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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

Page 54

by Jamie Knight

  "Also, you don't have to auction your virginity, you could just offer a date?" he asks slyly.

  I’m not paying any attention to him, though. He seems to sense that and abruptly stops talking. I am too busy thinking about all the publicity and money I could get for my business by doing both hosting and catering.

  I am starting to think that maybe I should take him up on this offer. If I did, then I could finally afford to move into that bigger store that I have had my eye on.

  I'm about to turn and ask him more about this offer, but suddenly I spot Candy, my rival from high school. She is here, with her best friend Amelia. I can't believe that they are both here, but then again, this event involves money, so it makes sense.

  I see that Amelia is about to go on stage and auction herself off for just a date. I roll my eyes and grind my teeth in irritation.

  I’m so annoyed by this that I can't even concentrate on my business plans anymore.

  "I'll talk to you later," I say to Brian, as I walk off to go find Sheila.

  “Definitely think about what I’ve been saying,” he tells me, ever the salesman. “But either way, it would be great to talk to you about anything later.”

  He’s definitely a smooth operator. I can’t help but be attracted to him, even though he’s a slick guy who obviously has an agenda. Still, I know the attraction is genuine and mutual, and I can’t help thinking it would be a two-for-one-deal to talk to him more and make some money.

  I wanted this opportunity, and here it is. And yet, now that it’s in my lap, I’m not sure what to do with it. But at the moment, I’m too blinded by annoyance at my high school rival to think clearly.

  Sheila is standing with Andrew, so I join them. I want to vent my frustration, but Sheila doesn't even notice that I’m here. She is too busy chatting with and smiling at Andrew. He asks her a question, and she starts blushing and looking around.

  When she finally does notice me, she says, "I am so nervous about tonight."

  As she looks around anxiously, I can tell that she doesn't have time to focus on my problems, which is completely understandable.

  "It seems like it's going well," I encourage her, instead of launching into a list of my own gripes, at the top of which would stand Candy.

  She smiles happily at me and then turns her attention back to Andrew.

  I sigh and then go to use the bathroom. I don't really have to go. I just needed a few minutes to myself, plus I didn't want to see Candy and Amelia anymore.

  It's empty and quiet in here, so I stand there and look at the mirror. I try so hard not to, but all I can think about is how Candy stole my boyfriend, Jim, in high school. It was at the worst possible time, too. We were supposed to go to Prom together, but he dumped me and went with Candy instead.

  I was so humiliated and depressed. It was absolute torture to watch them continue to date throughout the rest of high school and afterwards. People pitied me and talked about me like some kind of tragedy. It was humiliating. I actually dreaded going to school for a long time because of that incident.

  I'm not sure if they are still together or what, but it doesn't matter. I'm still bitter about the whole incident. It's not the kind of thing that you can forgive or forget.

  I hate Candy for doing that to me and I can't stand her because of that, and also for other reasons, all of which happened even after high school. One being the fact that Candy had to go into the exact same business that I’m in and become my competition. Plus, she’s arguably more successful than I am, because everyone loves her damn chocolate chip cookies.

  I wish I could let it go, but I can't. It sucks to have your rival beat you at everything, especially the one job that you love doing so much. I have it rubbed in my face every day. It's like high school all over again.

  I take a few deep breaths to try and calm myself. I wish I could talk to Sheila about this, but I can't. I know she would understand, but she is too busy and preoccupied tonight.

  With a sigh, I go back out to join the crowded auction. As I walk out, I blink a few times. A lot has happened in the few minutes when I was in the bathroom. Not only is it more crowded, but a couple is having sex on stage.

  This has everyone's attention, including mine. I try to look for Sheila, but it's too crowded for me to see. Eventually I find her and wave to her. She smiles, but is busy talking to the woman in charge, Julia.

  It looks like Sheila is going up on stage next. That's interesting. I'm proud of her for being so brave, and I'm sure she will have fun tonight with Andrew. I already know that is who will be bidding on her. I sigh, then look back at the couple on stage.

  I have to admit that this is interesting. I'm tired of being angry. I just want to enjoy myself.

  I wonder what happened to Brian?

  I shrug, then think about the way he was talking to me and flirting with me. I wonder what it would be like to have someone as handsome as him doing these things to me.

  I shake my head. I want to know what it would be like to actually be with him. He's such a gorgeous billionaire, and I wonder how good he is in the bedroom.

  I start to blush at my thoughts and attribute them to what is happening on stage. I try to focus on how to get more money for my business, but I find myself searching for Brian instead.

  Chapter 7 - Brian

  After Tammy walks off, I talk to a few more people and watch the auctions that are happening. I'm not interested in anyone though, only her. I'm a little surprised by the way she left, but she obviously seemed upset about something.

  Eventually I go back to Andrew and Sheila. He's excited and she is nervous. He was able to convince her to take part in the auction. It was pretty tense, and the bids were close because there was another guy competing for Sheila.

