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Black Mesa Wolves Complete Series Boxset Bks 1-7

Page 74

by J. K Harper

  But mate exists, her wolf whispered. He exists.

  She had no good response to that.

  Caitlin looked up as Lily came back in the room, phone in hand. She had a funny look on her face, and she clearly was trying to communicate something to Kieran. He stared at his mate in incomprehension, however, and finally just shrugged. "Lils, you're either going to have to say it out loud, or else be rude again and drag me out of here to tell me something that apparently I'm just not understanding." He glanced at Caitlin, then the pups. "Not in front of the munchkins?" he guessed.

  Lily took a deep breath, let it out, and smiled. "Dearest mate of mine," she said, "everyone in here will find out soon enough." With a beatific smile, she sat back down and began tickling the children in their chairs. Even Caitlin had to smile faintly at the ensuing giggles and shrieks.

  Half an hour later, bellies full of strawberry pie and vanilla ice cream, Caitlin was just about to start pushing back her chair to help clean up and then get the pups ready to go back to the den when there was a knock at the door.

  Kieran's eyebrows raised. He glanced at Lily. She just smiled at him. "I'll go get that," she said, sailing to the door.

  Caitlin and Kieran glanced at each other and both shrugged.

  The twins were busy playing napkin wars with with one another when Lily came back into the room.

  All the air immediately seemed to suck out of it for Caitlin.

  Behind Lily stood Jace. His face was freshly-shaven. His clothes were crisp and neat. His scent—his scent alone was going to make her pass out from something that felt like shock.

  Joyous shock.


  "Jace! Jace, you were gone so long! We're going home tomorrow. Did you come to say goodbye to us?"

  The pups shoved themselves away from the table and hurtled toward Jace, who knelt down with open arms. They tumbled in and excitedly began talking a mile a minute, apparently forgetting all about their tears earlier. He nodded and smiled at them, but his eyes frequently flicked up to Caitlin's. Once again, she couldn't read his expression. After a moment, Kieran elbowed her. "Breathe," he suggested. She sucked in a large gasp, trying to keep it as quiet as possible.

  Lily came back over to the table and quietly announced to her mate, "You and I are keeping our most favorite niece and nephew in the world with us tonight. Jace is going to stay, read them some stories, apologize for being absent the last several days," and she glanced at Caitlin with a rueful twist of her lips before continuing, "and then he's going to tuck them into bed here in our spare room. And then he and Caitlin are going to leave and do whatever it is that they need to do."

  Lily smiled like a cat with cream at that. Kieran rolled his eyes and shook his head, murmuring, "Yeah, I get that. No details needed, please. Caitie, keep breathing," he added.

  Caitlin obeyed as her world once again tilted and shifted around her.

  The next hour had her tight with nerves as her wolf danced and spun in her mind, the warmth coiling low in her belly and spreading throughout her body as she watched Jace with her children. It was true, she realized, what Kieran had said. Liam and Briana did love Jace. And he genuinely seemed to return that affection to them.

  They helped clean up in the kitchen, played a final game, even headed without protest to bath time with Caitlin and Lily supervising. Then they got tucked into bed, demanding to snuggle next to Jace as he read them not one, not two, but three stories. And throughout it all, he was unbelievably patient, settled, and every now and then simply looking at Caitlin with an expression she still couldn't parse.

  The navy blue eyes, though, were piercing her straight to her soul.

  Finally, after Jace carefully disentangled himself from the two sleeping little ones and gently kissed each one on top of their heads, Lily firmly ushered them out the door. "Have a good evening, you two. No need to rush in the morning," she added, with a grin. “We've got the pups as long as you need.” Waving, she shut the door.

  Later, Caitlin didn't even recall the length of the walk to Jace's house. Because she didn't get a chance to walk. He simply turned to her and said, "I was a damned idiot. Give me another chance."

  Almost before the words left his mouth, she said, half laughing and half crying, "Always. You always have another chance with me."

