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Page 10

by Jessie Rose Case

  It was fucking perfect. Reve tried to control the urge to plant himself fully. She needed time, a moment for her body to adjust to his size. He grasped both her thighs and pulled her open to him. The tightness a sign that she’d not been with a male in a long time. Satisfaction assaulted him. She was his. He reached forward to grasp her neck and pulled her to look at him. His eyes locked on hers. He moved slowly, planting himself deeper, withdrawing and doing it again and again until he was fully seated. He was beautifully deep. The pleasure of being within his female overwhelming. Mine. He’s blood called out. Reve bit it back. She wasn’t ready to hear that. “Know me,” he demanded starting to move gazing into her eyes. Enjoying the feel of her body surrounding his cock as he dominated her body.

  His hand slipped the buttons free of her shirt, exposing the hardened peaks and heavy breasts. In rhythm with his cock, he played, enjoying the feel of her in his hands. Her body started to ripple along his cock, her climax rising again. The wave of her passion racing through her once more. He could feel how close her climax was. Reve let go of her breast and pulled both legs open and up and thrust in piston fashion. He would fuck her and give her everything she needed, his mind roared as he held her fast and hammered into her.

  Her orgasm hit her from left field with all control gone. One minute it was rolling through her, pulling her towards the peak, the next, it exploded through her body and blew her away. “So fucking good,” Reve called out as he continued to hammer into her. Bren screamed out at the intensity of it and reached out for him. So powerful it shook her to her core. She was sure she saw stars. Reve’s voice, guttural and processive surrounded her. “Again,” he roared as he fucked her harder. Bren was sure her reseeding climax stopped at his demand and surged back to the surface and exploded all over again.

  Reve rammed up into her several more times and spilled deeply within her as she hung on. FUCK. What was that? Brens body shook again. Had he just controlled her orgasm? Her breathing laboured, she panted, scared of what they’d just done. Of what it might mean….

  Reve held himself above her. Savouring the release of his life. Leaning down he placed light kisses on her body, worshiping it. He’d never experienced anything like it. His system was fully lit up. Firing on every nerve. The data flow across his optic told him just how spun out he was. Fully joined he could feel the seed flowing from him into the female. How right that felt. He knew she wouldn’t get pregnant but the thought of her carrying his young, filled him with such joy, he hardened all over again. He wanted that. Wanted to see her body grow and expand with their young and welcome the new life into their own.

  He went in search of her lips. Kissing her lightly, his tongue languishing in the pleasure riding his ass. He sensed the moment her uncertainty came back, and Reve close his eyes and started to move again. This wasn’t going to be easy, he realised. He kissed across her cheek and whispered to her. “Do not be afraid. There is plenty of time to decide, for now, enjoy what I can give you.” He knew that wasn’t true for him. He was bonded. If she rejected him, it would be costly. Her arms slowly sneaked around his neck and she pulled him down on her.

  Bren nodded. Nestled into his face. She felt his lower body starting to move more firmly. Slowly moving in and out of her body. He’d spilled inside her and yet, was still hard and ready to go again. She lifted her legs and hooked them behind his back. He moved his face planting sweet kisses on her ear and back to her lips. As he moved within her body he moved back to gaze into her eyes. Bren didn’t want to look anywhere else. He was not her husband. She knew that. Had known it from the beginning. What they’d had, had been different and if she were honest, a shadow of this intensity. She wondered, gazing at Reve as he fucked her, if Robert had been a copy of what she truly needed and immediately felt it a betrayal. They had not had this, they’d not clicked like this, this was….. all consuming. Reve touched or looked at her and she lit up, responding in kind. Saying no wasn’t an option. She needed it too much.

  He increased his pace. “Who am I Brenna?” he whispered.

  She was drifting in and out, her focus split. And suddenly her body responded, and she bit her lip moaning. “Reve, your Reve. God that is so good,” she murmured.

  Reve smiled. “It will get better with time,” he told her striking more firmly into her.

  Her eyes flared. “If it gets any better, I might not survive.”

  Reve chuckled as he took her hands and held them above her head and ploughed into her firmly. Caressing her hands as he worked himself harder looking for her next climax. He felt the moment her body started to roll with the wave. He held her hands harder, gazing into her eyes. “We come together,” he gritted out. Her eyes blazed wide. “You will wait for me female, understood? Your male needs to come with you.”

  Bren gave a shaky nod. Could she do that?

  One hand let go of her hands, lifting her leg higher and he ploughed in faster and harder. She was close, he could feel it. “Not yet,” he willed.

  Bren clung on. She was so close to exploding again but he’d told her to wait, then told her not yet. Seriously? It was within her reach, she could taste it herself! She held her breach as he moved, striking her just where she need him. Her climax teetered on the edge. “Can’t hold it,” she cried out.

  “You will,” he demanded, fucking her harder and faster.

  Bren bit it back the scream threatening to escape her. Her body panted as it bounced against the impact of his body, struggling for breath, tingling raced through her. She wouldn’t be able to hold that back….. “Reve,” she screamed still unable to let go and needing to.

