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First Strike (Hammer's War Book 3)

Page 12

by James McEwan

  The ride to the club was a bit longer than he expected, but once they arrived all they could see was a few people milling around the entrance and an incredibly long line of Line Bots standing quietly, awaiting in que for their impatient masters. Club Utopia was massive with several stories. Each floor was like a micro club in itself, with each having multiple bars and dance floors. There were rooms for private business and rooms for private indiscretions. However, Thad and the girls had yet to gain entry to the tower of light and sound that was Club Utopia. They found their line bot, which turned out to be next in line to go in. Fiona placed her hand on the bot’s chest, which was also a scanner. It flashed and confirmed her identity, “Thank you Mrs. Hammer for using Larry’s Line Bot service. Please enjoy your event, and remember Larry’s Line Bots any time you want to avoid a line,” and with that the bot must have received its next client because it walked off, making its way to the back of the line to start the long wait all over again.

  “I wonder who Larry is.” Thad asked, thinking out loud.

  Fiona, who was on his left arm pulled him close so he could hear her better said, “I don’t know, but I bet he hates lines.”

  “I would imagine so,” was Thad’s reply.

  They came to the front doors of the club which were being manned by two rather large Orillas. Having evolved on a planet with much higher gravity than Earth, Orillas were extremely tough people, much larger than humans, and far stronger. Had they evolved on Earth, they would have been linked to the great apes, due to their ape like faces and large broad noses. Generally kind and gentle people, it was common knowledge not to ever anger one, as their tempers were legendary and their strength made for a particularly bad time for whoever had upset the typically gentle giant. Thad had never had any dealings with an Orilla nor had he ever had one as a target. After seeing these two up close, it was something for which he was thankful.

  They were admitted into the club without a problem. Inside the music was loud and could be felt coursing through your body with every beat. The twins almost instantly became entranced by the whole scene, where as Thad had faint memories of the last time he was in the club. He had been here some years back looking to meet up with an arms dealer. This particular arms dealer had been on his target list not for being an arms dealer per say, but for selling to the wrong people; which basically meant he had made the unfortunate mistake of selling to people that ‘the powers that be’ didn’t like.

  The twins pulled him onto the dance floor, which was already crowded, but still had room for a few more bodies. Thad, who had been trained to dance in all forms of classical dance, found himself feeling more than a little awkward as Fiona ground herself against his hips, while Freya rubbed against his back. After a few mintues of bumbing and grinding Thad begain to relax and enjoy himself, no longer caring about how awkward he thought he looked.

  After dancing for a while Freya went to the bar to get drinks while Fiona and Thad found a table. Fiona, worked up from the music and dancing, jumped onto Thad’s lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. Thad was a little surprised, but it didn’t stop her as her soft senual lips met his in a deep kiss.

  Freya meanwhile was at the bar entering her drink order into the automated bar tender. While it was busy mixing the drinks Freya couldn’t help but sway and bounce to the beat, her tight little body moving in time to the pull of the hypnotic music. She was enjoying herself for the first time in a very long time. Too bad it was all about to come to sudden and an abrupt end.

  While waiting on her order, a rather drunk club goer approached her. He placed his hands on her hips and tried to move along with her. At first she mistook him for Thad, “Hey sweetie, come to help me with the drinks?”

  “Baby I’d help you with anything,” the man said sloppily.

  The unexpected voice startled her, and she let out a little yelp. She spun around to see a balding man in his mid-forties with putrid breath and a belly that was just starting to extend over his belt. “Excuse me sir, but I thought you were someone else. Now will you please kindly take your hands off me?”

  “Sure darling, anything you want,” he said as he removed his hands from Freya’s waist and slid into the spot at the bar next to her. He was leaning in so close she could smell the drink on his rotten breath. “Hey pretty lady, how about I buy you a drink or two, then you and me can go to my VIP room for a little bit of fun. What do you say?”

