs again. With the mitts forcing Arcades’ hands into useless balls, his hands’ usefulness was affected again when his own thumbcuffs were locked around his thumbs yet again. Tau 1 double-locked the thumbcuffs, and he moved to the front of the fox again. Tau 1 reached into his pocket, and he pulled out a pair of nipple clamps that were connected by a very short chain. Arcades could not even produce a response as to what was happening to him anymore, so he was only able to stand still while the humans further violated him. The fox immediately felt more pain from the use of the clamps on his bare nipples, and he held his eyes shut in an attempt to manage all of the pain he was feeling at once.

  Before the fox was able to open his eyes again, he could feel something else was being strapped to his head. Before the fox knew it, he was blindfolded by Tau 1. Tau 1 lifted the blindfold off of the fox’s eyes before he spoke, “I’ll let your bitchass look for now. Look at yourself, fox. You’re nothing now. You anthros aren’t fuck all.” Arcades’ cries only fell on deaf ears, and he found that he was being forced to kneel yet again. When the fox was on his knees again, he was able to feel the combined encumberment due to all of the equipment which he was forced to wear by the ISG operatives. The fox looked back up, and he could see Tau 1 returning to the truck yet again. Arcades could not even come up with any more guesses as to what the human was going to bring out this time. After a short moment of time, Tau 1 emerged from the vehicle while carrying a collar which featured a glowing red LED stripe running around the collar. Tau 1 locked the collar around the fox’s neck with another padlock, and he stepped back from the fox to admire what he had done to violate Arcades on more than one level.

  Tau 1 chuckled, “Heh, you look like any fox should: Bound, helpless, and unable to do shit. You fucking foxes don’t deserve any better. You especially; the one who broke into the Foundation. Fucking piece of bitchass shit.” Arcades was unable to react to the human’s insults, and he only looked down at the cage which locked his genitals away. Unable to speak, unable to move, and unable to escape all contributed to the fox’s great feeling of distress. Tau 1 stood directly in front of the kneeling fox while he spoke to him, “Don’t get too comfortable down there, bitch.” Arcades sat his restrained hands on the soles of his bare feet, and he could only wonder what would happen to him next. He wished that he was the captive of the South African mercenaries rather than the Omega Foundation.

  Tau 1 spoke to the fox again, “Get your ass up, bitch. Come on!” Arcades slowly got to his feet, and the human shoved the fox to motivate him to get moving. When Arcades was shoved forwards, he could feel the buttplug dig into his anus as his legs moved back and forth, causing him to grunt. He found that the human was now leading him towards the BAE Caiman itself. The human gave the fox another shove right in front of the stairs that led to the rear carrying compartment of the vehicle, “Get your fucking dumbfuck slut ass in there, fox!” Arcades tried to balance himself as he stepped into the vehicle without any help given by the humans. When Arcades stepped into the vehicle, he felt himself being pushed to the floor of the vehicle by the human. The fox grunted when he landed on the vehicle’s floor. Tau 1 climbed aboard the vehicle with Arcades, and he closed the aftermarket door which connected the rear compartment to the cabin, for the humans kept all of their equipment in the rear cabin area. Tau 1 flipped the fox’s blindfold down, exited the truck,
and closed the main door which led to the back compartment in order to keep Arcades locked up. The human then looked down at the wolf, “Your turn, bitch.”

  Bocchino looked to his left to see Jim before he looked out of the helicopter’s window. The cat was contemplating asking Jim a question, but he knew that he would have to ask the question before they were to reach Spain. From what the cat knew, he was currently flying over France. The flight had been planned as such to avoid traveling over water for extended periods of time just in case the group experienced mechanical trouble leading to them making an emergency landing. Bocchino decided to finally ask Jim his question, “Hey Jim.” Jim kept his eyes on the surroundings, but he acknowledged the cat, “Yeah, Bobby?” The cat continued, “Can we stop at Sealand?” Jim was surprised to hear the cat ask the question, “You want to stop at Sealand? I thought you guys didn’t leave anything there.” Bocchino replied, “No, no, I didn’t.” The human was unsure of Bocchino’s intentions, “Why do we need to return to Sealand?” The cat then said, “I need to speak with the Prince.”

  Jim checked his location on the helicopter’s Garmin GPS system, and he figured that stopping at Sealand wouldn’t be too much of a deviation from the current flight plan. The human turned his head to face the cat, “Alright… We can stop at Sealand.” Bocchino perked up a small smile, but at the same time, he knew that he only had bad news to tell the Prince. The cat also had another reason as to why he wanted to stop at Sealand, “How about we modify our route a little bit? Crossing the North Atlantic from Spain might be complicated for us when we don’t speak their language. Sealand is close enough to Harwich International Port, and we might be able to put our helicopter on a boat in order to get back to the US. How does that sound? The human considered the option, “Sounds better than making the journey ourselves, but you know that boat will take longer than flying in a Galaxy. Right?” Bocchino sighed, “Yeah, I know it’ll take longer, but we’ve already spent a good amount of Kurt’s money on refueling this damn thing. Flying there would be straight up too expensive.” Jim adjusted the helicopter’s course for the United Kingdom, and he checked his GPS to make sure that he was indeed going in the correct direction. The cat then remembered something else that was important, “Oh shit, that’s right. We also have three of Kurt’s vehicles still there. We need to take those back with us.” Jim knew about one of the vehicles, “The Stealth Hawk? I know that’s one vehicle we left there. You didn’t tell me you left two others there.” Bocchino mentioned the other two vehicles, “Kurt brought two cars with him. They’re his vehicles, but they might come in handy for us.”


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