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Black Mesa Wolves Complete Series Boxset Bks 1-7

Page 32

by J. K Harper

  But they did. Perfectly.

  Caleb eased back out almost the entire way, wringing a soft cry of protest from her. He paused right there, teasing her, then slowly stroked back inside her tight passage. Her cry melted into a deeper, more aroused sound, one of such primal satisfaction she could hardly believe it was her own voice.

  Her wolf writhed and twined and urged her on, meeting Caleb stroke for stroke, waltzing with him in a perfect harmony as if they'd done so forever.

  “Ah,” Caleb said. His voice sounded guttural, close to his wolf. “You're so soft inside, Ree.”

  He began sliding in and out of her, his rhythm roughly perfect or perfectly rough. She was losing her thoughts again, getting lost in the motion and the feelings and the slick warmth of the enveloping night around them. With each thrust into her, Caleb moved a little harder, a little faster. She found herself matching the rhythm with her hips, meeting him when he came to her, then seeking him when he pulled away. In and out, back and forth, the movement pulsed through her entire body, swirling along with it something big and hot and inevitable. She felt the roar of the inferno building inside in answer to his timeless dance with her body. Her own body wasn't hers anymore; she couldn't control it. Licks of fire sizzled along her nerve endings, flaring up every time she saw the intensity written on his face, the sheer power and lust rushing through him as he rolled his hips against her over and over, filling her with his hugeness and the sheer power of his need.

  Rielle caught Caleb's eyes with hers, sharing the magnitude of their desire as his wild, natural tempo lifted them both to a dizzying new height. The insistence of his flesh drumming against her still-sensitive nub while his enormous maleness filled and stretched her past what she'd thought she could handle built an even richer, more profound sensation than before. Caleb's mouth opened with a deep, primitive groan, making him look utterly feral and sexy in his most vulnerable moment. Rielle knew he was about to hurtle over that dazzling edge, just as she was.

  “Rielle!” he shouted her name, along with other words she hardly registered, and shuddered violently, beautifully against her. His voice sounded again, as thick and raspy and purely masculine as that huge part of himself hotly jetting inside her. She literally felt the long, hot spurts inside her, which triggered her own savage orgasm. It came screaming up through her, the astounding force of it tearing out of her throat in another wild, purely carnal shriek that left her shaking and raw. Whirled up and away, she felt herself shattering into a million tiny points of exquisitely stunning light. Mindless with ecstasy, she rode them into a radiant, splintering oblivion.

  Moments or hours or days later, Rielle drifted back into her body. Each limb felt deliciously heavy. Being in her skin had never felt so utterly right before. Caleb sprawled on top of her, his back sweat-slicked beneath her softly stroking fingers, his breathing still ragged. She sensed he was holding back his full weight from settling onto her. Carefully, lazily wiggling around, she managed to maneuver herself so he lay somewhat on his side, with his leg and arm still draped across her in possessive embrace. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her earlobe, sending new shivers down her skin.

  “Again already?” His sexy, deep voice rumbled with laughter and pure satisfaction.

  “Mm,” she murmured, smiling into his shoulder.

  They lay entwined on the forest floor for a long time, so long Rielle wondered if he had fallen asleep. Her mind played back the details of their lovemaking, thrilling her again with the magical yet genuine reality of it. Mine, her wolf thought, filled with possessiveness and contentment. Mine.

  Yes. This big, bad wolf was hers, body and soul. And heart, she hoped. She was pretty sure Caleb had captured her own heart already. Maybe he'd caught it years ago, when they were both still cubs trying to figure out their places in this world. She'd never realized it because he seemed nothing like the one she'd thought she'd wanted.

  Caleb is everything, her wolf thought, simple yet clear and filled with unshakeable conviction. He is all to me. To you. You are me. I am you. He is mine.

  Rielle felt more whole and content than she could ever remember.

