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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

Page 44

by Jamie Knight

  “Yeah, sure,” he said, looking at me worriedly. “Take your time. As a matter of fact, why don’t you just take the rest of the day off and get your rest?”

  “That sounds like a good idea,” I said, nodding. “Thank you, Ron. You’re the best.”

  I grabbed my coat from the office and headed out to my car. I took a slow drive to eleventh street, trying to gather my thoughts of what I was going to say when I got there. Would she be happy to see me? Would she feel angry that I invaded her space? I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to be walking into.

  When I got there, I pulled up across the street and turned off the car.

  There she was in the window. She was putting up what looked like chandeliers. They glistened in the light, casting rainbow shadows across the light pink walls. She must have thought that it was warm because she was working with all of the windows and the front door wide open.

  But, it was my perfect opportunity to casually go through with my plan.

  I strolled in easily, pretending to admire the room.

  “Wow,” I said, walking in a circle with my hands on my hips. “It looks absolutely amazing in here. Can I speak to the owner?”

  “Reid!” she exclaimed, a look of shocked excitement on her face. “Oh my goodness! It’s so good to see you! How have you been?”

  I knew that she was faking her excitement. I was starting to get that sick feeling again. One minute, she’s excited to see me and the next she’s excited to see her boyfriend. I was starting to feel my blood boil again. But, I didn’t want to lose my cool.

  “I’ve been good,” I said nonchalantly. “I see that you have been doing really good. You’ve wasted no time and spared no expense.”

  Amelia flinched as I spat the last words, my way of reminding her that I was the reason that she had been able to open her shop in the first place, and I saw her smile falter.

  I didn’t want to waste anymore time chitchatting, so I decided to move forward with my plan.

  “Say, a friend and I were talking,” I said. “And we were thinking of putting together another auction.”

  “Oh, really?” she said, stepping down the ladders of the step stool carefully. “That sounds like a great idea.”

  “Yeah, the only thing is that we don’t have a place to host it. That’s why I came here today, to see if you wanted in on this.”

  Her shoulders slumped and her pouty mouth frowned. She stared at the floor quietly.

  So much time seemed to pass, I wasn’t sure that she would ever answer at all.

  Chapter Fifteen - Amelia

  I almost thought that I was dreaming when I heard Reid’s voice in the shop. My heart nearly leapt out of my chest I was so excited. I had been wanting to talk to him for weeks since the date and had thought about calling him a few times. So, the fact that he showed up in my shop made me think that maybe the feeling had been mutual, that he had been wanting to talk to me as much as I wanted to talk to him.

  “How would you like to host the next auction?” he asked.

  My heart sank as I processed his words. So, he hadn’t come here just to see me. He was on official business still, probably as he had been the whole time. It was my own stupid naivety that made me think that there was anything more than just business between us. Him asking me to host the auction was all the proof that I needed that he looked at me as just a charity case, someone that he felt sorry for and needed a handout.

  I went from being excited to hurt and livid in a matter of minutes. I felt like steam was pouring out of my ears and my face was bright red. But, I tried to stay calm.

  My first instinct was to tell him to go screw himself and tell him exactly where he could shove his “generous offer” to host the auction. That would teach him to treat me like some charity case meant for his disposal. I could let him walk out the door, his head hanging low in disappointment. That would be all the revenge that I would need.

  But, then, I had another thought, a very petty thought. What if I hosted the auction and used that as my chance to get back at him? The ideas started flowing about what I could do. I almost had to stifle an evil laugh.

  “Sure, I’ll host the auction,” I said, smiling sweetly. “Just fill me in on the details of what I’ll need to do and I’m your gal.”

  Reid faltered for a moment, looking surprised, then brightened and smiled, looking like he had won the lottery.

  “Good,” he said. “Myself or my associate Elliot will be reaching out to fill you in on the details. Be waiting to hear from either of us.”

  And with that, he walked out the door, pressing his phone up to his ear without even saying goodbye.

  How rude! If it weren’t for my wanting to get back at him, I don’t think that I would ever want to see his face again.

  I started thinking about how I would plot my revenge. The ultimate plan started formulating in my mind.

  I would put myself in the auction. I had such a good time the first time, maybe the second time will be even better. And I hoped that someone other than Reid would win the date with her so that I could make him jealous. Hell, I might even auction off a kiss so that he can see it happen right in front of his face.

  I got back to work, putting up the last chandelier. Even though I had gotten a lot accomplished, Reid’s visit left me feeling empty and heartbroken. I wished that he looked at me as someone that he would like to date personally, not just for some business venture.

  But, I had overheard at the auction that Sheila had done very well for herself in hosting the auction. I could only imagine what the payout would be if the going rate for a date was over $10,000. I knew that I could count on a hefty five figures for hosting the event.

  That would be money put to good use. It will help me to keep my shop open for a while so that I can focus on building my business and creating lasting client relationships. I can keep my prices reasonable and focus on creating an even more inviting atmosphere. I thought of all of the upgrades that I could do with the money that I would get from hosting the auction. There was a beautiful statue that I had spotted at a home good store of a woman draped in jewels that would go perfectly in the corner of the shop near the register.

