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To Crave Darkly: Trials Of A Morta: Book One

Page 24

by Bailey Grayson

  I turned my face up towards him. He was so close his breath caressed my cheek. The pulse between my legs throbbed with the need for attention.

  “Hmm…” I said against his lips. “I think I’d have more fun solo.”

  He took a step back and laughed bringing an answering grin to my own face. “Fuck, Lori. You’re dangerous.”

  “You’ve no idea.”

  He stared at me for a moment longer, clearly deciding whether to make another move. I kept my expression neutral, despite the fact that my heart was racing, and desire was coursing through my veins with a need to be satisfied. I didn’t want to give him any indication that he could have me naked in seconds if wanted.

  “What do you want, Alec?” I asked again, I didn’t want to have to spend more time with him than I needed to. Not with my body in this state anyway.

  His cocky smile spread across his face.

  Oh, God. Oh, no.

  “Time to gear up, love. We’re going out.”



  Alec and I had been given the evening patrol along the perimeter. It was the easiest section to patrol and that was no doubt the reason we were given it. I was grateful I wasn’t going to be plunged head first into something a little more demanding. The night air was warm, and the stars shone bright in the absence of clouds. It was a beautiful night and I paused to take it all in.

  It was nice to be somewhere other than the base. Being surrounded by the forest gave me a sense of freedom, even if it was only an illusion. I was still a prisoner here despite now being part of the team. De Santis was holding me here until we understood more about the prophecy and more about what I was capable of.

  It angered me that I wasn’t free, that I had a destiny I had no control over. That I was just a pawn in somebody else’s master plan. Rae had told me that de Sanits knew more about me than he was letting on, Lucifer was on his way to claim me at some point, and I still had no idea how I was going to stop a prophecy that was going to end the world.

  I let out a growl of frustration and kicked my foot along the forest floor.

  “You ok there, Lori?”

  I found Alec looking down at me with something that looked like actual sympathy in his eyes. Did he actually care? Probably not.

  “I’m fine,” I grumbled, adjusting the brace that held my scythe to my back. I had to admit, when I saw myself in the mirror earlier, all geared up and ready to face the night, I hadn’t recognised myself. I looked badass and intimidating as fuck. Gone was the little bartender and in her place was a woman who looked like a warrior. I was dressed head to toe in black leather and covered in weapons. There wasn’t a limb that didn’t have something sharp and pointy attached to it. Alec had helped me get everything in the right place, and he had probably enjoyed that a little too much. So did I, if I was being honest. His hands had been everywhere. A blush crept up my neck as I pushed the memory away.

  “You don’t look fine. Is it Jasper?”

  Where had that question come from? “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve seen the way he looks at you when he thinks no one is watching.”

  Oh. Embarrassment flared to life in my chest and I looked away.

  “Look, I don’t know exactly what is going on between the two of you and I know it’s not my place to pry, but Jasper is my friend and I just want to look out for him.”

  Alec seemed to genuinely care, and it made me think that perhaps he wasn’t as much of a jerk as he portrayed. That somewhere deep down, like really deep down, there was a kindness in him.

  Trust goes both ways. Maybe I should allow myself a small truth with Alec. Perhaps I would learn something in return. I bit the bullet and took a chance.

  “To be honest with you, I don’t know what is going on. He seems so conflicted. He will pull me in so far and then just push me away again. He’s said he wants to make me his but won’t tell me that means.”

  “Shit. It’s worse than I thought.”

  “What is?”

  Alec turned away muttering under his breath. Panic fled through me at his words. He needed to explain what he meant, and he needed to do it now.

  “What do you mean, Alec? Tell me.”

  He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. When he turned back to face me his mouth was set into a grim line, like the words he was about to impart would be distasteful. “I’ve known Jasper for a long time and in all that time, I have ever known him to want one thing. The True Death.”

  My stomach plummeted. I hoped that didn’t mean what I think it did.