  “Now Brenna, now. Come for your male.” He thrust deeply, and her body responded immediately, exploding around his cock, her cries of pleasure filling the air around him. His pride in the female of his choosing overwhelmed him once more, as he gripped her harder and pounded. Reaching his own release. She was perfect.

  She wasn’t sure how long they’d stayed like that. Him stroking her, her enjoying the feel of him. Then him fucking her, bringing her to orgasm and starting all over again but she was sure, her desk would never be seen in quite the same light again.

  He couldn’t seem to get enough of her, she’d never felt so wanted and her body and mind had responded in kind. Time had held no meaning. Eventually a ping on his communication device brought it to an end. He had to go, and he’d pulled from her body reluctantly, happy just to be buried deep within her as she was to have him there. She knew the feeling was mutual. To her embarrassment she’d complained. Bringing her clean towels, he’d taken gentle care of her and she’d watched him dress with a tinge of sadness, straightened her own clothing.

  Hopping off the desk she’d gone looking for her trousers. Finding them flung in a corner. Bending to pick them up, he was suddenly there, his cock at her entrance, gripping her hard and burying himself inside her once more. Bren moaned at the deliciousness of it and arched into the possession of him taking her once more. “You tempt me to much female and I have to go.” He moved her to the desk and Bren had laughed as he pulled her back towards him and started to pound into her. “It can wait a moment, I need you again on my cock and your cum on my tongue. “ He’d told her. Bren could only moan at her fullness and the feel of him. He wasted no time in fucking her bringing her to climax then himself. Pulling from her, he tidied her and himself then left.

  No lingering kiss. No promises for later. Just gone. Bren wondered what had happened. He’d gone from a caring lover to something harder in seconds. Had it just been nothing?

  Reve kept going. The need to go back to his female was strong. Their time together had been more than he’d thought possible and leaving had been difficult even with his emotions turned off.

  That last time a fever had gripped him. Like it could be the last time he would be buried in her and be able to give her his seed. It was irrational. He’d pounded into her harder and faster, more determined if that was possible. He recognised the need to cover his female. To b
ath her in his scent one more time before he left her. It was fast and furious. He was rough on her breasts and Bren loved it. Holding onto them while he pounded into her from behind. Bren came quickly under him. The sound of her coming ringing in his ears. He withdrew lapping at her juices, coating his tongue and swallowing her down, before standing and sliding back in to followed her over the edge.

  She’d collapsed under him as he’d held her, exhausted by her own pleasure raging through her, Reve had broken out in a sweat of his own. He registered the connection. Fuck…. his mind had told him. All logic appeared to have left him. If he didn’t leave soon, he’d been fucking her again…building the bond with her…. The female wasn’t ready for that…

  So he’d slowly withdrawn and couldn’t stop himself from ramming back in hard. Brenna’s body lifted and pushed back on him. He stroked down her body. She was so responsive to his touch. Withdrawing slowly again almost to his tip, he slammed back in and rammed up hard. “Feel me female. Your male. Fucking you.” Bren moaned and pushed back against him again. Reve struggled to gain control over his needs. He battled to hold it back and failed. With no option, he turned off his own emotions and instantly, his logic took over.

  A calm, cool stream of logic filled him. He slowly withdrew from her body again, this time steadying her and placing her on her chair. Buttoning up his trousers, he passed her the towel again. Taking one more look at the female that called to him, he strode from the room, closing her door firmly behind him. His cock still rock hard and demanding he go back. His blood, demanding it claim. His logic that it was time to go.

  Reve determinedly made his way back to the off-worlder. All his diagnostics telling him he was in trouble. God damn. He was so fucked.

  Bren sat stunned looking at the door. Had they just spent some wonderful hours exploring each other, tasting each other and he’d just left her? She was smarting in all the right places, so that would be a yes. Damn. Her body so responsive she needed to come again already. How did he do that? There was something different as he went to leave her. The intensity was less, a coolness had come over him. Brenna wasn’t sure what that meant. He seemed a different person. She dressed slowly then somehow, made it back to her room without being seen. It was late. The corridors empty. She didn’t want to talk to anyone or think about what had just happened. Stripping, she eased into the shower. Every part of her body hummed with the feel of Reve. Her body fully responsive to touch as she soaped herself. She felt so damn good and found another release. All her tension gone, her body relaxed and sensual.

  Every touch of her hand brought back delicious memories of Reve. Damn it. She pushed the memories away. The heat of the hot water soothed and caressed her and soon she found herself drowsy. She hadn’t felt this good….. in forever. Washing quickly not wanting to linger, she couldn’t afford to think about it too much. There was too much unknown. They hadn’t used protection. Bren stilled, shutting off the water, she stepped clear, wrapping herself in her robe and her hair in a hastily grabbed towel and collapsed on her bed. Could they get pregnant? They? A couple? Were they a couple? She collapsed on the bed. Did she need birth control? There was too much she didn’t know, and it was too late now. Nothing would be gained by pursuing it right now. She rubbed her forehead, her exhaustion hitting her again. She’d just have a nap and she’d feel better, she told herself as she rolled into it. The bed was cool and she missed the heat of Reve. Suddenly feeling alone once more. She was so tired of being alone…. The feel of the bed familiar, safe, just what she needed right now. Comforting. Bren pulled the throw over her and sighed. Perfect….

