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To Crave Darkly: Trials Of A Morta: Book One

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by Bailey Grayson

  “I was only having fun,” the drunk protested while Stevie carted him off to the exit. Rae came over and we stood together as Stevie bodily threw the drunk out into the street.

  “I love watching him do that,” Rae chuckled. “It’s just so manly.”

  I laughed, grateful for the distraction. “It certainly is.”

  “You ok?” Rae asked.

  “I’m fine. I just feel like I smell like a candy shop now.”

  “That’s because you’re as sweet as sugar,” Stevie called as he walked back towards us. “Need a hand with the clean up?”

  Rae nudged me and waggled her eyebrows. It was no secret that Stevie liked me and Rae had been trying to set us up for months. He was nice but he wasn’t the guy for me. I was about to refuse his offer but Rae chose that moment to suddenly hear her name called from the other side of the bar. Traitor. I narrowed my eyes at her retreating form, and I hoped she felt my stare burning a hole in her back.

  “Sure, I’d like that,” I replied to Stevie. He grinned back at me and it turned him from intimidating to gorgeous. I was a horrible person. How could I not like someone as sweet as Stevie? The spark just wasn’t there. He was a great friend, but for me, there was never going to be anything more.

  After Stevie and I had cleaned up the bar and I’d swapped my sticky shirt for a fresh one, the rest of my shift passed without any other incidents. I watched Rae flirt unceremoniously with a group of well-dressed businessmen and knew full well she would be heading home with at least one of them, maybe two if she was lucky. I chatted happily with the numerous customers who gathered around the bar, but I wasn’t a flirt like Rae. Don’t get me wrong, the guys at the bar flirted with me, and I was pleasant and polite, but I was sick of men handing me their number on a napkin. I mean, how cliché can you get?

  I paused in the middle of stacking glasses. The hairs at the back of my neck prickled. The feeling of being watched again trailed over my skin. It felt like a ghostly hand crawled across my flesh and beckoned me to turn around. I spun round, my eyes scanning the crowd for that scary guy from earlier, but I couldn’t see him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a void of blackness. It was like all the light had been swallowed by the dark and the absence of it screamed look away. Instinctively I knew that was where he was. It was like something was telling me not to look but everything in me was fighting against that instinct. Again, there was that feeling of wanting to do the opposite of what a completely normal, sane person would do, accompanied by that static buzz that slithered along my arms. So, instead of running for the hills I turned and stared straight at him. I couldn’t see him; there was nothing to see but blackness, but as sure as I knew the sun would rise, I knew he was there staring straight back at me. It was starting to give me the creeps so of course, I decided to do something that no normal sane person would do.

  I gave the scary strange stalker guy the middle finger.

  Sorry mum, but sometimes you’ve got to poke the bear to get rid of it.

  Chapter 2


  Call me crazy but despite all the good advice and well-meaning offers I still walked home alone every night after my shift. I lived a ten-minute walk away and I couldn’t see the point in wasting the fuel. I knew I could possibly get mugged or murdered horribly and die but I also knew I could get taken out by a bus walking to the corner shop. I figured when it was my time to die it’d be my time and there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

  The trees rustled in the breeze behind me and something hit the ground, grabbing my attention. I turned around and saw the empty alleyway staring straight back at me. It was eerie and had always given me the creeps, but it was the fastest way home. I had always used it despite the overwhelming sense of dread I always felt entering it. Perhaps it was just the soundtrack of the night that creeped me out, or the branches that never seemed to have any leaves on, but after my run in with the weird guy at the club I felt really on edge. I shook my head, trying to shake off the fear, and started walking towards home but I couldn’t shirk the feeling that I was being followed. I glanced back over my shoulder, but I couldn’t see anything. Maybe I was just being paranoid. Yeh, that was it.

  I turned around and shouted out to the darkness. “I know you’re there. I’m running late and my boyfriend will get worried if I don’t show up soon. You know how paranoid cops can be...” Fingers crossed that worked but I decided to make a run for it anyway. I was a track athlete champion in my younger years so I figured I stood a good chance of being able to outrun whoever was following me. Almost there. Almost out the other side.

