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His Wicked Mouth

Page 7

by Jessica Mills

  We ate and chatted, keeping our conversation on a fairly surface level. Finally, I decided this wasn’t an opportunity I was going to have again anytime soon, so I dove in.

  “Tell me, Garrett, are you ever planning on coming home to Green Valley?” I asked.

  He looked up at me from over a bite of his thick club sandwich. He finished the bite and set the sandwich down, wiping his fingertips on his napkin. “Go home?”

  “Yeah. Your family misses you. A lot of people do.”

  He looked at me like he wasn’t convinced. “And the Hayes family?”

  I laughed. “All right, you’ve got me there. They would prefer you never showed your face in town again. But who gives a damn what they think? Home is home. And I hope I’m not overstepping by saying this, but you look like a man who needs to go home, Garrett. Even just for a little bit.”

  He didn’t look too sure, but I wasn’t backing down. I strongly believed he needed a reminder of who he was.

  Chapter 11


  Home? Could I really go back there?

  Annabelle said it so easily, like it was the simplest, most straightforward answer in the world. Her mind went right to it. There wasn’t even a second of hesitation in her voice, not a bit of extra thought or worry that meant she was thinking about something that might not work out well.

  But that was the first thing that came to mind when I thought about it. It had been so long since I was in Green Valley, so long since I was home. So long, in fact, that it even felt a little bit strange to think of it as going home. Almost like I lost the right to think of it that way when I left and didn’t look back.

  Maybe there was some sort of quota of how many times I had to reach out to my brothers or go visit in order to maintain the status of that ranch still being my home. There were always those people who insisted your home was the one place you would always be accepted, where you could always return no matter what was going on in your life. I didn’t know if I was completely sold on that.

  It was hard to imagine still thinking of that place as my home when I hadn’t had any contact with anybody there in well over a year. I was depending on a woman who wasn’t even related to me to tell me what was going on with my family.

  These were my flesh and blood, the seven other men I grew up with and who knew the things I had faced as a child because they had faced so many of the same things, and yet Annabelle was the one who had to tell me that my brother Jesse had returned home a different man than when he walked off the ranch or that Clayton had found himself a woman after so many years of teasing that he would be the one who never did.

  It was hard to really consider that I could go back to a place I had left. A place I barely even knew anymore. To be among people I barely even knew anymore. Maybe it was just hard to think that they would want me there. I had walked out on them and on my responsibilities. I knew I caused them stress and they had to deal with plenty of people looking for me, but not so they could welcome me home with open arms.

  I caused a lot of trouble for my brothers. I wouldn’t blame them if they were happy to just consider me gone. Even if that was not what I really wanted.

  That thought lingered in my mind, but I didn’t want to let it mess up my afternoon. Annabelle and I had only planned on having lunch together, but that wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to spend more time with her. So as we left the restaurant, I glanced over at her.

  “Do you have plans now?” I asked.

  Annabelle shook her head. “Not really. The girls went out to the outlet malls to shop, which means they’ll probably be gone all day. I’m only allowed to send a search party after them if they haven’t returned before the wedding.”

  I laughed. “Well then, do you want to hang out a little bit longer?”

  “Did you have something specific in mind?” Annabelle asked.

  I swallowed down the usual inappropriate response that would have come out of my mouth if any other woman had asked me that. Not that it wasn’t applicable. Just that it didn’t seem like something I should be saying to Annabelle.

  “Not really,” I said instead. “Is there something you’d like to do?”

  “Well, I just got here and the only thing I’ve seen is the Vegas nightlife. I’d like to see what else the city has to offer.”

  I gave her a look of mock shock. “You mean, there’s something to Las Vegas other than the nightlife?”

  She laughed. “I would hope the entire place doesn’t just shut down when the sun comes up.”

  “No,” I said. “It definitely keeps going for at least an hour or two while everybody goes home and sleeps with their blackout curtains drawn.”

  She giggled again. A touch of color came to her cheeks and she glanced away. I couldn’t help but smile. My attraction to her was becoming more obvious with every second. I couldn’t help being drawn to her, even if I kept telling myself she was just my kid brother’s best friend.

  “Well, there was a very helpful guidebook in the drawer of the nightstand,” she said. “It had a few places in it that looked like they might be fun.”

  I swept my hand in front of me like I was inviting her to take on the sidewalk. “Lead the way.”

  Surprised probably wasn’t the right word to describe how I felt when we showed up in front of the Titanic exhibit. Annabelle must have noticed the strange look on my face and laughed.

  “I know it’s a little cheesy,” she said. “But it’s fascinating to me.”

  “The Titanic, really?” I asked.

  “What?” she asked. “Have you ever been?”

  “To the Titanic?” I asked. “No. My scuba skills aren’t that strong.”

  Annabelle laughed. “I meant to the exhibit.”

  “No to that too,” I said. “I haven’t exactly frequented many of the museums and other destinations around the Strip during the day. As a matter of fact, I’m usually asleep at this time of day.”

  She looked at me with horror in her eyes. “Asleep? How can you possibly sleep this late?”

