The Problem With Billionaires (Billionaire Club Book 5)

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The Problem With Billionaires (Billionaire Club Book 5) Page 11

by Brynn Paulin

  I didn’t want to tell her. Not here. Not like this. Not when she’d start crying and be unable to work these knots. We had to get free before Rod came back.

  I’d managed to get pretty close to her, and I twisted the chair so I was mostly faced away from her. Doing my best to appear calm, I whispered over my shoulder, “Can you reach my hands?”

  With every moment that passed, I was afraid Rod would come back and catch us. If he found us this close, he’d make sure we never got a chance again. I had no doubt about that. Now was our only chance.

  No one else would rescue me.

  I heard Cricket in my head: Sometimes you have to save yourself before you can save someone else.

  Pretty sure this wasn’t what she meant, but either way, she was right. Neither my bodyguard nor Booker had any clue where I was, if they even knew I was missing.

  “I think so,” Linz said.

  I felt her fingers at my wrists. Rod had used some sort of cloth to tie me, rather than rope or zip ties, thank goodness. It seemed like an eternity, but she finally got one arm free. I stretched down to yank at the one around my right ankle as she kept at the other wrist. My fingers fumbled, nerves overtaking me. As soon as my other arm was free, I completely doubled over to work at the knots.

  I heard Rod before I saw him, his footsteps echoing through the deserted building. I worked triple-time to get the final knot undone.

  “Get back by the wall,” I rasped at my sister.

  With the other tie loose, I sat up and waited for Rod, pretending I was still bound. My lip curled as he rounded the corner. He paused when I wasn’t where he’d left me, then he turned to find me.

  “And what do you think you’re doing?” he asked.

  Figuring out how to kick your ass. Adler had coached me well, and if Rod hadn’t taken me by surprise and drugged me, I would have done some damage—in theory anyway.

  “What do you want with us?” I demanded.

  “You know what I want. I already told you.”

  “You said it was just that one-time offer. Thank you, I decline.”

  “I’m all about making and taking offers, babe. You’re going to bring me some good money.”

  “Like hell.” I glared at him, biding my time. I didn’t want to lunge at him too soon and wreck my chance at surprise and winning.

  “You don’t have a choice. After I beat that attitude out of you, you’ll be just fine. And you know what? You’re going to do exactly what I want, or I’ll just give your little sister to them. What do you think of that?”

  “I think you’re a sick perverted bastard.”

  And I’m going to break your nose and knock out a few of your teeth and not feel bad about it at all.

  I’d do it if it was the last thing I did. If I wasn’t successful, it truly might be the end. I wouldn’t let fear paralyze me. I was the only hope here. I didn’t believe for a second he’d leave Linzey alone. Fighting him was the only option. Afterall, he’d already killed Gloria. Who knew how many other people he’d hurt?

  He smirked and cracked his knuckles, thankfully not coming closer. It gave my nerves and adrenaline time to ramp up. I didn’t care what it took. I was kicking the shit out of him. Even if Rod tried to pin me, Adler had taught me how to get away. Of course, if he had a gun, my chances were diminished—but I’d still fight.

  Thank God, he was an unobservant asshole, or he would have noticed my ankles were untied.

  “Why me?” I demanded.

  “Because you ruined my life.”

  What? Doubtful.

  “By living across the hall from you? What did I do? Walk past your door too loudly?”

  “No, bitch. You sent my parents to prison.”

  I stared at him, his crazy talk not adding up. “I don’t even know your parents.”

  “How about Ginger Rodriguez? You know her?”


  “I did…” I whispered.

  “Yeah, well, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, my parents had a real nice place, and they took in little bitches like Ginger. Then one day, Ginger started running her mouth. Next thing I knew, my mom and dad were in prison and I was alone.”

  That left out a huge part of the story. Like the part where they’d abused my friend to the point she’d run away in terror, then when she’d been forced to return, they’d killed her. Albeit accidentally, from my understanding. Still, they’d murdered her.