  Something heavy slammed into my back and I fell forwards. Hell no. I was not dying here. I scrambled back onto my feet, my chest heaving precious oxygen into my lungs.

  Run. I had to run. But my body seemed to be moving so slowly. A few more steps and I’d be in the open. Just a few more –

  Pain lanced across my scalp as a hand grabbed my hair and pulled me backwards. My back connected with something solid, but I bucked and thrashed in his hold. An arm snaked around my waist and the hand that was in my hair moved to my throat pinning me to my attacker. I clawed at the hand at my throat, but it wouldn’t budge. I slammed my elbow into his ribs. He yelped behind me and his grip on me loosened enough that I could throw my head backwards. My skull contacted with something pointy and I heard a satisfying crunch.

  I managed to break free of his hold, but two more men stalked towards me. Fuck. I knew I was going to get hurt. The odds were against me. There wasn’t much to me and the men in front of me looked huge. Adrenaline pumped through me and energy tripped and traipsed along my skin. I could feel something building and growing inside of me. What did it mean? One of them gripped my arm and I swung my fist at his face. I didn’t get as much force behind it as it connected with his jaw. I felt another fizzle of electricity sing through my veins. Another electric shock burst through my fingers.

  What the hell?

  Shit. There was no time to think about it. They were coming at me again.

  I started to run again but a hand grabbed me and pulled me to the ground. I pushed up onto all fours, ignoring the pain shooting up my knees. I made it to my feet and tried to run but meaty arms clenched around my waist and stopped my escape.

  I was hauled back into the darkness of the alley. No. Not back into the shadows. If I went back in there, I would never see the light of day again.

  I kicked and screamed as much as I could. Sweat trailed down my spine. My hands went clammy and panic threatened to overwhelm me.

  “How’s your nose?” the one holding me said.

  “I think the bitch has broken it.” The man with the now broken nose stepped in front of me and in the light of the street lamp I could see it did have a bit of a funny angle to it. I gave my inner self a little high five but Broken Nose Guy cut my victory short as his fist connected with the side of my face. Black spots danced before my eyes. He hit me again. His meaty paw collided painfully with my stomach. My feet gave way beneath me and I crumpled towards the ground. Fuck, that hurt. I felt the pinprick of tears sting my eyes as the guy holding me brought me back up to a standing position.

  “That’s enough Victor. Don’t spoil the merchandise. She’s definitely the one we’ve been looking for. He will be pleased.” The guy who hadn’t really done anything in the little fight stepped into the light moving Broken Nose guy, who I guessed was called Victor, out of the way. This guy was definitely the leader of the pack. He emanated authority, from his slicked back greasy hair to his outdated pinstripe suit.

  “You are going to make me a lot of money.” He gripped my chin with his cold clammy hands and leant closer to inspect me. His breath was rancid, and I had to hold back a gag. I stared straight at him and spat in his face. To my chagrin he just laughed. The sound was malicious and made my stomach churn. He brought his hand to his face and wiped the mess from it, grinning as he did. It was almost like he enjoyed it. Sick bastard.

  “What do you want
from me?” If I weren’t so terrified, I’d be really annoyed at how squeaky my voice sounded.

  “Everything, little girl, everything.” He grinned manically showing me a great set of pearly white teeth. I must have been losing it though because I was sure his canines looked really pointy. But I didn’t have time to dwell on that thought. A rustle of movement grabbed our attention and turned our gaze to the shadows.

  “Victor?” Greasy Man called into the darkness. There was no response. Then out of the silence the sound of a blade sliced through the air and Victor’s head rolled across the ground stopping at my feet. Lifeless eyes stared up at me and I retched.

  Oh my God. I was going to die.

  “Show yourself!” shouted Greasy Man.

