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Wildfire (Book 1): Leap of Faith

Page 4

by Bailey, Emily

  I did something that I didn’t expect. I went up onto my toes and kissed him.

  Chapter Five

  I regretted it instantly. All my fears and insecurities came flooding back the second our lips touched. Rafe took a sharp inhale, it wasn’t just myself that I caught by surprise then. I stepped back before I humiliated myself any further and turned to leave our fenced enclosure. A strong hand clamped my arm and pulled me back.

  He didn’t waste any time, his lips touched mine and an arm wrapped around my back while another went into my hair. This wasn’t a polite kiss; this was mind blowing. He started off slow, it was intimate. It became more and more passionate, my arms looped behind his neck so I could pull myself closer to him. He answered with fervor, he pushed me back up against the fence so there was no space between us at all. While one arm stayed at my back holding me to him. The other was exploring, it trailed down my side and cupped my ass.

  My hands had moved from his neck and were now fisted in his shirt holding on for dear life. He lifted my leg up and held it to his hip giving fantastic friction, just there. I let out a moan into his mouth and felt the answering smile. His other arm gripped my other leg and pulled me up to straddle him, my legs wrapped around him. I was all too aware of the ache building between my thighs.

  Rafe pulled away panting ‘if we don’t stop now, ill take you up against this fence right now’ he kissed me tenderly.

  ‘I’m not saying no’, I pulled him into a deeper kiss.

  Then the moment was ruined. A snarl sounded nearby and he pulled away. He unhooked my legs and let me down slowly. I slid down his body until my feet touched the ground. We stood there silent; our heads so close we were breathing each other’s air. He tenderly stroked my cheek, but I could feel that his attention was on the snapper. It was moving past us, slowly. He leant around the fence and then fast as lightening he grabbed my hand and pulled us into a sprint.

  I followed down the alley and between two houses. He tried one door, then the next. Finding the second unlocked we went inside. Carefully and quietly I turned the lock slowly and it clicked, barely making a sound. I pulled out my knife ready to deal with any snappers inside the house.

  We crept slowly, listening and searching for any dangers. Outside I could hear the herd of snappers, snapping at the air. There was a lot more than one. We worked our way round the ground floor and then up to the first, all rooms were clear, we were satisfied that we were the only ones inside.

  Rafe pulled me into his arms and hugged me fiercely. ‘We can’t do that again in the open, I didn’t hear them’ if I’m not mistaken, he looked scared. ‘Seconds later and they would have been on us, I promised that I would control myself around you. Well, that lack of control almost got us both mauled’ he hugged me harder.

  ‘It’s fine, we’re fine’ I soothed.

  He leaned back and looked into my eyes ‘I hate that all of this is normal to you. You see a herd of the dead and it’s just another day. Today you were almost mauled by one, then in a life and death situation with your ex, shot your ex and then on the way back to the others we almost miss a herd of the dead coming right at us. How are you okay right now? In our world people would be having therapy over just one of those things.’ he wore a bewildered expression.

  ‘Apart from learning that I was dating a psychopath, all in all its been a good day. No one died that I care about, I wasn’t mauled by a snapper – which is always good, I wasn’t shot – also good news, it felt good shooting him in the leg, I had a great session with you up against a fence and got out of sight before the herd saw us. That is a pretty good day. In fact, the only thing I’m pissed about right now is that we didn’t finish what we started’ I sounded a bit pissy, but it rubbed me up the wrong way. That, or I’m frustrated. Either, or.

  Rafe closed the distance in a second. His mouth was on mine hot and heavy. He grabbed my legs and pulled me up, my legs, already well trained wrapped straight back around him. He kissed me with fervor as he walked into the closest bedroom. He broke the kiss for a second to relieve me of my vest top, then climbed onto the bed resting my head on a pillow. Fair is fair, I pushed off his jacket and started unbuttoning his shirt. He helped me remove the rest of that barrier.

  My hands were exploring his chest, he definitely works out. Wow. It was like he was chiseled from clay. I have been on the end of the world diet and am thinner than I would like. My insecurities are rearing their ugly heads.