  Caleb stirred. Stretching his hand over her side, his fingers found one breast and gently played with it, rolling his fingertips over the hardening nipple and stroking the rounded part. His lips found hers again, and she let him nip at the bottom one before he claimed her mouth in another thorough kiss that left her panting.

  After more long, almost timeless moments wrapped in his arms and feeling totally secure, Caleb finally spoke.

  “That was incredible, Ree,” he said.

  The simple words, said without force or brashness, touched her heart and made her eyes prickle. She tightened her arms around what parts of him she could reach and held on hard. Caleb nestled his face into her neck, the weight of his arm and leg over her making her feel possessed, safe, and grounded. She let her breathing match his, listening to nothing more than the sound of them existing together in this one moment.

  He gently shifted, sighing in contentment. After another few moments during which she almost drifted off, though, a simmering growl startled her into vivid awareness.

  “What?” She lifted her head and looked around the clearing, her wolf looking out her eyes for danger. The area remained empty of anything but whispering aspen trees and the last shards of moonlight peeking through the branches above them.

  Caleb shook his head. His suddenly tense body betrayed some sort of inner alarm, however. “I was thinking about the rogues,” he said. The growl stained his voice, deepened it. “If they ever come near you, Ree. Ever.” His voice clipped off the rest of whatever he meant to say, sudden rage darkening through his tone.

  A long, ominous pause held them wrapped in tension as Rielle waited for him to finish that sentence. Her nerves felt tight as she tried to stroke away the rigidity in his back. Pure male wolf dictated his words. In spite of the purely female response she had to his possessiveness, unease pricked at her nerves, wiring them tighter.

  “If any of them ever touches you, I'll kill them. Especially him.”

  Caleb's voice hammered the relaxation she'd been feeling into a memory. Tightening her arms around him, willing her breathing to stay even, she said, “Him who?”

  Before he answered, though, she knew whose name he would say.

  “That rogue who thinks he'd going to be an alpha.” Rielle sensed he struggled to rein in more colorful terms about Luke.

  With a sinking awareness, Rielle realized his antipathy toward Luke and all things rogue was now heightened. Because of her.

  “He is going to be an alpha,” she said gently. She only pointed it out to remind him there were rules in place. Even Caleb couldn't defy his own Alpha. At least, she didn't think he would.

  She could feel the aggravation rolling through him like a living thing. His muscles coiled and bunched beneath her hands. Even though she didn't fear Caleb and never would, no matter how extreme his anger might get, she did feel apprehensive about what he might do. She knew his temper could be volatile at best. With what they had just shared—the thought of which sent a shivering flush through her even now—he had another justification to let his stewing anger boil over.

  Even more worrisome, Caleb did not answer her. He simply took a deep breath, then started to kiss her again, with a fierce possession that instantly shot a bolt of liquid desire straight between her legs. After that, she forgot everything else except the presence of the man who had helped her finally free her wolf.


  Caleb couldn't seem to get rid of his smile. Every time he thought of Ree, which was only about two thousand times a day, a goofy grin slid across his face. The pillowy softness of her lips, that sweet hollow at the base of her throat, the breathy gasps she made when she was coming.... Oh, yeah. He'd pleased the hell out of his woman. No wonder he was grinning like a stupid fool.

  The second time he'd taken her, it had been just that—taking. Firm, decisive, although still gentl
e and ready for her to call the shots if she signaled in any way she was nervous. But her responsiveness to his advances surprised him yet turned him on so much he'd been a total stud the whole night. Not that he really felt like a stud when it was Rielle. Something about her made the act deeper, more meaningful. The way she'd come, screaming so hard he thought she might damage her throat, had washed him with awe that he had done that to her. Then the way she looked at him right after had made him feel funny inside. Sort of soft and gooey.

  She is mine. His wolf's flat out declaration matched the feeling deep in Caleb's every bone. Rielle was his, and he wanted to let everyone know. Well, maybe not exactly everyone quite yet. For the past few days, he'd managed to avoid his brothers. They'd know in a heartbeat and never stop teasing him. Especially Rafe. He'd just give that knowing look and nod like Caleb had finally figured it all out.

