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Black Mesa Wolves Complete Series Boxset Bks 1-7

Page 24

by J. K Harper

  “Enough. Everyone, silent and still.”

  The Alpha didn't have to yell, or snarl, or threaten. He simply had to speak, and every single wolf in the room instantly obeyed.

  Channing Bardou moved with a sinuous grace into the center of the room, stopping between Caleb and the cages. Caleb had known his father was in there, but he'd been so caught up in his own fury he'd ignored that fact. Now, though, he stood as still and submissive as everyone else. His jaw worked, though, as he fought again to control the seething anger inside.

  The Black Mesa Alpha was everything a pack leader should be. Strong, wise, tempered by life, widely respected, honest, fair, yet ruthless if absolutely necessary.

  He was everything Caleb was not. Except maybe the ruthless part.

  “We will get answers.” The Alpha's voice carried to every corner of the suddenly breathless room. “But we will get them the lawful Pack way. Is that understood?”

  He directed that last sentence right at Caleb, who reluctantly inclined his head in a sharp jerk of compliance.

  “Good. Now, then.” The Alpha's deceptively mild voice filled the entire space. “Would somebody like to fill me in more specifically on what you found out during your patrol?

  * * *

  Rielle held her breath as she peeked up from beneath her eyelashes to watch Caleb struggle to find composure. His entire body screamed raw power, a sheer male presence that wanted to fight and dominate and rage into battle. Despite Alpha's command of the room, she could feel the enormous tension spilling out from Caleb. His muscles, sheened with sweat from the patrol's obviously fast pace back to the den, flexed and rippled as he tensed and calmed, tensed and calmed. She couldn't see his eyes, since his gaze was lowered toward the floor like every other wolf in the room, but she easily imagined their clear sky-blue darkened to a thunderous shade. His pulse rocketed in his neck.

  For the weirdest reason, she wanted to taste that very spot.

  Her wolf whined very deep inside, a sound so tiny and meek in the face of all the powerful energy in the room she almost didn't catch the longing in it. But she did. It was directed at Caleb.

  Rielle took a surreptitious inhale, pulling Caleb's scent to her. Big, sweaty male pheromones pouring off him. The scent was intoxicating in a way she didn't anticipate. She felt dizzy for a split second.

  Yes, her wolf whispered. Strong. Needs me.

  Caleb seemed ready to explode from the effort of obeying his alpha. Rielle held herself perfectly still and focused on Caleb. Gently but pointedly, she sent him a calming touch through their Pack bond. With gathering intent, she washed him with the serenity he needed to regain control so he could be a formidable part of whatever was going to happen in here, rather than pop off like an uncorked bottle rocket again.

  He could do this. She recognized his tremendous will enough to have faith in that. Right now wasn't the time to question her sudden belief that caveman Caleb had more to offer than anyone else seemed to realize. She simply knew he did, and she was going to use her own soothing power to point him and all his explosive energy in the right direction.

  * * *

  When nobody spoke, Alpha asked Rafe for an answer. Caleb dared to lift his head enough to watch his brother. Rafe's lips tightened for a moment, but he nodded and replied in the short, simple format of reporting from any routine patrol.

  “Tate caught scent of rogues. Caleb scented there were three of them, the same ones that were scented at the kill site. Luke was familiar with all three. One of the scents belongs to—his brother.”

  The bare hesitation before Rafe admitted that last part was not lost on either Caleb or the Alpha, although gasps around the room meant everyone else focused more on the bombshell revelation. Caleb frowned. Rafe seemed to hold a grudging respect for Luke, definitely much more than his brothers did. His minor reluctance to share information that put the rogue alpha in a pretty damn bad light made that clear. Although Rafe himself was an alpha through and through, as well as utterly loyal to the Black Mesa Pack, it troubled Caleb that his own brother might be swayed to the rogue's side.

  Luke Rawlins was a tricky bastard, and Caleb didn't trust him by even a single tail twitch.