  “Because I don’t have cows and chickens to take care of,” I said. A hint of something close to offense crossed her eyes. “I’m sorry. That came out a lot harsher than I meant it.”

  She shook her head. “It’s fine. Everybody in Green Valley knows how you feel about Montana and the ranch. And everybody near either one of them.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

  “Look,” she said. “Let’s just go back. Yes, I want to go to the Titanic experience. I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of the huge ship that was meant to never go down heading out on its first voyage and promptly sinking.”

  “All right, cold and deadly it is. I hear there are actual artifacts in there. You think that includes the victims?” I made a spooky, ghoulish sound and wiggled my fingers at her until she laughed again.

  She bumped my shoulder with hers and we headed in the direction of the exhibit. We laughed and flirted the entire time we wandered through the building. A few times, she mentioned that it was chilly and moved up closer to me like she wanted to get warm. I resisted the urge to wrap my arms around her and warm her up. When we were done looking at the somewhat depressing displays about the ship sinking and all the people who died in it, we walked back out into the bright light of the Vegas Strip.

  “Strange experience,” she said.

  “What is, the museum?” I asked.

  “No, coming out of it,” she said. “It’s kind of like walking out of a movie theater in the middle of the afternoon. It’s like you’re going from one reality into another. I guess after seeing all that, you just don’t expect to walk back out onto a sidewalk with this many people and see all the bright lights and silly tourist destinations.”

  “I guess I never really thought of it that way,” I said. “Everything kind of feels like a different kind of reality to me now.”

  “Let’s do something else,” she said. “Something perkier. With fewer frozen dead peo

  “Now, is your problem with all dead people or just the frozen ones?” I asked.

  “Let’s try to avoid all of them,” Annabelle said.

  “All right, well I guess that eliminates the Mob Museum. You’re getting pretty restrictive on me.” I thought for a few seconds. “Okay. I’ve got it. Come with me.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “You’ll see.” We moved through the city like there was no one else around us. I didn’t care how many tourists swarmed the sidewalks or how many taxis we had to run out in front of to cross the street. It was just me and Annabelle.

  Finally, we got to where I wanted to bring her. “Here we are.”

  She stopped and stared at the front of the building, then turned to me with a questioning look in her eyes. “The Neon Museum?”

  “You didn’t want anything dark. I figured old neon signs were about as not-dark as you could get.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Way to be literal. All right. Let’s do this.”

  I didn’t realize how long we had been wandering around exploring the city until the sun started to set. My attraction to Annabelle had reached an intense height as I brought her to the Flamingo hotel and we strolled around the ponds. She walked out onto one of the bridges and the light danced off the surface of the water onto her face.

  Annabelle let out a sigh and leaned forward with her arms bent onto the railing.

  “Something wrong?” I asked.

  “I was just thinking that I’m ready to go home,” she said.

  “Already?” I asked.

  “I’m not much of a fan of the lights and the cigarette smoke here. I miss the fresh air and the mountains.”

  “Maybe the Neon Museum wasn’t the best idea,” I said.

  She smiled and shook her head. “That was fine. It’s just my time to head home.” She paused for a few seconds, then looked at me. “Do you ever miss it?”

  I hesitated, then nodded. “I actually do.”

  “Hmm,” she said, as if that spoke volumes to her.

  Suddenly, I felt the need to kiss her and I ducked my head low. She met my lips with her own, and rather than pull away, she melted into it. The heat and intensity of the kiss were overwhelming, and I felt a rush of need course through my body.

  I pulled her closer to me, and she came easily, willingly, as if she was just as incapable of stopping as I was. My hands wrapped around her, clinging to her as my tongue slid into her mouth, gathering up the sweet taste of her and brushing across her lips. Her tongue met mine and flicked across it, tentatively at first and then with a hunger I recognized in myself. Her arms tightened around me as well, and our bodies pressed against each other tightly.

  As our chests touched, the soft swell of her breasts buried against me and my cock twitched. Our hips were so tightly pressed against one another that I knew she felt it, and indeed, she let out a little giggle, breaking our embrace momentarily. Then her eyes opened, only halfway, and there was a dreamy, sleepy quality to them, a desire that was so thick in the space between us, so kinetic that it would send shocks through my body if I stepped too far away.

  I placed one hand on her neck, letting my thumb brush over her lips, where she puckered her mouth and kissed it, before pulling her into another embrace. One of her hands slid down my side and between us, and I groaned as she cupped and then gently squeezed my crotch. There was no ambiguity in that touch. There was no more awkwardness, no more hesitation, no more worry about her being the forbidden girl. She wanted me as much as I wanted her, and she let me know it.

  “Do you want to go back to the hotel?” I asked in a hoarse whisper as I broke our kiss and our foreheads rested on one another.

  “Yes,” she said, and my cock twitched in her hand again. She looked up at me with a desperate glance and bit her bottom lip. “Let’s hurry.”

  I nodded and took her hand, pulling it away from my crotch and eliciting a sad, pouting sound that was adorable and sexy at once.

  “It’s not far,” I said. “I’ll make it worth it. I promise.”

