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Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy

Page 86

by Tom Jones

  Arcades now only had his hands in mitts, handcuffs around his wrists, and shackles around his ankles as the main restraints preventing him from using most of his body. One still saw how the fox’s hands were locked behind his back, but he was not sure if he wanted to unlock one of the cuffs in order to bring Arcades’ hands to his front. One took a moment to move in front of the fox, and he looked at the clamps which had been placed on his nipples. One commented on the usage of the device, “Well, fuck. The ISG really went all-out on you, huh? I can use these later.” One reached and removed the clamps from the fox’s nipples, and Arcades immediately felt his pain lessen slightly. However, Arcades still had another device up his anus, and that device was exceedingly uncomfortable for the fox to wear. One decided he would briefly unlock one of Arcades’ wrists, but not before sternly saying, “You better not fucking try anything.” As One went over to unlock one of Arcades’ wrists, he noticed that the fox’s thumbs were cuffed, and this would prevent Arcades from moving his hands to the front of his body.

  One examined the keyhole of the thumbcuffs, and he believed that the unique restraint utilized a standard handcuff key. The human inserted the key into the hole, but he realized that it did not properly fit. One took a step away from the fox, and he vocalized his frustration, “Fuck…” As the human moved back over to his desk to search for a different key which would work, Arcades tried his best to eject the device from his anus. After a brief moment of pushing, the device fell out of the fox’s rectum, and it landed on the ground, producing a very audible thud. One looked up at the fox, and he wondered what made the noise, but he then noticed the plug on the ground. The human commented, “I’m glad they put that up your ass. That’ll be a nice intro for you, because we have so much more in store for you. You don’t even know half of it yet.” Arcades was beginning to feel more frightened, but he was glad that the human was unable to see his concern due to the blindfold and muzzle the fox was wearing.

  The human returned to the fox with a different key, and he then tested to see if it would open the thumbcuffs. Since the miniature restraints featured two keyholes that directly were connected to each other, One assumed that either keyhole would open the small restraints. One placed the key in one of the keyholes, and he twisted to no avail. The human did not realize that the thumbcuffs were already double-locked, and that the second keyhole was the correct keyhole to disengage the double-lock before releasing the main lock. After an extended moment of figuring out the proper operation of thumbcuffs, One was finally able to remove them from Arcades’ thumbs. One then removed the mitts from the fox’s hands, and he briefly looked Arcades’ palms over. One commented on the fox’s hands, “You know, for someone who gets himself into all of these places, I thought that your hands would be a bit tougher. Fuckin’ hell, your hands are soft as fuck!”

  One waited for the fox to say something else, but Arcades did not say anything. One looked up at the fox’s face, and he could see that he was still muzzled, “Oh that’s right. You can’t say shit with that on your mouth. Well, I’m gonna have to remove that anyways for what I want to do, so I guess I should do it now.” The human walked in front of the fox, and he unbuckled the muzzle from the fox’s face. Once the muzzle was off of the fox, One tossed it aside after looking at the saliva that accumulated on the silicon insert of the muzzle. The human smiled and commented as Arcades gagged and coughed, “You’re going to learn to enjoy more things than that in your mouth here at the Omega Foundation, fox. Did you ever wonder why you foxes are always the stereotypical sluts of the anthro race?” Arcades did not produce a response to One’s question. The human, in his disappointment, yanked the leash which was attached to Arcades’ collar, and this rapid movement caused the fox to suddenly gasp. One tried to push the fox to his knees, but he was surprised that Arcades was not complying. After a good yank, the human managed to push the fox to the ground, but Arcades landed on his belly rather than his knees. One looked at the restraints on the ground as he walked around the fox who was still blindfolded, shackled, and handcuffed. One decided that he would remove the fox’s blindfold, so he moved behind Arcades as he was still lying on the ground, and he pulled the blindfold off of Arcades’ eyes. The fox immediately took in the surroundings of the room, which was dimly lit. The walls and floor were all a dark gray color, and there were some blue lights in select parts of the room. Arcades rolled to his side until he was lying on his back, and he was now able to see the human standing in front of him.

