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Game Wardens: Jayme & Tripp

Page 24

by Andria Large

  Jayme stood, and walked toward the door. “I’ll be back.”

  He went to the nurse’s station, and smiled sweetly at Tripp’s new nurse, Hannah. She narrowed her eyes at him. “What do you want?”

  “Can Tripp please get some yogurt? He didn’t like the broth or the jello, and he’s starving. And when he’s starving, he gets really cranky. Then he’ll not only be a pain in my ass, but a pain in your ass.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes and sighed. “Fine. I’ll have them bring some up. Any particular flavor for the princess?”

  He smiled. He liked her. “Vanilla would be great.”



  He walked back to Tripp’s room where he was still complaining to his mother about the food.

  “Where’d you go?” Tripp asked.

  “To talk to the nurse. She’s going to have them send up some yogurt for you.”


  “Yes, vanilla.”


  With Tripp semi-satisfied, he sat back down in his chair. The yogurt showed up ten minutes later, and Tripp dove right in.

  “Babe, go slow; your stomach isn’t used to having food at the moment.”

  Tripp huffed, but took his time eating the yogurt. He sighed when he was done. “I’m still hungry.”

  “Well, that’s all you’re getting right now; you’re gonna have to deal with it,” he said.

  Tripp pouted. He was the worst patient ever. Jayme knew he hated being out of commission, but there was nothing he could do about it. It was going to take time to build his strength back up. It was only the first day he’d been awake, since he was first injured. He needed to take it slow.

  Later that night, Donna and Jayme decided it was time to go get some sleep at the hotel. He got up from the chair he’d been sitting in and stretched his arms over his head. His joints popped, and he groaned. He was tired and ready for bed.

  “Jayme, will you stay with me tonight?” Tripp asked.

  “Of course.”

  Donna said goodbye to them, then headed out. Jayme asked the nurse for a cot, which she said she would gladly bring in. Tripp laid his head back against his pillow and looked over at Jayme where he stood next to the bed.

  “As much as I like my mom being here, I want some alone time with you,” Tripp said.

  Jayme reached over and took Tripp’s hand. “Agreed.”

  “Hey, what happened to the puppy?” Tripp asked.

  “Will is taking care of him until you get home.”

  Tripp lifted his head from the pillow, his mouth gaping open. “You mean I get to keep him?”

  “You literally died saving him, I think he’s yours.”

  Tripp laid his head back down and smiled. “Are you okay with that?”

  He nodded, and squeezed Tripp’s hand. “Yeah, I’m okay with that.”


  “You’re welcome.”

  “How have you been holding up? You look tired.”

  He nodded again. “I am. I’m doing better now that you’re awake. I think I’ve cried more in the past week, than I have in my entire life.”

  Tripp frowned. “Aw, Love.”

  “I’ve been having a lot of nightmares. Well, more like the same nightmare over and over. I’m hoping they’ll subside now that I know you’re going to be okay.”

  Tripp nodded. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Tripp said, “I’m sorry. I should have listened to you. If I hadn’t been such an arrogant asshole, we wouldn’t be sitting in this hospital right now.”

  Jayme shook his head. “It’s over and done with. Let’s not dwell on it.”

  Before Tripp could say anything else, an orderly brought the cot in; and set it up under the window. He gave Tripp’s hand one more squeeze, before letting him go; and going over to the cot, and sitting down heavily on it. Jayme took off his shoes and his shirt, then laid down. Tripp turned out the lights using the remote.

  “Goodnight, Jayme.”

  “Night, Tripp. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He didn’t know what time it was, but he really had to pee. He quietly walked to the bathroom and relieved himself. When he came out, Tripp was thrashing around and gasping for air. Jayme ran over and grabbed his shoulders. What was happening? Was he dreaming?

  “Tripp,” he called, and gave his shoulders a shake.

  Tripp came awake with a start and sat up. He sucked in a noisy breath and placed a hand to his chest. “Oh, holy fuck,” he panted. “I was drowning all over again.”