  I forced myself to stop thinking romantic thoughts about Reid and just look at him the same way that he must have looked at me: like a means to an end. There was no need for me to have my heart shattered over someone who wasn’t even remotely interested. Detaching myself would help me to think more clearly and focus on keeping my business going rather than wondering if this guy was ever going to take me on another date or not.

  I pulled out my notebook where I had been scribbling down notes for my grand opening. I looked at the calendar and noticed that my grand opening was scheduled just a few days after the date that Reid had suggested for the auction.

  My business was going to be successful. I was going to make sure of that.

  Chapter Sixteen - Amelia

  “Well, look who it is,” said Julia, walking into my shop toward me, her arms extended in a hug. “It’s good to see you again, love. How have you been? From the looks of it, you’ve done pretty well for yourself since I saw you last.”

  She spun around in the shop, admiring the progress. I was pretty proud of how well everything had come together and looked so elegant. I had found some white fur throw rugs and diamond-encrusted sconces to accent the area where the auction was going to be held.

  It was the big day and I was more excited than ever.

  “Are you nervous about doing the auction like you were last time?” asked Julia, shedding her coat and hanging it on the rack along the wall. “I know that you wanted to see the auction first before you got up on stage. How are you feeling about the auction today?”

  I thought about it and, to my surprise, I wasn’t nervous at all. I half expected to be feeling butterflies as the time got closer, but I didn’t. I was actually just very excited about it all. I guess that I was just so fueled by
anger and, although I hated to admit it, jealousy that I didn’t have time to feel nervous.

  I was looking forward to seeing the look on Reid’s face as he saw another man win a date or a kiss from me. I smiled at the thought of seeing his sad, dejected eyes as he watched me leave the room on the arm of someone else, maybe even someone he knew.

  But, if I were being completely honest, I really didn’t want another man to win me. The thought of letting another man kiss or touch me made my stomach turn.

  Just as I was about to head to the bathroom to splash some water on my face, Reid walked in the door. Head to toe in black, in a suit that clung to his thick, muscular frame, he looked amazing. He saw me and we locked eyes.

  I turned in the opposite direction and made a beeline towards the bathroom. I didn’t want to talk to him. I stood in front of the mirror, willing myself to calm down so that I could go back out and mingle.

  As soon as I came out of the bathroom, Reid was standing near the door talking to someone. I quickly walked over the auction area, where the other girls were all sitting together as they trickled in.

  They all looked beautiful. Some were seasoned and experienced in doing auctions. I could tell by the carefree way that they sat, legs crossed, with expressions of boredom on their faces. Other girls were new. I could tell because they sat on the edge of their chairs, hands folded in their laps, their eyes darting around the room nervously. I laughed, remembering that that had been me at the first auction. Now, I was almost as calm as the other women who had done auctions a few times already.

  One girl in particular caught my eye. Her face was pale white and she looked like she was going to hurl at any moment.

  “Hey, there,” I said, sitting in the chair next to her. “How’s it going? What’s your name?”

  “S-Sally,” she stammered. “I’m okay.”

  She seemed to be reassuring herself more than answering me.

  I reached out and put a hand on her shoulder, hoping that it would help to calm her.

  “Sally, I’m Amelia,” I said. “Is this your first auction?”

  She looked at me and then back down at her lap.

  “Yeah,” she answered quietly. “I’m not sure I should be here, though. I don’t usually do things like this.”

  I nodded, realizing that this girl was just like me at my first auction, nervous and shy.

  “I felt like that my first time,” I told her. “It was fine, though. You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do, no matter what you might see or hear. I did an auction before and it was great. I had an amazing time.”

  I smiled thinking about how electric that night was. My smile vanished when I thought back on the date. It had been a great date, but I just wished that it had been more than what it was. Reid was such a gentleman, attentive and caring. He made me feel so special, seemed to pull out all the stops for the date. Was he being genuine or was he just putting on an act for the date?

  I didn’t have much time to think deeply about it before Julia was calling my name to the front.

  It was my turn to be auctioned.

  Chapter Seventeen - Reid

  I had been trying to catch up with Amelia since I had walked through the door, but it seemed like we kept missing each other. I wondered if she was avoiding me, but I couldn’t think of a good reason for her to be. Instead, I found a seat near the front of the stage.

  Amelia had it set up very nicely. There were rows of chairs on either side of the platform stage to make it look kind of like a fashion show runway. It was a pretty clever way to get the girls to display their goods. I was impressed. I looked around the room and listened to the low rustle of chatter that riddled the room.

  Julia didn’t waste any time getting started exactly at 7 pm, the time indicated on the flyers advertising the auction.

  “Let’s get this auction under way, shall we?” said Julia, standing with her hands crossed in front of her. “First up on the auction block is our very own hostess, Amelia Hansen.”

  My neck whipped towards the front row of the auction area where the ladies sat. Amelia stood up and walked towards the front.

