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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

Page 40

by Jamie Knight

  But, here we were.

  I pulled out my cellphone and typed her number in. It rang three times before she picked up, sounding out of breath.

  “Yeah?” she answered, sounding like she had been running a marathon.

  “Hey, Candy, it’s Amelia,” I said, my voice wavering. I cleared my throat and tried to steady myself. “Listen, I just had a really big blowout with my parents and they kicked me out. I have nowhere to go. I was wondering if I could stay at your place until I can figure things out.”

  “Oh my gosh, Amelia, I’m so sorry,” she said sympathetically. “Of course you can stay with me. I’ve always told you that if you needed me, I’d be here for you. I’m home now, my place is your place. Come on over.”

  The caring words were like music to my ears, soothing my aching heart.

  Candace lived on the other side of town, but I sped down the freeway to get to her house. For some reason, I felt like I had to hurry to get there, like everything would be okay and start falling into place as soon as I walked through her doors.

  When I got there, I knocked and Candace yelled for me to come in. I pushed the door open and saw that she was running on a treadmill.

  “I was wondering why you sounded so out-of-breath over the phone,” I said, pointing at the treadmill.

  “Yeah,” she said, patting her hind quarters. “Gotta keep it tight somehow, and I ain’t giving up the sweets.”

  She winked at me and I laughed, shaking my head. Candy owns a bakery

  “I almost hung up, though, thinking that you were doing some other type of naughty aerobics,” I said.

  “No,” she said, laughing and running at the same time. “If I was doing that type of aerobics, I would be way too tied up to take any phone calls, pun intended.”

  Leave it up to Candy to be quick on her feet even when she was pounding the fake pavement, her feet a blur whirring in front of me back and forth. Candy owned a little bakery, so she did a lot of working out to counter the frequent sampling of her own wares.

  “So, what happened with your parents?” she asked in between panting.

  I told her the whole story from what had happened in the restaurant to my parents kicking me out of the house. She just listened, her lips pursed while she ran with focus.

  “Wow, that’s a lot,” she said when I had finally finished my story. “Well, I’m happy that you’re okay and more than happy to have you stay here for as long as you need to.”

  “Thank you,” I said, my throat tightening with tears. “I’m so lucky that I have a friend like you.”

  Once she’d finished her workout, she made us a nice salad and opened a bottle of wine. We sat on her couch watching romantic tear-jerkers for the rest of the day. By the time night fell, Candace was ready to crash.

  “I’ve been up since early in the morning, much earlier than dawn cracked,” she said throw a yawn, grabbing a blanket out of the linen closet for me and tossing it in my direction. “If you need anything, let me know. But, if not, I’m going to bed.”

  I bid her good night and made myself comfortable on her couch.

  After arranging a couple of pillows into a comfortable position, I laid there for a while staring up at the ceiling, trying to figure out what my next move was going to be.

  And I had no idea.

  Then, I remembered the business card. He had used the word opportunity, and that was exactly what I needed: a new opportunity for a fresh start. I was feeling pretty impulsive, especially since walking out of my parents house, so I decided to send him a text to ask him more about his offer.

  Gathering my courage, I typed out the text and pressed send. I threw the phone across the couch and snuggled in for a night’s sleep. I figured that whatever future lay ahead of me could wait until tomorrow.

  Chapter Six - Reid

  I was in bed dozing off when my phone vibrated, indicating that someone had sent me a text message. It was too late at night for my dad to be harassing me, since he was probably at the casino somewhere, so I was clueless as to who it could be. I squinted, bleary-eyed, at my phone and saw a number that I didn’t recognize. I read the message:

  “Hey, it’s Amelia, the waitress from the diner.”

  My heart skipped a beat as I read the message and I felt my eyebrows shoot up in surprise. I was excited to hear from her, but, to be honest, I’d never expected that I would. We hadn’t exactly left the restaurant on good terms and I had left the card purely on a whim. I was eager to respond, but decided to wait a few minutes so I didn’t appear to be too eager.