  “You remember drowning?”

  Tripp swallowed hard, his eyes flicking to Jayme’s. “Yeah. I remember everything. Throwing you the puppy, the car crashing into me, and getting stuck under it. I tried so fucking hard to get out. It got to the point where I just couldn’t hold my breath anymore and started sucking in water. Eventually everything went black.”

  He raked a hand through his hair. “Christ.”

  “All my naps have been dreamless, guess I never fell into a deep sleep.”


  “Can you lay with me?”

  “Sure, whatever you need,” Jayme replied softly.

  Tripp scooted over and made room for him. He climbed into the bed, being careful of all the tubes and wires; and put his arm around Tripp’s shoulders. Tripp hummed, and rolled onto his side so he could cuddle Jayme. Tripp laid his head on Jayme’s shoulder and sighed.

  “This is nice,” Tripp murmured.

  “Mmm hmm. I’ve missed having you in my arms.” He kissed the top of Tripp’s head.

  “Hopefully, I’ll be out of here soon.”

  “Yeah, I’d really like to go home.”

  Tripp ran his hand up and down Jayme’s bare stomach. He moved up to Jayme’s chest, before sliding up to his neck. Tripp glided his fingers along Jayme’s jaw, and turned his head so that when Tripp looked up at him; he could kiss him. Their lips met for a tender kiss. He brought his hand up to cup Tripp’s face, just under his ear; and deepened the kiss. Their tongues twined together, and Jayme moaned. Fuck, he missed Tripp. Missed holding him, kissing him, and being with him. It was a long, stressful week, and Jayme was elated to have his fiancé back.

  A throat clearing had them wrenching apart and turning to see Hannah standing in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest; and an eyebrow cocked. “Ya know, getting a hard on with a catheter in probably isn’t the best idea.”

  Both Jayme and Tripp chuckled. Jayme slid off the bed to give Hannah room to do her check on Tripp. He went and sat on the cot while she did her thing.

  “You got a shirt, Jayme?” she asked dryly.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “All those muscles can be distracting to a girl, ya know?”

  Jayme barked out a laugh.

  “What about me? Aren’t my muscles distracting?” Tripp pouted.

  Hannah gave him a sweet smile and patted his cheek. “Of course, they are, Sweetie.”

  Tripp narrowed his eyes at her. “Don’t patronize me, Lady.”

  “Me? Never.”

  Tripp hummed, and made a face that said he didn’t believe her.

  Hannah finished doing what she had to do, told them to get some sleep; then left the room, shutting the door behind her. Tripp sighed, and dropped his head back to his pillow.

  “I’m afraid to sleep,” he said.

  “Believe me, I understand.”

  “I know you do.”

  Jayme laid down on the cot. “Let’s just hope we don’t dream.”



  A couple of days later, Tripp was well enough to be discharged. He was on strict orders to take it easy for a couple of weeks, because he was still recovering. He was just glad to be going home, he was tired of being in the hospital. So, him, Jayme, and his mom drove back to Austin in the borrowed truck from work. He thought Brendan and Will would have taken it, but apparently, they ended up driving back with Mat
t and Phil; and left them the truck.

  They dropped Donna off first, then headed to their house. Jayme let out a huge elaborate sigh as they walked in the door, that made him smile. Jayme brought their bags upstairs, while he went into the kitchen to find some real food. Hospital food sucked ass.

  He was rummaging around in the fridge, when Jayme walked in. “There’s nothing to eat.” he frowned.

  “Let’s order pizza or something then. I’ll go food shopping in the morning.”

  “Mmm, pizza. Yeah, let’s do that.”

  Jayme smirked. “Okay. What kind do you want?”

  “Meat lovers.”

  “How did I know?”

  Jayme grabbed the house phone since they both needed new cell phones and called their usual pizza place. He put in their order for delivery, then hung up.

  “We have to go get new cell phones tomorrow too,” Jayme said.

  “Definitely. I feel naked without it.”