  “Luke?” Alpha's calm gaze landed on the rogue bastard, who looked up at the Alpha's call. Channing Bardou didn't have to say a word, just lift an eyebrow. Luke nodded to affirm Rafe's words, his eyes meeting the Alpha's once without flinching before dropping again in respect. Alpha said nothing, nor did his expression give away his thoughts. Despite that, the glance he gave the caged rogues was more than enough to chill the blood of any wolf. Looking back at Rafe, he nodded for the Guardian to continue his report.

  “Luke does not know the extent of his brother's involvement in the situation.” Rafe's voice continued in clipped tones. “Nor does he know what exactly may be going on. However, he stated he has a few ideas he would like to discuss with you alone.” Rafe tilted his chin at Alpha. “I agreed, and we returned to the den. We did not speak of anything on the way back.”

  A very long silence held the room after Rafe finished. From their motionless huddles against the cage walls, it looked like the captive rogues weren't even breathing. Caleb wondered if every single wolf in the room held his or her breath while they waited for Alpha's response.

  Finally, Alpha said, “Everyone out, then. Otsana, love, have they had their midday meal yet?” He motioned to the captives while locking eyes with his mate. As usual, despite the seriousness of the moment, the enormous affection the two had for one another spilled out into the room. Some sort of silent communication passed between them as well, judging from raised eyebrows, small nods, and what always seemed to Caleb to be the telepathy shared by long-time couples.

  Normally, the obvious devotion between his parents made Caleb do a mental eye roll. But for a split second this time, he found himself darting a glance at Rielle. She'd looked up and also taken in the scene between the Alpha and his mate. A tiny, wistful smile played with her sweet lips. Then she caught Caleb looking at her. A line furrowed her brow and she caught her lower lip between her teeth. Quickly, she looked away from him. His wolf whined, still agitated but much calmer. Caleb shrugged to himself despite the strange sensation of being rebuffed. The urge to rip the rogues to shreds wasn't quite as fierce as it had been moments before. The anger still stirred, but now he could curb it. Somewhat.

  Instantly obedient to their Alpha, everyone filed out. In the hallway outside the basement door, Alpha stopped Luke, Caleb, and Rielle while telling everyone else to get back to what they'd been doing. Caleb knew it was a deliberate move when Ree inserted herself between him and the rogue—he knew perfectly well she'd been the one sending him calm through their Pack bond—but even so, his hackles bristled at her being so close to another single male wolf.

  “We will speak in my office,” Alpha said to Luke. “I will meet you there.”

  He waited while Luke nodded once before heading toward Alpha's massive office upstairs. Caleb glared at the arrogant rogue, who pointedly ignored him as he disappeared around the corner.

  “You two.” Alpha rounded on Caleb and Rielle. A speculative expression held his face for a moment as he regarded them. Caleb could almost feel Rielle shaking under that scrutiny. He remembered how she'd always hated being the center of anyone's attention.

  “You will both go on a run around the property. Now. As wolves.” Caleb felt Ree tremble beside him. “Caleb, you have much energy to still expend. I need you to bring yourself completely under control before you step one paw back inside the den.” The order was crystal clear in Alpha's tone, not to mention that uncompromising Alpha control he had over the entire Pack. Caleb nodded, gritting his teeth.

  “Rielle.” Alpha's voice softened a touch as he looked at the small wolf. She met his eyes for a moment, uncertainty and something close to fear evident in her sweet body's every line. “You will go with Caleb. And you will run in wolf form. Yes?”

  It wasn't a question. Caleb was pre
tty sure Rielle wasn't breathing as she nodded at her Alpha.

  “You will also keep Caleb calm,” Alpha continued. “He needs someone with him who will not help incite him to further misplaced anger.”

  “Misplaced—” Caleb began, something that felt suspiciously like embarrassment driving his words. Before he could get out another sound, though, Alpha shook his head, effectively shutting him down.

  “You have not run with the Pack in too long,” Alpha continued smoothly to Rielle, as if Caleb hadn't spoken. “Your wolf needs it. The grounds are safe, but Caleb will provide protection for you regardless.”

  From a sidelong glance, Caleb noted the rosy blush sweep across Ri's face. Somehow, it made her even more adorable.

  “That will be all,” Channing Bardou finished. He nodded pleasantly at them both before leaving.

