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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

Page 79

by Jamie Knight

  "Dude, I just heard from James in the accounting department that you’re leaving to fucking Nevada?! You were just gonna run off and hang out 20 miles from Vegas without telling me? What the shit, Dom?” the voice explodes.

  I am so confused, but I really don't like being yelled at like that so I respond by calmly replying, "I'm sorry who is this?"

  It must be one of his friends or something, but based on the context it's probably a colleague from work. Immediately the voice stops yelling. "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry, this is Kevin. I was looking for Dom? Do I have the wrong number?" He asks apologetically, sounding a little panicked.

  I can't even bring myself to answer him. I'm too shocked by the things he just said. Nevada? And he wasn’t even going to tell me. He was just going to ghost me all over again.

  I'm not really surprised, more angry than anything right now. I walk over to the side of the bed where Dom is sleeping and grab him by his shoulder, shaking him roughly awake. I have to control myself from doing anything else to him.

  I can't believe this is happening all over again. There goes my heart and feelings all shot to hell.

  He jumps and looks around, startled. When he sees it's me he opens his mouth to say something but I just shove the phone in his face. Kevin is still on the line. Dom takes the phone sleepily and puts it to his ear. "Hello?"

  I'm so angry right now I don't even want to be in the same room as him. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a clean nightgown. I hurriedly put it on over some clean panties. Afterwards I tie on a robe. I don't even give him a backwards glance as I march out of the room. He's still busy talking on the phone anyways.

  I need to be away from him right now. I'm so filled with emotions I have no idea what to do. I just need to put some distance between us. Part of me just wants to get in my car and leave, but this is my fucking house, I’m not going to just let him chase me out.

  So I settle for moving to another room, as far as possible while remaining in the house. Tears burn my eyes, but I blink them back. How could he do this again? Just when I thought things were changing between us for the better.

  I get angry all over again and end up needing to move, to walk. I stand in the hallway, wondering what to do. I need something to distract me and keep me busy. I go to the kitchen. It's morning, so I might as well get started on breakfast, even if the idea of trying to eat right now turns my stomach.

  And while I’m cracking eggs and stirring, I can forget, just for a moment, that my heart is breaking.

  Chapter 20 - Juliette

  I am beyond upset, I am fuming. I finally figured out what it was that he was thinking about during dinner last night. The thing that was weighing so heavy on his mind, and that he didn't want to share with me.

  I'm guessing from the phone call that he didn't tell his friend either. That fact that he never mentioned his leaving to anyone proves what he was going to do. He was going to ghost me again. Just take off to Las Vegas and leave me hanging, and his friend too. What kind of a person does that?

  Maybe it's my fault for getting involved with him from the start. I mean, we all do things we regret, but I don't know. I feel so torn and confused right now.

  I also feel so stupid and foolish for giving into him last night. I trusted him again, and he was planning on doing this the whole time. I can't believe I gave him a second chance. I should have just left him alone after our first night together. I probably would have been better off. I wouldn't be upset right now, that's for damn sure.

  I can tell he's still in the bedroom where I left him, because I haven't heard the door open yet. Good, because I'm not ready to see him or deal with him right now. I go to the fridge and pull out the cheese, tossing a handful into my scrambled egg mixture.

  I slam stuff around angrily. I need to distract myself before I start crying. After I whisk the eggs I pour them into the skillet and start cooking. I hate that my emotions are everywhere right now. I can't understand why I'm so attached to this guy. There is really nothing special about him is there?

  I flip the eggs and go to the toaster. I pop in two slices of bread and grab the butter from the fridge, setting it on the counter and going back to watching the eggs, making sure they don't stick or burn. I feel like the thought of him leaving is going to tear my heart in two.

  I shouldn't be feeling that way. I hate that I'm feeling that way. Of course I would develop feelings for a guy who doesn't want to stick around.

  When the eggs are ready, I slide them onto my plate and put the skillet aside. The toast pops up. I'm busy buttering it when I hear the sounds of footsteps behind me. Once more, I'm fighting back tears. I finish with the toast and put it on my plate.

  He walks up behind me and his arms encircle my waist. He tries to kiss my cheek, but I pull away from him, incredulous. He watches in confusion as I put my food on the table, keeping my back to him. "What's the matter?" He asks, bewildered.

  "When were you going to tell me you were leaving?" I ask, unable to keep the hurt from my voice.

  "But I'm not," he replies in protest, taking a step towards me.

  I turn to face him, one hand on my hip. "Yeah, right. The phone call from your friend this morning explained it all," I snap angrily.

  I'm done believing him now. "Juliette, that was a misunderstanding, I'm not going…." he says, trying to explain again, but I'm losing control of my emotions.

  I can't deal with this right now. "Maybe you should just go, before you get too attached and accidentally start putting down roots here," I snap defensively, pointing a finger towards the front door.

  His expression changes, angry and hurt. He takes another step towards me. "I know I have issues making attachments, but I’m here and I’m trying. You're the one who’s so defensive. You can't even admit that you’re just as scared as I am,” his voice grows louder as he continues.

