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Darkness Unleashed

Page 31

by McKenzie Hunter

  “I am very aware of that, Skylar,” he said.

  “Then what exactly do you want?” I asked sincerely. His attention was solely on me, as if he’d forgotten Sebastian was present. After several moments of silence, I said, “I love Ethan. And I love this pack, and I will do anything to defend both—especially from the likes of you.”

  I knew I wouldn’t get the total truth from him with Sebastian just feet away. He addressed the question diplomatically, as the politician he had proven to be. He spoke eloquently, sincerely, and with heart, convincing his audience of the sincerity in his words. “Most of the votes to come out to the humans were in favor because of me. Because I convinced them it was a good idea and we could weather the storms that came from it. I did that. I gave you the idea of using Chris to help Josh. Do you think Demetrius would have agreed without her there? I did that! I had to assemble the allies to help us in the fight while you all were visiting Senna. I did that! I took command when the Alpha wasn’t present. I did exactly what a Beta should do. Contrary to what you believe, I would be an asset to this pack. I have no secrets that would ever put this pack in peril. My loyalty is only to the pack.” That was a lie. His loyalty was to himself. As I looked at him, I made sure he could see how I felt. He swallowed hard but kept his eyes on me and continued, “The witches trust me. Abigail trusts me. And believe me, that’s a lot more than what can be said about Ethan. He is a conditional asset, and you two have led with your emotions to the detriment of this pack.”

  He stood taller and directed his next statement to Sebastian. “My challenge still stands.” And with that, he turned and left the house.

  Dr. Jeremy released Ethan because he didn’t need observation anymore. That might have been part of the reason, but my facing a challenge against Cole was most of it. As soon as we made it to Ethan’s house, Ethan sat on the sofa and waved me over. When I attempted to sit, he pulled me over and nudged me until I was straddling him. His arms wrapped around me, and I buried my face into his neck. In a slow, steady rhythm, he rubbed his hands over my back. I listened to his strong heartbeat, which just days ago had been weak and barely audible. It had a soothing effect.

  “Sky,” he finally said.

  “You won’t talk me out of it,” I said before he could continue. I pulled back and looked at him. Refusing to be dissuaded, I steeled, my voice. “I’m doing this.”

  He gave me a faint smile. “Thank you for what you did.” It was heartbreaking—the look he’d had when Josh was dying. “I can’t let you do this.”


  “Sky, no. There is nothing you can do to win. My position will still be lost, and you’ll be injured. How are we winning?” he asked. “I met his other challenge, and it wasn’t an easy win.”

  I looked away from him, feeling betrayed. “If Winter were sitting here in my place, would you be giving this speech?”

  “Well”—he looked at my position on his lap, his hands under my shirt, caressing my back, and his bare chest—“if Winter were sitting here, I do believe there’d be more discussion taking place than just about a challenge, because so many things would be wrong with the situation. But yes, I’d give her the same speech, Gavin and Steven as well. They wouldn’t win. It’s nothing more than a symbolic but hollow gesture—one that will not benefit any of us. Let him have the position, and in a month, I will take it back.”

  “Will he still be part of this pack?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. He can request a transfer, but I doubt he’d want to return to his pack.” Ethan looked away, irritation and anger eclipsing his face. “He won’t because what he wants is here.” I wasn’t sure if he was referring to me or the position as Beta.

  I frowned at the idea of both. Trusting Cole was difficult. It was like playing a game, deciphering the intentions behind everything he did.

  “I should at least—”

  “Sky, please,” he whispered. “Don’t do this.”

  It was a struggle to concede, and it took me several moments. I rested against Ethan again, looked at him, and nodded.

  Seeing his fear and concern made it an easier decision. “Okay. If you concede, you won’t have a position in the pack. You’ll become unranked.”

  “I know.”

  Ethan would have to offer a formal capitulation to Sebastian. I tried to be strong about it, mirroring Ethan’s behavior. We were both full of crap. Five hours had passed, and it was close to ten at night when Ethan picked up the phone to call.

  “I was just about to call you,” Sebastian said in a rush. “Don’t worry about the challenge—we need to find Cole. He and his Beta are missing.”

  If we were honest with ourselves, no one cared that Cole was missing, but we had to find his Beta.

  Sebastian continued, “So are Joan and her Beta …”

  “Who else?” Ethan asked.


  Ethan rubbed his hands over his face. “Have you heard from the West Coast Alpha?”

  “I’m waiting to hear from them. I’ll let you know when I do,” Sebastian informed him, worry and agitation coursing through his words. Ethan disconnected with a sigh. Clasping his hands behind his head, he slumped back into the sofa.

  “You think it has anything to do with the Red Blood?” I asked.

  He shook his head, and I knew he had an idea what or who was behind it. “It’s worse.”


  Thank you for choosing Darkness Unleashed from the many titles available to you. My goal is to create an engaging world, compelling characters, and an interesting experience for you. I hope I’ve accomplished that. Reviews are very important to authors and help other readers discover our books. Please take a moment to leave a review. I’d love to know your thoughts about the book.

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  With each book I write, I’m increasingly humbled and thankful for my friends and family who continue to support me unconditionally. I have to offer a special thanks to: Vanessa Rodrigues for her Portuguese translation and John and Kari Underwood, Esq. for taking time out of their busy schedules to offer their experience and expertise about the legal system. Not only was it extremely helpful, it was exciting to learn. It was a pleasure working with you two and I can’t thank you enough. I’d like to offer thanks to Agata Krakowiak for giving me “Skyven”. It’s a very fitting quip for Winter.

  I’d also like to thank Oriana for the beautiful cover, and Stacy McCright and Luann Reed who work so diligently to help me tell the best story I can.

  Last, but never least, I want to thank my readers for following Sky throughout her journey and allowing me to entertain you. Her story is coming to an end (one more book in the Sky Brooks series) and I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.




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