  Jayme hummed his agreement. “I’m hoping they still might be able to pull my contacts off of it.”

  “Don’t count on it.”

  “I know.”

  They waited about twenty minutes for their pizza. When it finally arrived, Jayme paid the man; then brought the pizza into the kitchen. They ended up finishing it off, since they were both starving.

  “Damn, we should have gotten a second just to have leftovers,” he grumbled.

  Jayme chuckled. “I can order another one.”

  “Nah, it’s okay.”

  Jayme got up from the table, taking both of their plates with him over to the sink. He ruffled Tripp’s hair as he walked by him. “Why don’t you go rest on the couch? Put on a movie or something.”

  He sighed. He was kinda tired. “Okay.”

  He got up and went into the living room where he grabbed the remote and flopped down into the couch. He put himself in the corner and brought his legs up. It wasn’t even five minutes later when the doorbell rang. He huffed and dragged himself off the couch. He went to the front door and opened it. There stood Will with the chocolate lab puppy tucked under his arm. It squirmed and wiggled, as it wagged its tail.

  Will grinned. “Hey, Tripp! Good to see you up and moving. I brought you a present,” he said, and held out the puppy to Tripp.

  Tripp smiled wide and took the puppy from Will; snuggling him close, and kissed his sweet little head. Jayme came up and put his arm around Tripp’s shoulders. He then greeted Will with a handshake.

  “Hey man, thanks for bringing him over,” Jayme said.

  “Not a problem. He’s a good little dude. I got him started with house training, and I taught him how to sit.”

  “Oh, I gotta see this,” he said.

  He put the puppy down, then squatted down in front of him. The puppy stood there looking at him, waiting. “Sit,” he commanded.

  The puppy plopped his little furry butt down and wagged his tail. He laughed. “Oh my God, he’s adorable. It is a he, right?” he asked, glancing back at Will.

  “Yeah, it’s a he. What are you going to name him?”


  Both Jayme and Will chuckled.

  “That’s appropriate,” Jayme said.

  He nodded, and scratched River under his chin.

  “I have some of the stuff I bought for him in my trunk. Just things like food, and bowls, and a couple of toys. Let me go get them,” Will said.

  He went and grabbed everything out of his trunk and handed it off to Jayme. Jayme set it all just inside the door.

  “All right. I’m gonna go,” Will said.

  Tripp stood, and shook Will’s hand. “Thanks for taking care of him for me.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Jayme shook his hand again, then he got back in his car and left. Jayme shut the front door and put his hands on his hips as he looked down at River; who was still sitting and looking up at them.

  “I guess I better run out and get some supplies. We’re going to need a crate, and a bed. I’ll get him some treats and more toys too.” Jayme said.

  “We can all go.”

  “Are you sure you’re feeling up to it?”

  “I mean, I’m a little tired; but I think I can handle a trip to the store.”

  “Okay. If you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Let’s go then.”

  They headed out to the store to grab stuff for River. When they got back, Jayme hauled all the stuff into the house; while Tripp took River out back to see if he had to go to the bathroom. They ended up getting way more stuff than they probably needed, but it was all just so cute.

  They bought two beds, one for inside the crate; and another one for the living room. Jayme took the crate upstairs, because Tripp wanted River to stay in their room with them. The thought of leaving the poor little guy all alone downstairs didn’t sit right with him.

  Tripp brought River upstairs to see his new accommodations. Jayme was stuffing the bed inside when he walked into the room. He walked over and put River inside and locked the door.

  He then turned to Jayme and slid his hands under the front of his T-shirt. Jayme hummed his pleasure and closed his eyes. He stepped closer and glided his hands around to Jayme’s back; as he leaned in and kissed Jayme on the lips.

  “Fuck, I missed you touching me,” Jayme murmured against his lips, before grabbing the back of Tripp’s head; and devouring his mouth.

  Jayme walked them backwards, until Tripp’s legs hit the edge of the bed. He then pushed him down onto it, effectively ending their smoking hot kiss. “Are you sure you’re up for this?”