  “Welcome to the Omega Foundation, bitch,” One spoke as Arcades was now able to see him. The fox looked down at the cage around his genitals, the last irregular restraint, and One spoke when he saw that Arcades had looked at the cage, “The cage stays on, bitch. You fox fucks don’t deserve to feel any pleasure here.” Arcades could tell that the human misunderstood his priorities. The fox attempted to stand up, but he was quickly pushed back to the ground by One. One taunted, “No, no, no. No getting up for you, fox. You obviously don’t know your place.” Arcades wanted to say something back to the human, but he had a feeling that One was provoking him into doing so. The fox did not want to play along with the human, for he knew that One wanted him to submit to his will via psychological coercion. Arcades also knew that by not submitting to the human, he would be provoking the human to do more things to him, and the fox was not ready to take his chances with what One could come up with to abuse him. Arcades was glad that he was now free of a few restraints, and he was debating on using what he knew regarding his own capabilities to escape.

  The fox quickly examined his surroundings with his peripheral vision, and he took note of the current restraints on his person. Though the BOA locksets made the restraints more intimidating, Arcades knew that under the locksets were the standard Smith & Wesson handcuffs which he had owned and used on himself for years. The fox knew that he had learned a great deal about maneuvering himself while restrained, and he felt that it might be time to use those skills now. Arcades knew that his genitals were encased inside of a cage, but he did not see the cage as being detrimental to his escape effort in this situation. All the fox needed to do would be to obtain the key for the BOA handcuffs from the human, and he would be able to escape. Arcades shot another brief look at the cage for his genitals, and he could indeed tell that the padlock which held the cage in place was not keyed alike to any of the handcuff keys which the fox knew about. If he were to escape the rest of the restraints, then he would have to wear the cage until he would be able to remove it himself later. Out of all the restraints the fox had been forced to wear, the cage was the restraint which he minded the least. After all, the fox did not really need to use his genitals for anything. Arcades placed more value on having his hands and ankles free rather than having his genitals free.

  One was still waiting for Arcades to say something, but he was unaware that the fox was devising his escape plan in his mind as he was waiting. The human spoke again, “Are you gonna try and stand up again, bitch?” Arcades knew that it would be unwise for him to obey the human, but he also knew that he would have to stand up if he had a chance of escaping Facility One. The fox was very tempted to try and escape now, for he had been restrained in a similar manner numerous times. All the fox needed to essentially do would be to bring his hands to the front of his body, and he would be able to exponentially increase the effectiveness of his hands. Since the handcuffs were linked by chain, the fox knew that he would be able to bring them to the front of his body, for he was easily able to do so with similar Smith & Wesson models. Arcades decided that his best option given his current situation would be to pray to God Himself, so that He would bestow strength upon the fox in order to begin the escape. The fox closed his eyes, and he began to silently pray to God.

  The human noticed that the fox had his eyes closed, “The fuck do you think you’re doing you slut? Fucking look at me, you bitch.” Arcades did not open his eyes until he was sure he was ready. The fox finished his silent prayer, and he opened his eyes
to see that One was raising his left leg to kick Arcades. As the human raised his left leg, Arcades noticed that One was carrying a handgun holstered on his right thigh. The fox now knew what he needed to do. Since One was standing on one leg, Arcades waited until he pushed his leg forwards to kick him. When the human’s leg started to move forwards during the kick, Arcades quickly scooted out of the way by using his bound hands to shift himself to the right. The human missed the fox, and Arcades sprung his bound legs outwards in order to successfully knock the human down on the ground.

  Arcades quickly pushed his bound hands past his tail, and he moved his legs closer to his body so that he would be able to bring his hands to the front of his body. The fox rolled forwards, and he stood up by transferring the momentum of the roll to his legs while bringing his hands to the front of his body in one swift motion. The fox raised his bound hands over his head, and he waited for the human to be in the process of standing up before swinging down with all of his might. The fox slammed One directly on the forehead with the heavy steel locksets of the BOA handcuffs, and he watched as One fell back over on the ground and yelped in pain. The fox raised his hands again, and he delivered another slam to the human’s forehead with the same heavy locksets. When One was disoriented from the impacts to his head, Arcades quickly wrapped the chain connecting his ankles around the human’s throat, and he began to pull his legs outward as much as he was able to do so.