  Maybe he had. He knew one thing for sure: he'd never felt more certain about something in his whole life than that he and Rielle belonged together. That she was his mate. His wolf growled in assent.

  His cell vibrated in his pocket. He fished it out and scanned the message. To his surprise, it was his human poker buddy, Mason.

  Hey man. Some really sketchy guys have been asking around town about you n your fam. Pretty rough trade. You okay? Let me know if I need to kick some ass for you

  Caleb snorted at the thought of Mason offering to kick ass for a pack of wolf shifters. Even so, it was damn decent of him to watch his back. Mason might be just a casual acquaintance, but Caleb had always sensed he was a stand up sort of guy.

  His cell buzzed again.

  They said Licas sends his regards. Who the hell names their kid Licas? Poor guy

  The goofy smile scattered from Caleb's face in a nanosecond. With a bone-snapping speed, his wolf clawed at his mind, rage tumbling close to out-of-control. His vision blurred, his hands clenched so hard he almost felt real claws sprouting from them, and his entire body stiffened with the urge to shift so he could maim, rend, kill.

  Kill, his wolf snarled. Must protect mate. A vision of Rielle, fragile and untrained as a warrior, filled his head. Traitor. He flashed a mental image of Luke's wolf covered in blood, roaring as he leapt toward Caleb.

  Some alpha-in-training Luke had turned out to be. The asshole must have planned this from the very beginning. He meant to infiltrate the Black Mesa Pack, take them down with his false promises, with the way he played up to Alpha's needs to expand the Pack and create buffer packs nearby.

  “Bastard!” Caleb heaved the word out into his empty kitchen, his half-eaten, now forgotten snack sitting on the countertop. He followed that with a stream of curse words his mother would have grounded him for back when he was a kid.

  He shot back a text.

  When? Now? Where are they?

  Centuries went by before Mason responded.

  Just talked to them. Lied like a mofo n said your a lameass poker player so I don't keep in touch. Srsly man you need help?

  Despite the snarling beast inside him ready to be unleashed, Caleb huffed out a breath of laughter. There always had been a reason he liked Mason. The guy was not only straight up, he was funnier than hell.

  Another vibration.

  They just left 5 min ago. I can round up the guides n we can drown em if you want. Don't tell my boss

  This time, Caleb let his lip curl up in what was probably a pretty scary version of a smile. Mason worked as a rafting guide down the Animas River in the summer. Caleb had met a few of his fellow guides during some long poker nights. They were all crazy and wild when they were off the river, completely focused and serious when they were at work, and of course would never really drown anyone. Even so, the thought of that traitor rogue soaking wet and spitting angry was an image Caleb could indulge in with grim satisfaction.

  Thanks for the offer. Its cool, I got this. You can't lose your job anyway you need that tiny pay so I can take it all in the next game

  Caleb was already moving when Mason's text buzzed in.

  Ha. Anyway call if you need a hand. They looked super sketch

  Yeah. Because they were. And now Caleb knew exactly where to find them.

  Trying to sound casual, he shot off a quick text to Ree. Thinking of her sweet little body and what it had done to him last night—and this morning—nearly gave him pause. She was in the main den. Showering. Then returning to him, clean and and still luscious.

  Must protect Rielle. His wolf reared up in defiance of the Alpha's orders, of his own common sense. Must protect all Pack.

  Stabbing his fingers at the screen, he sent off a second text to someone else.

  Without a backward look, Caleb headed out to the woods. Once he was barely out of sight, he yanked off his clothes and left them dropped on the ground. He'd get to town much faster as a wolf, not to mention he'd be seen leaving by himself if he took his car. There was no sense in going after the bastard rogue wolf here at the den. Caleb's brothers would stop him, not to mention he would not be able to defy the Alpha in that close of a proximity. But going to town to find those rogues sniffing after him and his Pack was another thing entirely. He might be defying orders. But to end this crap once and for all it was worth it. Damned if he'd let those mangy dogs rule his Pack's life anymore.

