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Hired for Heat (The Hired Series Book 1)

Page 16

by Leann Ryans

  “Are you asking me if I’m okay with fucking you?” he whispered as he cupped her cheeks.

  Sandra chuckled, nuzzling into his palm.

  “It will be longer and more intense than usual.”

  “Sounds fun,” he said with a quirk of his brow.

  Giving him a sardonic look, she said, “For you maybe.”

  Grinning down at her, he kissed her again before releasing her cheek and stepping back.

  “I need to clean up and grab my things. Give me fifteen minutes.”

  Sandra nodded and Austin rushed back to his room. Jumping in the shower, he was washed and out in five minutes, throwing everything back into the bag he had unpacked just a few days prior. He made it back to the admin building in exactly fifteen minutes.

  When he entered, Sandra was standing with James who turned to him as he came through the door.

  “One final signature from you, and I’ll walk you to the gate.”

  Taking the pen James handed him, he listened as James explained the form before scrawling his name on the line at the bottom. Feeling a weight lift that he had never even realized was there, he took Sandra’s hand in his and turned expectantly to the door.

  James chuckled, moving in front of him as they left the building and approached the gate. Apparently, news that an Alpha was being released had spread, because there was a crowd of Alphas standing around watching as they made their way to the rickety wooden symbol of their lack of rights.

  Though many of them didn’t even know who he was, a cheer went through the crowd as the gates were pulled open and they passed through. Waving a hand over his head at them, he helped Sandra into the car before following her in. She typed an address into the computer as he watched the gates close, cutting off the view of a life he had never expected to leave.

  Austin wasn’t sure how he felt. Lost was probably the closest thing he could think of. All the plans he had made for his life were gone now, but he had something he had never dreamed to have that was so much more valuable.

  “We have a stop to make before we head back to the city. A project I created hoping you would be able to help me with.”

  Turning his attention back to Sandra, he raised his eyebrows and waited for her to explain.

  “I knew you were a carpenter from the file The Haven showed me. The Haven opened my eyes to the way Alphas are really treated and seeing that camp reinforces that a change needs to be made. This isn’t the way things should be.”

  Nodding at her to go on, he waited as she explained her idea to him. What she wanted to do was unheard of, but gave him hope for a better future for other Alphas like him.

  Pulling her to him, he gave her a lingering kiss.

  “You’re amazing.”

  Giggling, her cheeks flushed, and he loved how sweet and innocent she looked.

  “Show me the plans.”

  Pulling out her tablet, she pulled up the designs and Austin had to admit that he was floored. If she pulled it off Alphas would be lining up to be a part of it. He wasn’t so sure about others.

  “Are you sure the other dynamics will be interested in this? It won’t work the way you want if it’s just Alphas.”

  “I think I can find others like me who don’t like the way Alphas are treated and would be willing to give it a shot. I can move my office there so anyone wanting to deal with me will see the way things should be.”

  Kissing her forehead again he said, “Okay, I’m in.”

  43. Sandra

  It only took about an hour to reach the edge of the property she had purchased. Sitting up and looking around at the land they passed through, she payed attention to any features that stood out, consulting the map she had of the property. It took an extra thirty minutes to get to the main site where work would begin on the first of her plans.

  Wiggling into the extra clothes she had brought as Austin leered at her, she finally climbed from the car to walk around. They didn’t have much time to explore, but they looked over the site, discussing small tweaks that would need to be made to the plan to preserve some of the natural features. Sandra could tell Austin was as excited about this project as she had hoped he would be, and she looked forward to getting started on it as soon as her induced heat was over.

  Where the property was located, it still took about an hour and a half to get back to the city. Her building was mostly empty by the time they passed through the lobby and climbed into her private elevator. Austin was quiet as they made their way to the top of the building, and she left him to his thoughts. They had talked a lot during the drive, and she was more certain of her decision to complete the bond with him. He was strong and intelligent, but most of all, he was caring. Not just towards her but to others as well.

  Stepping out of the elevator and opening the door to her house, Sandra waved Austin in ahead of her. She could feel the shock he was trying to hide and ducked her head to hide a smirk as she passed him heading for the kitchen.

  Austin trailed behind her as he looked around, taking in the understated luxury of her suite.

  “If you’re hungry, I can make something for us, or have my assistant bring us something. I’m not sure how long it will take for the pill to kick in, so I need to stock and prepare the safe room before I take it.”

  “If ordering something is easier that’s fine. I’m not picky. I can help you get ready.”

  Nodding to him, she called Natashia to bring two orders of pasta up before heading home, and then took Austin’s hand.

  “I’m sure you can tell that’s the living room, and this is the kitchen,” she said pulling him along behind her as she waved towards where her purple couch sat in the middle of her mostly empty living room.

  Walking through the door into her bedroom she said, “This is our room. That door is the closet and that one is the bathroom,” she continued, pointing to them as they crossed the room to the third door.

