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Protecting His Brat

Page 17

by Sorcha Black

  …aaand I was officially going to hell.

  “Where are we going now?”

  “The last place they’ll look for us, I think.”

  She raised her face. “Disney?” She smiled impishly.

  “Aren’t you too old for Disney?”

  “I don’t know,” she admitted. “Never been.”

  “Me neither.”

  “Maybe when this running from bad guys thing is done, you can bring me there, and we can both see it.”

  “Where we’re going won’t be as fun as Disney, but you may like it. Then again, you may hate it.”

  She grimaced. “Sounds intriguing. Will you still be avoiding having sex with me there?”

  “We’ll see.” I pried her off me and swatted her butt. “Get dressed. Pack your shit.”

  “Can I have an orgasm first?”

  “No.” I wasn’t sure who it was more difficult to say no to—Aberdeen or my hard dick.

  With a longsuffering sigh, she crouched by her suitcase and fished out a fresh T-shirt and leggings, along with a bra.

  “What day of the week is it today?”

  “Tuesday. Why?”

  She added a pair of panties to the pile of clean clothes. “No reason.”

  I snagged the panties off the pile in her hands, needing to confirm my suspicions. Sure enough, the buttercup yellow panties had the word ‘Tuesday’ emblazoned across the front.

  “Aberdeen,” I admonished.

  “What?” she asked innocently, pulling the delicate things from my fingers.

  I sighed, glad for the distraction she and her shenanigans presented when I was feeling so shitty.

  “How did you convince your mother to buy you those?”

  “She lets me order underwear as long as they’re not sexy.”

  “Everything is sexy on you.”

  She shot me a sly look then turned her back to me as she stepped into her underwear in a way that made me want to rip them off her again.

  “You’re the only person who thinks so, Daddy.”

  “Then no one else has bothered looking.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The lobby of the motel was the sketchiest place I’d ever seen. I was sore from all the driving, but this was exciting. I’d never been to a place like this, but I’d seen them in movies.

  Blue handed over ID when the man at the desk asked for it.

  “Would you prefer a king or two queens?” the man at the desk asked. I’d caught him looking at me, then at Blue, as though trying to figure out our connection to each other, but after Blue glared at him, the man didn’t look my way again.

  “Two queens.”

  I pouted at him, but he ignored me.

  Was he really going to avoid touching me all night too? The man was impossible. Maybe having me once had killed his interest. Maybe I was really bad at it. He’d known I was a virgin—to be fair he should give me a chance to learn before giving up on me, right?

  “And how long will you be staying, Mr. Davidson?”

  “One night.”

  Davidson? Oh my god—Blue was using fake ID?

  The man gave him the price, which seemed ridiculously low, and Blue forked over the amount in cash, as well as a hefty security deposit. He carried our duffle bags to our room, getting annoyed when I trailed behind. Who wouldn’t be fascinated by the concept of carpeted walls? Apparently, I wasn’t allowed to be out of his sight.

  He did a big security check of our room as I stood in the middle of it, trying to stretch the kink out of my back. I couldn’t remember ever being in a car so long, and he’d said to expect the same tomorrow.

  “I need a shower,” Blue grumbled.

  “So take a shower, grumpy pants.”

  “You have to sit in the bathroom with me. I’m not leaving you alone out here.”

  “Oh my god—do you seriously think they could have gotten here before us?” I said, rolling my eyes. “I’m sure you have twenty minutes before they catch up.” He’d been impossible at every rest stop too. At one stop there’d been no individual bathrooms and he’d followed me into the ladies’ room. It was hard to pee when you knew someone was listening.

  Rather than argue, he picked me up and deposited me on the bathroom counter.

  I waggled my brows at him. “Good evening, sir. I’m your complimentary bar of soap. Feel free to get naked and rub me all over your body.”


  “I always behave.”

  “Like a brat.”

  “Well, you didn’t specify how to behave, now did you?”

  “I’ll have to remember to be more specific.”