  The figure of a man stepped into the shaft of light in front of us, moonlight glinting off his sword. He looked really fucking big and I really hoped he was here to help. I did not need another lunatic trying to kill me right now. Dressed all in black, the man looked intense. And also, familiar.

  Motherfucker. It was the guy from the club. What the fuck was he doing here?

  “Let her go,” the warrior hissed. His voice was only the level of a whisper, but it cut through the air menacingly.

  The guy holding me wrapped his forearm round my neck. He clearly wasn’t letting me go without a fight, but he wasn’t really letting me breathe either. I scratched at his forearms hoping that it would make the guy lessen his grip around my throat, but he didn’t falter. My consciousness slipped and my vision tunnelled. I tried to focus on what was happening in front of me, but the badass with the blade seemed to be moving faster than my eyes could process. The ground rose to meet me as the guy holding me was wrenched away. I looked up and saw my rescuer had him pinned to the ground. Before the blackness consumed me, I swear I saw the warrior plunge his hand into the guy’s chest and rip out his heart.

  But that’s impossible right?


  I felt like I was floating, the wind blowing tendrils of my hair against my face and I felt surrounded by something warm and solid. I opened my eyes and winced at the bright lights filtering into my vision forcing me to shut them tight again. Then I noticed the pain. My head was killing me. Christ, that guy had a mean right hook. I tried to move but I was stuck. Someone was holding me tight and fear spread through me like wildfire as I fought to free myself.

  “Lori, you’re ok.” A soothing deep voice calmed my tumultuous thoughts. I opened my eyes, slowly this time so I didn’t assault my retinas, and found myself looking into the bluest eyes I had ever seen. I couldn’t even find a word to describe how blue they were. They glowed a bright electric cobalt, and I was mesmerized.

  “Lori, I’m taking you home.” I tried to look at the face of my saviour, but I couldn’t seem to focus on anything, and I slipped into the darkness again haunted by the image of bright blue eyes.

  Chapter 3


  I woke up surrounded by my familiar bedsheets, but I didn’t remember how I got here. I felt groggy and my limbs felt like they each weighed a tonne. I tried to move but it was just way too much effort. I closed my eyes and tried to remember how I got into my bed but there was nothing, just a blank space where the memory should have been. I remembered the alley way, and the three guys. I remembered being hit. I tentatively touched the side of my face and winced. Damn, that was sore. But not as sore as I expected it to be. Then again, I had always healed pretty fast although I never understood why. I had always put it down to being healthy but the doctors were always surprised when a broken bone healed in half the time. I didn’t care that it was a bit of a medical mystery; I was just grateful.

  I gingerly sat up and propped myself against the headboard of my bed and realised I was wearing my pyjamas. What the hell? My clothes I wore last night were neatly folded on the chair in the corner and there was a glass of water with some painkillers on my bedside cabinet. Did I have a guardian angel? Then I recalled the man from the bar who came and saved me, and he was definitely more like an avenging angel than a guardian angel. There was so much blood. My stomach churned at the image of that man’s heart being ripped from his chest. The whole evening was such a blur, everything felt mixed up, and I couldn’t help feeling that something was off with those men. Something wasn’t right. The way they moved and the strength they seemed to have didn’t seem natural. Nah, I was just being silly; it was probably just a mild concussion making everything seem weird.

  I gratefully swallowed the painkillers and drank some water, relishing the feeling of the liquid going down my throat. I closed my eyes again and relaxed, breathing deeply, trying to see if any more of the events of last night resurfaced.

  “You’re awake,” a deep voice said, and I jumped a mile high with a shriek that made my headache ricochet deafeningly around my brain.

  “Shit,” I said, looking in the direction the voice came. I locked gazes with those blue eyes and my heart stopped. I didn’t imagine them. They were real and now I understood why the guy wore sunglasses. His eyes glowed intensely, like nothing I had ever seen before, and if I thought he was good-looking in the dark lights at the club, it was nothing compared to the way he looked now. He literally filled my doorway. He was tall, well-built but not overly muscled and god I bet he had women dropping their panties for him everywhere he went. He just personified that tall, dark and handsome look with tousled black hair that had my fingers itching to run through. A five o’clock shadow graced his jaw line and my lady bits clenched as my eyes drank in the sight of him. He was smoulderingly hot. If my jaw didn’t hurt so much, it would definitely be on the floor.

