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Page 7

by Jessie Rose Case

  He shook his head staring at her. “Years of training. Noise will get you killed. The punishment was harsh. You learnt very quickly to move without making a sound.”

  Brenna shook her head in disbelief. Those people were …. “How old?”

  “We are birthed at around 18 years and train for 5 years after that. Then we are put in the field.”

  “Jesus. They didn’t care did they?” she mumbled. Putting the brush down. “So,” she sighed, “what was so urgent that you needed to find me here?”

  He stood ignoring the question and looked around. The room was full of her scent and it surrounded him. Too heady, he needed a bit more space. Logic told him there was no need to answer that first question. It was a statement of fact. They both knew it. Reve wanted to look at her things, know her. “You are a leader here and yet, your staff believe you are not honest with them or yourself when it comes to your own welfare. That cannot continue. I can sense how dehydrated you are, your exhaustion, the lack of nourishment in your system. If you continue on this path, you will perish.”

  He turned back to her and found her glaring at him. He ignored it, he wasn’t finished. “I am not your husband.” He told her going over to a picture that was on a shelf and looking at it. “You still mourn him. There are similarities and an 83% facial recognition to me.” He turned the picture to her. Her annoyance turned to anxiety. He could scent it in the air. The picture showed them both a little younger. His data told him approximately 8 years judging by the differences in her face.

  “This, one of the last pictures taken?” he asked softly. She nodded. He turned the picture back and studied it. “He looks a fine male, but he is not Cyborg.” Reve put the frame down carefully and turned to her. He could taste her sadness and her resolve. She knew he was gone but still held an affection for the male, even now. As it should be…. “I am sorry he was taken from you.” Unable not to be near her, he moved slowly going back to her and knelt down in front of her. Still not at eye level he leaned in capturing her eye’s. “He would not want you perishing. I am not him and cannot bring him back.” He scented her. Her sadness was dissipating. She looked at his face, her eyes lingering on his lips. Notes of desire started to seep into the air around them.

  She nodded as he carefully reached out for her neck and slid his hand around it pulling her slowly forward towards him. “I cannot be him either….” He tracked her emotions mili second by mili second. Her heart rate increased, and her desire heightened sweeping into the air. That unique essence that was all her.

  An electrical pulse shot through him. “Fuck. Did you feel that female?” he whispered, her mouth in the perfect o, showing surprise. Reve growled as he nestled into her neck and breathed in her scent. Mine … reverberated around in his mind. “You smell of honey and desire. It’s intoxicating Brenna. Pulling me. Telling me things. Making me hard for you.” He moved her legs apart and moved in closer. The towel riding higher on silky thighs. His hands ran up their sides, slipping under the fabric. “Make a choice Brenna. I am not him. I am my own person and Cyborg. I scent your desire for me. It’s in the air and on your skin. I will not be able to stop once I start this course of action. Yes or no. If it’s no, you need to shut me down hard. I will walk away. But if it’s yes, I will fuck you as the Cyborg I am and not let go. Decide right now female, this minute. You’re need of me is strong. I will not wait.” He captured her lips and kissed her. Her mouth slipped open under his and his tongue shot in and explored her delights.

  Brens brain was on overload. One minute he was telling her to get her shit together, then he was making sure she understood he was not Robert, then touching her so gently when she sensed her own desire spark, and now ….. Bren had never been kissed with such passion! Intense and fierce. Dominating and in command. He was devouring her. Sucking on her tongue, teasing her lips, nibbling at her mouth. His thumb rubbed at the pulse in her neck. Her body came alive, her clit pulsed with desire, raging fire ignited throughout her system. Goosebumps broke out over her body. Her own passion exploded. She could feel the roll of need starting to course through her veins. It had been so long…and never this… intense….. He didn’t need to remind he wasn’t Robert. He didn’t kiss like Robert. Didn’t feel like Robert. Didn’t taste like Robert. She wanted him with equal passion, and it confused her. Her need aching, she wanted to feel him fucking her. Be in a man’s arms feeling once more. Wanted to feel alive, if just for a moment. Free of her worries and fears…

  He broke the kiss. “Choose female.” His voice rough, demanding.

  Bren licked her lips. His taste still on them. God, she liked it. “I want, ache…. I’m….. not sure.” She whispered honestly.

  “Do you want me to touch you?”


  “Make you come?”

  Bren hesitated. She wanted to come badly…. “Yes.” He slowly removed his waistcoat, his chest bare, to her inspection. She’d never seen so much muscle on display. Was this normal for a Cyborg? Her mouth watered.

  Her desire spiked in the air around him. Reve held onto his dominant side. It wanted free. He watched as she licked her lips again and took her fill of him. He was used to females looking at his form. All Cyborgs were. They were made to be attractive. To tempt when it was needed. Somehow Brenna looking at him, liking what she saw, was nothing compared to any other experience. He slowly reached out for the top of her towel. Placing his hand gently over the top of hers holding it together.