  With that, he scooped her up into his arms, pulling a startled gasp out of her. "What are you doing?" she asked, but he hushed her.

  "Taking you to my bed, mate of mine," he growled, striding off with her into the dark.

  Oh. Well, okay then.

  Caitlin was pretty sure her panties were soaking wet by the time they got to his bedroom in his house. Still in a daze, she locked eyes with him when he gently dropped her onto the bed. In two seconds flat, his clothes were on the floor. Caitlin lay on the bed, staring with pure appreciation at naked Jace standing there, completely unabashed. He was stunning. Tall, ripped, and clearly very ready for her. Her wolf gibbered in her mind just as she was, urging Caitlin to simply let go and enjoy her mate.

  Utterly eager, she did just that. Without a word, he came to her. Long, hard, smelling like wild spices and the forest and a fierce spring breeze, Jace covered her body with his. His hands roamed her skin, stroking and swirling. His lips followed his fingers, leaving kisses like small, hot brands trailing down her stomach, across one breast, up her neck. Then down one thigh. Up the other one.

  "Jace," she said, her voice barely more than a moan. "Please."

  "Always," he said. "Always." Then he gently kissed her right between her legs, drawing his lips and tongue through the soft folds of flesh there, tasting her and growling with deep approval in his throat while Caitlin arched against him and pressed his head down onto her.

  Thoroughly inarticulate sounds passed from her mouth as he licked and stroked her with his tongue. Big, soft, lapping her up and down like she was cream, then hard and pushing inside her, it explored her wet crevices and folds as if she tasted better than anything he'd ever before savored. Caitlin's head felt disconnected from her body, the sensations rippling and flowing over her. Her hands clutched the top of his head, pushing it down harder between her legs. She felt his chuckle against her, his hot breath heating her even more.

  “Jace,” she began to chant, first in a low voice, her fingers convulsing on his head. Her tone pitched higher as he finally settled into a rhythm, the movements focusing on her plumped folds, back and forth with such consistent intensity she knew an orgasm soon would explode out of her. She could feel it building, taking her higher and higher, all the sensations centered in that molten spot between her thighs. “Jace,” she whispered, her ragged breath making a cadence of his name, drawing it out into two syllables of sheer desire.

  He began to hum against her slick flesh, his tongue never stopping its rhythm. “Jace!” she screamed as the orgasm abruptly catapulted out of her, the power and strength of it lifting her body off the bed and tensing her legs.

  After she shook and twisted and called out his name, feeling like her head would just pop right off her body from the force of her orgasm, Jace didn't stop. He kept licking her, holding her hips between his large hands, as the tremors shook her and the sweet kaleidoscope of colors and shooting stars took over her vision. Everything slowed and melted and thrilled her all at once, the feeling overwhelming her with a sated bliss she'd never before felt. It held her body rigid yet shaking as it all slammed over her, her mouth open in a soundless cry, Jace's head still buried between her legs as he lapped up every last drop before she was finally spent and collapsed back onto the bed.

  For long moments, only her jagged breathing filled the room. Jace moved his head away, rested it on one thigh, his hands now gently stroking her hips and belly, his fingers tracing little designs in the sweat she'd worked up. He made a very satisfied murmur, turning his head so he could trail little kisses over the tops of her leg. As he slightly shifted, she felt the impossibly hard length of his cock move against her calf. Smiling, feeling h
er breathing settle back into a more normal rhythm, Caitlin moved her hands to his shoulders and tugged him upward.

  Laughing, though it was edged with a pent-up tumult she sensed he was holding back only because he'd wanted to please her first, Jace moved up her body to kiss her mouth again. He tasted like her, and him, the combination basically frying her brain into sweet oblivion. He breathed out, "Caitlin," his voice on tenterhooks.

  Before he could finish, she said in a ridiculously breathy voice, "Yes. Inside me. Right now."