  He grabbed the scruff of his shirt and shucked it off, and any follow-up repartee was completely wiped from my mind. The bathroom was small compared to the ones at home, and so he was almost close enough to touch. I leaned closer, extending my hand to see if I could reach.

  “Aberdeen,” he growled.


  “We’re trying to get you to safety. It’s not the time for that.”

  I wrapped my arms around myself, hurt. If I stopped tempting him, I was afraid we’d go back to square one with each other.

  His boots, socks, and pants came off next. If he was an underwear ad, I’d buy his boxer briefs in a heartbeat. The man had the kind of butt I wanted to bite. Was it wrong to bite a dominant man’s butt? I wasn’t sure he’d appreciate me doing it while he was in a bad mood.

  “Close your eyes,” he commanded.

  “Absolutely.” I covered my eyes but left them wide open.

  “Stop peeking between your fingers.” He moved to the toilet, and without any warning whatsoever, he peed.

  I gasped, my hands falling away from my eyes as I watched the process in amazement.

  “You were supposed to hide your eyes, young lady.”

  “The thundering noise caught me by surprise.”

  “That’s what happens when a man doesn’t stop all day.”

  “I wondered why you weren’t drinking anything,” I admitted, realizing that although there had been bathroom breaks for me, he hadn’t had one. “Is it hard to pee standing up?”

  “It’s…normal?” He shrugged then stripped his underwear the rest of the way off. “I’ve been doing it since I was a kid, so I don’t think about it.”

  “So weird.”

  His dick looked somewhat less intimidating when it wasn’t hard.


  “It would be easier to take if it stayed that size,” I observed. “I mean, I’m sure it would still hurt, but it wouldn’t be so…overwhelming.”

  It sort of twitched a bit, and I stared at it in fascination.

  “Quit ogling me. I need to stay focused and you’re a catch-22. I can’t get distracted while I’m protecting you, but you’ve ended up being my biggest distraction.” He pushed back the shower curtain and cranked on the water. “Thank god they don’t have water saving shower heads.”

  When the spray was steaming, he got in, pulling the shower curtain closed behind him. I promptly got off the counter and stripped off my clothes. I needed a shower too, and there was no way I was letting this chance go to waste. If I didn’t get him back into bed with me soon, he was going to decide sleeping with me had been a mistake he didn’t want to repeat.

  I’d join him. It would be fine.

  I gave him a few minutes then slipped into the shower with him, trying not to move the curtain. His eyes were closed. The poor guy looked tired.

  His eyes snapped open. His gaze devoured me, but he was frowning. “What are you doing, Aberdeen Arabella?”

  Ugh. Why did I love it when I was in trouble? Only with him, though. If anyone else was irritated with me, I was a mess, falling over myself to make it up to them. With Blue, I wanted to poke at him until he showed me who was boss.

  “I’m taking a shower too. I feel all gross from the long car ride.”

  His gaze stroked over my body then shifted back to my face.

  “I me
an why are you in my shower.”

  “Isn’t this safer? I was out there thinking that with the shower curtain closed, you’d never know if someone snuck into the room and carried me off.”

  “So this is about safety?”

  I glanced down at his cock, which had already gone from dormant to almost fully hard. How did blood rushing to fill that monster not make him lightheaded?

  Shyly, I caressed the tip of it with my fingers. He shuddered, and the heavy warmth between my legs made me ache.

  “Get out. Now.”

  I bit my lip and tried to look cute. “You don’t really want me to, do you?”

  “Yes, I do. I’m trying to keep things at least pseudo-professional between us until this danger is over. We cuddled last night and slept in the same bed, but from here on out, we’re behaving, understand me?” His scowl was yummy.

  I slipped past him, making sure to rub up against him, skin against slick skin. I claimed the spot under the spray and soaped up. He stepped to the far side of the tub and stood there supervising while I scrubbed and rinsed off, his thickly muscled arms crossed over his wide chest.

  “Are you done?” I asked innocently.

  “Are you?”

