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Blackthorn Elite: The Entire Series

Page 42

by Beck, J. L.

  My eyes flutter open, and it takes my foggy mind a moment to realize where the hell I am. The room is mostly dark, only a small sliver of light peeks through the blackout curtains covering the windows.

  The mattress and sheets are still soft, but the protective cocoon I envisioned quickly turns into something else entirely when I realize what I’m cuddling into. It’s Cameron’s body wrapped around my own.

  Dread replaces the fuzzy, comfortable feeling in my chest. How can I sleep in his arms… in his bed, so peacefully? I should recoil, not lean into him.

  I try to inch away from him, but his arm around me seemingly weighs a hundred pounds, keeping me pinned to the bed, and tucked against his chest.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Cam asks, his face so close to my neck that his breath tickles my skin there. A shiver runs down my spine, and he tucks me into his chest even closer. “Are you cold?”

  “No,” I whisper. “And I was trying to get up,” I answer his first question.

  “And do what?”

  “Nothing. I was just…”

  “Trying to get away from me?” He finishes the sentence for me.

  “Can you blame me?” The words pour out before I can stop them.

  “Yes, I can,” he chuckles. “You should know better than to try to get away. Plus, you have no real reason to.”

  “Other than you threatening me every day since we met?”

  “As long as you behave, nothing will happen to you. You should be glad that we found you last night. Would you rather work at the Night Shift? Sleep in that shithole you called a motel? You should be thankful that you are here, sleeping in a nice bed.”

  “Don’t pretend you have me here out of the goodness of your heart. The only reason I’m here is because you want to use me… use my body. At least at the strip club, I could make my own decisions. Make my own choices.”

  “And where have those led you? You don’t want to pretend? Fine, then we won’t. We won’t pretend that you don’t enjoy what we do to you.” He flips me around in his arms, so I have to look at his face before he continues, “We won’t pretend that you don’t moan every time we touch you, that you don’t push your pussy against my hand when I slide my fingers into you. And we won’t pretend you didn’t enjoy the taste of Easton’s come as you sucked the last drop from his cock, or that you didn’t come so hard, your whole body quivered.”

  “Stop,” I whimper, again trying to pull away from him. I don’t want to hear any of this.

  “Why? Because it’s true?”

  Shame coats my inside as I’m faced with the fact that he is right. They might not have given me a choice, but the truth of the matter is, I did enjoy what they did to me. I enjoyed them taking control. I want to be theirs in more than one way.

  What does that say about me? Is there something wrong with me for wanting something so filthy and bad?

  “This is all wrong,” I whine. “I didn’t ask for any of this.”

  “We didn’t either, but here we are. It doesn’t matter how we got here. You are ours now, and the faster you come to terms with that, the better. So, why don’t we go and see if Easton is up so we can make you officially ours.” Cameron moves off the bed, pulling me along with him.

  “Wait…what are we doing?”

  “You know what we’re doing.” Cam grins and a knot starts to form inside my gut, and yet there is this warmth that I feel at the thought of being claimed by them. God, this is wrong and confusing. Taking me by the hand, he leads me out of his room and across the hall and into Easton’s room. Cameron doesn’t even knock. He just barges in like he owns the place. Entering Easton’s room, we find him still lying in his bed.

  I expect him to still be asleep, but he isn’t. Instead, he’s looking at something on his phone. He looks up and shoots both of us a questioning look before dropping the phone onto the mattress next to him.

  “Well, what a nice morning surprise,” he smirks like the devil as he sits up and stretches his arms above his head.

  “I think Stella is ready for you. It’s time to pop that cherry between her legs and make her ours for good.” Cam gives me a gentle shove toward the bed. Easton smiles so widely, I think I can see every single one of his perfectly straight white teeth.

  Oh no, I’m being led to the slaughterhouse.

  “Don’t look so scared, I’ll make sure it’s good for you too,” Easton coos, his warm hand circles my wrist and he tugs me toward him. With no other option, I climb up on his bed, glancing back at Cameron, who is standing at the foot of the bed, watching like a hawk ready to swoop in at any given second.

