Book Read Free

Generation Witch Year One

Page 38

by Schuyler Thorpe

  “Not even for a little bit?” She continued to press.

  “No.” He reiterated firmly. Then sighed. “I’m due in bed by 12:30AM. It’s 11:15 now. And dinner is just about…done.”

  The front door opened again and this time Roz came in wearing a peaked expression on her face while rubbing her belly.

  “I don’t think those added onion rings were such a good idea,” she called out softly enough for the two of them to hear. Then she moved over to his bed and quickly sat down.

  “Do you have any Milk of Magnesia pills lying around or some Bepto?”

  “There’s a bottle on the far end of my book shelf above your head, Roz. Next to the two pill bottles and the medicine cup.” Charlie pointed out from inside the makeshift kitchen area.

  “Why not an appetite inhibiter or a stomach acid reducer? I think I have both in my emergency kit in my pack.” Tillie offered up out of sympathy for the girl.

  “It’s okay. Some old fashioned stuff goes a long ways in this day and age. That’s how we play it down here on Level One.”

  “Is medicine a hard to come by commodity for the Resistance and the Underground?”

  Charlie shook his head. “No. We have our chain of suppliers. Don’t worry. Roz will be fine in a minute or so once she drains me of another half day’s worth of work credits.”

  The other girl chuckled to herself. “And I suppose—on a whim—she’ll owe you for that?”

  Charlie smiled. “You’re catching on.”

  Tillie grinned. “I knew there was a reason why I liked you from the start.”

  A small belch was heard a moment later, followed by some movement on Roz’s part. Sauntering in with an unsteady gait, she said: “Don’t get too attached to him, now you hear? He may be cute on the surface, but the dumb fucker has a mean streak a mile wide. So watch out.”

  Tillie kept smiling despite the butterflies she was now feeling in her stomach.

  “I think I can handle him.” She said bravely.

  Roz chuckled. “Can you now? I used to say the same thing about myself—when I’m not bombed off the imported shit—but Charlie has a unique disposition all his own. He may be the most desirable lookout on Level One by many of his would be female admirers or suitors, but he carries with him a dark side.”

  Charlie chuckled. “I highly doubt that I am Doctor Evil’s long lost twin brother. Or cousin to Darth Vader.”

  “Your worse.” His best friend confirmed. “I’ve seen your manic episodes in the past. Like that one spell you went through when you were ten.”

  “I was annoyed, Roz.” Charlie said out of exasperation. “And you were constantly teasing me over my choice of jammies—being twelve at the time.”

  Now Tillie Gunderson was interested.

  “You? Wear jammies?” She squeaked out with open amusement.

  “Around Roz? I damn well better.” The older boy said in a huff.

  “Why?” The other girl zeroed in on her would be rival. “Are you doing something that you shouldn’t be doing?”

  Roz blushed.

  “Maybe a few times—I swear. But I was tired, one time drunk off my rocket, and the third…?”

  “—don’t say it.” Charlie warned then.

  “Why? She’ll find out sooner or later.” The other girl countered evenly.

  The older boy went quiet, before Roz leaned over and whispered something into her ear.

  The girl’s eyes widened a bit as she was being fed that bit of forbidden information into her collective memory banks and she laughed a bit.

  “Oh my god…you poor boy.” She said in quiet amazement.

  “It wouldn’t go down either.” Roz quipped right then with a bob of her eyebrows. “And I didn’t know what to do about the situation to boot. So I threw one of his old work shirts over his mid-section—thinking that would take care of the problem. But he slept right through it all. Woke up later complaining of a burning feeling in his groin—to which I didn’t say anything to aggravate the problem in the least.”

  Tillie laughed. “Blessed Be,” she breathed in wonder.

  “Not for the eyes of someone like you.” Roz reminded her staunchly.

  The other girl made a sign in front of her.

  “I swear I won’t tell a soul if I should see it.” She utterly declared in a solemn voice.

  “I know you won’t,” Roz said with some straight forward admiration of the teen witch.

  “But whether or not you do…? That’s up to both you and Charlie.” She said in all finality. “Did he ever tell you why I am so protective of him? His secret?”

  Tillie nodded. “He told me after we left.”

  Roz looked at her for a moment—her expression softening.

  “I see. Then you know what would happen if you break his heart or make fun of him beyond normal reasoning—right?” She said, cracking her knuckles for emphasis.

  “I only make fun of him, not of his, well, problem. I would never do that, Roz.” Tillie vowed right then and there.

  “Good. Keep it that way.” She said, kissing the girl on the cheek. “Then you have my blessing. But do anything out of spite and I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

  “You seem determined to do that no matter what I do with him,” she giggled.

  “I’m serious, Tillie. Charlie has meant more to me than anything in this world. I don’t want anything bad happening to him. He doesn’t deserve that kind of grief. Or life for that matter.” The girl emphasized thinly. “So treat him right. Treat him like he means more to you than anything in the world—all right?”

  Tillie raised her hand in acknowledgement. “I will. I promise.”

  “Good. Because right now, he’s holding your bowl of noodles in both hands—am I right?” Roz fired off—looking at Charlie’s patient expression.