  I smirked and turned away from him, bending at the waist to shut off the water.

  The hungry growl from behind me made me grin.

  When I straightened up, a big fist closed in my hair. Squawking, I grabbed onto the hand, trying to pry it loose. Ignoring my struggles, he shoved aside the shower curtain and dragged me out of the tub.

  “What?” I complained. “Why am I in trouble?”

  “You aren’t just in trouble, you’re made of trouble. I swear to god, I try to be a gentleman around you, and you go out of your way to flaunt that hot little body of yours until I want to throw you down and fuck the living hell out of you. The problem is, I think there will always be more hell where that came from.”

  He wasn’t wrong. His seething and grumbling were giving me a serious girl boner.

  He let go of my hair and shoved a towel at me, then grabbed the second towel and dried himself with vicious, jerky movements while I patted myself dry.

  “I’m not sure all of that was English, Daddy.”

  “Stop calling me that!” He grabbed the back of my neck and steered me into the hotel room. It was cold in there, and my skin pebbled into goose bumps.

  Was he seriously going to dom me into putting on clothes? Because that’s where things seemed to be pointing—other than his big dick, which was still pointing straight out of his body at me, like a magic sex compass.

  He switched his grip to my wrist, yanked down the comforter and top sheet with his free hand, then sat down on the bed. I stared at him, feeling intimidated and turned on. His tattoos and his muscles were so damned sexy, and the look on his hard face was…mean.

  Without any warning, he picked me up and draped me over his lap.

  “Blue, no!” This was very different than being leaned over a counter. I was dangling, and even though his wide, muscular thighs were comfortable enough to lie on, I felt very vulnerable, naked, and exposed.

  “No?” he asked. “You’ve been begging for another spanking and now you’re refusing?”

  “Well, I—”

  “You what?”

  “I want an orgasm, not a punishment.”

  “No more sex. Not until you’re out of danger.” His hand was rubbing my backside, and I spread my thighs, hoping he’d forget himself and touch me the way I wanted him to.

  “You’ll spank me, but you won’t have sex with me?”

  “The point of spanking you is to remind you to behave.”

  “Oh.” I swallowed, willing to take almost any physical contact I could get from him, even if it was humiliating. My own embarrassment was turning me on. I loved when he manhandled me.

  “So are you safewording this spanking, young lady?”

  “Well…no,” I admitted, face blazing. At least I didn’t have to make eye contact while I was in this position.

  Before I had time to brace myself, he gave me a swat. I felt my butt jiggle, and I clenched up, mortified.

  “Don’t tense up or it’ll make it worse,” he warned.

  I tried to relax, but the next swat was harder. His hand landed again and again, moving around, increasing in force as the spanking went on. Soon I was squirming and whining, trying to get away, but he wrapped his free hand around my hip, pinning me in place.

  “Ow!” I complained, feeling like he’d layered handprint on top of handprint back there. My feet kicked.

  “Keep your feet down, bad girl.”

  “I can’t help it,” I whined. “It hurts!”

  “It’s supposed to.”

  I struggled, but he was relentless, each blow landing within a heartbeat of the last. This wasn’t fun! Why did books make this sound fun?

  “No more teasing me and trying to get dicked down when I’m trying to focus.”

  “But you like it!”

  He snarled something and smacked the backs of my thighs instead of my blazing ass. It should have been a relief, but it freaking hurt!

  There was a rush of…something…though. A haze. I felt like I’d sipped too much champagne. I squirmed in his grip and ended up with my elbows on the bed beside him, but then my legs parted over one of his thighs. Dismayed, I tried to get back into position, but he kept smacking me, each blow jarring, my bare privates rubbing against his leg.

  I whimpered, realizing how ridiculous it was that I hated this and yet was horribly turned on. I kicked again, but it made the pressure on my privates worse. Before I knew it, I was rubbing against him—not on purpose, but I couldn’t seem to help it. My ass was on fire, but so was the rest of me for a very different reason.

  “Oh please, Blue…I’m sorry!”