  One scrambled to grab the chain the fox started to pull around his neck, and Arcades could audibly hear sounds of choking. Arcades did not want to wait for the human to potentially pass out from the lack of oxygen. Arcades moved to a sitting position while still keeping his legs extended outwards, and he began to repeatedly hit the human with the locksets over and over again. At this point, blood was now spilling from One’s head, and he was becoming less and less resistant to Arcades’ attacks. After about a couple dozen more blows to the head, the human finally stopped struggling with the fox all together. With the adrenaline still going through Arcades’ blood, the fox waited a few more seconds to make sure that the human was finished with him. Arcades unwrapped the human’s neck from the chain, and he was careful as to not get blood on himself since he did not know if the human carried any kind of bloodborne diseases. After all, from what he knew about the Omega Foundation, Arcades was not ready to take any huge risks.

  The fox stood up, and he squatted down in order to grab the handgun which was in One’s holster. Even though Arcades’ wrists were still bound together, he was still able to operate handguns and some rifle models. Arcades inspected the handgun, and he quickly identified it as a black Smith & Wesson M&P9 2.0. The fox dropped the magazine from the handgun, and he pulled the slide back halfway in order to verify that the weapon had a round in the chamber. When Arcades could confirm that the weapon was indeed loaded, he placed the magazine back into the weapon, and he held it in his bound hands as he aimed the weapon around the office to make sure that nobody else was in there with him. Arcades flipped the safety lever on the right side of the frame upwards to set the weapon to safe, and he held the handgun in his hands as he searched the ground for the keys to unlock his restraints. The fox knew what key he should be looking to find, for he was familiar with the BOA Medeco lockset modifications for the Smith & Wesson restraints.

  After a moment of searching the floor, Arcades finally found the key which One dropped during the struggle. The fox got on his knees next to the key, placed the handgun right in front of himself, and picked up the key for the restraints. Arcades inserted the key into the left restraint, and he had his wrist free within seconds. After freeing one wrist, he used the hand which he had just freed to release himself from the other cuff. Arcades gave one last look at the restraints before discarding them on the floor, for he knew how expensive the restraints were compared to the standard models manufactured by Smith & Wesson. Arcades then changed his sitting position so that he would be able to access the keyholes on his ankles. Arcades inserted the key into the keyhole, and he repeated the action for his other ankle. The fox was now completely free from conventional restraints, but he decided that he would bring the Medeco key with him for the time being. The key which he found would only open the restraints which Omega placed him in specifically, and they would not be compatible with other BOA locksets. Though he knew that each BOA lockset was keyed differently, he still figured that it would be worth a try if Jason had been locked in a set of restraints which shared the same key. The fox did not want to risk tossing the key to Jason’s freedom away.

  Arcades stood up, grabbed the M&P9 2.0, and he looked back over to the bleeding human one more time in order to make sure he was not planning on getting back up anytime soon. The fox did not know if he had killed the human, but he did not want to fire his weapon and risk altering the rest of Facility One. Arcades looked down at the cage which encased his genitals, and he inspected the padlock which held it in place. The padlock was manufactured by Master, and Arcades knew that it would be fairly easy for him to pick it once he had the tools to do so. He also noticed that the cage was constructed of polymer, so he knew that he would be able to cut the polymer off if his attempts at picking the lock did not come to fruition. Arcades disregarded the cage for now since he knew that he would not be needing his genitals in this situation; it would be something to worry about for later.

  Taking a look around One’s office, Arcades was searching for any equipment that would be of use to him. The fox was considering looting the bludgeoned human, but he did not want to risk getting any of the human’s potentially toxic blood on himself. Arcades knew that stealth would be his best friend for escaping the compound since he knew that he would not be able to take on the entirety of Facility One’s Internal Security Group using only a Smith & Wesson M&P9 and one magazine. Arcades had literally nothing else on his person besides the cage over his genitals which he was currently unable to remove. Though Arcades could not find any spare clothes in the office, he did find a keycard. The keycard appeared similar to one he found at Facility Five, but it was blue instead of red. The keycard had the word Omni written on it, and Arcades assumed that the keycard would be useful in opening any Omega security doors he might encounter during his escape since it was found in the office of the Site Director of Facility One.