  “The True Death?”

  “It’s when a vampire petitions the council to end their life. It’s forbidden for vampires to take their own lives. They have to have the request sanctioned by the Circle and they rarely grant it. Jasper had been granted it as a reward for bringing you in.”

  Oh, God. No wonder he wouldn’t take a chance. He didn’t think he would be alive much longer. “But why would anyone want that?”

  Alec gave a short, mocking laugh. “You’re so naïve, Lori. It’s almost adorable. Vampires live a long time. They don’t die naturally and can go on living for centuries. De Santis himself is well over a millennium in years.”

  Jesus, no wonder the guy was stuck in his ways. They must have been ingrained in him for centuries. “But I don’t understand why Jasper would want this?”

  Alec sighed deeply, clearly hesitant as to how much of Jasper’s story he should tell me. I placed my hand on Alec’s arm and looked up to him pleadingly. “Tell me, Alec, please.”

  He stared at me for a long moment, indecision filling his eyes before he gave me a short, resolute nod. “Jasper has been an assassin all his life. He was raised as one from a young age and it was also the reason he was turned. He’s only ever known death and I think deep down it’s all he thinks he deserves.”

  Sorrow lanced through me. Oh, Jasper. “But that’s not true. He deserves more than that.”

  “I know. And I have tried for years to persuade him otherwise, but he never listens. But he might listen to you.”

  “Thank you for telling me Alec, it means-” A loud wail sounded through the night and stopped my words. “What’s that?”

  Alec’s body sprang into action. “Come on. That’s the town’s security alarm. We’re under attack.”

  I ran after him towards the sound and tried to push the panic and fear out of my mind.

  He was here.

  Lucifer had come for me.

  Chapter 29


  The alarm sounded through the town. Its high pitch blare cut through the night like nails on a chalkboard. They were here. They’d come for me.

  My breath was tight in my lungs and my heart lurched in my chest as adrenaline kicked me into action. This was what I had been training for.

  My eyes scanned the night sky, looking for the demons that I knew he had sent for me. Clouds had burst from nowhere and with no moon or stars, dark wings stood out like obsidian shapes against the carbon sheet of the night.

  I didn’t know where they’d come from. The square was littered with monstrous creatures of all shapes and sizes. They were creatures so foul that they could have only sprung from the pits of Hell. I could smell the brimstone in the air and the suffocating stench of it brought tears to my eyes.

  I sprinted towards the action unfolding in front of me. My boots pounded against the earth and my thighs screamed at me to slow down but I had to help my team. I reached for the scythe nestled against my back, its weight in my hand giving me comfort. I could do this.

  I cut across the square and skidded to a halt at the edges of the fray. Right in the middle one man took on four, no, five of them. I knew who that was, even from all the way over here.

  “Jasper!” I called out to him, but he was too preoccupied to hear. I darted forward. I slashed at the demons as they poured from the sky. My blade snagged them as I arced my scythe through the air, their screams a symphony that fuelled my rage. But
they just kept coming. More spotted me and turned in my direction.


  I was getting closer to Jasper. But there were too many of them. A huge shadow swept through the group to my left.

  Alec. Thank God. His huge Hound barrelled through the swarm like a battering ram, taking them down with sheer brute force. He was massive. I’d never seen his Hound before, and I was in awe of the sheer size of him. He must have been as big as a fucking horse. His eyes still glowed amber in his canine face and I gulped at the vicious looking fangs in his mouth as he tore some demons to shreds. I could see lights flashing off to my left where Fenris battled with Saskia by his side, barbecuing the fuckers to ash. Cassian had taken to the skies to battle them in the air, his dragon lighting the night sky with bright blue flames. I had been right; he was magnificent to see. I could see his body shimmer in the low light as he twisted and turned through the heavens.

