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Kidnapped for Her Secret Son

Page 11

by Andie Brock

‘What? When?’

  She could see him racking his brains.

  ‘That last evening at Capezzana?’ Releasing one shoulder, Jaco forcefully raked a hand through his hair as realisation started to dawn. ‘Before you threw in your job the next day and took off?’

  Leah silently raised her eyebrows. It was all the acknowledgment he was getting.

  ‘Dio, Leah.’ Anguish etched his face before determination set in again. ‘And what have you done with this information?’

  What sort of a question was that?

  Leah fought to hold herself steady. ‘I would have thought that was obvious. I got the hell out. Once I’d realised the sort of man you really are I wanted nothing more to do with you. I still don’t.’

  ‘And who else have you told about Francesca?’

  ‘No one.’

  ‘Harper—your sister—have you told her?’

  ‘No, I’ve already said I haven’t told anyone.’

  What was this? Some sort of inquisition? How come he was treating her as if she was the one who had committed the crime?

  ‘Your sordid little secret is safe with me.’

  He turned his face away, cursing in his native tongue before swinging back to look at her.

  ‘So let me get this straight.’

  She felt as if his dark eyes could bore holes into her soul.

  ‘You thought I was having an affair with Francesca and that was the reason you left?’

  ‘Got it in one.’

  ‘Even though you knew you were pregnant?’

  ‘Especially because I knew I was pregnant.’ Leah glared at him with shaky defiance. ‘I would far rather raise my child alone than subject him to a father who clearly has no morals, no sense of decency.’

  ‘Dannazione, Leah,’ he growled in bitter frustration. ‘You hurl accusations at me, you walk out of my life and you deny me the knowledge that I have a son. And yet it never occurred to you to ask me about Francesca? About who she actually is?’

  ‘No, funnily enough, it didn’t.’ Leah refused to be cowed. ‘In the same way as it obviously never occurred to you to mention her to me.’

  ‘Well, let me tell you right now: my relationship with Francesca is not what you think.’


  Relationship in the present tense.

  The knowledge that it was still going on brought a new wave of pain, easily breaching the barriers of self-defence that she had worked so hard to construct. So this Francesca woman wasn’t just a brief fling—one of any number of casual lovers that Jaco might have taken up with, then dropped. This woman was still around. This woman meant something. It was written all over his glowering face.

  Leah sucked in a breath, her hands shaking slightly as she pushed her hair away from her face. ‘So, please, do tell—what exactly is your relationship with the lovely Francesca?’ She deliberately piled on the sarcasm to disguise her pain.

  There was a second’s silence, a beat of hesitation. Leah watched as Jaco bit down on his lip, registering the taut set of his jaw, the play of muscles beneath his skin as he figured out what he was going to say.

  Finally he spoke. ‘Francesca is my sister.’

  Leah felt her shoulders sag with the weight of the pathetic lie. Was that it? Was that really the best he could come up with?

  ‘Yeah, right.’ She gave a humourless laugh. ‘Unfortunately for you, Jaco, I know your background. One birth sibling, male, adopted with you into a family with two older siblings, also male. You can see I have done my research.’

  ‘Your research has failed to uncover one important fact.’ He hesitated again, as if he could hardly bring himself to say the words. ‘Because this is something that no one knows. My birth brother, Francesco, is now my birth sister—Francesca.’

  ‘What...?’ Leah’s mouth fell open. ‘You mean...?’

  ‘Yes, Leah, exactly that. She has had gender reassignment surgery.’

  Leah gazed at him in stunned astonishment, realisation sinking in with every second that ticked by. Now she thought about it, there had been a resemblance between the face she had seen on the computer screen and Jaco’s own. Something about the tilt of the head, the intensity of those dark brown eyes...

  ‘But why all the secrecy?’ She gulped the question. ‘I mean, why does nobody know the truth?’

  ‘Because there are people who would use that information against her. People who would like to hurt her.’

  ‘But who? What people?’

  ‘You don’t need to concern yourself with that.’