  My jaw dropped in shock as I watched her. I was hesitant about asking her to host the auction, not sure if she would agree to it or not. I certainly hadn’t expected for her to be in the auction again. When she reluctantly agreed to let us host the auction there, I was sure that that would be all she would be willing to be involved. I guess I was wrong.

  It does matter, I thought. It’s not like she’s my girlfriend or anything. As a matter of fact, her own boyfriend should have been the one upset. I looked around the room to see if the guy that I had seen was there. He was. I was sure that he would be putting in his bid.

  “Let’s start the bidding at $5,000,” said Julia, looking out into the crowd. “Do we have any takers?”

  A paddle went up near the back of the room.

  “Alright, good,” said Julia, smiling cheerfully. “Do we have $6,000?”

  Another paddle went up.

  I rubbed my neck, trying to stay calm. I tried not to care, but the fact that other guys were bidding on her was working my nerves. I didn’t want anyone else to get her. I had to do something.

  “Do we have a taker for $7,000?” asked Julia, scanning the room.

  My paddle went up. A murmur swept through the room. It was almost like everyone had been waiting to see who I would bid on. And it was her that I wanted.

  “$8,000? Anyone for $8,000?” asked Julia.

  The paddle in the back flew up. It belonged to a man with a tan five gallon hat, a plaid shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. He had a large build, but wasn’t really fat. He just was solid. He stood up, holding his paddle.

  “Hey, why don’t you up the ante this time,” said the man. “The last time, you kept it PG and just auctioned off a date. We want to see something wild!”

  The crowd cheered at his words, whooping and hollering like they were at a rodeo.

  But, not me. I was filled with rage. I wanted nothing more than to tear a hole in that guy’s face. I didn’t like the idea of him treating Amelia like anything more than a lady.

  I look over at Amelia. She stares back at me. For a moment, I thought that we were having a moment of connection, one of understanding, one where she would decide to quit the auction and just leave with me.

  But, when I saw what looked like a storm cloud cover her face and she looked angry, I knew that I had misread the look.

  “I’ll do it,” said Amelia pointedly. The crowd cheered, clapping and whistling loudly. The walls shook with the excitement. I, on the other hand, felt like I was in a bad dream. I couldn’t believe that this was happening. She stood there smugly, her arms crossed in front of her as guys started yelling from the crowd.

  “I’ll take a kiss,” said one guy.

  “I’d love to ram my cock into your mouth,” yelled another.

  I was sure that steam was pouring from my ears. I was so furious. I couldn’t even fathom the thought of another guy bidding on her body.

  So, I stood up and did something extreme.

  “I’ll take your virginity for a million dollars,” I yelled, holding my paddle high up in the air. The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at me. A few people gasped, their mouths wide open. The air was thick with intensity. A shocked murmur swept across the room as everyone waited to see what would happen next. It was fucking absurd to jump from 7 grand to a million dollars and I knew that that was why everyone was so shocked. Hell, I had made the bid and I was almost shocked at myself.

  “Anyone want to go higher than that?” asked Julia, breaking out of a shocked trance. She looked around the room, waiting to see if someone would bid against me. No one did.

  “If there are no other bidders, we will close the bidding at $100,000,000,” said Julia. “Reid, come up and claim your prize.”

  I hadn’t planned on spending so much, but she was well wo
rth it. I paid Julia and walked over to where a stunned Amelia stood, staring at me blankly.

  “Let’s go,” I said, walking out of the shop with her following closely behind me, a stunned expression plastered across her face.

  I had won. I was happy.

  Chapter Eighteen - Amelia

  All I could see was a blur of lights flying past as he drove. I could barely keep my thoughts together. I was still trying to process what had happened. We both sat silently in the car while he drove for a while. I wondered what he was thinking, but decided to ask a simpler question.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked, curiously.

  Without a word, Reid pulled over on the side of the road to an abandoned parking lot, turned the car off, and leaned over toward me. He pulled me close to him and kissed me roughly. He kissed me long and hard. I kissed him back. He started groping my breast over my clothes, rolling my nipples between his fingers. I sucked in a breath, feeling a pool starting to form in my pussy. Still kissing me, Reid put his hand under my shirt. His hands were cold, sending chills throughout my body. It was enough to pull me out of the daze that I had been in with him.

  “What the hell is going on?” I asked, confused. “One minute you’re standoffish and the next minute you’re all over me, making outrageous bids for my virginity. Can you fill me in on what’s happening right now?”

  “I should ask you the same thing,” said Reid, coldly. “One minute, you’re out on a date with me, telling me how much of a good time you’re having. And the next minute, you’re in your shop flirting with your boyfriend.”

  Now I was thoroughly confused.

  “Boyfriend?” I asked, incredulously. “I don’t have a boyfriend. Why are you saying that?”

  Reid became more agitated.

  “So you’re still going to play games with me?” he asked, anger creeping up into his voice. “You’ve been playing with me since the beginning. You never told me that you had a boyfriend, but all this time you’ve had a boyfriend and just decided not to say anything to me about him. I had to find out about him on my own.”


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