  Freya wished the automated bar tender was a little faster, but it was working at capacity. After all, it wasn’t a modern replicator that could turn out drinks instantaneously. One of the charms of this club was the old style robotic bartenders that actually mixed your drinks. Its mixing arm was mounted on two tracks that ran the height and width of the bar. It would zoom back and forth retrieving the imbibement of choice, pour the right amount into the glass, and then return the bottle to its place on the wall. It was fun to watch, but far slower than a replicator.

  It had just started her order so she would have to wait and endure this drunk just a little while longer. She put her hand on his chest and leaned close to his ear to ensure that he heard her, “Look buddy, I think you’ve had a little too much fun tonight. Why don’t you take rosey and her five sisters back to your VIP room, have a little group thing, and sleep it off.” She then pushed him away as hard as she could without knocking him off his stool.

  He rocked backward and then moved back toward her. This time he grabbed her wrist, “Look bitch, don’t you know who I am?”

  She resisted the urge to snap his wrist, “Should I?”

  “Damn it woman, I’m Larry!” He could tell by the look on her face she had no idea who he was. “You know, Larry… of Larry’s Line Bots! Hell, I’m one of the richest men on Isis.”

  Not impressed she twisted her arm and slipped out of his hold, “Good for you. I’m Freya Hammer and I’m one the richest women in the universe, so do you really want to compare your bank statement to mine or are you going to fuck off and leave me alone?”

  Not used to being turned down, Larry who found that money almost always got him what he wanted felt rather annoyed at being spurned. He grabbed her hand and placed it directly on his manhood, “You want to see something big, I’ll show you something big.”

  That was it; he had gone too far and was going to pay for stepping over the line. “What, that little thing? Am I supposed to be impressed?”

  He flushed red with anger, “Look bitch! What Larry wants, Larry gets!”

  Freya slipped her hand off his manhood and slid it just a little lower, grabbing his testicles. Then she said in her most sexy and sultry voice, “What Larry is going to get is a chance to see the other end of his penis if he dosen’t leave me alone.” Freya then squeezed with everything she had.

  Larry’s face went three shades of red before starting to turn purple. He threw up his arms, “Okay, Okay just let go damn it.”

  She gave them a little tug to emphasize her point, “Touch me again and I’ll rip them off and hand them to you. Understand?”

  “Yes, yes, oh God yes. Just let go!” He said as tears started to stream down his face.

  She released her captives, and then watched as Larry’s hands dropped to his groin. “You stupid bitch, you’ll pay for this!” He said, still holding his groin.

  “Can’t your addlepated little mind come up with anything better than bitch? Now go away before I really get mad!” She glared at him. He stood there for a second contemplating his next move when she picked up a heavy empty glass off the bar and held it up as if she were going to throw it at him. That was enough to jog him into better thinking and he retreated quickly into the crowd.

  There was a ding behind her telling her that her drink order was ready. She set down the empty glass and retrieved the tray of drinks before heading back to the table.

  Fiona had finished exercising her lips on Thad’s and was now content to sit in his lap, arms still draped around his neck and head tucked tight against him. “I have miss
ed you so much. It’s so good to have you back.”

  Thad was going say something when Freya returned to the table, “That looks like fun.” She set down the tray and sat down next to her husband. Fiona slid off of his lap and sat next to him on the other side. Thad was as happy as a man could get.

  They enjoyed their drinks and after a while Fiona announced that she needed to use the powder room. She left the table in search of the restroom. Freya took her turn and climbed onto Thad’s lap, kissing him deeply. She never mentioned the drunk at the bar.

  Fiona finished her call of nature, refreshed her lipstick and left the ladies room. She had not walked more than a few steps when Larry spotted her. He gave orders to his bodyguard to cut her off. Larry’s bodyguard was a former StarGuard marine. He looked the part, strong and chiseled, but war worn with a scar that ran from just under his left eye to his jaw. Like most bodyguards he was a large man, well over six feet. He quickly made his way to intercept Fiona. He stepped in front of her so fast she didn’t have time to stop and she bumbed into him.