  Placing her thumb on the scanner built into the wall, she waited for it to beep before typing in her code. Sliding the lock back, the steel reinforced door swung open on silent hinges to reveal a room about half the size of her bedroom. There was a full-size bed against one wall with a toilet and sink behind a screen against the other. Cabinets lined the front wall next to the door. The entire room was painted a dark blue with dim lights in each corner.

  Opening a random cabinet, Austin reached in and pulled out a purple dildo, raising his eyebrow as he glanced at Sandra. Feeling her face heat in embarrassment, she took it from him and placed it back in the cabinet, firmly shutting the door.

  “Girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do,” Austin said with a smirk.

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she turned and began pulling sheets out of another cabinet as he chuckled at her embarrassment. Grabbing her arm, he pulled her against him as she tried to walk past, and she could feel his erection against the side of her leg.

  “You won’t need those anymore. I’ll take care of you,” he whispered against her ear sending shivers down her spine.

  “Well see about that,” she said as she pulled free, trying not to show her reaction to him though he could probably smell the slick gathering in her panties at the suggestion of having sex with him again.

  With his usual smirk tipping up the corner of his lips, Austin helped her put the sheets on the bed before following her back out into the bedroom to grab her pillows and blankets from the bed in there. By the time a knock sounded from the front door, they had everything in the room besides the food they would need.

  Answering the door, Sandra had to laugh at Natashia’s expression as she felt Austin walk up behind her. Austin dwarfed her, and Natashia was even smaller at barely five foot tall. Waiving her assistant inside, Sandra introduced them as they made their way to the kitchen. Austin nodded his head to Natashia as she gave a little wave.

  Realizing she hadn’t told Natashia about the judge’s stipulation, Sandra smacked her hand to her forehead.

  “Shit, I forgot.”

nbsp; “What?” came from two voices as both people turned to her.

  She rubbed her hand down her face saying, “You’re going to have to reschedule the appointments for tomorrow. For the whole next week at least. The judge said we had to complete the bond now for him to release Austin from the camp. I won’t be able to meet with anyone until it’s over.”

  “Complete the bond? You have to be in heat for that.” Natashia said.

  “Yeah, I’m taking Clotritan as soon as you leave.”

  Natashia gasped as her eyes grew wide.

  “I discussed it with my doctor first. This was the only way. I’ll be fine,” Sandra said before Natashia could object.

  Swallowing, Natashia nodded and sat the bag with their food on the counter.

  “I’ll go take care of that then.”

  Pulling Sandra into a hug, she whispered, “Good luck,” before turning and leaving.

  Hearing the front door close behind her, Sandra sighed before reaching for the bag. Handing Austin one of the cartons as she pulled out the other, she directed him to the drawer that contained silverware before settling on the barstools.

  Grabbing a bottle of water from her counter, Sandra pulled out the pill she had picked up earlier. Eyeing it with trepidation, she took a deep breath before placing it in her mouth, washing it down with a grimace.

  “Well, here we go. Hope you’re ready.”

  44. Austin

  Austin had to admit he was feeling a bit overwhelmed. He had gone from the worst place he had ever lived to a place more opulent than even The Haven had been, but the suite wasn’t over the top. There weren’t gaudy decorations sitting around simply to announce her wealth, but everything in the suite was top quality. From the recessed lighting, to the high pile carpeting, and even the paint on the walls, everything screamed that it was the best that money could afford. He had known that Sandra ran her own company and obviously did well, but he hadn’t realized how well that was.

  Giving her a kiss on the forehead, he said, “Everything will be fine.”

  Knowing that if her heat was going to be longer than usual, he was going to need the energy, he dug into the pile of pasta and let out a moan as the flavor hit his tongue.

  “No wonder you turned up your nose at that crap at camp, this is amazing.”

  Smiling, Sandra took a bite and nodded.

  “It’s from one of my favorite places. I’ll miss it when we move away.”

  Moaning again with another bite, Austin shook his head.

  “Maybe you could get them to open a location out there. I’ll build it myself for this every day.”

  Chuckling, Sandra continued to eat at a steady pace as he wolfed his food down. She had barely put a dent in hers when his container was scraped clean and she tried to push hers over to him.

  “No. You’ve already half-starved yourself this past month. You need energy for what’s coming.”

  Grabbing another bottle of water, he placed it in front of her as well.

  “You need to finish that too. I don’t want you dehydrated.”

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she tried to push the container away again, but he let out a low growl that caused her pupils to expand and the scent of slick to fill the air. Gasping, she clutched her stomach as she hunched over.

  “It’s happening already,” she gasped out.

  “Eat as much as you can. Now,” Austin commanded, watching as she picked up her fork.

  Taking all of the water sitting on the counter, he said, “I’ll be right back. What food do you have to take in there?”

  Pointing to a cabinet to his right, her other hand clutched her stomach as she tried to chew and swallow the pasta in her mouth. He could tell she was already struggling.

  Rushing to grab what he could from the cabinet, he strode quickly to the safe room that they had left open and put everything in the first cabinet he opened before returning to her. Taking her under the arms, he lifted Sandra and carried her into the room, placing her on the bed before returning to the kitchen. Grabbing her unfinished pasta and a few more packs of snacks, he stopped and locked the front door before going back to the safe room.