  Rafe sat back on his heels and peeled me out of my skinny jeans and underwear. He looked over me from head to toe and lowered himself on top of me.

  ‘You’re perfect’ he whispered as he met my mouth again. This time it was a slow kiss, his hands brushed over my body and undid the front clasp of my bra. His mouth moved from mine and trailed a path to my breasts, each kiss scorching my skin. He slowly sucked each nipple and teased it with his tongue.

  More than ready I pushed him back onto his heels and undid his trousers. I pulled them down with his boxers to free him. Like a moth to a flame I lowered my mouth onto him and heard Rafes sharp intake of breath. I teased the tip to start then pushed him as far into my mouth as I could take. I have never been so brazen in my life, but I want to be for him.

  ‘Enough!’ he hissed through his teeth and pushed me back onto the bed.

  He leant over me, teasing me with small kisses. I felt his hand travel down my body, past my navel and it slipped between my legs. I was so wet, his finger dipped into my center and then he teased my clit. I was moaning with the sensation.

  ‘If we’re going to do this then you’ll have to be quiet Peyton’ he drawled. He rubbed my clit slowly, eliciting another moan which he smothered with a kiss.

  Rafe leaned up and searched the bedside drawers, pulling out a condom. He expertly removed it and slid it over his shaft. He then moved so that his member was poised at my entrance. He kissed me slowly and tenderly. When he started to push in, I freaked.

  ‘Wait, wait!’ I was panting, this time not in pleasure.

  Rafes expression moved from confusion, to horror and he went to move off me. I grabbed him and held him in place.

  ‘I want to do this, please, just give me a minute’ I begged, ‘I don’t want that memory in my head anymore, don’t stop please’.

  He stroked my face and kissed me lightly. I encouraged him to kiss me deeper. He returned it but slower. I took his hand and moved it back to my clit and slowly he worked me higher and higher. He smothered my moans with his kisses. He was so gentle and caring with me, I felt alive with emotions. He pushed me off an invisible precipice and I came and came. I was still falling when he moved his member back to my entrance.

  He kissed me slowly and deeply, holding back the memories that were threatening to surface. He whispered endearments between kisses and excruciatingly slowly he pushed into me. When he was all in, he looked at me ‘god Peyton, you’re perfect’.

  He stayed still for the longest time, worshipping me with his mouth. I was the one that started to move. He felt amazing and when he joined me the low ache started to build straight away. He lifted me to him, so my clit rubbed against me as he thrusted. He worked me higher and higher until we both fell over the precipice.

  ‘That was perfect’ I smiled at him as he rolled off me. He disposed of the condom and then pulled me to him. He said nothing for a long time.

  ‘I’m sorry that happened to you Peyton’ he whispered.

  ‘So am I’ I laughed bitterly.

  ‘I want you to be able to confide in me, if I had known, I would have acted differently.’

  ‘I want to, but its hard. I like you and I’ve shared more with you than I have anyone. Can that be enough for now?’ I whispered.

  ‘You have no idea how grateful I am for that’ he stroked my hair and pulled me closer.

  We laid there for what felt like hours, but eventually we got dressed and left. The others would have been getting anxious, my note said we won’t be long. Oops.

  I felt ligh
ter on my walk back. I had exorcised a lot of demons in the last twenty-four hours. I also had a big journey ahead. Seeing Ben again reminded me of the life I used to have. Rafe had showed me that I could still have it, or at least a semblance of it.

  We were back in the kitchen at my temporary home within half an hour. Ben and Daniels rushed around, weapons in hand but relaxed when they saw it was us.

  Daniels snapped ‘you’ve been gone fucking ages; you didn’t even say where you were going!’

  Rafe glared at him ‘back off Daniels! We ran into some trouble and had to wait it out’

  Ben looked me over and winked, my disheveled appearance gave me away. I tried not to react, but a smirk slipped onto my face.

  ‘I’ve changed my mind, I’ll go’ that diffused the situation.

  Ben hugged me and I saw Daniels raise his eyebrow at Rafe. Didn’t fool him either then.