  In the moment I had paused to find my team, demons had surrounded me and now stared at me like I was their next meal. They were ugly, hideous things. Their black eyes bulged from their heads, and rows of razor sharp teeth glinted behind lipless mouths. These were the minions that Lucifer had sent to fetch me. Where was Orion? He said he would be here. Our soul bond chose that moment to pulse and I knew he was close.

  “Come with us and no one else needs to get hurt,” one of the creatures said. He took a step forward and I could see he was about a foot bigger than the others. Perhaps this meant he was the one in charge.

  “So you do talk. I have to admit I was curious. With mouths like that I didn’t think you’d be able to.”

  I counted eight of them. I was seriously out matched here. But I felt my demon screaming to come out to play. She was hungry, and these beasts looked like a mighty fine feast.

  The leader snarled, clearly not impressed with my attempt at small talk. “You can come quietly, or you can fight us, and we will slaughter everyone here.”

  Nope. Not gonna happen. I was not going with them, nor was I letting my friends die. I fell into a defensive stance like Cassian had taught me and looked the leader square in the eyes.

  “You want me? Then come and get me.”

  The minions gave out a wet screechy cackle. Was that supposed to be laughter? God, it was awful. If this wasn’t an I’m-about-to-die-horribly situation, I would have laughed at the way they bared their fangs like creatures in old-school horror movies.

  They advanced forward. I rolled my shoulders and opened the door for my demon. She burst forth and together we fought like warriors who battled monsters on a daily basis. We were a well oiled machine, and we were a force to be reckoned with.

  The next seconds were a blur of hacking, stabbing and draining the sins from these creatures. I had lost sight of my team. I didn’t have time to check again. They just had to be alright.

  My scythe cut through the air, decapitating limbs and removing heads. My free hand claimed the sins of the creatures attacking me and I devoured their energy. I consumed everything I could get my hands on until I was overflowing with dark energy. I twisted and turned to avoid the slashes from their claws, my moves fluid and precise as I destroyed the horde before me.

  It was only when the silence hit me that I finally stopped.

  My heartbeat, which was frantic and thumping before, was now beating a slow, steady pace. An eerie calm settled deep in my soul and I realised I didn’t feel separate from my demon.

  We were one.

  For now, at least. I could still feel her in the back of my mind. We still had some way to go before fully becoming unified, but we were getting there. I was starting to feel more comfortable when she took control and that felt like another part of my puzzle clicked into place. I was starting to feel more complete.

  My eyes took in the scene before me. It was carnage as far as I could see. Smoke billowed up into the sky, swirling into grey clouds against the starless night. Screams drifted across the breeze and bodies littered the ground like broken dolls.

  A slow clap sounded from behind me and I turned to find its source. Standing in the middle of the battlefield was a man dressed in a three-piece suit. His clothes might not be the most appropriate attire, but he commanded my attention. He always commanded my attention.


  Our connection pulsed and I ran over to him. It was like coming home and my heart soared at the sight of him.

  “You really are magnificent, my sweet,” he whispered softly before placing a soft kiss against my temple. “I am so proud of you.”

  Pride shone down in his eyes and warmth swelled in my chest at his words. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I know.”

  There was one thing I didn’t understand. “How can you be here? I thought you couldn’t manifest on the mortal plane.”

  He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek fondly. This was the first time we’d actually met in person and he was so much more impressive in real life. It was almost like the dreams had muted his magnificence and, now that he was standing before me, his grace and beauty shone down on me with the light of a thousand stars.

  “It’s all because of you. You consumed so much power that I could access it through our bond. It’s you who is keeping me here.” His thumb trailed across my cheek as he spoke and the bond between us throbbed with unsatisfied need. Orion’s nostrils flared as he smiled down at me. His gaze zeroed in on my mouth and then his hand wrapped round the back of my neck before he pulled me in for a kiss. Our lips melded together like they were made for each other. I could taste his desperation in the way he kissed me. This wasn’t a slow exploratory kiss; it was a bruising, punishing kiss that stole my breath and made my knees week.

