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First Strike (Hammer's War Book 3)

Page 29

by James McEwan

  “No, no, no, no you don’t!” Eve exclaimed.

  “Eve?” Carl pressed wanting to find out just was what was troubling her.

  “One of the security A.I.s has found one of my back door hacks into the network and is trying to back trace me. This one is good. Every time I block or reroute him he comes right back after me. If he keeps this up he’ll trace our location and then we’re had.”

  “Anything I can do?” He asked.

  “Pray,” Eve answered sincerely.

  Meanwhile, at the undisclosed rally point Captain Wesson stood tall on his bridge. He was the most senior of the Captains that were close enough to Isis to help in the time frame allotted. A little less than half of the StarGuard fleet was still loyal, and out of those only a handful was in the area. Two Titan class destroyers, the Damocles and the Majestic, were the lead ships. The rest were older smaller attack vessels. There were four Alexander class ships, the Vanguard, the Resolution, the Challenger, and the Judgement. The next class of ship was the Stonewall Jackson and there were a few of them, starting with the Stonewall Jackson itself, the Spector, the Falcon, the Storm, and the Black Sparrow. They had twenty-two ships in all show up ready to fight.

  Captain Wesson pointed at the comm officer who began to broadcast the Captain to all the ships in the area. “Alright Captains, as you all know by now there has been an attack on Isis. It appears that this new enemy, the New Galactic Empire as they are calling themselves, have somehow infiltrated about half the fleet. My intel is telling me that the Federation government has been disbanded as well as the Republic of Commerce. All leaders that were loyal have been executed. So, this means that all remaining government officials are to be presumed traitors and are not to be trusted. As far as anyone one can tell, and my best intel supports, about half of Fleet Command has joined the NGE. Those who didn’t are now dead. The NGE has issued orders claiming all Federation ships as theirs and are demanding we swear allegiance to them or be considered renegades to which we will be hunted down and destroyed. I for one joined up to be a StarGuard starship captain and I‘m not about to change my uniform for a bunch of ruthless bullies.” He had to pause as the crews across the many ships as well as his own cheered. “So from this moment on there is no official StarGuard, there is just us and each and every one of you can take your ship and crew and run, if you want. You are free to walk away from this fight.”

  He was interrupted by the captain of the Majestic, Captain Seamus Murray, “Sorry Dan, but I’ve never run from a fight and I’m not about to start running now,” he said, with a heavy Irish accent.

  “Me neither and I believe you all feel the same way, or you wouldn’t be here right now. So on to business then. The remaining ships I was able to contact and feel are still loyal have been dispatched to protect various strategic points. The largest of them is Nova Texas. We can’t let it fall into the enemy’s hands. With that being said our mission is twofold, first we’re going to hit hard and fast. We want to deal as much damage to their fleet as we can and find out just what kind of numbers we’re dealing with. My intel is a little vague on that point. The second mission objective is to clear a path for a ship to escape that will be carrying some VIPs on board.”

  Again he was interrupted, this time by a question, “Who will be on the ship?” asked the Captain of the Black Sparrow.

  “Captain Peebo is it?” Captain Wesson asked to make sure he was addressing the right person.

  “Yes Richard Peebo,” He replied.

  “I have been told it will be carrying the Emperor of the Terrain Empire as well as a few other important people, including Admiral Amanda Hayes.”

  “And the name of this ship?” Captain Peebo asked.

  “It’s a private ship called the Eden, and I will send out her info and IFF signal so no one accidently blows her out of the sky.”

  Captain Wesson continued the briefing for another ten minutes and then as he ended his statement he addressed them one last time. “Remember, this is a blow through and shoot operation, don’t waste your lives on a fight you can’t win. Get in and punch the enemy in the eye, and then get out. Fallback point is Nova Texas. Good luck and God Speed, Damocles out.” With that, he cut the transmission and waited to count down, the last few minutes before jumping into slip space for the trip to Isis.