  She was ready for him. Wet, still eager, aching for him to fill her. Pushing himself up onto his arms, Jace reached down and gently guided himself into her. As his hardness slid into her, the length and heft of his cock filling her like it was meant to be, they both gasped, the blended sound filling the room. Caitlin wrapped her legs around his, her hands pushing down on his back. Pushing him deeper inside her.

  “This working for you?” His voice teased, though a dark element of need raced through it. His eyes were so dark now they almost seemed black.

  Unable to trust her voice, Caitlin just nodded, losing herself in the deep need in his eyes, the stark desire written on his features.

  “Good,” was all he said, before he drew himself back, almost all the way out despite her small cry of protest, then rammed back into her again. Exultation spread over his face as her own expression encouraged him on, her hands moving over his skin, her body arching up into his as he bore into her again and again.

  Claiming her. Claiming her with his every inch.

  Even though she felt another climax rising in her, hard and fast, Caitlin held back. This time, she wanted him to come first. She wanted to see the wary planes of his face loosen into ecstasy, wanted to hear the frayed tempo of his voice, wanted to feel him releasing deep inside her, the joy gripping his entire body as it sent him hurtling over the edge.

  “Caitlin,” he groaned, his hands spread over the sheets on either side of her head, his hips meeting hers again and again. Sweat sheened on his brow. “Caitie, I can't hold back. I can't—”

  “I know,” she whispered, delighting in the feel of his cock swelling even more inside her, the sensation of being possessed by her mate, of being loved by him, sweeping over every centimeter of her body. “Don't hold back. I want to see your face.”

  With another long, loud groan, Jace let go, thrusting into her with a rough cry, spilling his heat inside her, his entire body taut with his release. Giddy elation swept over his face as he shouted her name over and over, his eyes still open, holding hers, as he joined himself to her. She held onto him as the wave crested over her as well, ripping out another orgasm and a long, keening cry from her lips that mingled with his, echoing throughout the room.

  Melded together, exactly as they should be.

  A few long, luxurious hours later, Caitlin fell asleep, then woke to him touching her, then fell asleep again. Woke again to find his mouth seeking hers, eager and insatiable and thrilled. She'd never been so sated in her life, or slept so soundly in between rounds of their lovemaking. Without a doubt, she knew he would protect her without fail. Her, and the pups.

  Just before dawn, Jace woke her up again by kissing her gently along her jawline. She turned her face to him and met his lips with hers, sleepily delighting in the amazing taste and sensation of her mate being with her.

  Yes. Where he belongs, her wolf thought firmly.

  Yes, indeed. Exactly where he belonged. And where she belonged as well.

  "I'm never leaving you or the pups again, Caitlin," he said, his voice hoarse from repeated cries during the night.

  She knew he meant it.

  "That's good," she said, just as solemnly. Very faint dawn light was just beginning to lighten the room. "Because if you ever think about leaving us again, I've got two little hellion children with very sharp teeth to sic on you.”

  He laughed. “Deal,” he said, one hand stroking her stomach into a quivering, anticipating shiver while the other slowly found its way to her breast and peaked nipple.

  “Not to mention my heart, Jace," she added in a whisper. "It can't take that again. You know,” she added, reaching up a hand to draw along his stubbled cheek, “Even if we didn't have a mate bond, I would fall in love with you anyway."

  His answer was to kiss her again, with somewhat less urgency but just as much passion as they had met with throughout the night. Then he pulled back from her just enough to softly say, "I started to fall in love with you the moment I first saw you. I've found my home, Caitie,” he whispered. “My home is you...and our pups."

  Her heart swelling so much she thought it might burst out from her chest with a sudden, fierce joy, Caitlin laid her head against him to listen to his heartbeat. "Yes," she said. "And our home is with you. Now and forever, mate of mine. Now,” she smiled, “shut up and kiss me. We've still got a few hours before the sun rises."

  "Anything you say, mate of mine," he said in a possessive, joyous growl, and then he began kissing her again in earnest.

  * * *

  Turn the page to read Book 7, Fire Wolf!