  “Do you want me to stay?” he asks, taking me by surprise. They usually don’t ask me for my opinion, so I didn’t see the question coming at all.

  “I don’t know,” I answer, truthfully.

  Do I want him to be here? I never expected to have two guys in the room with me when I lost my virginity, but of course, I didn’t think there would be two guys fingering me, or two guys while I gave one a blowjob. I’m so used to having them both, that sending Cam away seems wrong.

  “Stay,” Easton prompts his friend, before grabbing the hem of my shirt and pulling it up and over my head. Cool air washes over my now naked chest, turning my nipples into small hard pebbles. Even though I know deep down it’s wrong, I’m turned on. I want their darkness, their hands on me. I want both of them together, and I think my biggest problem is the fact that I keep denying it, hoping my feelings will change, but they don’t.

  Easton interrupts my train of thought when his mouth latches onto one of my hardened nipples. He sucks hard, his eyes locked on mine as pleasure starts to pulse between my legs at the first flick of his tongue. In a second, I can feel everything. His hands splayed across my back, goosebumps pebble my flesh as he pulls me closer, and I tip my head back, a soft whimper escaping my lips.

  “That’s the thing about you, Stella,” Easton croaks his voice filled with lust after he releases my nipple and eyes the other breast. “Even when you aren’t sure if it’s right in your head, your body makes it right. Deep down, you know you belong to us; you just don’t want to admit it.”

  My toes curl into the mattress when he sucks my other nipple into his mouth and teases me with hard bites and sensual sucks.

  By the time he’s done with both breasts, I’m panting with need, every cell in my body on fire. Moving me back against the mattress, he dips his fingers into the shorts he gave me last night and pulls them down my legs.

  He moves so slowly it’s almost as if he’s enjoying every second of this. He looks at me like I’m something precious. Like he actually cares about how this feels for me. But that can’t be right. Easton doesn’t care about me.

  My gaze moves from Easton and back to Cameron, who has found a chair in the corner of the room. Our eyes lock, and the fire in my center roars, growing hotter. Easton pinches one of my nipples hard, dragging my attention back to him.

  “Eyes on me, sweetheart. I’m about to rock your fucking world.” He grins and tosses my clothing onto the floor. His eyes turn to molten lava as he rakes over my bare flesh. There isn’t a single inch of me that I can hide from him. I feel exposed, but at the same time cherished, protected. I know that neither of them will let anything happen to me.

  “Innocent, perfect. I can’t wait to dirty you up. To show you how good this can be.” I shiver at the darkness that coats his words and watch with an eagerness that is embarrassing as he strips for me, first removing his shirt and then next his sleep pants. My eyes automatically drift down to his already hard and throbbing cock.

  And just like that, panic starts to claw its way back into my mind. How is he going to fit? Is it going to hurt? Is he going to take me like a savage? I’m consumed with these thoughts so much so that I flinch when Easton’s fingers graze my lips.

  “Stop thinking, and just feel,” he whispers as he leans into my face, his hot breath fanning against my lips.

  “I’m scared,” I adm
it, almost shyly. I don’t know why I say it, it’s not like it matters. He’ll just take from me, even if it hurts me.

  “Do you trust me?” His eyes burn into mine.

  I should say no, but stupidly I nod my head yes because something inside of me is convinced that I can. I do trust him, even if I shouldn’t. With a sinister smile, he trails his finger down my body, blazing a path of fire, one that only his touch can extinguish.

  Pushing my knees apart, he moves his fingers over my mound, swiping through my folds. His eyes ignite with a furious need when my arousal coats his fingers. All I can do is whimper as he moves lower and presses two thick digits against my entrance.

  My stomach clenches as he enters me, stretching me so very slowly. Warmth fills my veins as he moves in and out, the sound of my arousal only turns me on more, and I find myself wrapping my hand around his wrist, encouraging him to go faster.

  His chest rises and falls rapidly, while his eyes darken in color. Caught in a trance of pleasure, I let him fuck me with his fingers, moving faster and faster until I’m right on the doorstep of an orgasm.