  Before Arcades commenced his official escape, he knew that he would not be able to go anywhere with the collar still around his neck since he would likely be tracked by the ISG if he left it on. The fox first unbuckled the leash from the collar, and he tossed it aside before feeling for any padlock that might be keeping the collar in place. Arcades was surprised to find that the collar felt completely slick, but there was one section that felt more slick than the rest of the collar. The fox took into consideration that the collar he is wearing might be able to be unlocked with an RFID device. Since Arcades had just acquired a keycard, the fox decided that it would be worth a try. The fox held the keycard in front of the RF-ID scanner for a few seconds after he located where the chip was held, and he heard a beep followed by the collar popping off of his neck and landing on the ground.

  The fox looked at the collar on the ground, and he saw that the glowing red stripe around the collar was now disabled as well. Arcades assumed that the collar used some kind of GPS device, so he believed that it would not take long for the ISG to become suspicious of the device shutting off. The fox held the handgun in one hand, the Medeco key and keycard in his other hand, and he knew that he would not be able to effectively carry more items which he may need in the future if he was to remain completely naked. Arcades looked around One’s office some more as he looked for anything he could use to carry objects for himself. Wishing he could find some pants to wear, the fox was unsuccessful in locating anything that might be able to efficiently bear the load and free up his hands to use his weapon properly. After a few more moments of searching, Arcades opened a closet with the keycard he procured, and he struck a jackpot.

  Inside the closet, Arcades foun
d a complete ISG Special Forces loadout: A Crye Precision G4 combat uniform in blue, a complete kit assault kit manufactured by Blue Force Gear and Velocity Systems, and an XMP-1. The fox pulled the G4 pants down, and he looked for the tag to see what size the trousers were. The pants had a 32 inch waist size, and a 32 inch inseam. The fox was too tall and too skinny for the pants, but he figured that it was either wear the ill-fitting pants or remain completely naked; Arcades was not too happy with being naked. Arcades put the pants on first, and he sat his acquired items aside for later. There was not a web belt included with the equipment, so Arcades had to utilize the velcro waist adjustment straps which were situated on the back of the Crye pants. After the fox pulled the velcro adjustment tabs as far as they would go, he was able to get the pants to fit his waist better than he did before.

  Arcades then grabbed the G4 combat shirt, and he donned it before tucking the excess fabric into the pants. The fox was glad that both the shirt and pants included their respective knee and elbow pads. Arcades did not see any footwear in the closet, but he decided that he did not need footwear anyways; he never wore any during his other operations. The fox grabbed the black Blue Force Gear SOC-C belt and harness kit, and he tightened it before buckling it to his waist. Arcades was glad to see that the belt included a Safariland holster for the M&P9 and several HSGI pouches which were already loaded with Magpul PMAGs for the XMP-1. The fox, however, did not have a tailhole in the pants for him to thread his tail into. Arcades noticed that the Spiritus Systems LV119 plate carrier contained a Hogue tactical knife in a polymer holster on the left side, so he used the knife to cut a small hole in the back of the pants in order for him to pull his tail through. Now with his tail through the hole, he could focus on donning the rest of the procured equipment. Arcades opened the two platebags on the carrier, and he removed the NIJ Level III+ plates from the carrier, for he knew that he did not need any extra weight slowing him down. Though he would be sacrificing significant ballistic protection, the fox knew that he needed to maximize the usage of the load bearing capabilities of the vest since the vest included many pouches manufactured by Velocity Systems. Once the plates had been removed from the carrier, Arcades threw the plate carrier over his torso, and he tightened it to fit his extremely thin torso. The fox then put on the black Mechanix covert tactical gloves which he found to be slightly too small for his hands. The gloves were ill-fitting and not Oakley, but Arcades would not complain, for gloves were better than no gloves.


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