  At that same moment a large fleet of forty ships, all armed to the teeth and ready for a fight, were about to exit slip space and hit the StarGuard ships at their rally point. The commander in charge of the NGE Fleet was a Fabian and he was as mean as they came. “Attention all ships, fire as soon as you drop from slip space. I don’t want to give the enemy any chance to run.”

  The order was acknowledged by all and from the bridge of his ship, the Fabian watched as they dropped out of slip space. “Fire everything!” He yelled.

  Forty ships lit up the darkness of empty space. Lasers, hex tubs, missiles, rail guns, the works filled the area with a lethal cloud of destruction. Too bad there was nothing for them to hit. Not a single StarGuard ship was to be found anywhere. After the first volley of fire the commander ordered the fleet to stop shooting.

  The word anger didn’t really express the emotion the NGE fleet commander was feeling at that moment. Murderous was a better word. “Where are they?” He growled at his tactical officer, eyes aflame.

  “Sir, I have no idea. These are the exact coordinates that were issued by fleet intel sir. Maybe the fleet intel was wrong?”

  “You think?” The commander yelled at him. “Get that intel officer up here now!”

  “Yes sir!” The tactical officer snapped a salute and before waiting for the commander to return it, he ran from the bridge.

  A few minutes later, the intel officer was standing next to the commander in front of their main view screen. On the screen was the image of Drake and he didn’t look happy. Drake addressed the intel officer, “You’re the officer who intercepted the communique, correct?”

  “Yes Lord Marshal,” he replied with a hint of fear in his voice.

  “Care to explain why my attack fleet just expended a massive amount of ordinance on an empty sector of space?”

  “I don’t understand sir. These are the coordinates that are in the communique. You can see for yourself,” the intel officer said as he quickly stepped over to a panel and brought up the video for everyone to see. “As you can see my Lord, these are clearly the coordinates that are broadcast in the message.”

  Drake looked carefully at the map that lay on Wesson’s desk. He then looked at the location he was pointing to. It was nowhere near the coordinates he voiced. Drake laughed, “Captain Wesson is one slick operator, and you’re an idiot.”

  “My Lord?” the officer asked, not sure what he had missed.

  “The good captain gave you miss information while the whole time he was pointing at where he wanted to rally his ships. It was right under your nose and you were too stupid to see it,” Drake chided him.

  “I am so sorry my Lord, it will never happen again,” the intel officer said.

  “Well at least you’re finally right about something. You will never make any mistakes again. Commander,” Drake said with an expectation of action.

  The commander didn’t hesitate, he pulled his sidearm placed it next to the intel officers head, and pulled the trigger. The man died quick and clean, his body crumpling to the floor. Two security officers swooped in to remove the body.

  “Commander, remember to preserve the body for processing and get your fleet back here as soon as you can. I have a feeling we’re going to have some party crashers soon. Drake out.” The communication was over and the screen switched back to the forward camera.

  “Well you heard the man, get us out of here!” He yelled at the bridge crew.

  Chapter 36

  Thad was unsure just how long he had been out, but he found himself lying on the floor of what he thought at first was a large sports arena. However, as he sat up and looked around he realized that he was on the
floor of the senate chamber of the United Terrain Federation of Planets. At least it used to be the senate chamber, now it was the office of the Nephilim who called himself Lord Emperor. A massive desk custom built to accommodate the ten-foot tall giant sat in the middle of the floor. Behind the desk the hooded giant sat, his glowing red eyes peering at Thad from underneath the hood.

  “I see you’re awake,” the voice was deep and as booming as one would expect from such an immense creature.

  “Nice place you got here. Seen better,” Thad remarked as he stood to face his enemy.

  “Ah yes and there it is the legendary wit that I have heard so much about. You will have to forgive me, as I am not as quick with remarks as you. Your language is but one of hundreds that I speak and sometimes it is hard to remember which words go with which. However, I didn’t have you brought here to have a battle of the wits. I wanted to meet the man that has caused me so much grief,” he replied.

