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Her True Savior (Furever Shifter Mates #1; Shifting Hearts Dating Agency Book 4)

Page 11

by Kiki Howell

  Sam laughed, shrugged, and then gave Tallan a hug. "You are a goner, just like me, I fear. When Sylvia gathers with one's family to back her it forms an unbeatable team, a grand alliance against anyone who dares be single. So, I change my mind. Do it, Tallan. Then, we can both break Sylvia's record for always making the perfect match." Sam winked at Tallan.

  "My record is unbreakable. I shall succeed in your case, Samantha, and I shall also succeed in Tallan's. Go ahead. Take me on. I dare you, Tallan. You will fall, just as Sam will."

  "Challenge accepted," Tallan said, much to the surprise of the other three woman, as she gripped Sam's hand tighter. "What? Close your mouths already. I can't let Sam do this alone. I feel a kinship with this witch. I like her."

  "Thank you, Tallan, I like you, too," Sam replied, giving her a quick hug. "So, let's take Sylvia down together."

  "Sure, but on one condition. I'm not dating anyone for weeks like Sam here. No way. One and done."

  "Good plan. That's what I said at first before the plan was truly devised, sweeping me along with the women's insanity. Wish I had stuck to my guns there, but damn curiosity got the best of me. As you will see, though, Ian and I are not a match, and neither are any others around him, so..."

  "What do you mean, neither are any of the others around him?" Tallan questioned.

  "Yes, what does she mean by that, Sylvia," Trina added.

  "For Samantha, we are working on something different. I've broken a few usual rules in her case. Don't you worry yourself about it all. It will all work out. It just has to remain a secret to work," Sylvia said, giving Sam a scathing look before turning back to Tallan. "However, for you, it will be simple, one date is all it will take. One romp in the hay, and you'll know I've won."

  Tallan laughed, caught off guard before disbelief thickened the end of the abrupt sound.

  Trina gave a good snort herself, and added, "I would love to see that happen."

  "Oh, it will. I will call you with the time and place later this week," Sylvia said, giving a nod and dismissing herself from the conversation with a turn on her heel, strolling off across the room with a mere wave of her hand over her shoulder leaving the three woman standing there staring after her retreating figure.

  Tallan stood pondering for a second, then with a jolt she called out after Sylvia's retreating back, "Wait a minute. You are not going to tell me who I am meeting up with?"

  Sylvia turned back toward the women, a sly smile gracing her features. "No, your date is going to be blind. You will find out who he is when you show up. No worries, now. You won't be a virgin much longer, dear. Talk soon," Sylvia said and disappeared into the crowd, this time leaving the three women with their mouths open at the brazen words.

  "She's something." Sam managed a scoff before she continued on. "Don't let her rattle you, Tallan. I have no fears that I am going to suddenly fall in love. My time is over with this deal I had with her and my mother. I had just come up to inform Sylvia of that when you both showed up. But, I shall give her a call, relish in my win later."

  "I don't know," Trina said. "I wouldn't be so confident, Sam. Sylvia has literally never been wrong."

  "I think everyone can see that she is with Ian and I. Don't get me wrong, he's a wonderful guy, but the spark is not there for either him or me. Nothing personal, on either side, I'm sure. He does nothing for me, though he's quite good looking and clearly highly intelligent, not to mention an excessively in demand businessman with a crap ton of money. It's just... Nope. Not going to happen," Sam flashed a grin, "And that is why I will be the first to crack Sylvia's record.

  "But you mentioned others around him. Seriously, what was that about," Trina asked again.

  "I really shouldn't say, as I'm not really supposed to talk about the plan. Just know her strange arrangement didn't work out in her favor. I'm happy on my own. I have my studio, my family and friends, not to mention my magic. It's more than enough for me."

  "I get it," Tallan added, "but, sadly, most don't. Tell me about your studio."

  "Oh, I love it! I'm so blessed to own it. And, I love being proof that yoga is for every body type, not just those who are fortunate enough to look like Trina," Sam said, giving Trina a good-natured nudge.

  "Pardon me for interrupting, Tallan," a deep male voice sent shivers racing down her spine as an unusual warmth seemed to suddenly caress her back, definitely interrupting their conversation. He'd more than called it.

  She turned to see Luke, all six foot five, maybe, two hundred and fifty or more pounds of him, all solid muscle. His suit may have hidden some of it, but she'd felt it when they'd danced, not an ounce of his flesh extra on this man's frame. His biceps and back had rippled under her hands as they'd moved gracefully around the dance floor, his abdomen pressed against her stomach like a wall of concrete.

  "Yes, Luke," she managed, confused as to what the guy could want from her now. "I believe all of our obligations for the day are over."

  Tallan managed to stifle the sound of air rushing from her lungs as her sister jabbed her in the lower back.

  "I believe they are," he confirmed. "But, beyond the obligations, I was wondering if you would do me the honor of another dance."

  "Lonely, are we, bear boy? Long stint in the military I hear."

  "Tallan," Trina berated her with just the way she'd said her name. Her tone leaving no guesses as to the chastisement she dished out to her sister for the comment.

  "Uh, sorry," Tallan responded without a whole lot of conviction to the apology. She wondered sometimes if Trina were going to be more like their mother when she was older. On the odd occasion she certainly sounded like her and that thought made her wince. She could only pray it didn't happen.

  "It's fine," Luke said, charm deepening his voice to a tone that slid right through her, though she'd deny that to everyone including herself. "Think of dancing with me as a service to our country. It does get lonely out there. I'm just asking for a dance. That's all. Another few minutes in the company of the most lovely woman in the room outside of the bride."