  Andrew is happy because he won her, but only because I loaned him the rest of the money, because he hadn’t thought to bring enough cash. Sheila’s bidding went up higher than we expected in a small town, so I had to pitch in, which is what any good friend would do, but at least I get credit for that.

  Especially because now I have no cash on me to bid for Tammy even if she were to go up on stage. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t a possibility, though, and now that I can’t win her, I decide to stop trying to convince her to do it… for tonight, at least.

  I watch them looking at each other and decide to give them some space. They look so happy together, and Andrew can't stop smiling. I don't think I have ever seen him this happy before, not even at work.

  I wander around, realizing that I'm a little upset. I'm glad that Andrew is happy, but I didn't like having to loan him so much money. I know he promised to pay me back, but losing such a large sum really limits my plans for the evening.

  I try take my mind off the fact that now I won't be able to convince Tammy to be in the auction because now I can't afford to bid on her. At least I can still talk to her though, so that is something to look forward to, I tell myself.

  I look for her again, and spot her standing by herself. I try to think of something clever to say but decide that no line will easily work on a woman as feisty as her.

  "Hello again, beautiful," I say as I stand next to her.

  "Hey," she replies, glancing over at me.

  I think I caught her by surprise. She looks like she had been lost deep in thought about something.

  "Why are you always by yourself?" I ask curiously.

  She is so hot.

  I'm surprised that she’s not always surrounded by guys.

  Maybe her personality intimidates them? That's what I like the most about her. What most guys see as a handful, I see as a challenge to be overcome.

  She shrugs, then answers, "I was actually waiting for you."

  My mouth goes dry.

  "Change your mind about being in the auction?" I joke.

  Deep down, I'm hoping that's not what it is because I can't afford her now – not without trying to get a large amount out of banks
that are closed for the day. I breathe a sigh of relief when she laughs and shakes her head no.

  "I wanted to talk to you about the other things you said," she replies.

  She moves a few steps closer to me, so we can continue our conversation.

  "Really? Which part?" I ask, intrigued.

  I want to pull her even closer to me, but that will have to wait.

  "Well, both parts. I'm interested in hosting the auction at my business, and since it's a bakery, I can cater as well,” she replies, sounding proud of herself.

  I'm both happy and excited by this new. It means I'll get to see her again. I'm also impressed that she wants to do so much to help the auction. We are going to make a lot of money.

  "That's great to hear! Let me give you my number," I reply.

  I reach into my pocket and hand her one of the business cards that I gave to Sheila. She smiles as she puts it in her purse.

  "Thanks! I'll call you sometime this week to go over all the details?" she asks, while looking at me.

  I want to lose myself in her eyes. I clear my throat before speaking, because I’m left a little speechless.

  "Yes, I'm usually up late working, so you can reach me at any time," I answer.

  "Oh, okay, cool," she replies.

  "Maybe I should have your number too, in case you get busy with work or something?" I suggest.

  She smirks, then laughs.

  "That's a good line. Okay, I guess," she replies.

  She pulls a pen out of her purse and writes her number on my hand.

  "I work during the day, so the best time to reach me is in the early morning, but if I don't answer, leave a message," she instructs me.

  "Okay. No problem," I reply.

  She seems to be the take charge type, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. But I'm attracted to her, so I will do anything to get her. She looks around and then glances at the time.

  "I should get going. I have to work early in the morning," she apologizes.

  I have to admit I am disappointed. She is the perfect girl for me, and I don't want to let her go. Well, at least we have each other's numbers, so I can easily get a hold of her, I think.

  I can't call her too soon though. I don't want to scare her off, but she doesn't seem like the type that scares easily.

  "Oh, okay, I completely understand. Have a good night, and I'll be seeing you again soon. I'm sure of it," I say, with a flirtatious wink.

  She laughs and says, "Have a good night, Briiiian."

  She drags out the “I” so it sounds like eye. She's doing it just to mess with me, but I have to laugh. I am so attracted to her. I watch her say goodbye to Sheila and walk out the door.

  After she’s gone, I look at her number on my hand, then save it into my phone. I don't want to lose it.

  I look around for Andrew. He is busy with Sheila. I have a feeling he’ll be busy with her for a very long time.

  I need to go find Julia and talk to her about how we did tonight. I'm hoping that things got better. It seemed like we were able to get a lot more people interested. That was surprising.

  I also need to talk to her about the possibility of Tammy hosting the next auction. I hope that she will like the idea as much as I do.

  She might be kind of hesitant, though, because of how things started tonight, which is understandable. I’ll just have to convince her to let me try again, because I really want a chance with Tammy.

  Chapter 8 - Tammy

  A few days later, I'm at home, relaxing for a while. I don't have to be at the bakery just yet. It's nice to have a break from work and just get some time to yourself.

  I'm sitting at the kitchen table, flipping through a magazine and sipping a glass of tea. It's a cooking magazine. I like to read through and see what chefs use in their recipes. I also browse the latest updates and trends in the baking industry.

  Things have been going great at the shop, but I am nowhere near where I want to be with my business. I start thinking about the big plans and dreams that I have for myself and I sigh longingly.