  Leah growled with frustration. ‘But she can’t hide herself away—live in secret for the rest of her life. Not after everything she must have already gone through.’

  ‘She won’t have to. Not for much longer.’

  She could hear the determination in his voice, see the emotion, the pride. And suddenly she knew without a shred of doubt that everything he said was true.

  Oh, God.

  The realisation drained the blood from her head and the room started to do a giddy spin. In one way it felt as if the iron fist around her poor crushed heart had finally loosened its grip, but in another she realised now just what she had done—accused Jaco of a crime he hadn’t committed and kept from him the knowledge that he had a son.

  ‘Are you okay?’

  She was dimly aware that Jaco was speaking to her. There was concern in his voice now, replacing the grim authority of before.

  ‘Leah?’ He moved her hair aside so that he could see her better.

  ‘Yes.’ Leah attempted a small laugh. ‘Yes, of course.’

  ‘You look like you need to sit down.’

  Without waiting for her assent, he moved her over to the sofa. The same sofa that had so recently seen them cavorting in the throes of reckless passion. Turning her to face him, gently now, he looked deep into her eyes, and the intensity of his ebony gaze, the surprising compassion held there, did nothing to help regulate her breathing.

  ‘You are very pale.’ He brushed a gentle finger along the length of her lips. ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

  ‘Yes, honestly, I’m fine.’ Leah sat up a little straighter, making a supreme effort to appear normal. ‘But I might just get a glass of water...’

  ‘Stay there.’ Jaco placed a firm hand on her thigh. ‘I’ll get it.’

  Leah drew in a much-needed breath as she watched him stride towards the kitchen. Francesca was his sister! That changed everything—but then again it changed nothing. Maybe it explained why Jaco had been so furious with her, but not why he had kidnapped her and Gabriel. Why he was keeping them prisoner.

  But she had no time to order her scattered thoughts before Jaco reappeared, handing her a glass of water and sitting himself down beside her.

  She took a sip, realising how much her hand was shaking from the way the water rippled across the surface.

  ‘So...’ Jaco edged closer. ‘“A lying, cheating, two-timing bastard.” That’s what you think of me, is it?’

  ‘No... I mean that’s what I thought...’ Leah swallowed another shaky gulp.

  ‘Nice to know you have such a high opinion of me, Leah.’

  He took the glass from her hand and set it down on the table, then turned her to face him so that she couldn’t miss the dark mockery in his gaze.

  ‘Well, what was I supposed to think?’

  Leah angled her head away, but Jaco caught hold of her chin and turned her to face him again. He was clearly going to spare her no mercy.


  ‘Don’t what?’ With the compelling force of Jaco’s glittering gaze stealing all reason, Leah had no idea about anything any more.

  ‘Don’t think.’

  Jaco helpfully supplied her with the answer, tracing her jawline with a feather-light finger that rippled a slide of sensation t
hrough her senses.

  ‘Thinking only gets you into trouble. Now is the time to show me how sorry you are.’

  ‘Who says I’m sorry?’

  The arrogance of this man was astounding. As was the sudden lack of air in the room, and the sweeping sexual current that was dragging her under, making it impossible to breathe.

  ‘I do, Leah.’ His voice was a low, sexy drawl, and a feral glow was burning in his eyes. ‘I think you are very sorry indeed. But if you are not able to voice your apology I will have to find another way to drag it out of you.’

  His lowered his head until it was just inches from her upturned face. The hot beat of his breath scorched her cheeks.

  ‘And I have no say in the matter?’

  ‘Uh-uh—no say at all.’ His mouth hovered over hers, whispering against her lips like an erotic promise. ‘You need to start making it up to me. And this is how we are going to do it.’

  With a rough movement his arms drew her to him, crushing her breasts to his chest as they wrapped around her. His lips claimed hers in a collision of fire and hunger and fierce possession, as if intending to blot out all the turmoil and confusion of the past and make this one surreal moment the only thing that mattered.