  “Are you though? I don’t think you are.”

  “I am!”

  “I might believe you when your perfect little ass is good and red.”

  I squirmed against his leg again—because the spanking hurt, but the pressure there felt too good. My nipples were rubbing against the rough white sheets with every blow…and it was Blue doing this…Blue disciplining me, taking me in hand, and teaching me a lesson…

  He was lecturing me and calling me a bad girl.

  His hands were so big and hard.

  An orgasm was hurtling toward me and I wasn’t sure how to warn him.

  Oh no.

  “I’ll behave now. I promise! I—” I gasped, too far gone to stop him in time, and then the press of his thigh against my clit was too much. I dug my fingers into the sheets and buried my face in the mattress, and screamed as pain and pleasure twisted me up inside. My muscles locked as my orgasm throbbed through me, making my empty sex pulse with impatient ecstasy. Shamelessly, I pressed against his thigh, letting my orgasm wind down and the aftershocks float me into a hazy euphoria.

  The spanking had stopped.

  My ass was burning, and my quiet whines filled the small room.

  “You little fucking brat—did you come?”

  “I…” the word was mumbled, and I had no idea what to follow it up with. “It was an accident, Daddy.”

  He slapped me right on my privates, and I groaned, lifting my bottom for more. Why did that feel good instead of terrible?

  “I told you to stop calling me that.” He grabbed my ass, making it burn worse, making me shy as he held my bottom cheeks apart. I peeked over my shoulder and saw him inspecting his handiwork in a mirror I hadn’t noticed.

  God, I was so humiliated and turned on.

  “Look at the puddle you’re making.” He touched my slickness and rubbed it against my overly sensitive clit. I mewled, complaining incoherently. “Such a naughty, messy girl.” One of his fingertips grazed my asshole and I gasped and tried to shy away, which only rubbed my clit against his leg again.

  “Please fuck me,” I begged, needing more—needing him inside me again. I slid off his lap and knelt on the fl
oor between his feet, trying not to think about how gross the rug was. My butt was red hot and throbbing as if it had its own heartbeat.

  I fumbled with the front of his track pants and yanked them down. He didn’t stop me. Smiling to myself, I wrapped my hand around his cock, fascinated by and slightly horrified at the size of it. He was even harder than he’d been in the shower, which didn’t seem possible.

  “You said yourself that it’s not good for you to be distracted. I could help you take the edge off. It seems only fair since this is my fault.”

  “I shouldn’t let you do this.”

  “But you won’t stop me because you know I’m right.” I stroked him, still not sure how it was typically done, but enjoying the feel of him in my hand. Emboldened by the fact that he hadn’t told me to stop, I wrapped my other hand around the root of him, using both hands.

  “Christ,” he gasped. “I’m too old to be this turned on by a handjob.”

  He grabbed my hair and pulled me to my feet so he could kiss me. His mouth and tongue made me dizzy, and I went from feeling in control of the situation to feeling very small and overwhelmed. He slid his big hands down my back and over my backside, and then his fingers were exploring between my legs from behind, exploring how hot and slick I was for him. A rumble of approval vibrated through his chest.

  As he toyed with me, one finger working into me, then two, I clung to his dick where it was pressed between our bodies, my hands still, as though I needed it for balance.

  When he pulled his fingers away, I whimpered.

  “Belly down on the bed.”

  I blinked up at him and reluctantly let go of his cock. “Why?”

  “Because I’m going to fuck you.”

  “You are?” I asked, feeling smug. “But I thought you said…”

  “One last time, but that’s it. Don’t come to me begging for more after this.”

  “One last time, and I swear I’ll behave, Daddy.”

  He grumbled something about brats being the bane of his existence, and then he picked me up and put me on my hands and knees on the edge of the bed.

  I wobbled but widened my knees for balance. He gave my privates a long, thorough lick, and then he was coaxing his thick cock head into me. It felt weird and even more huge from that angle, and I wasn’t sure he’d be able to get it in.


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