  "Charmer, are we. Wow."

  "Not usually. Is it working?" Luke flashed a look to the other women, as if begging for support.

  Tallan mused over his efforts, fighting back another eyeroll and snarky comeback. She sighed instead.

  Sam shrugged, looking her way with her eyebrows raised, not giving her much to go on. Her sister, in contrast, her expression all but screamed for Tallan to take the man up on the offer. The light that danced in Trina's eyes, hinting of the possibilities, more than enough said what she thought without the need of words. She probably had them married by now in her fantasies, raising children together, Sunday night barbeques and all of that shit families do.

  "My apologies, Luke, but I am going to have to decline. Nothing personal. I'm sure Lyle and Trina must have filled you in by now if you hadn't heard talk yourself today, of how my parents are in an uproar over my brother, Jason, bringing Micah here. They do not approve of the whole interspecies mix thing. They are strictly panther and panther only, keep it within the species. So, as much as I would love to dance, my mother was already out there hyperventilating when we had to the first time, when it meant nothing short of an obligation to the ceremonies of the day. For her sake, I hope you will understand why I decline your offer."

  "Tallan," Trina said, her voice again high-pitched like her mother's when she scolded.

  "No, it's fine," he said. "I not only understand, but I appreciate anyone who thinks of family first. You are a beautiful woman, inside and out, whether you believe me or not, Tallan. It has been a pleasure today to meet you."

  With that, he turned and walked away, leaving her with a round of butterflies dancing around in her stomach for reasons she couldn't quite put her finger on, nor did she care to take the time to figure it out. A sucker for a gentleman. That had to be it. And, bear boy was most definitely a gentleman. On top of that, no woman with eyes could say he wasn't handsome, the darker skin tone, winnin
g smile that lit up his whole face, and the muscles that visibly rippled beneath the suit he wore. No one could deny wanting those muscles pressed against them. She, on the other hand, had just turned that down. She wouldn't give in to whatever the obviously fleeting attraction to him was for her, or the desperate need the man must have that had made him single her out when he could clearly have anyone in the room.

  He'd be gone soon, and she'd never see him again. Why that caused a knot in her stomach and her mouth to turn down, she couldn't fathom. Well only another drink would take care of that nonsense. She intended to have another. They still had the whole cake thing to do anyway.

  "You are sad you turned him down," Trina said, more of a statement than a question even with all the excitement of a child lifting her voice to a high pitch and volume.

  "No, I'm not. I just want another drink. I was contemplating what to have. You know my face gets all serious when I think of the important things in life, like if I should go back to champagne or have another something with whiskey in it." Her panther had gone quiet at least. She didn't need any added gruff from the whiny kitty right now anyway.

  "Stop it, Tallan. For once in your life admit a man interests you rather than pushing each one away in fear they won't be interested in you back."

  "Wow, harsh, sis. You think because it is your wedding day you have a free pass to say and do whatever you want it seems."

  "Maybe, but I do, honestly and truly, with all of my heart, want the happiness I feel today for you, too. No quote. I just want you to be happy."

  "How many ways can I say that I am before you believe me?" Tallan retorted, her mood all but shot at this point.

  She contemplated if anyone would notice her disappearance.

  "Don't you have a cake to cut, or a husband to kiss, or something? Anything. Go tell Lyle how happy you are today. I'm fine here on my own. I promise you, sis. I love you. More than I can ever say. Forever and always. But, if you love me, too, you need to let me live my life as I choose. I agreed to this date Sylvia is concocting, so please let it be enough for now. Now, shoo, go back to your husband, bride."

  "I love you, too. Always and forever," Trina said, hugging her tightly before turning away to swish gracefully over the polished floor.

  Looking the direction her sister fled, seeing Lyle first, she then spotted Luke looking back at her. He grinned, a little too hopefully, and she turned, heading straight for the bar.

  If you enjoyed Her True Savior, please consider heading over to your nearest online retailer and leaving a review. Even a few lines can mean the world to an author.

  Of course, while you are there we encourage you to pick up Book Two in the Furever Mates Series, One True Mate by Gina Kincade.

  Watch for Book Three, His Furever Mate by Kiki Howell & Gina Kincade, coming winter 2018!

  About The Author

  Ever since she was young, USA Today Bestselling Author Kiki Howell has loved to listen to a well-woven tale with real characters, inspired plots, and delightful resolutions. Kiki could spend hours lost in a book, and soon she knew that creating lives, loves, and losses with just words had to be the greatest thing that she could do.

  Kiki has over sixty stories published and she’s won awards like being chosen as an Ohioana Book Festival author along with having several shorts win writing contests.

  Where to Find More of Kiki Howell

  Find more of Kiki Howell's combined and individual works on her website and blog.

  Also by Kiki Howell

  Torn Asunder

  Whiskey & Witchcraft

  Snowed In! Winter Storm

  Hidden Salem: Salem Series Book One

  Salem's Revenge: Salem Series Book Two

  At War in the Willows Trilogy


  The Sorcerer's Songs


  Mystic Stones

  What Lies Within Us (Second Edition)

  Cowboy Boots & Handcuffs

  Playing With Magic

  A Modern Day Witch Hunt

  A Violent Seduction

  Soul Lights

  A Questionable Hero

  Mystical Mayhem


  Love, Creativity & Magick

  A Strange Freedom: Blood and Fireworks

  When the Snow Flies: Shifter Paranormal


  The Magic was in the Chocolate

  The Healing Spell

  The Witch's Beast

  Working Out the Kinks

  Sacred Sex

  We Go On: Charity Anthology for Veterans




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