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Page 13

by Jessie Rose Case

  She sensed several of his men trying to get into position to sandbag her. Lori flooded a little of her sexual abandon into her essence and watched the euphoric affect wash over the men in front of her, they faltered. “Remove your men Anton, I do not appreciate the strong arm move.” She told him quietly. She knew he could hear her.

  She could smell the desire coming from them. Time to move this on. “You should enjoy each other,” she said aloud and pushed it at them. Several of the men started to move towards each other, she was forgotten. Anton, however, was made of stronger stuff. She could see how stiff he was from where she stood. One of his men, ripped open the front of Anton’s trousers and went down on him. Lori wondered if Anton enjoyed men as well as women. It wasn’t unknown in their world. It was very much accepted. Sex was not defined by gender but by need.

  “I thank your father for his offer of hospitality,” she told him watching the display, “but sadly, I have to decline. To accept, would upset the fine balance with the other families, that is so important to my father. But, please enjoy my gift to you.” She pushed a little more power at them and laced it with pure lust, the scene became erotic.

  Nothing was taboo in the Covenant. Sex was sex. Lori soaked in the rolling wave of pleasure they were providing in the atmosphere. She hated being cornered. They’d expected her, a female, to cowl, to beg and take what was offered. She wasn’t that kind of female. Her father had made very sure of that. Casting an illusion around the group that would hide them from the rest of the world, she walked on to her apartment. Tonight, hadn’t been that boring after all …


  Aiden stopped the car and waited. He had the female’s place of residence from the file and decided to check it out. He wasn’t surprised to find it in the better part of town or the glamorous glass building with heavy security at the address. The building belonged to her father, so he expected that. It had changed hands shortly before Ms Palmer had taken up residence. Aiden expected that was no co-incidence. It was a classy place. He was counting the number of security when his target walked out in front of him and headed towards the building. Looking around he wondered where she’d come from, he hadn’t seen her in his mirrors, then spotted the small street behind him. He hadn’t noticed it before. Aiden frowned, how’d he miss that?

  He watched her until she entered the building. Where was her security? Her personal guards? He looked around and checked. Nothing. No one. That was all kinds of wrong. A daughter of the Covenant didn’t go about unescorted or without security. Ever. So how come this one did? His training told him, the simplest answer, was generally the right one. She didn’t need any. The question was, why the hell not?


  Lori had spotted the Agent, the minute she’d stepped foot on the pavement. He wasn’t trying to hide, so she went with it, and gave him a full-on view of her ass walking to the building. He was cute, she’d give him that. All that army haircut giving him away. Lori smiled recalling his scent, it had been delicious. Different. Human with a hint of something else. It intrigued her. She liked it. She’d been tempted to turn back around and pull him from the car to taste his skin. He had no notes of smoke, drink or drugs in his essence. The male was clean. Tempting. Far too tempting.

  She’d waved to security then rode the lift to her floor. They had the entire top two floors of the building. You had to have the access codes to get passed the doors on the stairs or get the lift to go all the way up. If you put in the wrong code, the place went into lock down. Lori walked in her door, suddenly relieved to be there. She blew out a breath, dumping her bag, then removing her shoes and coat before walking to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. She’d get no official visitors here and any unofficial ones, wouldn’t make it passed the ground floor. It was a fortress. She’d know. Her father made sure she had all the blue prints copied to memory before she’d moved in. Need an exit? She was the girl to ask.

  Her phone rang. Lori looked at it knowing, it would be her father. There was no putting off the inevitable. Lori picked it up and answered the call. “Hay Dad.”

  “Hay beautiful, good day?” Lori loaded fake enthusiasm into her voice and gave him a fake run down on her day, that had plenty of high lights. She was such a looser!

  “It’s so good to hear how well you’re doing kitten.” Lori nodded holding on tight to that enthusiasm.

  “Thanks Dad, how’s things at home?” Her Dad gave her the run down. Who’s back, who’s not, what went well, what hadn’t. Lori couldn’t help feeling she should be there.

  “You know you can come home anytime.” Her Dad cut into her musings. Lori rained in her emotions. He’d picked up on her sadness.

  “Thanks Dad, I know.”

  “I had some interesting information just come across my desk.” Lori recognised the tone. He had that ‘I’m a proud Dad, with concern,’ thing going on.

  “Really, what was it?” She asked in all innocence.

  “Seems Anton got out his pram and was slapped back in.” Lori didn’t know why she was surprised her father already knew. It hadn’t been 20 minutes. She gave up all pretence.