  “Female your scent is driving me ….. I can give you what you want but I want to see you.” Reve bit back the growl of need that clawed at his throat. He wanted her to make the decision herself. This wasn’t the time for him to take, that would come later. Now, she had to make the decisions. He waited, his hand over hers and saw her swallow and slowly slip her hand free of his. He grasped her around the neck again with the other hand. “Look at me Brenna, I want to see your eyes.” Her face lifted until his eyes locked on hers.

  He rubbed along her jaw line with his thumb and grasped the towel tighter with his other hand. “So strong.” Then pulled it free of her body and it slipped down the back of her. Brenna sat naked before him. Her breasts heavy, her chest heaving with her own desires, her nipples hard and inviting. In all his years, through all the women, he’d never seen anything so beautiful. “Beautiful,” he whispered laying her back on to the covers lifting her and pulling the towel free. Reve pushed her chin up with his thumb capturing her eyes again. She held his unafraid. “I will give you what you need female. Everything you need.”

  As his hand at her neck slowly slipped down her shoulders to clasp her full breast. She gasped under his touch. He felt her body shudder under his hand as his other came to join it. Her nipples as hard as he was. Reve explored her beauty as he kissed his way down her body. Her sigh and the caress of her hand on his head, the acceptance he needed.

  Her breasts were just his appetiser. Full and lush, they filled his hands and as her own passion rose, so did her legs and she hooked them around his waist. “Not yet,” he told her as he ran his hands all over her body, his sensors telling him of every scrape, every injury that had occurred to her since she’d been born and the tell-tale signs ……..that she’d had a child. Reve stopped.

  There was nothing in this room or anywhere else, that indicated she had a living child. And a cry of pure outrage rolled up his body. This had been taken from her too! He moved back up her body and took her face in his hands. He kissed her hard and broke from it to look in her eyes. They were passion filled, full of desire and need was written all over them. For him. “I promise you,” he told her. “You will have the future you desire.” He kissed her hungrily again, as one hand found sort her opening and rammed in two fingers pumping hard rubbing at her clit. Her moan was swallowed, and his mouth released her, feasting back on her breast once more. As his other hand, over and over again possessed that part of her body that begged him to enter her. Hot and wet, he found her perfect. Tight around his fingers, her bod
y responding to his touch, rocking into his hand, the passion rising within her.

  Reve sensed the wave when it came. Building gradually, her body squeezing his fingers as it rippled through her. He moved with her, increasing the tempo and power of his fingers riding her body. She held and arched under him, pulling his head to her breast as he sucked her in, teasing the nipple with his tongue. At the moment she crested on the cusp of falling, he bit her nipple, rubbing at her clit and she exploded under his hands and mouth, crying out under him. He wanted nothing more than to be buried deep within her as pure elation hit him. Then he registered what she’d cried out.

  Or rather who. It wasn’t his name on her lips as he so desperately wanted. She called……… Robert.

  Chapter Four

  OMG. That was the best orgasm of her life… Bren lay spent on the bed, panting her head reliving the experience. And he wasn’t in her yet! She was sure she’d gone to heaven and back. There were definitely stars, she was sure of it. All that delicious male had been all over her. Hot and deliciously heavy. And suddenly he wasn’t, he’d stilled. The fog of her orgasm was riding the pleasure train and wouldn’t let her focus, but she knew something was wrong. He wasn’t holding her, inside her and she needed him in her. Images of his love making swam across her mind, reliving the wonder of so much pleasure after so long and then she heard herself. She’d called him….. Robert. O fuck. What the hell had she done? Damn it! She knew it wasn’t Robert. Robert didn’t make love like that. Bren pulled herself up trying to focus on the man that was pulling away from her. He covered her carefully with the towel. He was leaving? Now? Fuck….

  Bren moved to her elbows to follow him as he moved away. No. No. No. “I’m sorry ok. I don’t know why I said Robert. I know you’re not him, we just had that conversation for god sake! Look I get you’re probably pissed. I wasn’t wishing it was him either honestly. I was with you all the way,” she was rambling and didn’t care, he was getting further and further way, the evidence of his hard on, too obvious to miss and she wanted it, but he was dressing. She held her hand out to him. She’d really fucked up and she knew it. “Stop ok, it was a stupid mistake. I know who I’m with.” He put his waist coat back on. “He’s dead for god’s sake!” She shouted. Then stopped and leant back, her hand over her mouth. What the hell was she doing? Tears sprang to her eyes. She didn’t need this.

  Reve slowly turned to look at his female. She should have been his, he realised. The only scent she carried was his but in her mind…… it wasn’t clear

  “I know,” he told her smiling sadly. “But in here,” he tapped his head. “He’s still with you. Only you can separate that. Thank you for sharing your body with me. It is a gift to have the choice. To be honoured in such a way,” he told her honestly. Then pulled her door and walked through it, closing it quietly behind him.

  Unbelievable anger and frustration soured through her. Bren screamed out venting, hitting the bed over and over again. He was dead. Dead. Dead. Fucking DEAD. And now Reve was gone too….her life was fucked! She roared out her own frustration fighting a mystery attacker, venting that anger and slowly calming, with pitiful acceptance and the tears came. He was gone and still ruling her life… Was she never to move on? Did she want to? Raking sobs wreaking her. Tears she’d held in for far too long, overflowed running down her face. Breaking her tightly held grip on her emotions. Brenna slowly curled up on her side. She was an idiot… grasping at straws.