  “You're so terrified of losing me that you would rather just push me out of the door right now and shut me out of your life!" He yells angrily.

  I stand there in silence. He shakes his head in disbelief. "You're not even giving me a chance," he murmurs, and his tone is so wounded that my heart hurts.

  He turns away from me, walking out of the door and slamming it behind him, and I'm left standing there alone and stunned in the kitchen. His words ring in my ears and weigh heavy on my heart. I realize quickly how right he was about everything.

  The thought of losing him hurt my heart so bad I didn't even want to deal with it. I hurt him with my words, and probably destroyed any chance I had with him. Still, I have to try. I run to the door and yank it open. I'm about to run outside barefoot, but I see he is still standing outside the door. I gasp in surprise.

  He smiles sheepishly. "I was hoping that you’d change your mind," he admits sheepishly.

  I see the look on his face, and that's all I need to change my mind. I blink back tears. Silently I take his hand and pull him inside the house. He stumbles to keep up. The front door closes as I pull him down the hall to the bedroom.

  I start kissing him and pulling off his clothes, and he tugs the belt of my robe open and shoves it off my shoulders. This time I lie him back on the bed, dominating him. I kiss every part of him, exploring every hard, muscular inch.

  When I reach the rapidly swelling erection between his thighs, I wrap my lips around the head and suck, hard. He groans and bucks into my mouth, and while at first it’s a struggle not to gag, I soon figure out how to relax and take more of his cock.

  I bob my head faster and faster as I get into a rhythm, and his groans of pleasure spur me on until suddenly, he grips my hair and tugs me off of him. I look at him in confusion. “Sorry,” he says, panting, “Just…not ready for this to be over yet, I want to finish inside you.”

  I nod, and while he dashes quickly to retrieve another condom from his pants pocket, I shuck off my nightgown and panties.

  He lays back down and I straddle him nervously. “Just tell m
e if I’m…not doing this right, ok?”

  Dom chuckles, and the low sound reverberates deep in my core. “You’ll be fine, sweetheart,” he assures me.

  He helps me with positioning, and slowly I slide down onto his cock, impaling myself on his hard length. It hits new spots inside me, and the new sensations are incredible.

  Eager for more, I lift my hips slowly, raising myself off him, then back down. It takes me a moment to find a rhythm, but once I do, I give in to pure pleasure. His cock is deep, deep inside me, and the pleasure is overwhelming.

  And from the sounds he’s making underneath me, the feeling is mutual.

  It doesn’t take long before I’m quivering and moaning his name as the tight coil of climax begins to unfurl inside me and I shatter.

  The pulsing of my pussy around his cock tips Dom over the edge, too, and I feel the heat and shudder as he shoots his load into the condom between us. I collapse in a boneless heap beside him while he gets up to toss the condom and clean up.

  When he settles back into my bed, I hold him as close as I can, unwilling and unable to let him go. We fall asleep wrapped up in each other's arms again, and my last conscious thought is that I could get used to this.

  Chapter 21 - Dominic

  Six Months Later

  I don't even know where to begin, so much has changed in my life since meeting Juliette. I guess I should start with the basics. Within 3 months of the auction, Juliette and I had moved in together. Correction, I had moved in with her into her grandparent’s home. I love it, and I love her. I couldn't imagine spending another moment without her.

  Needless to say, I turned down that Nevada move as well. There was no way I could run off and leave Juliette like that. We were both thrilled by that. Everyone else at the office was shocked by it. In fact, they were stunned speechless when I made the announcement at the office meeting.

  I remember we were on a conference call. "So, Dom, what was so important you needed all of us on the line?" One of the directors asked.

  I cleared my throat before I began speaking. "I just wanted to inform you that I am going to have to turn down your Nevada offer. In fact, I'm making this location my permanent home. If there is any traveling that needs to be done, I’d like it to remain brief."

  There had been a long, long silence after I made my big announcement. Eventually one of the directors spoke. "Well Dom, this comes as quite a surprise to all of us. Are you sure about this decision?" They had asked.

  "Without a doubt," I replied confidently, with no trace of hesitation this time.

  I knew the directors had no choice but to accept this. "Okay, Dom. If that's what you wish. We will send someone else to Nevada."

  “I can give you some suggestions,” I’d offered up a list of names.

  After that the meeting had ended, and I went home happily to Juliette to share the good news with her. Things have also changed for the better for Juliette as well. Thanks to the money from the auction, and a few very generous donations from a "mysterious benefactor " she was able to buy the whole strip mall and some of the surrounding land, too.

  When I went with her to sign the papers for that, I noticed she could not stop smiling. It was that beautiful smile that I have come to love so much. She smiled the whole rest of the day after that.

  The next few months were busy with renovating her record store. She shared her plans and ideas with me. After everything we'd been through, Juliette decided to include a few new things at the shop, one being new digital record converters and a small CD section. I suggested ways she could make more money and increase traffic to her business.

  I also helped her rent out the other suites in the mall to little businesses that were soon thriving. This was such a smart move that it got the attention of many in the community.

  In just a few short months Juliette, had revitalized that whole area and brought new life to the shopping center, but not by changing the heart of the place. Just polishing what was already there.