  He’d been waiting in the security office for several hours until his sensors told him she was waking. He’d been so bothered about leaving her and had come back as soon as possible only to find that she was sleeping. She needed the sleep more than him and he wasn’t proud of it, but his concern for her had bordered on obsession. Even with his emotions turned off he was driven, like he’d had no choice but to ensure she was safe while she’d slept. He’d entered her room and placed sensors around her room and then sat with her for a while. Taking comfort in just monitoring her and being near her. The impulses told him she was dreaming. His sensors picked up her scent, telling him her emotions. She was happy, felt loved and then they turned.

  She became distressed and he’d moved to the side of the bed and stroked her arm telling her she was safe. The pull to join her had been great but he held back, she wasn’t ready for that either and knew the pull to take her would have been a challenge for him to control. It was the thought that he needed to let her sleep, that held him back. She’d slowly calmed, and he’d stayed to make sure she was in no further distress before quietly leaving. It had been an unnerving experience. He couldn’t protect her from her dreams and everything in him demanded he did.

  Bren woke disoriented. Her heart heavy, her body alive, her emotions ragged. How long had she been out? She felt foggy. Had she slept again? Her dreams had been difficult, vivid. Too vivid. Its what had woken her. She’d had images of Robert. Memories of their time together and new imagines that disturbingly weren’t. Some she recognised only too well, others not at all. Robert was strong and vibrant in all of them. More so than she remembered in real life in fact. He’d shown her a DNA sequencer and told her to look. She had. The DNA was clear. Shared ancestry. He told her she was no longer alone and to rejoice in it. They’d loved and laughed and at the end, he’d told her he loved her.

  A lump formed in her throat. It had been so real. Like he was here now with her real. Then he’d held her hand and thanked her for their time together, for loving him and their child. Their child who was with him, happy and safe. Tears streamed down her cheeks. He’d told her she needed to move on and be strong, that he still lived on…. in his cousin and she was worthy of both of them. Then the dreams had turned hot and heavy and it was Reve in them. Passionate and demanding. Loving her. Telling her what she meant to him, how much he needed her, to not turn him away. They were full of the passion they’d experienced together, and her body demanded its own release over and over again. So intense, it had woken her. What the hell was going on? How had this happened?

  Bren wiped at her face. It was wet. The tears were real? She looked at her hand in surprise. It had been one hell of a dream. Frowning she remembered coming back to her room the night before glad no one had seen her. She didn’t want to talk to anyone or explain anything and had gone straight to her shower. The images of Reve with her in her office surfaced and she’d tapped them down. She remembered going to her bed and falling asleep almost instantaneous. That was new for her too. Bren took a calming breath and blew it out slowly. Stretching and enjoying the feel and comfort of her bed. She felt surprisingly ….better. The edge of her energy that normally told her she was working on fumes was…… gone. She felt fresher, lighter. “Computer, time?” she asked confused, her voice rough as she breathed in deeply and rolled her shoulders feeling the old injury pulling on her.

  “07.21 hours.”

  Bren stopped. Holy shit, she’d slept through the whole night! That hadn’t happened since….. No. She wasn’t going there. She thought she’d done well with two nights of around 6 hours sleep, this, was new to her. Her nerves still raw. She knew she wasn’t on duty until 11. Someone else had the 6am and 9am start this week. She drew in another breath and blew out a sigh of relief. Sleeping so long would raise some eyebrows. People had noticed her lack of sleep and been on at her about it for best part of the last decade. She’d have to answer the questions and right now, she wasn’t ready for them.

  Jumping up, she quickly excavated herself from the bed and hit the bathroom. Did her business and got in the shower. 6 Minutes later she was out and drying off, reaching for the moisturiser and clean clothes. Starving! She registered the need for food in a big way. How long had it been since she’d felt like that in the mornings? Rubbing her hair dry, running a brush through it, she tied it back and pulled the door open to the corridor. Reve sto
od there again. Her heart thumped. She couldn’t deal with him right now. Putting her hand up to stop him, whatever he was going to say or do, it could wait. She walked passed him heading to the refectory. She needed nourishment more than him right now and that, she realised with a smile, was saying something.

  She’d always loved her food, it had been a bit of joke amongst her friends until Robert and her son were gone. Then she’d lost the point of it all and ate to keep going. There was no enjoyment in it or anything else. It was a function her body needed. Didn’t matter what it was or when it was. She’d missed a lot of meals since then, not that she was bothered about it either. More often than not, someone needed to tell her to eat or a plate put under her nose to make her. Now, she was ravenous. It felt like she could eat a horse! Not that they had any of those. It was an old reference her father had used. Having heard it from his own mother handed down. A reference to when someone could eat a great deal of food. It always seems apt for her before…..

  “Are we not to talk?” Reve asked following her haste.


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