  Reve stood outside her room and heard everything. His hearing allowed him to do that. Sometimes it was a good thing. But not today. It felt like an invasion of her privacy, but he couldn’t make himself leave. He wanted to comfort the female more than anything, but she clearly wasn’t ready for him. He’d read her emotions during her outburst. For a fraction of a second, she believed him to be Robert no matter what she said. It was probably instinctive. His data provided that. But deep down, she hadn’t moved on. Wasn’t ready.

  His data flowed with the information. Told him it was highly likely she’d never really grieved for them. Her outburst a reflection of that. Losing a husband and it looked like a child too, was a lot to get passed. It was the kind of thing that broke many humans. He knew her to be strong to have survived it. His logic provided him with the stats that told him what the figures were on that, and for once in his life he hated seeing it. He didn’t need the numbers to understand what that meant. His emotions told him he was hurting for her and himself. Yes, she had been with him but her thoughts at the end had been of her dead husband.

  Only she could find a way to live with both if they were to have any future. Her cries turned to sobs and it nearly broke him. The need to go to her building. Reve clenched his fists. He guarded her door and ensured her privacy. And felt the moment she eventually calmed, and sleep took her. He waited until her breathing levelled out took on deep sleep. With one last look at the door he walked back to their command centre and told them no one was to disturb her and made sure they heard him. Before making his way back to his ship. He knew her for what she was now. His mate. If she could ever accept him, played across his mind. For him, it was probably too late. She was imprinted on his DNA. He was bonded. His need of her bordered-on chaos not logic. Reve strode off with a determination he didn’t feel. Right now, he’d have to content himself with the prisoners he had to interrogate.


  Bren woke disorientated. Her head felt fuzzy. For a moment she wasn’t sure where she was or what had happened. “Time?” she croaked out as she rolled over needing some water. To her surprise a glass stood beside the bed. Had she done that? She couldn’t remember.

  “The time is 07.42.” Brenna blinked trying to get her head together. How had she slept so long? The last she remembered … Her face flamed. It had been amazing… the best release in…. Bren grinned then reality crashed in. Shit. How had that happened? She cringed, knew only too well how that had happened. She’d been weak and needy. And then …… Brenna moaned, OMG! Closing her eyes, she put her arm across her them. Dying in embarrassment. She’d called him Robert! How stupid was she? And then what did she do? Screamed and balled like the child she’d accused him of being only a day before! She was mortified, embarrassed. And remembered he’d walked out on her. Bren groaned. She couldn’t blame him. She’d been a mess. If she’d stayed rational, she could have explained things more clearly! but she hadn’t, she berated herself. Instead, she’d lost it.

  How the hell do you explain that? Bren shook her head disbelief and disappointed in herself. She had better control that than.

  Sighing, she dragged her body into the shower. She was running late and had rounds to do. She’d told the staff to keep every patient after using the med beds, in for a 24 hour check-up. It wasn’t 24 hours yet, but she needed to clear her office and do her normal day. Annoyed with herself, that things were messed up enough already without, screwing up her job.

  Brenna quickly did her business, showered and cleaned her teeth. She was dressed and drying her hair in quick time when there was another knock at her door. Bren stilled, memories of the night before came rushing back. Her body fired up, her nipples hardened. She bit her lip. He wouldn’t come back… Would he? Blowing out a shaky breath, she ran her equally shaky hands through her hair and walked slowly to the door. It looked like what it once been, a ships door. Pulling it open Brenna held her breath not sure what to expect. Zhai stood waiting on her. Exhaling she smiled at him. “Morning, sorry I’m running late.” She waved him in as she walked back to tidy up and get her things together. “I slept late,” she mumbled confused, still not sure how that had happened.

  “You slept? As in fully asleep for hours? Like a real night’s sleep?”

  Bren nodded distractedly. It was the truth. Trouble was, they knew since her parents passing, she didn’t sleep well at all. Even being with Robert hadn’t given her that. The thought made her stop. Had she not felt safe enough with him? To let her guard down and just … The thought felt like a betrayal and she
pushed it away grabbing her walkie and guns. She strapped them on. “You should try getting some sleep to. You look like shit.”

  “Well you look better. I’m …umm …..not sure that kind of relaxation would be available to me.” He raised his eyebrows amused. Nothing got passed Zhai. He’d know Reve had been in her room and somehow that they’d had sex. Bren thought it best to ignore that. She knew Zhai preferred men. Not that it had ever been a problem in the community. Who you chose to be happy with was your business. “He err…. came by the control centre yesterday and told the staff, no one was to disturb you while you slept. I can tell you, no one was going to mess with that.” Bren looked up as she finished clicking on her walkie.

  “He did?” she asked. Zhai nodded.

  “How’d …..he look?” she asked anxiously.

  Zhai shrugged. “They don’t show a lot of emotion.” Bren wasn’t sure that was true. He’d showed her plenty of emotion during their time together.

  “Right,” she nodded and took a steadying breath. “What times the elders meeting?”


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