  Tripp grabbed his aching cock through his sweatpants. “Yeah, I think so.”

  “You know what I mean.” Jayme huffed.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Now come fuck me.”

  Jayme growled. “Move up onto the bed.”

  He did as he was told. Jayme made quick work of getting rid of his clothes, then climbed on the bed; and rid Tripp of his. Jayme then swallowed Tripp’s cock. He cried out, his hand flying to Jayme’s head. Jayme’s head bobbed under his hand.

  “Fuck yes, just like that. Oh God, I’m not gonna last long,” he said.

  He bucked his hips, fucking Jayme’s mouth. Jayme’s finger found his hole and pressed against it. It was all over, he came instantly; his rhythm faltering as he orgasmed into Jayme’s mouth. Jayme sucked him dry before releasing him and grabbing the lube from the nightstand.

  He panted with his eyes closed. He distantly heard the snap of the lube cap and a minute later, Jayme was grabbing the backs of his knees; and thrusting his knees toward his chest. Tripp moaned and opened his eyes, so he could watch Jayme enter him.

  Jayme pressed forward, his cock forcing its way past the tight ring of muscle. Tripp sucked in a sharp breath at the quick pain that faded into pleasure an instant later. Jayme rocked his hips, going slow until he was all the way in; then he picked up the pace.

  He reached up and grabbed the back of Jayme’s neck, pulling him down. Jayme let go of his legs, and let him pull him into a heated kiss. Their tongues dueled as Jayme continued to thrust into him.

  Jayme dragged his lips down to Tripp’s neck, as he gathered him up in his arms. Jayme slowed his movements, they were no longer fucking. Jayme was making love to him. He held Jayme tight, knowing that he needed this moment.

  Jayme picked his head up and looked down at Tripp; his green eyes showing all the different emotions he was feeling. “I was so fucking scared that we weren’t going to make it to our wedding day. That I’d have to cancel everything, and plan a funeral instead,” Jayme whispered brokenly.

  Tripp’s eyes welled up and spilled over. He nodded, not knowing what to say. It had been a close call. He sniffed, and Jayme brushed away the tears running down his temples.

  “I’m sorry,” he rasped.

  Jayme shook his head and closed his eyes. He dropped his forehead to Tripp’s. “Nothing to be sorry for.”

  Tripp gasped when Jayme shifte
d his knees and thrust in a little deeper. “Jayme,” he breathed.

  “You’re everything to me,” Jayme murmured.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Jayme moaned, his hips stilling as he came inside of Tripp. Tripp clutched him tight, never wanting to let go. Jayme seemed to be feeling the same way, because he just laid there on top of him for several minutes; his face tucked into Tripp’s neck.

  Jayme eventually got up to get cleaned up, grunting and groaning as he went. He came back from the bathroom with a rag for Tripp. After they were both cleaned up, they climbed back into bed; and snuggled together before falling asleep.



  TIME FLEW by, and before they knew it; their special day had arrived. This was not a traditional wedding. Jayme and Tripp got ready together. They both wore slim fit navy suits with white shirts, and brown dress shoes. He wore a gray tie, while Tripp opted for a gray bow tie. Tripp was clean shaven, while he left a five o’clock shadow on his face.

  They stood in the lobby of their venue waiting to be told it was time to walk down the aisle. They decided they were going to walk down together, instead of having their parents walk them down.

  Tripp shifted on his feet, while he straightened his bow tie. “Are you nervous?” Tripp asked.

  He shrugged. “A little, I guess.”

  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”

  “It’s okay to be nervous, Babe. This is a big step in our lives.”

  “Yeah, I know. But I keep thinking I have no reason to be nervous. I know I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you.”

  He smiled. “Maybe it’s because you’re about to profess that in front of fifty people?”

  Tripp swallowed hard. “Yeah, maybe.”

  He finished fixing Tripp’s bow tie, then smoothed his hands down the lapels of Tripp’s suit. “You’ll be fine.”


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