  “You’re wet,” he said.

  Huh. What?

  “Your drink, you’ve spilt it.” He pointed at the glass in my hand and I realised that I must have spilt it when he made me jump. I felt my face flush in embarrassment.

  “Here,” he said, handing me a towel. It made me wonder how long he’d been roaming my house; how did he know where everything was?

  “Thank you,” I replied, taking the towel and wiping at the damp patch on my pyjama top. The silence between us filled the room, making it the single most awkward moment of my life. He was just staring at me and it was starting to make me feel uncomfortable in my own skin.

  “You ok?” he asked and I realised I must look a bit confused. To be honest, I didn’t think I was ok; I wasn’t entirely sure what I was.

  “Not really,” I replied. “What happened?”

  “What do you remember?” He perched on the edge of the bed and instinctively I scooted a bit further away from him. He might have saved me from those other creeps, but I still had no idea who he was or whether I could trust him.

  “Not much. I remember the three men and being hit. Then you came and... You killed them all, didn’t you?” I asked tentatively, acutely aware that this man had the power to snuff my life out with his bare hands.

  “Yes,” he replied, without showing any sign that killing three men affected him at all. Who was this guy? Who wouldn’t be bothered by taking someone’s life? Someone who’d done it before, I guess. I watched his face for a change in expression but there was nothing, no glimmer of remorse or regret, nothing showing any emotion other than a slight modicum of boredom.

  God, this guy terrified me.

  “Who are you?”

  “My name is Jasper Farrow and I have been sent to protect you.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “You were attacked because you are valuable. I need to get you back to the Conclave where you will be safe from further threats.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” I blurted out. There was no way I was going anywhere with this man. I didn’t know him, but I did know he was capable of murder and that was enough to keep as much distance between myself and him as humanly possible.

  “Lori,” he sighed, “what do you recall about the men that attacked you?”

  “You cut off one of their heads!” I screamed at him, tucking my legs
up under my chin, trying to get as much of my body as far away as I could.

  “Yes, but what of the way that they moved? How they acted?”

  I thought back to the men, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt that there was something unnatural about them. I could feel my brow furrow as I tried to understand the images of last night that flashed before my eyes. The speed at which they moved, the strength they seemed to have, and did I really see fangs? Blood pounded in my ears, panic rose in my chest as I started to process everything.

  I was attacked by vampires. But vampires didn’t exist, surely it was something chemical? Or perhaps the adrenaline rush I’d experienced during the attack had addled my brain. That had to be it.

  “Look at me,” Jasper commanded, and my gaze snapped to his eyes. I was hypnotised by the timbre of his voice. It was gorgeous, just like the rest of him. There was something about Jasper I couldn’t put my finger on. He was intimidating and dangerous, but he also made me feel calm. It was surreal, like a soothing wave that invaded my mind and made me relax.

  “Just breathe, Lori.”

  I took some deep breaths whilst focused on his eyes, and I felt the panic ebbing within me. His eyes were fascinating, like nothing I had ever seen before. Dense black lashes framed them, making them appear inhumanly bright. From a distance they looked like one solid colour, but up close they were more than just blue. They shimmered between hues, the colours swirling like liquid fire. I was enthralled.

  “Thank you,” I said. I had no idea what he had just done to me. I would file that question away for another moment because there were more important questions going through my mind like do vampires really exist?

  “Don’t mention it. Now Lori, I need you to listen to me and I need you to listen carefully. I don’t like to repeat myself. You were attacked by vampires last night. Some of the worst ones want to use you for their own devious gains and I’ve been charged with keeping you safe and bringing you in.”


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