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Corps Justice Boxed Set: Books 1-3: Back to War, Council of Patriots, Prime Asset - Military Thrillers

Page 21

by C. G. Cooper

  Everyone looked expectantly at the video monitor to see the change. Neil had been right. What before looked like only a few spectrums now looked like a rainbow where every color bled into the next.

  TRAVIS: You want tell me how the hell this helps us?

  NEIL: Patience, Trav.

  TRAVIS: I’m about out of patience, Neil. My cousin, your friend, is down there right now having that fucking gangster do who knows what to him. He might already be dead.

  ANDY (placing a hand on Travis’s shoulder): We don’t know that, Trav. Neil’s doing his best. So show us how this works, Neil.

  NEIL (pointing at the monitor): Now this is all just theory, but I’m thinking that if we zoom in close enough we might be able to see the vents.

  TRAVIS (now somewhat calmed): What are we looking for?

  NEIL: It should almost look like a little fire. You know how you look at a flame coming out of a pipe? I’m thinking if I got the calibration right, we’ll be able to see that.

  The group spent the next minute staring at the screen as Neil zoomed and panned over the terrain. Brian almost jumped out of his seat pointing.

  BRIAN: What’s that right there?

  NEIL (looking at where Brian’s finger was): Let me zoom in. That looks like a vent! Now let me follow it up this way…

  ANDY: There’s another one!

  TRAVIS: Good job, Neil. Now keep following those vents and let’s see if we can find that damned rabbit hole.

  + + +

  In under a minute, Cal had somehow managed to scrape the zip tie on his left wrist almost all the way through on the rusted bed spring. He gave one last tug and the tie popped off of his bloodied wrist.

  He glanced back down at the still unconscious West. His internal clock told him he probably had less than a minute to get out. Cal didn’t want to find out if his body could handle a hand-to-hand fight right now.

  + + +

  The helicopter crew tracked the vents to a location just over a mile from the main house. There they found some kind of tiny structure that appeared to be a sewer drain. Travis decided to start the search on the ground there.

  After hearing from MSgt Trent that there was a third steel door behind the second, Travis ordered Trent to leave two men to guard the house and bring the rest via helicopter to the possible tunnel exit.

  TRAVIS (to the pilot): Put her down right over there in that field. We’ll hump the rest of the way.

  NEIL: Where do you want me?

  TRAVIS: Stay on the helo and give us updates from the air. Doc, I want you ready with whatever medical gear you have.

  BRIAN: Roger.

  TRAVIS: Andy, how do you feel about going in first?

  ANDY: I’m game.

  TRAVIS: OK. The rest of us will provide support.

  PILOT: Ten seconds to LZ.

  TRAVIS: Roger. Let’s go get our boy.

  + + +

  Cal had almost removed his last restraint when Dante started stirring. He looked up in confusion and shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs. Attempting to focus, he got up to his hands and knees just as Cal snapped the last zip tie off of his left ankle.

  With speed that surprised Cal, Dante got to his feet and reached in his pocket for a gun. Staggering on unsteady legs, Cal snatched the baseball bat from the ground, swung it backhanded, and connected with West’s firing hand just as he extracted the pistol from his coat.

  The weapon fired and clattered to the floor as Dante clutched his hand.

  DANTE: You’re gonna pay for that, boy.

  Dante stepped backed and grabbed a wicked looking filet knife from the bench. Cal was trying his best to stay on his feet, but his head was reeling. His body had taken a real beating. He had to focus. His life depended on his ability to stay on his feet.

  Chapter 24

  N.O.N. Underground Facility Back Exit, Williamson County, TN

  Andy led the reinforced team up to the iron sewer grate that was mounted into the side of the hill. The criss-crossed iron bars were big enough to fit an arm through, but no way near big enough to fit a person. The stench was foul. He could see water draining out through his night vision goggles and smelled like it came from a local cow farm. Sweeping the area, he looked for some kind of entrance. Where the hell was the exit? Looking back to his left he stopped.

  ANDY: Did you hear that?

  MSGT TRENT: Sounded like a muffled gunshot.

  ANDY: Yeah. Came from inside the grate. You think you can move it?

  MSGT TRENT: Let me take a look.

  Trent shouldered his weapon as the rest of the team provided cover. The huge man felt around the edge of the grate for some kind of release or handhold. Nothing. Next, he reached inside the opening and started methodically feeling along the inner edge. Halfway around he stopped.

  MSGT TRENT: I think I’ve got a handle here but it’s locked.

  ANDY: Where are the hinges?

  MSGT TRENT: On the left side.

  ANDY: You think we can blast through it with a little demo?

  MSGT TRENT: Won’t that give us away?

  ANDY: I think it’s a little late for that. Besides, I didn’t like the sound of that gunshot a second ago.

  MSGT TRENT: OK. I’ll go get the breach kit from our guys.

  Andy nodded and looked back to the grate. I hope it’s not too late.