  And as Leah closed her eyes, let herself go, felt herself surrender to the power and the bliss of his kiss, she found herself responding in kind. Because there really was nothing else she could do.


  THROUGH THE FOG of a deeply sated sleep Leah heard familiar muffled grunts coming from the baby monitor. She stirred, her body twisting inside the tight embrace of tangled limbs, and as she opened her eyes she suddenly remembered where she was. In Jaco’s bed. In Jaco’s arms. With her face pressed so tightly against his neck that she could see nothing but the pink blur of his skin.

  She blinked, feeling her eyelashes brush against him, inhaling his warm scent. Lifting her head, she squirmed until she had enough space to look up. And straight into the dark oblivion of Jaco’s remarkable eyes.

  ‘Buongiorno.’ He smiled down at her, using his little finger to brush away a strand of her hair that had stuck to her lip.

  ‘Good morning.’ She elbowed herself more upright. ‘How long have you been awake?’

  ‘Awhile. But I didn’t want to disturb you. I figured that after last night you probably needed the sleep.’ A wicked twinkle lit his eyes.

  ‘I guess we both did.’

  She matched his smile as the memory of the night they had spent together came rushing back in glorious Technicolor. The passion, the tenderness, the sheer erotic explosion of them coming together—it had been truly wonderful. She could still taste it on her lips, feel it in the weight of her limbs, sense the faint throb in the very core of her.

  ‘But I suspect our son has no such compunction about waking his mother.’ Gabriel’s soft grunts were rapidly increasing in volume. ‘I’ll go and get him.’

  Dropping a tender kiss onto Leah’s upturned mouth, Jaco extricated his arms and legs from around her body and pushed back the tangled sheet.

  ‘No, really.’ Forcing herself back to reality, Leah stretched out a hand to his back. ‘I’ll go. It might confuse him if he sees you.’

  ‘Well, the more he sees me, the less confused he will be.’ Pulling on a pair of boxers, he turned and sat down on the edge of the bed. ‘I mean to play an active role in my son’s life. You know that, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes.’ Leah nodded. ‘Yes, I do.’

  ‘Bene.’ He stood up, then hesitated. ‘And I’m hoping to play a pretty active role in his mamma’s life too.’

  Bending to cup her chin in his hands, he planted another kiss squarely on her lips, then touched the tip of her nose with his finger before turning to stride out of the room.

  Leah waited a couple of seconds. Gabriel’s cries were now building up to full volume. Her every instinct was telling her to go to him, but Jaco was right—he did have to get to know his son. It was because of her that he hadn’t been able to forge that relationship right from the start.

  Through the monitor she could hear Jaco going into her bedroom. Gabriel was quiet for a moment, then came Jaco’s soft words of greeting in Sicilian, the rustle as he picked him up, and a distinct gurgle of pleasure from Gabriel. Leah held herself very still, listening. She had to hand it to Jaco. Somehow—and she had no idea how he’d done it—he had already won his son’s heart.

  Slipping out of bed, she went into the en suite bathroom and, finding a man’s towelling bathrobe on the back of the door, shrugged it on, turning back the cuffs and belting it tightly around her waist.

  After rinsing her hands under the tap she splashed water on her face, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She looked tousled and a woman who had just spent a wild night of passion with the sexiest man in the world. Which she supposed she had. She looked—and this was the biggest shock of all—happy. There was a light gleaming in her mascara-smudged eyes that had been missing for far too long.

  Making her way back to her bedroom, she stopped in the doorway, grinning widely at the sight that met her eyes. Gabriel was lying on the bed, wriggling and kicking for all he was worth, while Jaco was trying to put a nappy on him.

  ‘Come on, buddy, work with me here.’

  He tried to slide the nappy under Gabriel’s bottom, but Gabriel was having none of it, half rolling onto his side, squirming so that the tab fastener stuck to one chubby buttock.

  ‘Jeez...’ Jaco scratched his bed-ruffled hair. ‘How hard can this be?’

  ‘Having trouble?’ Leah stepped into the room, laughing.

  ‘Whatever makes you think that?’ Jaco gave her his most innocent expression.