  Thad walked towards the desk staying far enough back that he could still see the giant. “I hope that I can measure up to my reputation.”

  “Actually I am rather disappointed. I thought you would present a much bigger challenge than you did,” the Nephilim said with his booming voice.

  “Oh don’t sell me short there big guy, I have a way of growing on you when you get to know me. I bet that if you give me a chance you will really come to hate me,” Thad said.

  “Oh believe me, I detest you already. There is nothing worse than having one of your own creations come back to…” he paused, “Let’s see I think the phrase is bite you in the ass.”

  “Yeah I think that’s the one,” Thad smirked. “But, hey let’s cut to the chase here. You got me, so now what are you going to do with me? I’m sure by now your intel has told you I’m not that easy to kill.”

  “Oh, I am not worried about being able to kill you. I know that I can do that. I wanted you know that all of this is your fault, and that every life human or otherwise lost in this unnecessary campaign is on your head. I want you to go to your death knowing that all this needless pain and suffering is your fault. I want your soul to spend the rest of eternity in torment because it was you and you alone who started this war.

  “I don’t know what you’re smoking there Hoss, but last time I checked I was just trying to live out my life quietly and not bother anyone. It was you and your lackeys that started this war,” Thad said defiantly.

  “You don’t know do you?” he asked.

  “Know what? That you are a lunatic, think I’ve figured that one out on my own.” Thad said in return.

  “Maybe you really have forgotten where you came from. The program that made you,” he paused for effect. “Who do you think was behind it all? Why do you think you were killing key people in key positions? Another few years of assassinations and I would have had control of all of the governments in this galaxy. Once they were under my control, there would never have been a need for this war. Now thanks to your choice to disobey and later destroy the program, you forced my hand and the only card I had left to play was force. Congratulations Mr. Hammer you started this war. It is your war, Hammer’s war if you like.”

  Thad was stunned; he didn’t know what to say. He never thought that his actions, the actions of one man would lead to a war, to the countless loss of life. “What no quip, no flashy remark?” The Nephilim bated him.

  “I did what I did because at the time I thought I was doing the right thing,” Thad paused.

  “And now? Do you still feel it was the right thing?”

  Thad looked straight into those deep red glowing eyes and spoke with defiance that even he didn’t know he had; “Now I know it was the right thing, and if I didn’t then the people of this galaxy would have had no chance to fight back. If I caused a war to stop you and whatever evil plan you have cooked up in that rotten mind of yours then I will gladly go to my grave knowing that this is my war, Hammer’s war. I will wear it like a badge of honor. However, since you have been upfront with me I’ll do you the same; I won’t go without a fight!” Thad leapt up and caught the edge of the massive desk, pulling himself on top of it. He now stood face to face with the giant.

  “I expected nothing less. You are of course welcome to try, as many others have in the past,” he said as he lifted one of his large hands and pulled down his hood exposing his half-burned face.

  Thad stood and looked at the twisted monster before him, “Man you really are one ugly mother aren’t you?”

  “I show you my face not so you can judge me, but so you can see that I have survived a direct hit from an Eli blast rifle. Even the mighty Eli could not kill me.”

  “Oh, you’re talking about the melted side of your face. Actually, I think they did you a favor. I think it’s a bit of an improvement,” Thad said as he stood looking at the face of evil.

  “Enough! Your insults mean nothing to me. You are nothing but a small bump in the road to a much larger plan.” His fist slammed down on the desktop sending vibrations through Thad’s body.

  “Oh I think I am a little more than a bump, otherwise why would you spend so much time worrying about little old me?” Thad said.

  The Lord Emperor wrapped his large hand around Thad and lifted him off the desk. He squeezed with enough force that it would have crushed any other man’s chest, but not Thad’s. Thad tried to wriggle out of the grip, but it was like trying to escape a steel vice. “You are far stronger that I imagined,” the Emperor said releasing the tension in his grip a little.

  “You still didn’t answer my question, why do I scare you so much?” Thad pushed for information.