  I was mostly excited because I had totally pushed the auction out of my mind and thought that maybe she was texting me to go out with her. Maybe my charm had worked so well, she just had to be around me. I patted myself on the back at the thought.

  “I have some questions about the money-making opportunity that you mentioned,” read the next text.

  My heart sank a little bit in disappointment. I guess it was the money, not my charm, after all that had made her reach out to me.

  But, this auction might afford me the opportunity to take her out on a date, after all. That is, if she agrees to be in the auction.

  “Give me a call,” I texted her back.

  After a few seconds, my phone rang.

  “Hello?” I answered, carefully choosing my words. I didn’t want things to end badly like they had at the restaurant.

  “Hi,” her voice trembled a little and she cleared her throat, “So, do you want to fill me in on the details of this opportunity?”

  I took a deep breath and blew it out.

  “Well, it’s a dating auction. The people who put these sorts of things together find some of the most eligible bachelorettes, and people pay to win dates with them.”

  “Dates?” she asked, skeptically. “Tell me more about these “dates.” What exactly does it all entail?”

  My nerves spiked.

  “Well, it’s really up to you and the person who wins you...uh...the date...”

  Who am I? This isn’t like me, stumbling over my words and being awkward.

  She was quiet for a while, like she was mulling over my words.

  “How far would I have to go?” she asked.

  “Don’t worry,” I reassured her. “It’s completely up to your discretion, everything is based on you and your consent. You can do a little or a lot, whatever that means for you.”

  “Well...” she said, her voice getting more quiet. Her voice was shaky like she was nervous.

  “What is it?” I asked, curious about what she was thinking. “Don’t be shy. You can ask me anything.”

  “How much have other girls made that do the auction?” she asked, sounding embarrassed.

  “I’ve seen girls clear $10,000 easy from just auctioning off one date,” I answered.

  “That much?” she asked, like she couldn’t believe it.

  “Yeah,” I said, chuckling. “Or more. You never know. People get pretty generous at these things.”

  “Wow,” she said, sounding thoroughly impressed. Her voice is timid when she speaks again. “Do you think that I could make that much?”

  I thought about it and the answer rolled off of my tongue before I could even thinking about it.

  “Absolutely,” I told her. “As a matter of fact, I’ll personally guarantee it.”

  She gasped.

  “Really?” she asked, her voice squeaky with excitement. I laughed lightheartedly. It was something about the way she asked that that amused me.

  “Yes,” I said, matter-of-factly.

  “I don’t know...” she said, her voice growing quiet again.

  No! Don’t back out, I thought.

  “Listen, I know you don’t know me from Adam,” I said. “But, if you could just trust me, I’ll make it worth your while. I usually don’t make a lot of promises, but this is one promise that you can take to the bank in more ways than one.”

  I could
almost her thinking it over. I wish I had the perfect words to say to convince her that my words were true.

  After a few minutes of excruciating silence where I waited for her answer, she spoke.

  “Okay,” she finally said. “But, I want to make it clear that I’m not auctioning anything more than a date. And I’m only doing even that much because you promised that I can make enough money to get my jewelry store off of the ground. And to find a place to live so that I can get off of my friend Candy’s couch. I mean, she’s a saint for letting me stay with her, but I don’t want to overstay my welcome…”

  She seemed to realize that she’d gone off on a little tangent and trailed off, clearing her throat. “Sorry, you didn’t need to know all of that. But you’re sure this is going to be worth my while?”

  “Oh, it will be,” I promise her. “It will be absolutely amazing.”

  “Okay,” she said, her voice taking on a calm tone that I hadn’t heard before.

  “And who knows?” I continued, trying my luck. “Maybe you’ll get into the spirit of the auction and want to auction off even more than just a date.”

  “Huh?” she asked, bewildered.