  + + +

  The two wounded men circled each other, trying to find an opening. They each eyed the pistol on the ground. The weapon would easily turn the tide.

  West took a quick swipe at Cal. Cal dodged easily and shifted left as West moved closer to his lost gun.

  DANTE: I can’t wait to carve you up, white boy.

  CAL: Looks like I’m winning. You’re the one with half an ear.

  Dante put his hand up and felt the remains of his tattered ear. Although wounded, he was far from being out of the fight. The loss of hearing in his left ear wasn’t going to stop him. West looked at his opponent with pure hatred. Only one man would be leaving alive. By the look on his face, West was convinced he would be that man.

  + + +

  The team stepped back and took cover as the signal was given that the breaching explosive was set. Andy counted down with his fingers and the demolition man pressed the button on the remote device.

  At the same moment, the loud blast echoed through the trees.

  Andy looked around the tree and saw that the grate was now resting on its hinges. They were in.

  + + +

  Cal and Dante looked toward the open hallway at the sound of the muffled explosion. Fear crossed Dante’s face as he quickly calculated his options. He still had an extra escape route in case the back sewer was found.

  CAL: I told you my boys were coming.

  DANTE (shaken): They’re not here yet.

  As he spit out his last word, he lunged for the discarded pistol. A second later, Cal was also diving for the weapon. He was too late. As he descended to the floor, Cal could see Dante wrapping his hand around the pistol and turning his way. The world slowed as Cal stared down his executioner.

  + + +

  The team rushed into the tunnel, scanning and clearing as they went. They kept as quiet as they could, but the running water made it almost impossible. Andy pushed hard as he moved down the tunnel. Fifty feet down he found a door. Luckily, this one wasn’t made of steel.

  + + +

  Cal lurched to the right as the Dante pulled the trigger. Miraculously, the bullet somehow only grazed Cal’s head as he descended the final distance to the ground. The side of his scalp burned from the bullet’s passing. He ignored the pain and tried to knock the weapon aside.

  Dante brought the pistol back around towards Cal. This time he wouldn’t miss.

  + + +

  MSGT Trent barreled through the wooden door like a freight train. Andy came in right behind with his weapon leveled. He could see light ahead and heard the sound of another gunshot.

  + + +

  Instead of shying away from
the gun, Cal embraced it…literally. He grabbed Dante’s pistol hand and tried to angle the barrel up as he pulled the weapon closer to his chest.

  A crash sounded from the hallway and Cal could see Dante struggling to keep his focus inside the room. For Dante West, the next few moments would seal his fate regardless of whether he lived or died. His only hope now was to exact his revenge before that happened.

  + + +

  Andy ran down the tunnel trailed by the rest of the assault team. His heart pounded as he readied himself for the scene he was about to encounter. Would Cal be dead? Rounding the corner his heart leapt as he saw his friend struggling on the ground with West. Still alive.

  + + +

  Dante’s eyes widened as he glanced at the hallway to see men in black streaming into the room. The two men grappled on the floor, a fight to the death. The pistol remained lodged smack in the middle of the two. A hair’s breadth either way and one man would be dead.

  Cal and Dante lay locked in a deadly embrace, eyes blazing and desperate. West’s finger still gripped the pistol trigger. Cal struggled to point the gun back at West. Cal saw his opponent pull the trigger twice and felt the loud double report of the gun.

  + + +

  The assault team watched helplessly, not wanting to take a shot for fear of hitting Cal. His friends each felt the two gunshots deep in their guts. They all screamed at once as Cal slumped to the floor.

  Chapter 25

  Camp Spartan, Arrington, TN

  The funeral was a private affair. All of Cal’s and Jess’s friends attended.

  They’d decided to dedicate a new cemetery on Camp Spartan itself. With some heavy legal work by Marge Haines, they were able to get the approval of the state and local authorities. The deceased was family after all.

  The grave site was situated on a lonely hill overlooking the rifle range. It afforded a magnificent view of the surrounding countryside. According to Travis, it was where Cal had taken Jess for their first picnic on the campus grounds.

  Cal stood flanked by his closest friends looking down at the casket holding his beloved Jessica. Although still gripped with grief, his head and heart had turned the page. She would never be forgotten, but Cal could live free of guilt. The death of Dante West had closed that chapter for Cal. He could now move on as Jess wanted.

  The service was short but beautiful. Jess’s pastor presided over the affair with grace and dignity. Not a dry eye remained in the crowd. It never ceased to amaze Cal, as he stood surrounded by some of the fiercest warriors he’d ever met, that such men often held the most compassion and emotion. It was what allowed them to do what they did to the best of their abilities and protect fellow Americans that often criticized their methods and spat in their faces. These were men of duty and honor.

  He was finally home.

  + + +

  Cal said his final farewells to Jess’s parents and split off to rejoin his friends. Travis cut him off before he got there.