  “Come for me, baby. Squeeze my fucking fingers, show me how good you’re going to be to my cock,” Easton encourages, as he rubs at this unknown spot inside of me that has my eyes drifting closed and my back bowing. I don’t understand the pleasure coursing through me in that instant, but it’s so intense that the world could stop spinning right now, and I wouldn’t care.

  “Ohhhh,” I whine. “It’s sooo good.” Like a rocket, my orgasm takes off, and I clamp down on his fingers, squeezing them so tightly I evoke a groan out of Easton. My mind swirls into one big mass, not one single thought making any sense.

  As I float back down to reality, he pulls his fingers from my entrance, and my eyes pop open just as he’s shoving them into his mouth, licking every drop of my release from them.

  “You taste divine,” he says around his fingers.

  My cheeks heat at the image, and my entire body ignites. I spot Cam over in the corner, his eyes half-lidded, his cock out with his hand wrapped around it tightly. He gives me a soft smile, and my heart starts to beat a little harder.

  Wrong. This is wrong. But it feels right, so right.

  Easton moves between my legs, spreading me wider. An entire kaleidoscope of butterflies takes flight in my stomach as he pumps his thick cock in his hand, pre-come glistening against the tip.

  As he leans forward, guiding his length toward my entrance, I clamp up.

  “Wait, I’m…”

  Easton pauses with his jaw clenched. He doesn’t look mad, just unhinged like he wants to slam into me instead of stopping. His muscles tremble as he stares down at me.

  “I’m not on birth control,” I croak out.

  The words must penetrate somewhere in his mind because he nods then, “I’ll pull out, but by the end of the week, you’ll be on birth control.” He’s not asking, he’s telling me.

  Nodding, I watch as he exhales, and grapples for control over himself. My nipples harden, and my stomach tightens with anticipation. He presses a feather-light kiss to my top lip, as he moves closer, the head of his cock moves through my folds, gathering up my arousal. Then he’s there, at my entrance. Gently he presses against me, and I can feel the resistance my body puts up at his sheer size, but like the beast he is, Easton gives no fucks and thrusts inside of me with one swivel of his hips.

  The air in my lungs stills, and my nails sink into his shoulders as pain ripples through my midsection. Easton tips his head back and lets out a low growl as I clench down around him.

  “Holy fuck, I knew it would be good.”

  For a whole second, he doesn’t move, and I’m thankful because I’m barely keeping it together. The pain starts to recede, and Easton starts to thrust slowly inside of me, his eyes pierce mine as he does, intensifying the moment.

  His pelvis grinds against my clit with each move of his hips, and the combination is mind-blowing. All I can feel is him, under my skin, in my soul. It’s like he’s consuming me, and I want him to. I want him to take and take until there is nothing left.

  “You feel so good.” He shudders against me. “You feel it too, don’t you?”

  All I can do is nod my head as he starts to move faster and faster, each thrust sending a jolt of pleasure through me. Pressing his head into the crook of my neck, he sucks on the tender flesh just above my pulse.

  “Easton,” I mewl, clawing at his back like a wild animal. My nails scrape against his skin, sinking deeply, so deep I wonder if I’ve drawn blood.

  “Come apart for me. I want to feel you milk my cock. I want to feel your release coat my balls. Come for me, Stella…” He grunts into my throat. And even if I didn’t want to, there is no way I couldn’t. I’m too far gone to care about anything else in that instant.

  Like a bird taking flight, I jump over the cliff’s edge as Easton swivels his hips, pressing just enough friction to my clit. My entire body shakes as it’s overcome with pleasure that consumes every fiber of my body. Warmth seeps in my bones, and I’m only vaguely aware of Easton grunting and growling like an animal as he moves faster and faster, his muscles rippling as he ruts into me.

  “So good, so fucking good,” he snarls.

  I’m slowly coming down from my orgasm when he starts to come. His cock seems to grow bigger inside of me, and I open my mouth to tell him to pull out, but it’s too late. I can already feel his sticky warm come coating the inside of my womb. His cock pulses as he continues to fill me with every last drop of his release, and while I feel sedated, I can’t help but feel that little bit of worry at the back of my mind.

