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GEORGIANA (Pride & Prejudice continued... Book 3)

Page 19

by Sue Barr

  Instead of sending a letter every third day she’d encourage him to exchange them daily. After a quick calculation, she realized they’d finish in about two weeks. She almost clapped her hands in delight. As it was the sky became bluer, the bird song more melodic and the sun shone brighter than ever.

  Ten days later, after using the letter ‘Y’, Georgiana signed her final communication to Max. After sealing the missive, she rang for a footman to deliver it to Kerr House. Familiar with his mission, the young lad gladly walked the quarter mile before he handed it over to the butler and enjoyed his usual treat of lemon tarts.


  Max sat behind his desk; shoulders slumped in defeat. Words refused to come to mind. They were nearing the end of the alphabet and once he received the next letter from Georgiana, he’d have to reply. A piece of ivory vellum lay beneath his hand with words written and crossed out.






  He groaned. Zebra? The urge to smash his forehead against his desk nearly overwhelmed him. He absolutely refused to give up after six months of courting and exchanging letters. Instinctively he knew this was purely a symbolic gesture, but he needed to complete the task so they could begin anew. With a longsuffering sigh, he dipped his quill into the ink pot, prepared to scratch out the last word.

  “A letter has arrived, your Grace.”

  In his despair he hadn’t heard Benson open the door. He dropped the quill, unmindful of the large ink blotch created on the parchment and held out his hand. His butler handed him the single page and politely bowed out of the room.

  He broke the seal and read the note. At first his heart stopped beating before thudding back to life. He pushed back his chair, nearly toppling it over in his haste to stand and call out, “Benson, my hat and cane please.”

  Within the half hour, he’d reached Darcy House and was admitted by the butler.

  “Good afternoon, your Grace.”

  “Good afternoon.” He handed his hat and cane to the man. “Would you inform Miss Darcy I am here to see her.”

  “Right away, sir. Would you care to wait in the blue salon?”

  “Don’t bother seeing me there, Hutchins. I know the way.”

  “Very well, your Grace. I shall return in but a moment.”

  Hutchins disappeared through a discreet door and Max made his way to the blue salon. He halted in the doorway when he discovered not only Darcy there, but also Ash and the Colonel.

  “Adborough,” Darcy acknowledged him.

  He couldn’t be sure, but the dour man from Derbyshire had begun to soften in his attitude, as well as his cousin, Ash. Richard, crusty old soldier that he was, refused to give in, although his muttered threats of running his through with his sword had dwindled to an occasional utterance.

  All in all, things looked up for him and Georgiana.

  “Gentlemen,” he replied back and joined them near a grouping of chairs.

  “Why are you here?”

  “I’ve come to see Georgiana.”

  “You are well past receiving hours, Adborough,” Richard grumbled.

  “None of that, if you please, cousin.” All of them swiveled their attention to the entrance. Georgiana, stunning in a deep blue gown, moved gracefully toward them. She stopped by his side and faced her brother and cousins. “Maxwell is family.” She slanted her gaze upward to him and asked, “You received my letter?”

  “I did−” He shot a look at the three men watching them. “May we have some privacy?”

  “I’m not moving.” Ash countered with a broad smile.

  “Come with me.” Georgiana slid her arm around his and they moved to the far side of the room. When she would have removed her arm from his, he captured her hand and brought it to his lips. A loud harrumphing cough from the other side of the room made him smile against her fingers. “Ignore them,” she whispered. “This is between you and me.”

  “Did you mean what you wrote?”

  “Most assuredly.”

  His whole body quivered and he could wait no longer. He brushed his mouth softly over hers, relishing in the way she offered her lips for more.

  “I love you, Georgiana.”

  She melted in his arms. “And I love you,” she sighed.

  His mouth captured hers and he deepened the kiss. He loved her. He’d walk to Hades and back to have her in his life. He didn’t care that they were standing not ten feet from her brother and cousins….

  Oh, dear God, they were kissing in front of her brother and cousins!

  Still cupping the sides of her face, he drew back and gazed down at her. Eyes closed, full lips slightly open, she was beautiful. Slowly, her eyes drifted open and he knew exactly when the same realization came to her. A rosy pink heated her cheeks and she grinned.

  He cut a glance to the other side of the room. Darcy, Richard and Ash still stood at the door. Darcy and Richard glowered and Ash, well Ash watched the two of them with unbridled amusement.

  “Gentlemen. I believe my wife and I would like some privacy.”

  “We need at least two weeks. I will let you know when you may come to Kerr house.”

  Max gave a start and stared down at Georgiana.

  “What?” she asked, her eyes wide with unconvincing innocence. “Would you rather live here?”