  I realize that it's been a few days since Sheila's auction. I'm disappointed that I haven't heard from Brian.

  Maybe he wasn't serious about helping me and was just using that as an excuse to get my phone number? I wonder.

  My phone rings suddenly.

  It's him.

  I stare in surprise before I answer it.

  "Hello?" I ask.

  "Hi, Tammy. It's Brian. Sorry, but I finally have more information about the auctions. Do you have time to talk?" he asks.

  I close my magazine and refill my tea.

  "Of course! I'm glad you called," I reply.

  I cringe, realizing how flirtatious that sounded.

  I didn't mean to use that tone of voice.

  He laughs.

  "Well, I'm glad I called, too, then," he flirts back.

  I have to smile. This guy, he is such a flirt, but a good one. I enjoy the attention, but I'll never admit that to him. I clear my throat as he continues talking business.

  "I checked with the person in charge and we will be able to use your business to host the auction. Did you want to handle the food and catering?" he asks.

  "Yes!" I reply immediately.

  This will be a great way to get people to notice my bakery, and sample some of my work. Brian is quiet, as if making notes on paper.

  "Okay, great. Just so you know, there will be a fee that the company will pay of $100,000 for hosting the event at your business," he informs me. “Plus a commission based on the number of auctions and how much they each bring in.”

  My mouth opens in shock. I can't believe the numbers that just came out of his mouth. No wonder Sheila was so happy that she hosted one, aside from the fact that she got to hook up with Andrew.

  "Hello? Tammy? Are you still there?" Brian asks.

  I was so shocked that I forgot I was still on the phone.

  "Yes, I'm still here. Sorry," I apologize.

  He laughs again.

  "People usually have the same reaction every time they hear that amount," he jokes.

  "I don't doubt it," I reply.

  "So, we can count on you to host for us that night?" he asks.

  Without hesitation, I reply, "Yes. You can."

  Brian sounds happy.

  "Great! I'll give you a definite date once I work out some more details with our hostess."

  "That's fine," is my response.

  I've kind of stopped paying attention and gone back to thinking about my business. Once I heard the amount of the fee, it kicked my brain into overdrive, with all the things that amount of money could bring to the bakery.

  After a few moments, Brian asks, "Why don't we skip all this and cut straight to the chase. We could have dinner together, tonight, or whenever you’re available?" he suggests, flirting again.

  I roll my eyes.

  I admire his determination, but I have other things to worry about. I mean, he's hot, but he's too arrogant for my liking.

  "Sorry, I'm busy all this week. I have to go get ready for work now," I reply.

  I got a little bit of satisfaction from rejecting him like that. I like to let the men know that I am a strong woman and that when it comes to the relationship, I am in charge. Ever since Prom, I promised myself that I would never let another man humiliate me like that again.

  "Oh, okay. Well, I'll call you back with the date for the event then,” he replies, sounding disappointed.

  "Sounds good. Bye!" I say, hanging up.

  I sit here for a few minutes, thinking about the money that I’m going to make from hosting. An idea occurs to me then, so I open the internet browser on my phone and go to a listing that I have bookmarked.

  It's for a much larger shop in a nicer area that's for sale. I have had my eye on it for a long time, but would normally never be able to afford it. I dial the number listed on the ad and speak to the company that
owns it.

  "Yes, the property is still available," they inform me.

  I want to jump up and down. I feel like I’m about to have my dreams come true.

  "However, there has been a lot of interest in recently. A local investor is looking to purchase the space and demolish it to make room for something else," the agent informs me.

  My happiness disappears.

  "Oh, I see. And how much is the space again?" I ask.

  I'm shocked and disappointed as she tells me the price has increased a little. I thank her and hang up. That is a lot of money, more than I'd make from hosting this auction. In fact, I would probably have to host multiple events to be able to afford this place.

  I tap my fingers on the table as I try and think of what to do. As the minutes go by, I realize I already made my decision. I need this space. If I want to get anywhere in my life and progress in my business, I need to take risks. If that means taking part in all these auctions, then I have to do it. It's the only way to get what I want.

  I get up to get ready for work. I only hope that Brian calls me soon, and that he will be open to letting me host more events in the future. I have to put a lot of work and planning into my business now. I need to do everything I can to ensure that the auction will be a success.

  There's suddenly so much that I want to talk to Brian about. I'm so curious now about how everything is going to work. I laugh at myself. Even though he's a cocky flirt, he still manages to intrude into my thoughts even in the smallest way.

  I shrug, because maybe I’m being ridiculous. Then I finish getting ready for work. I want to get there early and experiment with some new recipes for the event. I’m suddenly filled with a lot of excitement and can’t wait to host the auction.

  My wet panties remind me that I also want to see Brian again, but I try to ignore that thought.

  I’m a woman on a mission, and I have exciting plans ahead.

  Chapter 9 - Tammy

  It's the night of the auction. I'm so excited! This is just one of the steps on the way to making my business even better.


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