  “Oh, nothing, never mind,” I said, hoping that my last comment wouldn’t scare her off and make her change her mind about being in the auction. I quickly said goodbye and hung up the phone.

  My palms were sweaty when I hung up the phone and my breathing was labored. I couldn’t believe this woman had gotten so deep under my skin. But, she was so incredibly sexy. The way those light blue eyes glowed against the soft, golden skin of her face made her look downright angelic. But that lush, curvy body looked like it was made for sin. It had taken everything I’d had to resist touching her in that diner.

  But, there are no rules against me touching myself, I thought. My dick was already hard and throbbing as I thought about her perfect figure, voluptuous and sweet. I rubbed my dick through my pants, imagining her walking across my living room naked, looking at me with those dreamy eyes of hers. I imagined her walking over to me and looking down at my lap happily.

  “Someone’s happy to see me,” she’d purr.

  I knew that if she ever had the chance to see my dick, she would be impressed. Not to toot my own horn, but I was long and thick. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick, looking at the mapwork of veins throbbing and snaking around my shaft. My erection pointed towards the sky, jumping with excitement the more I thought about what it would be like to enter her.

  I knew that she would be tight and wet, just like I like it. I started rubbing my dick from the shaft to the head, pumping my dick in and out of my cupped hand. I put my head back and moaned, loving how good it felt to stroke my dick.

  I wondered if Amelia would know how to stroke my dick the way that I liked it. Something instinctual just told me that she would. I imagined her hand was mine, stroking my cock, staring at it, mesmerized by the length and girth. She would stroke it over and over, speeding up, faster and faster. I could feel my ass tighten again and again as I pumped faster and harder.

  I imagined that my hand was her hand that I came into, spurting hot, white pearls of cum down her long fingers. As I sat waiting for my breathing to slow down, I couldn’t help but wonder if I could get Amelia to open up and try some more adventurous things with me.

  If she were anything like I imagined that she would be, it would be worth a try.

  Chapter Seven - Amelia

  When I got to the address that Reid had given me for where this auction was going to be held, I saw that it was going to be held at a flower shop. The smell of fresh flowers wafted through the air, making it sweet and thick. I turned off the car and sat, watching. People were coming in and out of the floral shop, some stepping outside to smoke cigarettes. Others came out to greet friends who were showing up.

  It was then that it dawned on me that I had showed up alone. Why hadn’t I thought to ask Candace to come with me? I already knew the answer to that: I was already nervous and didn’t quite know what to expect. I didn’t want to be nervous AND embarrassed in front of my friend, someone who had been so great to me. I started toying with the idea of starting the car back up and driving back to Candace’s house, ghosting the auction and making something up later when I talked to Reid about why I didn’t show up.

  But, then I remembered my dream of opening my jewelry shop, and remembered that I was literally feet away from having it all happen for me. But I would have to go inside first.

  I checked my makeup in the mirror and ran my fingers through my hair a couple of times. I had to admit that I liked what I saw. Working in a greasy diner wearing a uniform and a hairnet didn’t always afford me the opportunity to get dolled up. But, I cleaned up and actually looked pretty. I got out of the car and smoothed out the black dress that clung to my curves perfectly. I was happy when I found it at the mall, hanging in the window in a plus size store that I frequented. It had a faux mink fur cover up that hung around my shoulders, hiding the less-than-favorable arm fat that I’d rather not show off. I felt and looked like a queen and I knew it.

  When I walked through the doors, I saw people standing among chairs that were everywhere. The chairs were set up around a platform where I assumed that the auction would be taking place. I had a moment where a voice in my head was screaming for me to turn around and leave. What was I doing here? This wasn’t my scene at all. But, then again, I had spent so many years trapped inside of my parents’ diner, how was I to know what was my scene or not? I was desperate for a chance to have a new life and make my dreams come true, so I took a deep breath and started walking toward the platform.