  He dug his paws into the dirt and launched himself toward downtown Durango, fueled by the thought of blood and vengeance. When an image of Rielle's soft, troubled face popped into his mind, he gritted his jaw despite his longing and barreled on.

  She'd understand. She'd have to.

  * * *

  Rielle pushed opened the door to the dining room and looked inside again. Still empty, the afternoon shadows bathed its walls while the rich sunlight filtered in here and there through the branches of the huge pine just outside the main window.

  She frowned. This was her second sweep of the den, and still she came up empty. She'd even used her heightened senses this time, trying to sniff for Caleb's scent. His scent was here, yes. Of course his scent was here, he lived in one of the houses on the property and his scent lingered all over the place. Even the traces of it, with its woodsy undertones and the overall masculine appeal of it, made her feel deliciously light-headed for a second.

  Her wolf sent a deeply satisfied image of Caleb pleasuring her over and over last night. Rielle felt the pink creep into her face even as she smiled at the image. It had been playful, intense, gentle, firm, and frankly earth-shattering. He'd kept her up till the early morning hours, then they'd slept until dawn. Until he'd woken her out of a dead sleep with another wrenching orgasm, his skilled lips playing on her as if he'd done it all his life.

  When she woke up again shortly before noon, he'd been propped up on an elbow, looking down at her with something close to awe in his expression.

  “Ree,” he'd said in that rumble of his, the one that would now probably make her tingle and blush every day for the rest of her life. “You hungry? Because I'm starving. Been up all night, working pretty hard to make you happy.”

  The tease in his voice startled her. Her big, strong, rough wolf could be silly and gentle with her. She'd smiled at him, knowing full well it was a totally silly smile. But she just couldn't seem to help it.

  He'd fixed her a simple but actually really good breakfast in his little kitchen. Seeing her face at the first bite, he'd said, “Hey. I'm a honed fighting machine. Have to keep it well fueled. Besides,” he added sheepishly, “the women in my family made sure all us clueless guys could cook. Said it was a life skill that would save us while we were still single, then help us move on from bachelorhood to actually getting dates.”

  “Then I guess I was too easy, since you're cooking for me only now. I should have waited longer to give it up,” Rielle said in her most prim voice. She managed to keep a straight face while Caleb gawked at her for a moment, nonplussed, before she dissolved into laughter and shook her fork at him. “Gotcha!”

  Apparently, she could tease and be relaxed around him as well.

  She finally returned to her little room in the main den to shower and change, leaving her big, bad wolf with a promise to be back soon. So where on earth was the silly guy, then? She could smell his scent here in the den's dining room, too, but it was from a few days ago. She wondered if he'd come to the den looking for her, and she'd just missed him on his way back to his place.

  “What are you doing here?”

  She jumped at the deep voice, having been caught up in her single-minded focus on Caleb. Turning around, she took a step back from the unreadable expression on the face of the usually aloof, even disdainful wolf who filled the doorway between her and the hall.

  “Are you looking for someone?” he asked her, eyes narrowing a bit.

  For some reason, Rielle's pulse sped up and her suddenly wary wolf leapt to the front of her being as Luke Rawlins took a step inside the kitchen toward her.


  As the buildings of town began to appear from behind the juniper and pinyon trees Caleb loped behind, he slowed his pace. The primitive rage still stirred in there, hot and oily, but his carefully measured thoughts remained cool and focused. This was what he did best: plan, attack, fight, win. Anger fueled his strength, but calculation won the battle. Sometimes his anger overpowered everything, but not right now. Everything he'd ever read in old Kurt's library about the art of war told him rage had to be tempered in order for it to be effective.

  He'd see how effective it was when those rogues felt the brunt of it.


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