  This encouraged many developers to start building in the area. New types of businesses were growing overnight. One of these recent additions, a small coffee shop located about a block away from the strip had quickly become our favorite.

  We often meet up there after work for date nights. Juliette has changed so much about me and my life. She’s like a piece of me I never knew was missing. It's more than just emotional changes, but physical as well. Even my style has changed now. I’m currently incorporating a mix of current, high-fashion tech with the occasional vintage pinstriped suit or some retro cufflinks that Juliette scored at a favorite thrift shop for me.

  And she occasionally throws some modern pieces into her wardrobe, mostly just to shock me, I think. But we balance each other in a way I never dreamed possible. She’s shown me the beauty of the past, I’ve helped her step forward into the future.

  Tonight's my turn to bring the vintage, though, even if she doesn’t know it. I bought something that I hope she'll like. I'm already at the coffee shop waiting for her. I'm nervous as hell. I got here even earlier than usual because I just couldn’t fucking sit still.

  I look in the pocket on the jacket of my suit and sneak a peek at the ring box in there. I spent so many months planning. I watched everything, the websites she visited, the things she bought online. I even snooped around in her jewelry box just to make sure.

  I had to be sure, then one day I found it online and I bought it. I bought it because I knew, I knew that this was the ring I was going to give her when I asked her to be my wife. It was her exact taste and style. I know she's going to love it, and I’m just hoping she wants to wear it for good.

  I look back up just in time to see her walk in. She looks even more beautiful than when I first saw her. She's dressed simply, jeans and a blouse, but she still makes it look good. She smiles when she sees me and walks over. I had this night planned so perfectly, but at the sight of her beauty, I can't form a single thought.

  As soon as she sits down, my carefully laid plans go up in smoke. Despite the leaps and bounds I’ve made, tonight I just can't wait, I can't be patient. I quickly pull out the ring box and ask "Will you marry me?"

  She blinks and blurts out "yes" without a second thought.

  It's a few seconds before we both realize what just happened. We both start laughing out of joy and shock. I stand and pull her to me. I pick her up and twirl her around in the middle of the coffee shop. I can't keep the smile off of my face. She's smiling as well. When I put her back on the ground, she’s blushing a little. I kiss her sweetly on the lips as everyone around us takes notice and breaks into applause.

  When I pull away, she's blushing even more. It’s obvious how embarrassed she is. "I'm sorry," I apologize, laughing, “I didn’t mean to make a scene.”

  She giggles and I take her hand in mine. “I think I can forgive you,” she whispers.

  "How about I take you home for a more private celebration?" I whisper back.

  She looks up at me, and gives me that same beautiful smile. “I love the sound of that.”

  Epilogue - Juliette

  The whole drive home, all I can do is stare at the ring on my finger. I'm so excited but so shocked by everything that has happened. I seriously wasn't expecting this. When Dom asked me for coffee again after work, I just assumed it was our usual date night.

  This is just unbelievable. I'm silent the whole drive home. My hand is outstretched in front of me, and I just can't stop staring at the ring in disbelief. I can't wrap my head around this. Of course I'm excited and glad it is happening, I just can't believe this moment is actually here. It's like a dream come true.

  I had my doubts about it at first, especially after our first night together. But I kept secretly hoping this might happen. I knew that I wouldn't be able to resist Dom, not that I ever really wanted to. Obviously I was physically attracted to him on our first meeting, but it was something more than that. I was drawn to him, like he was a myst
ery to be solved.

  He had his reasons for acting the way he did, and I acted a certain way too at first. We overcame those obstacles together, like we make each other better or something. I feel like we really do, like each of us is the piece the other was missing.

  Dom speaks interrupting my thoughts. "Is everything okay?" He asks.

  I can hear the worry in his voice. I didn't mean to get so wrapped up in my head. "Everything about tonight is perfect, I just…I’m so, so happy." I reassure him with a smile before gazing at the ring again.

  It’s so perfect, and I get to wear it proudly for the rest of my life. As his wife!

  I can see him smile from the corner of my eye. "Good. I'm glad you like it. It suits you."

  "It better," I reply, “I’m planning to wear it for a long, long, long time.”

  He laughs and I lean over and kiss his cheek. We drive the rest of the way to the house in happy silence. I don't think either one of us will be able to stop smiling. Suddenly, I can't wait to get him home and be alone with him.

  Afterwards we park and walk inside. I barely have time to put the keys down before he pulls me to him. He gives me a kiss that makes me go weak in the knees. When he pulls away, I'm breathless. "Now that I’ve got you alone, how about that celebration I mentioned?" he murmurs.

  I can't keep the grin off my face. He sweeps me up in his arms and I giggle happily as he carries me down the hall to our bedroom.

  Quickly our clothes come off and we’re tangled, bare, in bed. He's got his arms wrapped around me, raising himself above me as we kiss. I part my legs quickly for him and he moves between them. I'm in no mood for games or teasing today. I want him, more than I have ever wanted him.

  He pauses and reaches for the nightstand drawer, but I halt him. “Wait…can we try…without one?” I ask hesitantly.


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