  His hands slid into my hair as he pulled my body to his. My scythe fell to the floor, forgotten in my hunger to have him. I could feel every inch of his lean muscles as he crushed my body to his. He fisted a hand in my hair, yanking my head backwards so he could trace his mouth down my neck. His teeth scraped the sensitive flesh, and he kissed me hard enough to leave a bruise. I moaned.

  I wanted more but this wasn’t the time or the place. Shit, I was surrounded by dead bodies and carnage. Hardly the nicest of places for a make out session. And I still needed to find out what had happened to my team.

  “Orion, wait,” I said breathlessly.

  He pulled back to look at me, desire blazing hungrily in his eyes. “Lori…”

  “Orion, we need to–”

  Something dropped out of the sky and landed a few feet away. It was Cassian, back in human form, and he was shouting something and running towards me but I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

  Orion snarled at the interruption. “Your friends really are persistent.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked taking a step backwards. I didn’t like the way that his face had contorted into anger.

  “They couldn’t leave you alone for one minute,” he snapped. My heart lurched and fear churned in my stomach. Gone was the man who had gazed tenderly down at me. Rage burned through our bond and I felt his anger as if it was my own.

  “Lori!” Alec shouted. He was closer than Cassian and I could hear his words clearly. “Get away from him!”

  I looked back to Orion, and my stomach dropped at the malicious grin that spread across his face. I had never seen anything so evil. The mouth that had so lovingly kissed me earlier was now twisted into something so malevolent that I felt sick.

  Alec was only a few feet away now and I saw fear in his eyes. Real fear. Who was this man before me that inspired such fear? I thought I knew who he was. I had grown so used to the face that shared my dreams, but I had only ever seen the veneer he wanted me to see. What I was looking at now wasn’t an alluring promise of pleasure and carnal desire – I was looking deep into the eyes of Hell.

  I knew who he was. I knew his name and I’d given myself to him freely.


  He laughed. It was a cold, empty sounding thing that made me
shiver. “You clever little thing. I knew I had chosen well.”

  “Let her go.” Alec called. He and Cassian now stood either side of me. Where was Jasper? Fenris? Saskia? They had to be OK.

  “I don’t think so,” Orion, no, Lucifer crooned. I wasn’t going to be able to get used to that.

  Alec took another step closer, but Lucifer held his hand up. Alec’s body flinched, and he stopped dead in his tracks, pinned by some unseen force. I could see Alec’s muscles straining under the force that kept his body frozen. Lucifer tutted as he turned his attention to Alec. “Not another step now. That’s a good boy.”

  Alec seethed at his words. “Let her go, Lucifer.”

  “Never,” Lucifer whispered. The single word may have been said quietly, but the claim he had made over me was loud and clear. I was his.

  “Cassian, do something,” Alec shouted between clenched teeth, clearly trying to break free from his invisible restraints. But Cassian just stood silently watching the scene unfold. He did nothing and I hated him for it.

  “I’ll make you pay for this,” Alec fumed.

  “You really are like a dog with a bone,” Lucifer drawled.

  Alec snarled. “If you lay one hand on Lori, I’ll–”

  “What? Kill me?” Lucifer interrupted, a short laugh clipping the end of his words. “Not if I kill you first. I’m going to borrow this for a moment,” he said as he pulled the dagger from my waist band with his free hand. I realised too late what he meant to do. Time froze as the dagger left Lucifer’s long elegant fingers.

  “No!” I broke into a run, evading Lucifer’s grasp. I knew I wouldn’t make it in time. “Alec!” My cry was lost in the thunder of my heartbeat. The rush of my blood filled my ears.

  No, no, no. I stretched out my fingers, futilely reaching for the hilt of the dagger.

  But I was too late.

  Alec’s eyes went wide as the dagger pierced his chest.

  Tears blurred my vision and a scream burned my throat. “You bastard! Lucifer, you fucking bastard!”


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