  “I bet,” she said as our fingers linked together, and we began the walk back to the hotel.

  We had made it only a little way when a rush took over me and I pulled her to me, pressing her against the wall of the closest building. I kissed her deeply and then brushed my lips down her neck, feeling her break out in goosebumps as I did. I let my tongue slide down to her collarbone and then across to the center of her chest. Then down, down to where her blouse stopped me from going any farther, and I tasted the sweat from between her breasts. Then, I slid my tongue back up her in a straight line and she leaned her head back, so I licked her chin before pressing my lips to hers again.

  “Like that?” she whispered as I ground my hips into hers.

  “Better,” I said.

  Chapter 12


  I shuddered with the kiss against the brick wall of the building, and the next few minutes as we walked into his hotel and took the elevator up seemed to simultaneously pass in seconds and stretch on for an agonizing eternity.

  Once the elevator doors closed, we collapsed into each other, and he pressed me against the wall again. I wrapped one leg around him, and he pressed his hips into mine, the bulge of his thick cock grinding against the soft panties that were the only separation between them and my hot, wet pussy.

  He kissed along my neck, and I turned my head to give him greater access, and my eyes fluttered open. The elevator was four walls of mirrors and I watched him trail his tongue along the low-cut line of my blouse, the taboo of it all overtaking me. This was my best friend’s brother, a man who I’d had a crush on for most of my life, and there he was, pressing his body into mine and showering me with the attention I always wanted. I knew Sawyer would be upset, but it had been a long time since I did anything for myself, especially something like this.

  I made a commitment to myself right then not to think about Sawyer or the girls or my father or anyone else for the rest of the night. Tonight was about me and Garrett and fulfilling every fantasy I wanted to fulfill. First among them was getting him out of those clothes.

  When the elevator door opened on his floor, he broke from our embrace but grasped my hand, yanking me playfully along with him. There was an energy to him, a sense of danger and intrigue that came with his confidence in how he moved me with him. Garrett knew what he wanted and aimed to take it, and I had absolutely no problem with it.

  He swiped the keycard and opened the door, guiding me by my hips inside. I ran to the bed and crawled on it, turning to face him while on my knees. I could feel the smile stretching across my face and worried momentarily that it was too goofy, but he returned the expression as he shut the door and dropped the keycard on the table nearby.

  “Come here,” I heard myself saying, wondering where in the hell that confidence came from. I reached down and pulled at the blouse and it went over my head in one movement. As I tossed it to the floor, I caught Garrett’s eyes. They roamed over my body in appreciation in a way I had never experienced. He stood there, seemingly rooted to the spot as I reached behind to unhook the bra, and when my tight, perky breasts were revealed, he moaned deeply.

  Garrett closed the distance between us, and our lips searched for each other, satisfying the need for an embrace as our tongues madly wrestled. I tore at his shirt with my fingers, pressing my thumb on the buttons and yanking in frustration if they didn’t come out immediately. When they were all undone, he pulled it off him as I jerked on the undershirt beneath. As it rose over his head and revealed the muscular chest and abdomen underneath, my knees weakened and a soft sound escaped my throat.

  I leaned in to kiss his chest while my hands slid down his body and pulled his belt open. Something about Garrett had brought a passion out of me that was beyond anything I had ever felt. How I acted at the bridge and how I was reacting then were new and exciting and I leaned into it. It was about me, me and Garrett. Tonight wa
s the night for something for me.

  At the sound of Garrett’s pants hitting the floor, I looked down and saw the massive bulge in his briefs. Without hesitation, I kissed down his chest and didn’t stop when his hands filled with my hair, or when I reached the waistband, or when he grumbled a sound of excitement above me.

  I yanked them down and his thick, luscious cock sprang out at me, bouncing and throbbing just inches from my face. I took the head into my mouth, grasping at the base and stroking it toward my lips. My eyes fluttered open to look at his face, and our eyes met. I watched him watch me as I slid him deeper onto my tongue, letting it slide under and around, wetting him completely. I bobbed back and forth, rotating my hand as I stroked him, and delighted in his head slowly falling back and his eyes fluttering shut as he concentrated on the sensation of my warm wet mouth pleasuring him.

  The heat was unbearable between my thighs, and my panties were soaked to my skin. I was bent over to suck him, and it left my ass high in the air, and as I closed my eyes to concentrate on taking him as deeply into my throat as I could manage, I felt his hands pull up on my skirt and reveal the lacy underwear to the cool of the room. A chill went up my back and I shuddered, but soon, his warm hands were on me, circling and clenching at my backside before sliding under the strap and pulling them down. He was bent over me, and my mouth was full with his cock when I felt the panties drop to my bent knees and his fingers roamed down the center.

  I released him for a moment and sat back, scooting while I pulled the panties and my skirt off until I lay sideways on the bed, my head still level with his enormous cock. I marveled at how long and thick it was as I lay under it and wrapped my fingers around it again. I wanted to feel it deep inside me, but before I could change positions again and wrap my legs around him, his fingers slid down my center to my core.


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