  “She was my plaything, you know? All these years and I haven’t replaced her. Maybe, you’ll be the one.”

  And I lost it. Enraged, I rocketed out of the chair, launching myself at him. My initial attack went direct to his throat; my second to his balls. But as he doubled over, I wasn’t close to finished.

  Chapter Sixteen

  ~ Booker ~

  Adler led me inside my building, getting us off the street. I followed him to the side of the lobby where it was a little more private. People still streamed in and out, but he was able to stand still and pull out his phone.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as he poked and swiped at the screen. We needed to find Marigold. I didn’t know how, but I knew she was in danger, and we needed to get to her fast.

  “Tracking her,” he muttered, still jacking around with the phone.

  “How? Her mobile is here.”

  “She always wears the same runners, unless she’s dressing up to go out with you. The first day of self-defense training, I put a chip in the sole of her shoe. As long as she still has them on, we can find her. Actually, it works better than a phone tracker. It’s the size of a grain of rice, and she can’t turn it off.”

  When we had Marigold back, I’d make sure Adler put a chip in something she always wore. Like, the ring I’d slipped on her finger. She’d never take that off.

  “Got it,” he growled. “It’s not far from here. I figured he couldn’t have gotten far. Glad I was right.”

  “Let’s go.” I was already on the way to the door.

  As we ran, me on Adler’s heels, I called my driver to meet us, explaining we’d be on the move. Carson was with him, already on the way, after I’d inadvertently ditched him.

  Adler was on the phone, too, and I heard him giving details to whoever was on the other line as well as the address of where we were heading.

  “Police,” he explained. “You being a prince got their attention fast. They’re on their way—I’m not sure that would be the case otherwise.”

  We’d made it several blocks southwest of my building when my driver pulled up. Adler pointed to the building just ahead of us. It was an older structure in the process of being gutted for a new high-price condo development that was going in. I knew all about it, because I owned the fucking building, thanks to Brix talking me into the investment.

  What were the chances? Pretty good, since I didn’t suppose this was a coincidence. That bastard probably thought he’d hurt her then pin it on me.

  I’d kill that shit if he’d done anything to her.

  Adler and I didn’t wait for back up. I couldn’t. If my woman was in there—and Adler’s tracker said she was—then I wasn’t cooling my heels on the sidewalk while Rod did whatever the fuck he planned.

  “I don’t suppose that thing can find her in the building.”

  “Hang on,” he said.

  “It can?” I asked in disbelief. Of course, he wasn’t working with standard GPS. He poked at his screen again then walked around, moving too slowly for my tastes. My body shook from tension. I just wanted to start tearing the place apart, beam-by-beam, brick-by-brick. My woman was here somewhere. Probably terrified of that sick bastard.

  His phone beeped, and he stopped. “Directly up from here. I’d say…two floors.”

  He lifted the mobile to his ear, probably to relay information, but I was already running for the stairwell. At the landing of the third floor, I heard the scream before I saw anything. I ran faster and emerged on the scene just as Marigold launched herself at Rod. My magnificent fiancée f
lattened him with three swift moves that took him entirely by surprise.

  But not for long. He grabbed her and slammed her to the ground. His arm raised, knife in hand. I was on him before he started his downswing, thrusting him onto his back. My fist closed around his wrist. I smashed it onto the cement above his head until the blade clattered away. Then my fist was in his jaw.

  Adler yanked me off Rod before I could get in another blow. Then he jerked the man over onto his chest and yanked his arms behind him. I didn’t miss that the bodyguard slammed him hard before his knee went into the guy’s back. In a practice motion, he had zip ties around Rod’s wrists.

  I didn’t see much more because I was pulling Marigold into my arms.

  “Oh my God, precious. I’ve never been more scared in my life.”

  “Booker,” she sobbed, shaking as her adrenaline seeped from her. “Booker…Booker…” she gasped.

  I petted her hair, trying to soothe her and myself as the reality of what could have happened if I’d been just seconds later hit me. I could have lost her.