  Completely spent, Easton sags against me, and strangely, I love the feel of his body weight against me. In his arms, I feel safe and secure.

  “You did good, baby,” Easton coo’s into my ear and presses a gentle kiss to my forehead as he pulls away from me. His cock slips out of my pussy, and I wince, a dull ache replacing the amazement that was just there.

  My eyes hone in on the blood that’s covering his cock. I lost my virginity. I gave my virginity to a man I’m pretty sure I’m falling for. A man that is a killer, a heartless bastard.

  “It’s just a little blood, nothing to worry about.”

  I’m not sure what to say about that, but as Easton moves off the bed, I become hyperaware of the fact that Cam watched us have sex. Again, I feel like I should be bothered by this, but the feeling of shame remains absent.

  Cameron’s hooded gaze locks on mine, and my heart does a flip in my chest at the carnal need pulsing outward from him.

  “It’s my turn, baby… my turn to claim your last virgin hole.” He smiles, and as if I know what’s to come, my pussy clenches. They weren’t lying about dirtying me up.



  Fuck. She’s looking at me like a siren with her just fucked hair, pebbled nipples, and amazing body on display. She bites at her lower lip, and I can’t actually believe what I’m seeing. She wants this. She wants me buried in her ass.

  “You keep giving him fuck me eyes, and he won’t take that sweet ass of yours as gently as I took your pussy.” Stella doesn’t even bat an eyelash at Easton’s comment, and that only makes my need for her intensify. Fuck, she’s doing crazy stupid things to my head. Standing, I shuck my clothes and walk to the edge of the bed.

  My eyes move over the rumpled sheets and the spot just beneath her, where there is a splotch of blood. It calls to me like a beacon, and I feel like a savage as I stare down at a prize that was given to me.

  “Do you want me in your ass?” I ask her, just needing to confirm.

  With rosy cheeks she says, “Yes.”

  My heart beats into my throat as I walk over to the nightstand and pull out the bottle of lube that Easton keeps inside. Stella watches my every move like I am the hunter, and she is my prey. In many ways, that’s exactly what we are. I’m the predator, and she is a helpless small animal, utterly at my mercy.

  Easton takes
the chair I was sitting in just moments ago while I grab a pillow and place it next to Stella.

  “Turn around, pillow under your hips,” I order, and watch Stella turn around eagerly. Does she not know what I have in store for her?

  With the pillow under her, her ass is propped up nicely, giving me a prime view of her swollen and wet pussy, Easton’s come dripping out of it. Soon she’ll have come dripping out of both holes.

  Popping the cap on the lube, I drip some over her ass cheeks and watch it run down her skin. Using the palm of my hand, I start rubbing it into her heated flesh, kneading her ass before I run my finger between those creamy cheeks, finding her puckered hole. She gasps when I touch it but doesn’t make a move or tell me to stop.

  She wants this… wants it badly.

  “Just stay relaxed like you are right now,” I encourage her as I start massaging her opening. It only takes me a minute of teasing before I’m able to slip my finger in with ease. “That’s right, let me inside. Give me that tight ass.”

  I add a second finger and start pumping deeper, her tight ring of muscles squeezes me, attempting to push me out. Stella’s hands fist against the sheets as she slowly pushes back against my hand. My insides twist with anxious need as I watch my fingers move in and out of her. In. Out. In. Out.

  “Your ass is swallowing my fingers… is it hungry for my cock?” I ask, pressing a kiss against her ass cheek.

  “Yes, please,” she whimpers, clearly feeling the same burning need in her veins that I am. I pull both fingers out, and Stella whines at the loss of my touch.

  “One second, baby, and you’ll be so full of my cock, you won’t know where I start, and you end.” Popping the bottle of lube open, I pour a generous amount into my palm before coating my cock with it. I want to make this nice and easy for her, so she wants to do this again and again. Closing it, I let the bottle fall to the mattress, and I reach for her again, pressing against her lower back. Pumping my cock in my hand, I spread the lube across my entire length before bringing the head to her puckered hole.


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