  “Hey, welcome,” A woman greeted me as I walked by, “Are you part of the auction?”

  I didn’t quite know how to answer her question because I wasn’t completely sure if I wanted to get on the platform. Was I a guest or was I getting on that stage?

  “Um…I’m not too sure,” I admitted, stepping away from her.

  She looked a little confused, but took my answer in stride. “Well, either way, welcome. I’m Sheila. I own the place.”

  She extended a hand towards me and I shook it.

  “Amelia,” I introduced myself.

  “Amelia!” for a moment, I thought there was an echo until I realized that I had heard someone call out in the crowd. I turned to look, and Reid was stepping out of the throng in a black suit and tie. He definitely cleaned up well. He looked so distinguished and handsome. I walked toward him and noticed that he was standing next to a tall, elegant woman.

  “This is Julia,” he said, looking back and forth between she and I. “She’s the lady in charge of this whole event.”

  The lady smiled pleasantly. “I’m hardly in charge,” she said, “Just the auctioneer.”

  I introduced myself to her.

  Reid looked me over, first at the generous amount of cleavage made visible by the low scoop of my dress’s neckline. Then his gaze travels down to my ass, and down my flowing skirt. I could tell that he approved because he raised his eyebrows, rubbed his chin, and nodded.

  “Julia, fill her in on how this is going to work,” Reid said, giving her a look that spoke more volumes than his words did, one that warned Julia to be careful about what she said.

  “Sure,” said Julia, offering that same comforting smile “So, it’s just like any other auction, except that the things that are being auctioned aren’t things at all. The “lots” here are people and these people will auction anything that you can think of.

  “I remember doing one of these before and someone actually auctioned off the panties that they had been wearing. They went for $17,000. I couldn’t believe it.” Reid adds.

  Honestly, neither could I. And panties? That was something that I could probably do with no problem at all. I started imagining all of the decorating that I could do with $17,000.

  “I don’t want to be one of the first ones to go,” I said, nerves starting to creep up into my
throat again. “Would it be okay if I watched and saw a few people go before me before I go?”

  I thought that that seemed fair enough, but Reid didn’t seem to like that idea at all.

  “You know, Amelia, it might be a better idea for you to go first and get it out of the way. That way you won’t get all in your head and get skittish and change your mind,” he offers.

  “No, it’s fine,” said Julia, flashing Reid a look, “Watching will be a good idea for you to get a feel for what you’re getting yourself into.”

  Reid stood there, his lips twisted into a frown. He didn’t look at either one of us.

  “Alright,” he said. I had to lean in closer to even hear him, his voice was so low.

  “Reid, why don’t you find a seat in the audience and I’ll take miss Amelia here to where she’ll be able to see everything?”

  “Okay,” he said before looking at me again hungrily and then walking away.

  “If you want to come stand right over here, you’ll be able to see everything that’s going on,” said Julia. “No one can see you, though, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

  I sighed, relieved that things were going so well so far.

  I watched the first auction and it seemed relatively normal at first, despite the woman on stage. But everything changed when the winner was declared.

  “Sir, come claim your prize,” Julia called to the man who had won. I watched in awe as the guy walked to the front of the platform, climbed on top of it, and started pulling the woman’s clothes off.

  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. He held onto her waist while they were kissing, and before I could tear my eyes away, slamming his dick into her over and over again. She screamed in pleasure.

  The crowd was going wild. People were cheering and clapping loudly, their eyes glued to the two bodies on the platform. Some people had even started groping themselves and each other. The crowd was filled with people who were turned on by what they were seeing.

  While I was completely shocked by what I was seeing, there was a part of me that was also fascinated. I had never seen a naked man before, and I was surprised that he had been able to shed his clothes so quickly, not missing a beat while having sex with the woman on stage. Not only did the guy get naked, but several people in the audience had shed an article of clothing or two. This was my first time seeing a naked man and now I seemed to be surrounded by them.


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