  The older boy nodded. “Yup. Hot off the plate. So be careful.”

  “Pot holders?” Tillie wanted to know off hand.

  Charlie nodded. “Right here.” He said—pointing to what was cradling the porcelain bowl underneath.

  Tillie rescued what he was offering gingerly, her heart still pounding all the way. In a sense, she got what she wanted after all. But it took taming a bull of a best friend to make things more official. But she knew that Roz cared deeply for him more than anything in this world and she was making the ultimate sacrifice for both of them in turn.

  If that wasn’t true love, she didn’t know what was.

  She blew on her bowl of ramen before Charlie came forward with both a fork and a spoon. And a few napkins.

  “You’ll need it.” He told her pointedly. Then he went back and made Roz a bowl while the two of them talked in low and measured tones—out of earshot of her as she walked back to his bed and finally took a seat; wondering what life would be like for them both once all this craziness was finally over and they could each breathe again?


  The Blood Maid

  Kara Plummer couldn’t remember much of what happened after she went to bed the previous night with her boyfriend. But she woke up early in the morning—in a frisky frame of mind—and decided that she was going to do something about it.

  Making sure that the love of her life wouldn’t be disturbed too much, the woman sauntered off into the other side of the bed—towards the stand in closet and started pulling out custom made articles of lingerie and a few other things—before grabbing her makeup kit that had been sitting placidly on the top shelf for the better part of the last year; alone and unloved.

  Until now.

  Then she looked back at her boyfriend—seeing nothing but peace and tranquility on his part—and smiled devilishly in passing.

  Good morning, baby. She thought to herself—as she made her way to the main bathroom in the next room next the bedroom. Do you like what you see, you naughty boy?

  Of course she could only imagine his general reaction. It’s what he lives for in this relationship—since he let slip how much of a mega fan bo
y he was of the internationally acclaimed anime series.

  And that set the wheels in her mind turning that a little harmless—or sexy—cosplay of his favorite maid heroine would help rope him into her corner of the known universe.

  Kara had the build for it—in all the right places. Lucky for her.

  She even had the right hair color and style. All that required for the ultimate trick was the blood ruby colored contact lenses that she special ordered for the occasion—which would complete the effect—and…

  Jake Harper would be hers for all time.

  The woman quickly stripped out of her night tee and stood there in all her regal glory as a dragon shifter and captain of the armies of the Third Watch and selected the first article of lingerie at her disposal and slipped that on slowly over her tapered right wrist.

  Then she snapped the cuffs at the end—before repeating the second with the other sheath of clothing which slid up the length of her forearm and selected something from her makeup kit: A royal purple nail polish applicator which quickly dried in a few seconds upon contact and left no smudge marks or smears.

  She waited until the device beeped a couple of times for all four fingers and then added a blood red drop to each tip with a delicate air and proceeded to finish with the thumb on top of that.

  Kara did the same for the other hand and then reached down on the bathroom sink and put on the fine lace collar with two jeweled studs—which helped accentuate the amulet she wore around her neck (which was never part of the cosplay experience); followed by an equally sexy and lacy C-cup sized bra which came in handy in her case—being more than amply endowed in that department.

  Snapping the bra on behind her back, Kara started humming softly to herself as she went about the business of slipping on a sexy garter belt that would hold two empty sword scabbards (the swords were optional, but the woman didn’t feel like she wanted to use her only ceremonial military sword for such games in the first place), then did the clasp around her taut belly button—before adding some earth gold colored glitter to that spot.

  Then she turned around in that instant and marched back to the same closet where she got her outfit and selected a military style vest which complemented the outfit (done in her style of earth brown and olive green camo), followed by her personal favorites: Stiletto style knee high boots which helped her sharp curves and toned features which would give her boy toy a personal thrill—if and when he woke up to appreciate the trouble she went on some mornings to make him feel extra special.

  Donning the flight attendant cap that the Blood Maid wore while she was screaming through the skies in her modified H-2 Sky Lynx helo-jet, Kara turned and smiled at the still body of her unconscious lover.

  Boy was he in for a morning wake up call of a lifetime. Then she pulled out the small party whip that she bought through a specialty love shop chain that would add to his torment or pleasure and clipped it to her hip.

  Afterwards, she turned around and closed the door—while turning off the small overhead light in the closet and closed it—making sure she made as little noise as possible.

  Going back to the bathroom, she finally put on the last two pieces to complete the outfit: A killer pair of lace panties and an impossibly tight pair of daisy dukes which did nothing for her already killer figure.

  If there was one thing she was especially proud of, it was how well she took care of herself and her own body. As such, it was part discipline, part pride, and pure vanity as far as looks went.

  And if she wanted to keep Jake Harper in her life, she had to do everything humanly possible to please him at every turn.

  Looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled at what she was seeing, then leaned over and activated the personal mirror cam so she could take a series of photos on a 30 second delay.

  She posed for the hell of it—making sure she got in some good ones so he could have something to show the boys back home. After the pictures were shot, a small screen and keyboard came to life just above the bathroom sink and she punched in a phrase that she knew would drive him wild in each shot and then had the house system create some digital stills as well as some physical ones which would come out in the dispenser tray connected to the photo printer slot just right next to the sink.