  Ben clapped his hands and moved around packing up his stuff, Daniels followed suit. Not in any hurry, I sat down at the table and unpacked my lunch. I demolished a pack of biscuits and chased it with a mediocre vegetable soup. I know I did that the wrong way around, but I really wanted the biscuits.

  Rafe was barking orders at Daniels, who had clearly rubbed him up the wrong way. Ben came and sat next to me at the table and was digging into a packet of crisps.

  ‘I’m glad you changed your mind’ he shoulder bumped me ‘I’m really not cut out for this world.’. He whispered, ‘I’ve been scared every minute of everyday while I’ve been here, I don’t know how you did it’.

  I looked at him and smile ‘it was simple really, I got on with it and manned the fuck up’.

  He stared at me dead pan for a second then burst out laughing.

  ‘It wasn’t all bad’ I snuck a glance at Rafe.

  ‘I had some epic cars for a while… and a tank’ I grinned at him.

  ‘You’ll have to tell me about it sometime’ he smiled.

  ‘Maybe’. I’ll only tell him the cool things; I wouldn’t have it in me to speak of the bad bits.

  ‘Peyton’ Daniels called for me. I ignored it.

  A minute later he came into the kitchen and gave me an irritated stare, ‘I called for you’.

  Dripping with sarcasm I responded ‘did you? Oh well, I must jump straight to it then, shouldn’t I?’

  ‘Do you want to know what happens next or not?’ he snapped.

  His attitude quite frankly was pissing me off ‘it looks like you’re going to tell me regardless of that answer’.

  He scoffed. This is someone that doesn’t take shit well clearly. Internally I clapped my hands, ready.

  ‘Fine. I’ll bullet point it for you then. Your coming back with us, you will go through a medical, you won’t be allowed to keep any of your things so leave them here, then you’ll have a meeting with the chief of staff and you will be helpful and productive. Got it?’ he snapped.

  I pretended to think about it ‘hmm, no. I will bullet point it for you’ I smiled sweetly. ‘Changed my mind – I’m not going, I would have politely sat through a medical, but I certainly wouldn’t be relinquishing my things. Helpful and productive…’ I blew out a breath ‘Not. Fucking. Likely’ I know I was poking a bear, but I really couldn’t help myself. ‘I don’t know what bee flew up your ass this morning, but you can take a running jump asshole’. I finished with a thumbs up.

  ‘Children, children stop fighting’ Ben jumped in. Good try but I was brewing for a fight. Rafe appeared next to Daniels giving him a murderous glare.

  ‘Enough’ he said to him, so low and full of venom. I don’t know how I would react if that was directed at me.

  Rafe looked at me, ‘ignore him. He’s just mad that he was left behind this morning, thinks babysitting Ben is below his station’.

  Daniels wore a face of fury, one glance over to Ben told me everything I needed to know. Ben looked exceptionally pleased with himself, my guess is he spent the day pissing him off. Successfully apparently.

  I took a deep breath and controlled my anger.

  Politely and calmly I asked Daniels to take me through the next steps.

  Chapter Six

  An hour of debate and I was ready to go. I was clear, no camera, no me. Rafe said he would sort it and I believe him. At the very least it can show everyone what a snapper looks and acts like. There are plenty caught on film. The process? Well, first they need to take blood samples and see if I am likely to turn into a flesh-eating snapper anytime soon. Second, check my health, see if I need pills of any kind. Third let me get settled and relaxed into my new environment, before the inquisition starts. Oh, not forgetting that I will be required to see a psychiatrist to deal with any issues that I have. I don’t share, that’s the part I am least excited about.

  Bens new and updated device did look pretty slick. He had compacted it into something the size of a suitcase. All metal design and looked as good as it was. He plugged in all the right information and then the world around me disappeared.

  I woke up on a shoddy carpet floor. Panic surged my system with adrenaline and I flew to my feet. I was the first to wake up, the others were still comatose on the floor. We were in a room with one door, I pulled out the knife I keep hidden on my ankle and made sure I looked dangerous. I left all of my belongings behind but I’m not stupid, I said nothing to him about the knife.