  Sandra was curled on her side in the middle of her bed, holding her stomach and moaning. The scent of slick already filled the room and he could feel his cock stiffening in his pants.

  “Is there anything else you need me to bring in before I shut the door?” he asked as he knelt next to her, gently brushing her hair back from her face.

  Sandra shook her head, so he stood and closed the door, hearing the locks engage as soon as the door touched the frame. Taking off his shirt and shoes, he left them by the door and made his way back to her. Helping her sit up, he pulled her shirt over her head before laying her back and peeling off her pants.

  She was panting and writhing on the bed, the grey of her eyes already lost to her pupil as she moaned in pain.

  “I need you. Now,” she whimpered, reaching for him.

  “You need to finish your water first,” he said, holding a bottle to her lips.

  Chugging it down, she didn’t give him a chance to take the empty bottle to the trash before she was wrapping her arms around him and pulling him on top of her.

  “Please,” she begged, pressing her hips up, seeking friction.

  Smirking, Austin slipped his hand into her panties and found her clit with one finger. Rubbing softly over the top of it, he teased her, building her higher.

  “Is this what you need?”

  “No!” she cried, trying to grab his hand and press it into her harder.

  Circling her clit with his finger, he gave a sharp tug to her panties with his other hand, ripping them so that he could access her opening. Lowering his head, he thrust his tongue into her, moaning as her flavor burst across his taste buds.

  “You taste even better than the pasta. I plan to eat this every night too,” he said before plunging his tongue back into her weeping opening.

  Bucking her hips up against his fingers, Sandra moaned and clutched his hair, pulling his face tighter to her core. Within a few moments her legs began to shake, and she tipped over the edge with a cry and a rough tug of his hair.

  Flopping back down to the bed, she released him and lay panting with her eyes clenched shut.

  “I need more,” she whispered.

  “In a moment,” he responded, rolling to the edge and standing up.

  Austin leaned over and eased her torn panties down her legs, clutching them as he picked up the empty water bottle and made his way across the room to toss them in the trash. Taking her container of pasta, he quickly finished it before tossing it into the trash as well. Once he fucked her, he wouldn’t remember to finish the food so that he would have enough energy to care for her.

  Grabbing two more bottles of water. He returned to the bed as Sandra began to moan in pain again. This heat had come on hard and fast, and it didn’t look like there was going to be any rest periods.

  Putting an arm behind her back to sit her up, Austin made her drink half of another bottle of water before she turned away, refusing any more. Letting her lay down again, he rolled her to her belly, running his hands up and down her back. Massaging the tense muscles, he tried to help her relax as much as possible before she needed him to give her another orgasm to stop the pain. Using his fingers and tongue would work for a little while, but eventually she would need his knot to truly feel satisfied.

  45. Sandra

  The cramps were going to rip her in half if the heat didn’t melt her first. She had never felt cramps this intense, and she felt like her insides were on fire. The orgasm she had helped a little, but she could feel the cramps coming back, needing Alpha cum to stop them.

  When Austin flipped her over, she thought he was going to give her what she wanted, but he was simply stroking her back instead. Trying to wiggle her hips into his hands didn’t work and she finally got tired of his teasing.

  Pulling her knees under her, she presented, arching her back and
raising her ass as high as it would go.

  “Are you going to fuck me or not?” she growled at him.

  Feeling his returning rumble roll up her spine, slick dripped from her core to the bed beneath her as his hand landed sharply on her ass.

  “I’ll fuck you when I’m good and ready to,” he growled back. “I don’t think you need it yet.”

  Whimpering, she lowered her chest to the bed, laying her cheek on the cool sheet as she tried to rub against the hand still on her ass. Letting out a cry when it lifted from her, it was quickly replaced by a moan when it landed on the other cheek. Sandra didn’t even feel the sting, just the pulsing heat racing to the throbbing nub between her legs.

  “Please! Please fuck me,” she begged, mindless with the need to have his cock inside her.

  Hearing Austin groan behind her, she spread her legs wider, both coated in her fluids. The room reeked of her slick with just a hint of his spicy musk, and she wanted to smell more of him. Taste more of him.

  The bed rocked as Austin adjusted himself behind her, hand slapping down against her heated flesh again. Rocking back, Sandra felt his cock brush against her inner thigh, slipping through the wetness. She tried to wiggle it closer to her core, but Austin gripped her hips with both hands, giving her another low growl.

  “I am the one in charge now. You will learn patience one way or another.”

  Whimpering, she turned her head to look back at him as he slid his shaft against her other thigh but refusing to press it where she wanted.

  “Naughty girls get denied,” he whispered.

  Confused, Sandra watched him sit back on his heels and grip his cock, stroking it from base to tip. His hand moved quickly, the glistening head disappearing into his hand in time with her heartbeat before popping back out as his hand moved back down to the base of his shaft.

  Tongue flicking out to wet her lips, she watched the beads of fluid that slowly formed on the tip before running down to join her fluids coating it. Whining again, she pressed herself down harder on the bed, clenching her core and trying to entice him into filling her.


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