  Once those came out, she took the small stack and marched herself into the room and went about hunting for his travel bag and found it next to the night stand.

  Then she snapped it open, slipped in the photos in their own specialized pouch, closed it, and turned to regard the adorable sleepy-eyed expression that currently was her thirty-something boyfriend.

  Reaching out to him in that moment, she traced the smooth lines of his stubble-covered face and brushed back some strands of his charcoal black colored hair from his eyes and bent down to deliver a few tender kisses to his waiting mouth.

  “Wake up, baby,” she crooned softly. “I have a present for you. And only for you.”

  Jake moaned at that moment, moving his forearm to the front of his face and partially obscuring it.

  Kara grinned sharkishly, knowing that she got his undivided attention and kept pressing the advantage ever so gently.

  “Your Mistress of the Skies demands it, lover boy.” She threw out next as a tantalizing hint of the morning.

  There was no immediate response from Jake until he said softly: “What time is it?”

  “A little after six in the morning.” Kara said, trailing a finger down the front of his softly heaving chest and down around the sheet which strategically covered his mid-section.

  She drew salacious circles around the bulge that now poked out from underneath and laughed.

  “Morning wood already? My, my, my…what were you dreaming about last night I wonder?” She said with a barely repressed giggle. “Was it me or was it one of your book girlfriends?”

  It was then that she felt a hand clasp the back of her tight ass as he made a half-hearted play for her undivided attention.

  But Kara wanted to play the role of the Blood Maid that he so loved in years past and so she fell into character at that point just for his personal delight.

  “You know you can’t have me, kind sir. I am already taken by the Prince.”

  “Lear can’t have you. You’re too wild to be tamed. Or controlled.” Jake returned softly, running a finger up the right cleft of her cheek.

  “That is true, I wager,” she purred with internal delight—while making sure her contacts were on and her eyes shone an eerie color of red. Then she turned and looked at him then with a predatory smile in the waning darkness.

  “But truth be told, I have been waiting for a champion of the light to take me, to hold me, to love me forever and more. Is that you, kind sir? Are you my chosen knight of valor and bravery? Will you guard what now beats in my chest every night since the Gathering?”

  “I will fight for that honor and more,” Jake offered up in a valiant voice. “Because Lear is a coward who doesn’t know who he is messing with; Mistress of the Skies.”

  “Lear will fall to my heralded passions of love and passion!” Kara declared in a high voice. Then she turned and placed her lover’s hand on the center of her chest.

  “Swear to me, Knight! Swear you will be by my side now and evermore!”

  “I will, Blood Maid Kura. I will.” Jake said, before his girlfriend bent down and delivered a pact making kiss like it had been seen in the end credits of the anime.

  But at this point, she was no longer acting in character at that moment and became his willing and obedient girlfriend once more.

  Once they finished kissing, Jake pulled away and smiled. “That was even better than your last given performance.” He teased mercilessly, earning a sharp smack in return for his comment.

  “Hush you,” the other woman said with breathless abandonment—climbing over and straddling on by the chest. “I have been feeling very doting this morning since I went to bed. And it’s only fair that I give you your going away present a little early.

  Jake’s hand roved in places on her exposed body that drew squeaks of appreciation from her in turn.

  “I can see that,” he said with open amusement.

  “You can’t see, you big dummy. I don’t have the lights on.”

  “Would you like me to—?” he began tentatively, but she dismissed his offer by saying firmly:

  “Spoils the mood.” She answered blithely. “I still have my contacts on by the way. Don’t you like the way my eyes are glowing in the placid darkness?”

  Jake nodded wordlessly. “Makes you breathtakingly beautiful.” He admitted freely without guilt.

  Kara bent down and kissed him on the mouth. “Say that again. I like hearing that from you.” She whispered.

  Jake complied easily enough—repeating what he just said a few seconds ago; earning him another round of thorough kissing from his enticed girlfriend.

  Then she learned back for a moment, her butt just barely touching his bulging package and she laughed.

  “That’s what I always liked about you from the start, Jake. You were so quick to shower me with a compliment when I needed it the most.”

  “Well, you spoil me rotten. More than any other girl I know.”

  “I should hope so, Virgin Killer.” Kara giggled. “But I bet all of your other conquests weren’t as dedicated as I am now.”

  “Well, no. But you are the first military gal I’ve ever dated in quite awhile. So there’s that.” Jake offered up as personal compensation.

  His girlfriend’s eyes widened a little and she smiled down at him.

  “The first one in awhile, huh? Who was the last?” She teased openly.

  “Can’t say,” he said affably. “I had been sworn to secrecy that night before she and her friends shipped out on their last day of liberty.”

  Kara hit him in the chest lightly. “You dog…!” She growled a bit in mock jealousy. “You had a fucking threesome and you never even told me?”

  Jake looked up at her and shrugged innocently. “Never came up.” He said briskly.

  Kara thumped him again—which made her lover laugh. Then he reached over and took her hand into his and lightly kissed it. Then he started with the wrist and then onto her lacy forearm sleeves.


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