  TRAVIS: How you doing, Cal?

  CAL: Still a little bruised up, but I’m OK.

  TRAVIS: It’s only been a week, but you’ll have plenty of time to heal now.

  CAL (absently): Yeah.

  TRAVIS: Hey, I know this might not be the best timing, but I’ve got some people I’d like to introduce you to.

  CAL: Here?

  TRAVIS: Actually, down at The Lodge.

  CAL (eyebrow raised): Mind giving me a hint?

  TRAVIS: It’s a little hard to explain. Why don’t you tell the guys we’ll meet them at the bar in about an hour. The Sergeant Major’s bringing out the good stuff.

  + + +

  Travis led the way down the second floor corridor of The Lodge. Cal could see two burly men in suits standing outside one of the large suite doors. What the hell? He decided to keep his mouth shut and follow Travis’s lead. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

  Travis nodded to the two guards as one mumbled into his lapel mic. Following his cousin into the suite, he noticed the backs of nine men as they entered. Each man was dressed in casual attire, but even their clothing couldn’t dampen their air of dignity and power. They came in varying shapes and sizes, but all seemed familiar with Cal, and apparently, with each other.

  The tallest guest turned first, followed by the other eight, at hearing the sound of the door closing. Cal almost tripped as he recognized each and every man, not from personal acquaintance, but because in the suite stood nine of the most powerful American political leaders of the last two decades, including three former U.S. Presidents.

  TRAVIS: Gentlemen, allow me to introduce my cousin, Cal Stokes. Cal, say hello to the Council of Patriots.


  “Council of Patriots”

  Book 2 of the Corps Justice Series

  Copyright © 2012 Corps Justice. All Rights Reserved

  Author: C. G. Cooper

  Book Cover: Sherwin Soy


  Chapter 1

  Washington, D.C.

  10:35am, September 11th

  Congressman Zimmer knew he was in deep shit. The last six months replayed in his mind as he swirled the remnants of his fifth drink in his glass. Ever since that episode in Las Vegas, his life had drastically changed. He remembered the incident like it was yesterday. Hell, he’d relived it every night in his dreams. He hadn’t had one decent night’s rest.


  Six months earlier, Brandon Zimmer, a promising first-term United States representative from Massachusetts, was on the rise. Barely thirty years old, Zimmer was no novice in the political world. He’d first accompanied his parents on the campaign trail as a newborn. His father, U.S. Senator Richard Zimmer of Massachusetts, employed young Brandon over the years in positions ranging from runner to assistant campaign manager.

  After graduating from an elite private school, Brandon matriculated to the Ivy League. His father, a Harvard alum, pushed for his son to follow his lead. Brandon decided to rebel and go to Yale instead. He did attend Harvard for his MBA, however.

  During his years in school Brandon excelled in academics and always elected to be part of the student council. Yes, politics was in his blood.

  A year prior, Congressman Brandon Zimmer won the vacated congressional seat in his home district in Massachusetts. Despite being a staunch Democrat in a very blue state, he narrowly won. The early campaign looked promising and his staff expected a landslide victory. Zimmer had the good looks the media loved. He was also the son of a long-standing and extremely popular Senator.

  Despite his status and the endorsement of his six-term father in the Senate, Brandon’s playboy ways were soon splashed throughout social media. Pictures of Zimmer dancing with naked coeds at a Mardi Gras bash in New Orleans the year before almost sealed his fate. Soon other reports, photos and videos surfaced. It was only through the damage control of his staff and his father’s wealthy backers that he was able to win the election.

  After the fiasco, his father put his foot down.

  “Son, this is your last shot. I will not come to your rescue again. You’ve got to learn to control your urges. Do you really want to give up everything we’ve worked for?”

  Although he’d promised to leave his partying days behind, halfway into his first year as Congressman, Zimmer accepted the invitation of a small Japanese lobbyist who represented the gaming industry. Brandon first met Ishi Nakamura at Harvard Business School. They’d worked hard and played even harder. After graduation Zimmer entered politics and Nakamura entered the family gaming business in Las Vegas. They’d kept in touch over the years and always promised to visit.

  Not long after Zimmer was sworn in he received a call from his friend. Ishi wanted to offer his congratulations and let Brandon know that he was now heading up his father’s small lobbying firm, Ichiban Gaming. Brandon was honestly excited for his friend and mentioned that they should link up sometime soon.

  Six months later, he received another call from Ishi.

brother. Just wanted to let you know that we’re having a couple of your peers out here in a week to show them around. Didn’t know if you might like to join them. You could make some new friends and I can give you a tour of Sin City,” Ishi invited.

  Brandon moaned before answering. “I don’t know. I’m on a pretty short leash around here.”

  “Come on. What happened to the Brandon that used to sneak weed into Professor Flannigan’s lectures?”

  The freshman Congressman chuckled, “I’m a member of the House now, Ishi. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time already bit me once.”


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