  “Linzey,” she breathed, pulling back. I resisted. It would be a long time before I could easily let her go.

  I pressed my forehead to hers. “We’ll find her. I promise.”

  “No. She’s here. Look!”

  “What?” For the first time, I peered around and took my focus off Marigold. Police flooded into the room. And a young girl huddled near the wall, but as the law enforcement came in, she perked up and seemed less afraid. I let go of Marigold as she wrestled free, then she ran over to her sister.

  “Linzey,” she cried, hugging the girl who’d also started crying. Meanwhile, my eyes followed the chain that fucker had used to hold Marigold’s sister to the wall. It was locked around an exposed beam on one end and around the teen’s neck on the other. Her throat was bruised, and I hated to contemplate what else had been done to her. If I had any say, that asshole would spend the rest of his life in jail.

  “We need help over here,” I yelled.

  It was an interminable fifteen minutes before Linzey was freed. An ambulance arrived. Both Marigold and her sister needed to be checked out, though both insisted they were fine. They were not.

  The younger woman had been confined here with for several weeks with little food or water besides the single bottle a day Rod had given her. He’d only unlocked her a couple times a day to walk her into a bathroom, and she’d had no protection from the elements. Though the building was still mostly enclosed, it still got quite cold in the evenings. Despite Linzey’s assurance, I could tell Marigold wasn’t confident Rod hadn’t done anything to her sister.

  As for my woman, I’d seen her head smashed against the cement floor. I needed to be sure she had a scan and was concussion free. I couldn’t bear for anything to happen to her.

  “Tell me what happened,” I asked as I held her hand at the hospital. Linzey had been separated from us to be checked out, but I’d sent Adler with her, so she’d feel safe. He might have to stand outside for some of the time, but she’d know he was there.

  “Your mother was in the penthouse when I got home. She accused me of being a gold digging whore and kicked me out. Well, more specifically, she had Lars remove me. He dragged me out—and not as nicely as you carry me.”

  Rage as I’d never known it burned through me, even worse than before because I’d been too worried. The anger throbbed at my temples, and my jaw went rigid as my teeth ground. The queen had crossed the line. And she was so far over it, I wasn’t sure there was any way back.

  Fuck, I wasn’t even sure how to deal with this—protocol and all.

  “Don’t Hulk out,” Marigold said weakly, lifting her hand and cupping my cheek. “You look about ready to have an aneurism.”

  “You may be right.” I brought her fingers to my lips and kissed the back of them, trying desperately to find some calm. She was the only balm to my fury.

  “I knew it wasn’t you kicking me out,” she explained, her voice hoarse from the screaming she’d done today. “That’s why I tried to call you. I was on my way to the park—I figured I’d wait there for you. That’s when Rod grabbed me. He drugged me with something. When I woke up, I was tied to a chair, but he wasn’t there. Linzey helped to get me free.”

  “And you thought the best course of action was to attack him?” That sounded as if I wasn’t fucking proud of her, but in truth, I couldn’t be prouder. She was a tigress. My fierce, little tiger.

  “He wasn’t touching me—or my sister. He said he had plans for Linzey, and that he was Ginger’s foster brother. That he used to do things to her.”

  “Fuck…” I whispered.

  Right then, the technicians came to take Marigold for her scan. “Dr. Grammer, if you’ll wait here,” one of them tried.

  “I know I can’t go in with her, but I’ll walk down there with her.”

  “You can’t—”

  “Don’t make me pull rank,” I growled. If I pushed, I could get all the way to the CT scan room.

  “Fine, but you can’t go past the radiology doors.”

  “Fine,” I echoed, raising my brow. I needed to make a couple important phone calls anyway.

  I held Marigold’s hand all the way down the corridor, not letting go until I absolutely had to. She clung to my fingers until I leaned down and kissed her palm then slowly peeled off her death grip. “I’ll be right here waiting for you. I promise.”

  She nodded, tears brimming in her eyes and killing me. She was so strong, but in the aftermath of everything, her emotions were on edge. Behind her brave face, she’d been traumatized. As soon as we got out of here, I was holding her and not letting go for a long, long time.