  An alpha, especially one like the Black Mesa Alpha, never shouted unless utterly necessary. Just his simple words were enough to lay down the law. There was absolutely no disobeying what were clearly orders.

  “Well,” Caleb said after his father was gone. “I guess we're going on a run together.”

  His wolf sat up in his mind, more than eager not only for another run, but one with this most fascinating wolf beside him.

  “I guess so.” Rielle's faint voice echoed in the empty corridor. She sounded anything but excited.

  * * *

  Rielle couldn't help it. She stared at Caleb as he undressed like she'd never seen him without clothes before.

  The woods behind the den stood thick, filled with graceful ferns, showy purplish-blue and white columbine, and the sheltering canopy of ancient old forest growth. The huge trees and somewhat remote location were the main reason the land had been purchased by the Pack many decades ago, as they provided the perfect cover for wolves running around in the daylight not all that far from human enclaves.

  Rielle's wolf danced inside her with impatience and thrilled exuberance, extending into Ri's human senses more than she had in a long time. A stab of guilt filled her, coupled with a niggling whisper of fear. She owed it to her wolf to be a wolf, to run and hunt and tussle and play with her Packmates. Otsana had been right, of course, that she needed to focus on what she truly was: a wolf shifter. More than just human. She had an obligation to her Pack, not to mention herself.

  Even if contemplating what exactly she might do while in wolf form was a little terrifying.

  More importantly, as Pack Historian, Rielle was fully aware of the consequences of actively suppressing one's wolf side for a long time. It didn't happen often, at least not that she'd found mentioned in all her reading over the years. But it was fact that a few shifters in the past had so thoroughly rejected their wolf selves, they had eventually been unable to shift out of their human phase. Pack expulsion eventually occurred; sometimes, in more distant history, death had been ordered for those who longed to live only in the two-legged world.

  The big problem right now was that she had to strip down and run like a wolf. As a wolf. A wild, undisciplined creature that lived by instinct and physical sensation. She would have to feel those—intense feelings. Let herself go, unchecked.

  The thought of it made her almost paralyzed with anxiety.

  And, she would have to run with Caleb. Caleb! That big, strong, utterly mack truck-barreling wolf.

  Mmm, her wolf whispered. The noise, so funnily human coming from her wolf, and its underlying desire made Rielle almost stumble with surprise at the appreciative longing in it. Even though she was standing stock still, watching Caleb Bardou take off his clothes and reveal every single inch of that incredibly muscled, huge, perfectly male body to her.

  He glanced up at her, one hand reaching down to tug his jeans off from around his feet and kick them to the side. A grin lit his face, though it was edged with something Rielle couldn't quite put a finger on.

  “Come on, Ree. You heard the Alpha.” His tone teased, slipping along her suddenly hyper-sensitive skin, bringing out a light sprinkle of goosebumps despite the soft warmth of late afternoon. “Run or perish.”

  She knew he mean the last sentence as a joke, but it sliced at her for an uncomfortable moment.

  Run, her wolf insisted, pawing at her mind with a forcefulness Ree hadn't felt in too long.

  “Okay,” she said. “I'm getting ready.” Tentatively, she slipped off her sandals.

  Then Caleb dropped his drawers and stood there in all his naked male glory. For a completely ridiculous, girly reason, Rielle let her jaw drop as well as she froze again, staring at him. Why, oh why, was Caleb the picture of muscled, manly, delicious perfection? His muscles rippled, his abs were honest-to-goodness washboard, golden hair dusted over his chest, down his legs, and temptingly nestled

  Rielle's throat dried. Her pulse ricocheted madly and her breath came shallow and quick.

  Run. Her wolf pawed, impatient yet knowing. Run with him.

  Caleb looked at Rielle, catching her staring with all the grace of a clueless innocent. His offhanded glance hardened into a serious look, holding her eyes with his gaze, all traces of a grin wiped off his face. Something indefinable but very real stretched between them, sparking along Rielle's nerve endings, connecting her to Caleb with a jumble of confusion, desire, restlessness, and a sense of something battling within her to be let out and just run.