  “I do not fear you! You have caused me a significant amount of time and resources, but overall when you look at the larger picture you are nothing. However, I am tired of dealing with you. It is time to I find out what else you are up to before I destroy you.”

  “And just how are you going to do that?” Thad asked.

  “Like this,” the Lord Emperor replied as he placed a finger on Thad’s forehead.

  Instantly Thad felt a white-hot surge of pain, it was as if someone had just rammed a frozen spike straight into his skull splitting the two sides of his brain. He was helpless. Thad had no way to fight back as the pain blocked out all other thoughts.

  The Lord Emperor dug deep into Thad’s mind. Normally when he entered a mind he did so remotely and could only implant ideas and messages, but with direct contact he could tear open memories as if he was ripping open draws in a filing cabinet. As he searched through Thad’s mind all Thad could do was scream from the pain.

  He searched from memory to memory trying to find out what Thad was planning. The Lord Emperor felt he was getting close when he entered what he thought was the memory that contained Thad’s plans and found himself standing next to Thad as he faced the long dead, all those who had died at Thad’s hands by his orders. He felt their anger and rage and he could hear them screaming, “Avenge us!” Then something happened that he didn’t expect. The dead turned towards him and again screamed, “Avenge us.” Their rage and anger was focused on him now and he felt a stabbing pain within his own mind and was forced to withdraw from Thad.

  The connection between their minds was severed and he let go of Thad who crumpled in a heap on his desk. Now with the pain gone Thad regained his composure and pulled himself back up to knees, “Wow next time buy me a drink first and use some lube.”

  His comment went unheard, as the Emperor was confused. “Your mind is protected, but how? I need to know how,” he said as he pointed his finger at Thad again. “I must know!” He repeated himself.

  Thad was not in any mood for a second mind probing. “Sorry big guy, but I’m not up to getting my mind fingered twice in one day,” Thad said before rolling backward off the desk and onto the floor.

  Meanwhile, Kára entered the officer’s housing where Amanda and Ruby were being held. She had used her armor’s holographic projectors to make her appear in the new black uniform of the NGE, the rank on
her shoulders was that of a major. She marched up to the front desk and presented her ID to the staff sergeant who was manning the desk. “Major Kára St. Claire. I’ve just been assigned as Admiral Hayes new attaché and I am here to escort the Admiral and her granddaughter to the command center per the Lord Marshal’s order.”

  The sergeant looked at her ID and then her orders, “I’m sorry major, but I have not received a copy of these orders yet and until I do I can’t let you have access. Those are my orders.”

  “I don’t understand why you have not received them yet. I was told that you would have a copy to match mine when I arrived. So I suggest you pick up your comm and call Ensign Willis. I believe he was the one on the Lord Marshal’s staff who cut the orders.”

  The sergeant waved his hand over the desk sensor and a holographic list appeared before him. He used his hand to sort through the names until he found Willis’s name. He waved it over to the comm panel and in seconds he was connected to Ensign Willis, “Sorry to bother you sir, but I have a major St. Claire here with orders to escort the admiral to the command center, but I don’t seem to have a copy here.”

  Ensign Willis was all nerves on the inside, but on the outside he was solid and didn’t miss a beat. “Sorry about that sergeant we’re having some problems with the network today and are not able to send out anything. Not sure when it will be fixed, hence the paper orders. The major is good to go.”

  “Thank you sir,” he said as he ended the comm call. He looked back at Kára, “Looks like you’re all clear Major. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

  “No problem sergeant, thank you for clearing it up,” She said as she marched passed him and towards the Lord Marshal’s quarters. So far so good, she thought. She also had mixed emotions about Ensign Willis coming through for them, a part of her wanted to fight her way in and out. However, she knew that too much was at stake to risk a fight now. She focused on the task at hand and headed for the right door. Meanwhile St. Claire and Mortlock waited outside in a stolen command car, hoping that no one from the motor pool paid too much attention to who signed out the car.


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