  “Excuse me, I didn’t see you there,” Fiona said as she steadied herself.

  “Sorry mama, but my employer would like a word with you,” the bodyguard said as he grabbed her arms just below the shoulders. His hands where like vises crushing her firm yet delicate arms. Before she could object he spun her around where her right cheek was met full force with Larry’s sweaty hand. The slap both surprised and stunned her.

  “I told you, you’d pay for what you did!” Larry said.

  Fiona could taste blood in her mouth and felt her split lip with the tip of her tongue before she spoke, “I’m sorry sir, but you’ve mistaken me for someone else.”

  Larry’s face flushed with anger, “What are you playing at girl? You know what you did to me, and now you’re going to come with me and you make it right.”

  “Look, I’ve never seen you before let alone done something to you, but I’m going to give you exactly one chance to tell your goon here to get his meaty fists off me and walk away with all your parts intact.”

  “What do you mean you’ve never seen me? You nearly tore my fucking balls off back at the bar not more than twenty minutes ago,” Larry said, still trying to understand why she was acting this way.

  Back at the table, Freya abruptly stopped kissing Thad. Her head jerked up as if she had been the one slapped, “Fiona’s in trouble, we need to find her.” Thad had seen what he called their freaky twin bond in action before, that thing between twins where one seems to know when the other is upset, in pain, or otherwise in trouble. He didn’t say a thing, just jumped to his feet and followed her lead.

  Larry’s comments about the bar made Fiona suddenly realize he was confusing her with Freya and things were starting to make sense. “I think I know what’s going on here, but you need to understand,” she was cut off by yet another vicious slap across the face.

  “Shut up bitch! You’re coming with me and that’s final,” Larry said as he massaged his sore hand, not realizing just how hard he had hit her.

  Fiona’s head rolled back to face Larry, blood dripping from the widened cut on her lip. “I am not going anywhere with you, you creep. Let me go or else.”

  She was cut off again, “Or what? You’re going to try to grab my balls again?”

  “No, worse,” Fiona said in strong defiance.

  Larry laughed, “What are you going to do little girl?”

  “Me nothing, her on the other hand,” Fiona nodded in the direction of her sister who was standing behind him.

  Larry turned around and was almost nose-to-nose with Freya, “What the Hell?” He asked in a stunned tone.

  “Remember me?” Freya asked just before she put her knee into his groin as hard as she could. Larry dropped to the floor whining like a stuck pig. At that same moment, Fiona smashed the spiked heel of her boot down on top of the bodyguard’s foot. He screamed in pain and let her go. As soon as she was free, Fiona let loose with an elbow that struck the bodyguard in the solar plexus. He groaned and stumbled back a few feet, bumping into another club goer who was just as big as the bodyguard. The bump made the man spill his drink all over the woman he was talking to.

  This afront was too much for the club goer, and the man turned to the bodyguard, “Oye mate, watch it or I’ll bust your head.”

  Larry’s guard was in no mood to deal with the drunken loud mouth, “Oye mate,” he mimicked, “Clear off now before you step into something you’ll regret.”

  Fiona and Freya joined Thad’s side and the trio stood strong, ready to deal with anthing that happened next. Larry had made it up to his knees, and was cursing at Freya, “You stupid bitch, I’m going to kill you and your twin bitch sister.”

  Thad wanted to put an end to this before it got out of control, but he was too late. The man who had spilled his drink had chosen to ignore the warning and grabbed Larry’s bodyguard by the collar, “Look mate,” was all he got to say before the guard produced a stun stick and pressed it against the man’s side. He pushed it in hard and activated it. The high voltage coursed through the man’s body, his muscles contracting and releasing with every plus of the weapon. A short burst was more than enough to deal with the drunk, but the guard was angry and was taking it out on the poor man as he held the stick tight. “I’m not your mate, got it?”