  Over and over in my head I tried to repeat that Rafe and Ben would have sent me somewhere safe. But my senses were overloaded, and my body wired from the adrenaline. The door opened slowly to a man in a suit, he was in his sixties. He didn’t move, he just stood there appraising me. When he glanced down at the knife I was holding out in front of me, he cocked his head to the side and then looked back at me.

  ‘Do you like my knife, want a closer look?’ I snapped.

  He raised his eyebrows and gave me a kind smile. That disarmed me a bit, well a lot really. In snapper land it’s one nice person for every twenty that you meet. The last day has made me remember in my old world that equation was the other way around. This world I mean. That’s weird. If I look out a window, I’ll see the living in their masses and not the dead.

  Ever so slowly I lowered my arm and then dropped the knife altogether. Leap of faith Peyton, Rafes words echoed in my mind.

  ‘Peyton Harris, nice to meet you. I’m Charlie Sanders’, he slowly walked forward and stuck out his hand. I tentatively reached out and shook it, he clasped my hand in both of his.

  ‘I know you are in for an overwhelming day, the teams are prepared and will be sensitive towards your unusual predicament. We are so very grateful that you have chosen to come back and your assistance will be unequaled.’ He spoke calmly, and gently. Can’t blame the man, I must have a wild cat look about me.

  I edged back within reach of Ben and gave him a kick to the leg. I wanted some assurance. He stirred and slowly opened his eyes. Fed up of waiting, I hissed ‘get up!’.

  ‘Yeah, yeah, no problem Peyton, what’s that you’re so grateful to me for bringing you back? Well of course you are most welcome’ he muttered petulantly. I rolled my eyes.

  ‘Hey, Charlie!’ Ben looked genuinely pleased to see him and bypassed the handshake for a hug. I observed them, feeling my tension loosening.

  ‘Still trying to replicate my machine, are we?’ Ben grinned at Charlie, ‘I built in a failsafe, you’ll never find it’ he sounded so smug it was irritating, despite his reasons which were probably genuine.

  ‘You wait lad! We’ll crack it one of these days’ Charlie slapped Ben on the back.

  They both walked out of the room and I could hear their voices travelling down the corridor. I felt a presence behind me, Rafe and Daniels had already climbed to their feet. They were looking at me expectantly. Rafe glanced to the doorway and then back to me, oh, I get it. I need to leave the room. Easy. One foot in front of the other and leave the last remnants of my life for the last three years behind.

  ‘Hey!’ Bens face appeared suddenly in the doorway. He shook his
head at me, stomped over and grabbed my hand. He took off down the corridor dragging me with him.

  ‘What was is you said earlier Peyton? Man the fuck up! Take your own advice’ he chirped at me.

  He took me down a long corridor with more doors coming off it than I could count. This place must be huge. There was a mirror at the end of the hallway, surprisingly I was happy with my reflection. Tanned, healthy looking; which was probably the adrenaline and the great sex, I also looked reasonably confidant. The actress of the year award goes to Peyton! Rafe and Daniels were following not far behind.

  At the end of the corridor Charlie was holding a lift, Ben finally let go of my arm when we got inside. The lift went down, I think. When the doors opened, there was a doctor there to greet us. There were also some armed guards, here to protect or contain I wonder.

  The doctor led me into a small room with a hospital bed. Time for the medical then. As Rafe walked past I swear I heard him say leap of faith. That or my subconscious is playing tricks on me. I swallowed my distrust and patiently let them get on with it.

  Well that was an ordeal. I don’t know what I was expecting but I didn’t foresee spending ten hours being checked over by the doctors. Blood test after blood test, then an hour later checking all over again, and an hour later? All over again. I’ve had scans of every kind. A nice moment was hearing they were satisfied that I wasn’t infected with the Z bacteria, or whatever it is, it’s not lurking in my body. Which was an unexpected relief.

  The diagnosis for the rest of the exam was okay, nothing serious. They were slightly concerned for a while with the half assed surgery I had on a knife wound. There were talks of opening me up, but three scans later and they were satisfied that it won’t kill me, it is just a terrible job. They couldn’t wrap their heads around the idea that the person that stabbed me was the one to patch me up. It was a slight misunderstanding, but me and my stabbing pal were good friends after that, Blew their minds.


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