  Fire Wolf

  To everyone who has braved the fire for love


  Acrid smoke clogged up Tanner's lungs. Coughing, he jammed his mask back on and sucked in filtered air.

  The chief leveled a dangerous glare at Tanner through his own mask. "You know the damn rules, Canagan. Keep it on. Next time I see you pull that kind of dumb move, you're getting written up."

  Anger dropped over Tanner in an icy sheet. He opened his mouth to retort, but the chief thrust his head forward, neck tendons bulging out. “Not a word, son. Don't you make me regret keeping you on. You and that hot head of yours.”

  The look in his eyes said Tanner had better not even take a breath, let alone say anything. Slicing his hand across his throat in a sharp cut it out motion, the chief turned on his heel and strode back toward the engines parked in front of the house that had just burned to a crisp despite the crew’s best efforts.

  Slamming his own glare after his boss, wolf pacing and huffing in his mind, Tanner turned his head to look back at the charred, smoking remains of what used to be somebody's home. His gut churned at the sight. He hated it when they lost a house. When a family was devastated. There had to be a reason this fire had started, and he was damn well going to discover it.

  Standing next to him, mask and helmet still firmly in place until they were given the go-ahead to remove them, Zach shot Tanner his own disapproving look. “He's the chief, man. Treat him with a little respect, won't you? You've been pushing the damn envelope too much lately.”

  Glaring back, Tanner ignored his lifelong friend's advice. He had a hell of a lot of respect for human firefighters. They were brave, strong, and tough. But they weren't wolf shifters. In Tanner's view, that meant every single one of them ranked below him. Even the chief. He had to follow human law and order, and he did, but holding in his temper was getting to be harder and harder the longer he stayed at this fire station.

  “I'm just trying to help figure out who did this,” he growled. With a pointed glare at his friend, he added, “Which is the job you're supposed to be training for. Want to help out?”

  Zach raised an eyebrow. He was in the fire investigation training program. While Tanner was not, he had personal reasons to always help out the investigations. Reasons Zach knew well. With a short head shake, Zach said, “Sure. When my chief tells me I can start. It's his call, Tanner. Not yours.”

  Tanner blew out a harsh breath and stared at the remains of the home. "If I start now, I can maybe pick something up.” With their wolf senses, both Tanner and Zach had a distinct edge over the rest of the human crew. Not that any of the other guys knew about the existence of shifters.

  There was no answer. He didn't look at Zach but figured his friend was giving him another look, and probably shaking his head at him this time, too. Tanner didn't care. This was his self-appointed job, and he was doing it. He'd found clues before t
hat he'd given to Zach to pass on to the investigation team. It wasn't like he was putting himself or Zach or anyone else in danger. The fire was contained. He was just doing his job. In the end, that was all that ever mattered. It didn't make a difference whether or not he got along with the rest of the crew, or if he had an independent, even rebellious streak. He wanted to help people, dammit. Being punished for that only slowed the process.

  Like always, Tanner made up his mind in a split second, his wolf's inner rumbles echoing his thoughts. As usual, he wasn't fitting in with the crew here. There were other places that needed his help. It was well past time for him to move on anyway. He'd been here closing in on a year. It made him feel edgy as hell.

  Even though this was as close to his first home as he'd lived since he was a pup.

  “Chief, hold up a sec. I need a word,” he called out after the rigidly departing back of his chief.

  Behind him, Zach muttered, “What the hell are you doing?”

  As Tanner headed toward the chief, who had turned around, he gave a single glance toward the paramedic vehicle parked down the street. Looking through its windshield, he caught the flash of dark hair and smooth skin of the woman seated inside, lit up by the interior lights.

  Swallowing hard, he resolutely turned toward the chief. His wolf suddenly whining inside at the determined whirl of Tanner's thoughts, he ignored both it and the soft, sensuous pull of the gorgeous female wolf shifter inside the paramedic vehicle.

  The one who squeezed at his chest and confused the hell out of his mind every time he thought of her. The one who would have to understand the decision he was about to make.


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