  “He deserved it. Offered me the protection of his father’s family, was insisting, I go in with him. I declined, gracefully.”

  A “haha” sounded on the other end of the phone. “Is that why he and his men are fucking their brains out on the street right now?”

  “Hay,” she told him indignantly. “I only stirred the pot, the impulse was already there. I think Anton prefers males.” She told him with a little edge. There was silence on the other end of the phone. Lori wondered if she’d over stepped this time.

  “O that’s good, I can reject his proposal then.” Lori’s mouth dropped open.

  “You’ve got to be shitting me.” Slipped out. Her father chuckled.

  “Yes and no. All the families offer, you know that every year. And they know it’s your choice not mine.” Lori breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Thanks Dad you’re the best.” He chuckled some more.

  “Ok speak tomorrow kitten, be good.” The phone cut off. Could she go another day at that office? Lori looked at her glass of wine, she needed a bigger glass.


  Aiden parked further down the street. They’d be no hiding from her if she’d seen him and there was every indication that she had. He’d waited until he saw her leave, then drove on to her office. He hadn’t seen any security around her, parked and waited. He spotted her getting off a bus and heading in to her office building. She was using a bus? None of what he was seeing made any sense. It seemed to be a legitimate job. He’d made some enquiries and Ms Palmer did indeed, have a job in the big city with Cormac & Cormac. A real one. Aiden couldn’t figure out the angle here. What did Cormac & Cormac have, that Ms Palmer’s father wanted. And why, would he send her in as a normal, when he could have used his skills and people just to take it. It made no sense.

  Aiden started the car and drove to his own office. He needed a chat with Neville.


  Another long day later saw Lori at her second-best place to eat and the best place for fried chicken. She was in an indulgent mood and needed some comfort food. She’d already ordered and was sipping her water when she sensed another Covenant. Lori narrowed her eyes. At least Anton hadn’t disturbed her dinner. She turned to look out the window. A single male stood there. Another fine specimen of their race. Lori realised she’d have to deal with him now, or she’d never get through dinner. She sighed putting her water down.

  “Nelly, I’ll be back in a moment.” She called out as she got up form her chair and headed out the door. She heard Nelly’s answer as she walked outside.

  “Bailey.” She nodded to him and stopped.

  “Lori, your looking well.” She stared at him and waited. He went to take a step forward and Lori raised her eyebrows and he stopped. He put out placating hands. “I’m here because Anton made an approach. I told the old man you wouldn’t be having it but,” he shook h
is shoulders, “he’s the boss.”

  “If you know Anton made an approach, you know I turned him down. So why are you here?” Lori sent out her senses looking for his men. They wouldn’t be far.

  He gave her a friendly smile, one that when younger she’d liked. Now she was all grown up and knew exactly what that smile cost, if she let it lead her. “Like I said,” he told her, “Dad’s the boss, he offers his protection and his family.” Lori sensed his men just out of eyesight.

  “You should tell your men around that bend to go home or find … tastes …. they never expected.” Bailey gave her a half grin, then burst out laughing.

  “Is that what you did to Anton and his men?” Lori didn’t say anything just watched him.

  He calmed when he realised she wasn’t joining in. “It’s been a long time Lori, think you can take me?” He whispered. She heard every word.

  Lori placed a bored expression on her face and pushed every ounce of viciousness and fear she could muster and pushed it at him, then added a touch of malice to stir the pot. She didn’t have to touch him to make him cry. He’d clearly forgotten that. She could feel it bombarding him. Stabbing at his psyche. She sensed his barriers crumbling. Lori cut off the emotions and sent extreme love and protection. His body instantly relaxed. She didn’t need to be hurtful to make her point. She was more powerful than he was, she always had been. He just needed the reminder.

  “Thank you for the offer Bailey, I appreciate it but, as I said to Anton, it would break the balance of the families and I cannot allow that to happen. Good night.” She turned and walked back into the restaurant. By the time she sat down, Bailey was gone, so were his men. Nelly brought her meal and Lori thanked her. How long was this going to go on for? She wondered. Being female in the Covenant was rare, being born a daughter? She was one of a kind in this generation and as long as she was fertile and free, they would keep coming. Lori cut in to her chicken. The aroma’s spilling out. If she was staying, she’d have to find the answer. Lori loaded her fork with fried chicken and mash and tucked in.

  Continues in Book 1 - The Covenant ….. on sale now …..




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