  Once the techs had disappeared through the door with her, I pulled out my phone.

  “Father…” I started when the king answered. “I need your help.”

  And then I started laying out the big picture of what Mother had been doing, including the most recent action that had landed Marigold in grave danger then in the hospital. If either of my parents wanted to see me again, he’d fix this.

  Chapter Seventeen

  ~ Marigold ~

  With no concussion, I was discharged late that night. I hadn’t shared my pregnancy suspicions with Booker, but the techs had protected my abdomen while scanning me. Before going back to my room, the nurse had arranged a test. Now, I just needed to tell my man.

  Early the next morning, after observation and a couple IV bags of fluids and nutrients, Linzey was free to go as well. With Booker’s connections, she was released into our care.

  “Can you just check us into a hotel?” I asked, not wanting to face the drama with his mother just yet. After what she’d been through, Linz didn’t need to be subjected to that either.

  “No,” Booker replied, shocking me. He was usually more accommodating. A caveman, but accommodating. “Not here in New York, anyway.”

  I looked askance at him. “Why not in New York?

  “We’re going to Vegas.”

  “We’re going to Vegas?” I echoed, obviously missing a piece of the puzzle here. Maybe my brain was still a little scrambled from the hit.

  “We’re getting married. No more of this bullshit with my mother. She can’t try to marry me off if I’ve already got a wife.”

  I crossed her arms and narrowed my eyes at him, though I knew he could see I was fighting my mirth. “You know…this is the problem with you, billionaire. You just expect you can get whatever you want. No asking; just telling. Maybe I changed my mind after all this. Maybe I don’t want a Vegas wedding. Maybe I want to think about it. Maybe you should court me more. You billionaire princes just demand demand demand.”

  “Marigold,” Linzey whispered in horror, not understanding this joke between us.

  “You’re adorable,” he replied, laughing.

  “Ask me.”

  “Nope. You already said yes, just not to when or where. I’m deciding that.” He laced his fingers with mine and headed for the
SUV waiting at the curb. “We’ve got a plane to catch.”

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Adler bringing Linzey. He hadn’t been more than a few feet from his charge since we’d rushed into that abandoned building. He might be ten years older than her, but I could see he was completely enamored. I had no worries about him being inappropriate, though. Adler was a man of honor. Still, I had a feeling she’d have a tracker somewhere on her person soon, too. And who knew what would happen in two years, when her birthday rolled around.

  “Can’t we clean up first? I’m sure Linz wants to change.” I felt awful. I knew my sister had to feel scummy.

  “Crap. You’re right. I just don’t want to go to the penthouse until I’m sure my mother has cleared out. We’ll go to my office,” he announced when we got in the car, and he pulled me close to his side. “There’s a shower and I’ll have clothes brought.”

  I leaned into him. My arms went around his shoulders, and I pressed my lips to his ear. “That’s the thing with you, billionaire. You’re amazing.”

  “And I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  * * * *

  ~ Booker ~

  “Can we go eat?” Linz asked Adler.

  I looked down at my new wife, wondering if she realized yet just how much Linz had Adler wrapped around her little finger.

  Marigold’s lips quirked. “Linzey leave Adler alone.”

  “But I’m starving,” she whined.

  “We’ll get room service. I don’t want to go out.” Marigold glanced up at me, grinning. What she wanted was clear in her eyes. She wanted time with me, since this couple days away on the weekend was all I could afford to take, in good conscience. We were in a suite that rivaled my penthouse in size, so getting privacy wasn’t an issue, but I knew if Linz was there, Marigold would want to be with her. Her sister seemed to be adjusting okay after the trauma she’d endured, but I knew she wasn’t. Therapy and lots of loving care lay in the future.

  I glanced at Adler. “Do you mind?”

  He shook his head. “What do you think, munchkin?” he said to the teenager. “Want to do the arcade at Excalibur and the coaster at New York-New York?”


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