  Cale cocked his head at her just a bit. The look in his eyes shifted in something more primal, more predatorlike. His wolf hovered just beneath the surface, lending Caleb a dangerous air of grace and claw-sharp intent.

  Wolves shifted naked all the time. It was something they did from childhood, something they saw their elders do, something utterly natural and accepted, so much so it was like breathing or eating or knowing the sun would rise every day. Nakedness in front of one another was nothing special, nor shameful, nor hidden. It was normal and not a big deal.

  Except, apparently, for this particular moment, because Rielle found herself quivering in the face of all her exploding emotions. In the face of the one wolf looking at her with an invitation in his eyes, one she had not until this moment seriously considered as real.

  “Ree.” Her name was a whisper on his tongue, and she shivered again in a sort of delicious anticipation.

  Slowly, as if afraid she would bolt if he moved faster, Caleb stretched his hand out to her and made a small beckoning motion with his fingers. Silently, he waited for her.


  Caleb wondered if it were literally possible to swallow one's own tongue from sudden, raging desire. The second he'd looked at Rielle and caught the pure longing on her face as she openly stared at him standing naked before her, he knew on every level what he'd only been daring to hope before. She did want him. She really was interested. It was real, he hadn't been making it up.

  He could tell her wolf danced at her edges, pushing and tugging and urging her to give in and simply be what she was: free and able to toss off that buttoned-up human side of hers. Able to run with him the way wolves should run together.

  Slowly, Rielle reached down, caught up the short dress she wore, and lifted it up her body, tugging it over her head. The bra and panties she had on beneath were pale pink and clung to her with an almost exaggerated sexiness, like a drowning man grasping onto a lifeboat.

  Caleb groaned, very quietly. He knew she heard him, because she paused for a moment before pulling the dress all the way off. Very gently, she laid it on the smooth wooden bench beside her. Small benches and boxes were scattered throughout the forest just inside the edge closest to the den, for the express purpose of placing clothing wolves didn't want to get dirty or damaged. Shifting directly by the main house itself generally wasn't allowed, on the off chance a visiting human might spot them.

  With an inhale, Rielle reached behind to unclasp her bra. As she did, she lifted her eyes to Caleb's again. It was a shy, uncertain look, definitely not that of a woman who knew exactly what she wanted. Even so, it was by far the hottest look he had ever got
ten from a woman. His balls clenched so suddenly and so tightly it felt like they wanted to shoot off arrows of lust in every direction.

  Not classy. Rielle was classy. Get a grip, get a grip. He tried to think of something else. Something boring, so dull it would redirect him to safer territory for the moment. He didn't want to scare her off before she was even ready to come to him.

  Rielle let her bra drop to the bench. Then she tugged off her panties and very carefully placed them beside her bra. She never broke their gaze, despite the fact her face was a rosy pink.

  Nope. No way he could think of anything else but her, standing there in front of him all soft and sweet-smelling and so pretty he just wanted to scoop her up, lay her down, and taste her all over. He'd seen Rielle naked before, of course. For some reason, though, she'd never looked quite this—touchable. Her soft breasts with the nipples lightly pebbled from the air, her sweetly rounded hips, the smooth expanse of all her skin....

  Once more, he thought swallowing his tongue might be a genuine danger.

  Caleb saved himself from behaving like an absolutely bumbling idiot the only way he could think. “Great, you're naked, let's run!” he said, shifting even as he spoke. Without waiting for her response to his completely stupid words, he turned and leapt into the woods.

  Just a few strides in, he sensed her right behind him. Slowing, he let her overtake him. She didn't seem to have held his words against him. A small, dark gray-brown wolf, very delicate and dainty like the woman, Rielle shot past him like a waterfall leaping over the edge of the cliff, shimmering and fluid and dancing all at once. She zoomed ahead with a joyful leap and yip that almost startled him in its playful quality.

  “Running!” The cry burst from her in a joyful howl, then another. She sped around a tree, leapt onto a boulder, then bounced off it sideways to land full throttle, still stretched out racing. Her tongue lolled out as she put on another burst of speed, pulling ahead of him even farther.


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