  “Not bloody likely.”

  Max dropped his hands and turned smartly toward the trio. “Three weeks, minimum,” he almost growled.

  “Come on.” Ash pushed off from the chair he’d been leaning against. “Our work is done here.”

  “We’ll see ourselves out.” Max began steering Georgiana toward the door.

  Darcy started to move forward, only to be held back by Ash. “This is her choice, Darcy.”

  “He made her miserable. And now he’s forcing her to−”

  Georgiana came to a complete stop and faced her brother.

  “No one is forcing me to do anything, Fitz. I love him and I belong with my husband.”

  “Yes, but−”

  “But nothing. I know you love me, which means you must trust that I know what I’m doing.”

  Darcy held his sister’s gaze for a moment before giving her a slight nod. He stepped forward and kissed her cheek, whispering, “You are a beautiful Duchess.” He extended his hand. “Welcome to the family, Adborough.”

  He shook Darcy’s hand and said, “Thank you.”

  Ash also shook his hand as he passed by and Richard stopped directly in front of them. He first looked at Georgiana, peering at her as though he needed to assure himself that she was completely serious about her decision and then he looked at Max, his expression one of resignation.

  “I love you, Georgie and will abide by your wishes.” He swung his gaze to Max. “One step out of line, Adborough and I will make your life a living hell.”

  “Richard,” Georgiana chided gently. “None of us are without fault and if you’ve never made a wrong step, or said the wrong thing, then you can come to Max and demand perfection. Until then… mind your manners.”

  Clearly surprised by her words, the Colonel rocked back on his heels and assessed her again. Then he smiled. The first full one Max had seen in a long time.

  “You do have the making of a formidable Duchess, cousin.”

  He turned smartly on his heel and followed his brother and cousin out of the room.

  “Do you need some time to pack?” Max asked once he’d regained his mental equilibrium.

  “I already have a few things packed.” Her cheeks flushed a rosy pink. “Anna can bring the rest at a later date.”

  “Very well, wife,” he extended his elbow. “Shall we start anew?”

  As soon as they’d donned their outerwear, they walked back to Kerr house, gliding by a surprised butler and completely ignored the servants who gaped as Max carried his wife up the stairs and kicked the door to his bedroom shut.

  The housekeeper was the only one who s
miled knowingly as she had been the one who’d retrieved the note from Georgiana and placed it in the Duke’s drawer. She hadn’t meant to read the missive, but it was hard not to when there was but a single line on the whole page.

  I am Yours

  Later, Max had no memory of who made the first move. All he knew was that when the haze of desire lifted and he gazed down at his beautiful wife he noted with extreme satisfaction that her hair had fallen out of all its pins and lay in glorious curls down her back. Her lips were plump from his kisses, her cheeks flush with desire and her gown was unbuttoned in a most becoming way. His body burned at the memory of how soft her flesh felt beneath his hands and he drew her back into his embrace.

  “I have one more word for you, my darling Maxwell,” she murmured against his lips. “I desperately wanted to say it when I first returned to London and surprised you in the music room.”

  “Whatever it is, it cannot compare to what we have right now, right here,” he growled with impatient desire and captured her mouth again.

  They separated briefly and he rested his forehead against hers. She took the opportunity to stand on the tips of her toes and feather kisses along his jaw line, stopping when she reached the sensitive lobe of his ear. She whispered one word and with a strangled groan he gathered her into his arms and carried her to the bed before returning his attention to her mouth and body.

  Minutes, days, hours passed before a sense of reason invaded his desire filled brain. He desperately wanted to consummate their marriage but needed to ensure he hadn’t misread any signal she’d been sending. With much regret, he broke the kiss.

  “Before we get carried away, I must ask a simple question.” He expected to see a flash of disappointment, but she held his gaze with an open and honest expression. Oh, how he loved this woman. “Do you truly wish to be my wife, in every sense of the word?” At her nod he nearly whooped for joy.

  “How can I refuse when that is also my heart’s desire and has been for many years?”

  The urge to draw her close and kiss her senseless almost overpowered him. Sheer will power kept his fisted hands close to his side. His thoughts and words were another matter.

  “I do not deserve you. However, I would follow you to the ends of the earth and back. I never wish to be apart from you again.”

  “There is no need to travel to the ends of the earth,” she laughed out. “The master suite here will suffice.”

  She gave him such a loving look his knees almost buckled. He became completely undone when she took his clenched hand in hers and after opening it wide, placed it against her soft cheek.

  “Fulfill my ‘I’ word,” she whispered into his palm. “Bring me home completely.”

  And he did, and for many years they expressed their Intimate devotion as only people truly in love can.





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