  Freya had had enough of this bully and grabbed an empty glass from the tray of a passing waitress. She took careful aim and threw it. The glass tumbled twice in the air before striking the bodyguard squarely in the back of the head. The glass was good and thick and made a nice clucking sound as it bounced off his head before shattering when it hit the ground.

  That redirected the bodyguard’s attention and he dropped the stun stick. The drunken club goer dropped to the floor in a heap, his head smacking against the bar. He was breathing heavily as he tried to regain control of his body.

  The bodyguard was done screwing around. His foot, ribs, and now the back of head were all throbbing. He spun around to see who had thrown the glass. A warm wet feeling on the back of his neck just enraged him more. He drew his sidearm, an antique model firearm popular with bodyguards because they used bullets and had no power source that could be detected or suppressed. He pointed the gun straight at Freya, aiming for her heart. He had his finger on the trigger and had started to apply pressure when Thad stepped in front of Freya blocking the man’s shot.

  Meanwhile high above the planet, on the large space station that controlled all incoming and outgoing space traffic, sitting at his post in seat 321 the same Ascarian controller who had been on duty when the Eden had arrived watched as the first wave of invading ships exited subspace. He keyed his comm and started transmitting, “Attention unidentified space crafts in sector alpha delta one, please squawk your ident and proceed to sector alpha, alpha one for landing or docking instructions.” He sat and waited, but the ships continued to move toward the military closed zone. He repeated the message, but was greeted with silence.

  The traffic controller was not sure what was going on but followed protocol to the letter, “Controller, we have a large amount of unidentified ships about to violate the alpha, delta, two zone.”

  The A.I. controller’s voice came over his headset, “Acknowledged, issue warning while I activate defense protocol.”

  The traffic controller pushed a button on his screen and an automated messege started broadcasting on a loop, “Attention unknown crafts, you are about to violate protected military space. Turn back now or you will be fired upon.” The planetary government never played around with their security, they fully meant what the message said. To back up the message all the orbiting defense gun platforms went into full combat readiness.

  The ships simply ignored the message and continued to approach, when another wave of ships exited subspace behind the first. Then wave after wave of ships dropped out of subspace surounding the planet.

  On board the traffic and defense space station, the comm lines where going craz
y. The station commander was standing on the main control bridge, still in his nightclothes. It was obvious he had been drug out of bed for the crises. Station time was the same as the Capital District. “Yes sir… They came out of nowhere sir… No, they’re not responding. It’s strange because the ships are Fabian, Ralnai, some I don’t even recognize. It makes no sense at all for all these ships to be working together.” He paused and listened to the voice on the other end of the comm line. “Yes sir,” he said as he ended the call and opened up a comm channel to all defense platforms. “All batteries, open fire. Repeat open fire.”

  On the closest defense battery stood a young Lieutenant. He was standing over the gunner’s mate who was manning the fire control computer for the massive mac (magnetic acellerated cannon) gun. “You heard the order, fire!”

  “Aye sir,” the gunners mate said. He locked on the first target and pressed fire on the screen.

  The massive gun adjusted its aim and the power flowed to the magnets that ran the length of the barrel. The crew inside the gun platform was ready for the massive gun to fire and recycle. However, the gun never fired, instead the explosive charge that had been planted in the guns power systems exploded. The orbiting gun platform broke in half before it exploded killing the crew.

  All around the planet, the orbiting gun platforms were exploding as they tried to fire. It was clear that someone had sabotaged the guns. More than half of them had been destroyed before the others realized it.

  Back on the traffic control station, all of the controllers had left their stations and rushed to the windows. They all stood and watched in horror as the planet’s defense systems exploded around them. The Ascarian controller stood behind a human woman who kept repeating, “Oh God,” with every explosion. He watched and noticed that there were no StarGuard ships around the planet, which was odd because there were always military ships around. It was as if someone had ordered all the ships out of the system. Something was going on and he wondered why his own governement would be involved. However, that thought died with him as the enemy fleet opened fire on the station.


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