  ‘Um...this.’ Picking up Gabriel, Leah held him aloft and they both stared at the dangling nappy.

  ‘Well, yeah...’ Jaco frowned at his handiwork. ‘Maybe there is room for improvement.’

  ‘Just a bit.’ Laying Gabriel down again, Leah gripped hold of his ankles and expertly repositioned the nappy. ‘Why don’t you go and make us some coffee while I give him a feed?’

  ‘Buona idea.’

  Jaco pulled her into a kiss before turning to leave.

  * * *

  When he returned a short while later, Leah was sitting up in bed with Gabriel at her breast. He paused to take in the scene, his breath catching in his throat. Gabriel had reached out to grasp a lock of Leah’s hair, and was holding it in his closed fist while Leah cradled his body against hers, singing softly under her breath. For the first time he didn’t feel excluded, shut out. For the first time he saw them as a family. His family. And he felt his heart swell with pride.

  ‘Come on—move up.’ Firmly putting a lid on the sentiment, Jaco set Leah’s mug down on her bedside table, then walked around the other side of the bed to get in.

  Leah looked up, surprise in her eyes, but did as she was told, shifting across to make room beside her and Gabriel.

  ‘That’s better.’ Holding his mug in both hands, Jaco took a sip. ‘How’s he doing?’ He reached across to stroke the soft dark curls of his son’s hair.

  ‘Almost done, I’d say.’ As she spoke Gabriel’s mouth slackened on her nipple and he wriggled in the constraints of her arms as she tried to pat him on the back to wind him.

  ‘You want me to take him while you drink your coffee?’

  ‘Oh, yes, please.’ She passed him across, adjusting her dressing gown before reaching for her mug.

  Jaco settled Gabriel in the crook of his arm and gazed down at his son. Why did this feel so right, all of a sudden? So natural? He had never given much thought to the idea of having kids except as something that might happen in the way distant future. He had certainly never envisaged himself changing nappies!

  All his adult life had been spent doing deals, making money and then reaping the rewards of that success: buyin
g luxury properties, eating in the best restaurants, dating a succession of beautiful women. He’d assumed that was the life he wanted, the life he would pick up again once he had dealt with the Garalinos. But now... Now, as he felt the warm, solid weight of his son in his arms, and glanced across at the dishevelled sunlit beauty of the woman in bed beside him, he felt a strange sense of contentment creep over him.

  And something else—something that was so unfamiliar he had to search around to put a name to it. Happiness. That was what it was.

  Jaco realised he’d never even missed it. Since the death of his parents he had just assumed that true happiness was the prerogative of other people, or maybe it didn’t even exist. His brutal upbringing at the hands of the Garalino family had certainly left no room for any sort of joy, and since then he had channelled all his efforts into making something of his life. Which he had succeeded in doing—big-time. But happiness... Nah, that was only for the very young or the very deluded.

  As if to demonstrate his theory, Jaco felt the chill of a cloud pass over that chink of sunlight. The niggle at the back of his mind had fought its way forward. There was something he needed to know...

  ‘So...’ He took Gabriel’s perfect little hand in his, turning it over to stare at the tiny shell-like fingernails. ‘Don’t take this the wrong way, but there is something I have to ask you.’

  ‘What’s that?’ Leah turned to look at him, the smile in her eyes dying at the sight of his serious face.

  ‘Other men.’

  ‘I’m sorry?’

  ‘Other men. Have there been any?’

  ‘Ha!’ She carefully placed her coffee mug down on the table. ‘You mean in between finding out I was pregnant, going into hiding, giving birth and then being bundled off to this island, have I found time to take a couple of lovers?’

  ‘Yes, Leah.’ A muscle twitched in his jaw. ‘That’s exactly what I mean.’

  ‘Then let me put your mind at rest.’ With an audible huff, she folded her arms across her chest. ‘The answer to your question is no.’

  Grazie Dio. Just the idea of Leah in the arms of another man was enough to shake the very foundations of his control.


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