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Mykal's Return to Towbar's World

Page 29

by Dave Hazel

  “If you don’t mind for the specifics Myk,” Major Innes spoke up to clarify his statement. “We have eight 81mm mortar teams. They are five man teams that operate the M29A1 81mm mortars which have a maximum effective range of 5180 yards. That’s 2.94 miles. The blast zone is approximately 40 meters, or 131 feet in diameter. We settled on the medium size mortars for its portability and power.”

  “What’s the rate of fire on those?” Mykal asked.

  “We can fire 12 rounds per minute for 2 minutes, or we can fire 3-5 rounds per minute indefinitely. The weight of the mortar tube and base plate, etcetera is just 121.5 pounds. But a five man mortar team can easily carry them if there is the need for travel. That’s why we elected the medium rather than the heavy mortars. I wasn’t really sure how much traveling the men would have to do.”

  “That’s great. Towbar, we can fire those mortars from here and hit them about three miles away. They would never see us and we can kick their ass as well as scare the hell out of them. It would be like hitting people in the town of Gartolin from here,” he added to paint a clearer picture for the giant. “How many rounds do we have?”

  “There are 2400 rounds, 300 rounds for each of the 8 teams. All the mortar team members are also armed with an M-16. There are ten flamethrower teams. Each team consists of two torch-men. The torch-men only have two canisters each. They have a range up to fifty meters but they will only last for 32 seconds. Normally they will use them in 2 to 3 second bursts. They are primarily for show, or rather for the scare and shock factor which was the primary reason you said you wanted them to be brought along.”

  “Oh yeah, and that it will do. Towbar, I’ve seen old documentaries, and what this stuff does it throws a jellied fuel that sticks to the body and then it is ignited, so when some of the Sosos get torched and start to run wild it will make the others freak out. I don’t care how tough or how crazy they are, it will cause them to re-think what they’re doing. You’re gonna be amazed.”

  “Basically, what the flamethrower weapon is fueled with is napalm. It will wreak havoc,” Innes explained with a straight faced seriousness. He tapped his fingertips together so as to not use his hands wildly in a display of excitement.

  “Isn’t this kinda like calling out the National Guard to get a kitten out of a tree?” Larry asked showing that he, Boris, Jake and Sam had followed along. “I don’t understand why you have so much fire power to rescue some people that went missing.”

  “It’s my doing,” Mykal said and slightly pursed his lips to show he wished his friends had remained quiet. The question irritated him because he knew he was being videotaped. “They wanted me to come back and rescue some VIPs. I said I wouldn’t do it unless we had a strong force cuz of what we’re facing out there,” he pointed to the north. “Plus, I knew there might be a need to help Towbar. If you have a problem with that,” Mykal said with his teeth clenched as if to shush Larry.

  “No Myk, I’m sorry,” Larry apologized when he saw Mykal’s mood change. “I didn’t mean it like that, and I’m not complaining. I was just making an observation,” he added and looked to the others to see if they knew why he became angry.

  “Alright then,” Mykal huffed and turned back to his commanders. He wasn’t angry at Larry for stating the obvious, but he didn’t want the true nature of his mission to come to light while video cameras were taping. And he didn’t want it known that he planned to use Towbar One to help Towbar with his war even if they rescue the missing right away. He feared the whole world may end up seeing the tapes one day. It had to remain a secret. “What I wanted to get at was I think we may know where the missing people are,” he said to Chick and the command leaders. “From the latest info I received it’s possible they may be in the Soso camp. It’s possible they may be alive and are being held as prisoners,” he said and brought Jake over to explain to the commanders what Jake told him.

  Mykal watched the mass movement of vehicles and people while Jake briefed the upper echelon of command. Mykal got a kick out of watching the volunteers of Towbar One get greeted and welcomed to Towbar’s world by Towbar’s people and the Dwarven people. Some of the younger soldiers and Marines looked incredulous as they eyed the surroundings. It amazed Mykal that all this was because of him. Captain Diaz’s analogy of Joseph in the Bible going from prisoner slave to next to king fit perfectly. ‘Where Joseph went from slave to prisoner to king, I’m going from prisoner to slave to king to king/slave of this friggin government,’ he chuckled at his own thoughts. ‘But once I get that package I’ll be free at last, free at last!’

  “So Myk, what do you think the chances are that they are still alive?” One of the reporters questioned.

  “Honestly if you would have asked me a couple of days ago I woulda said they’d be dead. But now that we’ve just learned the Sosos have been trying to take prisoners, so it’s possible they’re alive. What my plan is, Major Chick,” he turned away from the reporters. “To take all the helicopters up and fly around out there and see if we can find any sign of them.”

  “How are you going to select the reporters and cameramen that will be going with you?” One spoke for the group.

  “I’m not,” Mykal answered quickly showing no concern. “You people are. I don’t want anything to do with picking anyone because it’s going to be very dangerous. We have eight choppers and four teams of you can go. I want one reporter and cameraman in four helicopters. I want you guys spread out in case one of the helicopters crashes, this way you’re not all bunched up,” he said and gave an insensitive laugh which caused others to laugh at his dark humor. The twenty-four didn’t find it humorous. “If you guys can’t work it out among yourselves then no one will go. We’re leaving shortly and if you’re not ready I’m not waiting.”

  “Myk, do I sense a negative attitude toward us?” One of the reporters questioned him.

  Mykal knew he had to be careful not to speak his mind. “If I’m coming across that way, I don’t mean to. But I don’t want to babysit anyone, and I’m telling ya, you don’t know what you’re in for. These Sosos are ruthless sadistic bastards and there is no reasoning with them. You can’t even--”

  “We understand that Myk, we’ve had all the briefings and warnings. We know this is a dangerous assignment.”

  “I don’t think some of you do,” he argued harshly. “I heard a couple of your group talking earlier and they ‘were incensed’ that they had to carry a firearm and they even said they would never use it even if it was a matter of life and death. That’s fine if you wanna get your dumb ass shot off, but that tells me my men will not be able to count on them if they’re needed.”

  “Friggin bleeding heart liberals,” a voice yelled out. It sounded like Boris. Whoever it was caused a muffled roar of laughter to start.

  “I don’t wanna come across as a jerk, but as far as I’m concerned all you guys are non-essential personnel. Those I consider essential are those who are armed and gonna cover my back, just like I’m gonna cover their back. For those I overheard talking that foolish talk, what in the world are you doing here? An attack is long overdue, and if they decide to attack we are screwed. And if you think that you’re smarter than everyone else in the room and that you’re gonna be able to talk your way outta an ass beating you are sadly mistaken. You can’t, I repeat you can not reason with Sosos. That’s all I’m gonna say about it. But I’m not gonna hold your hand and baby sit you especially if I know you’re a wussy.”

  “Thank you Myk. I wasn’t aware those sentiments had been spoken among my group,” the reporter looked around at his group. “Let’s go talk about who is going on this flying mission.”

  “Thanks Myk,” Major Chick chuckled when the reporters and cameramen departed. “I would never be allowed to say that. I would have loved to add a few more remarks, but you did great. How many men do you want to go?”

  “I was thinking one fire team on four of the helicopters and two fire teams on the other four just in case we do come across the people an
d are able to pick them up. We’ll need a little bit of room.”

  “Can I go along Myk?” William was quick to ask. “I would really like to see this first hand after all I’ve heard and read of your experiences.”

  “Yeah, we would like to go too,” Boris spoke up for himself, Jake, Larry and Sam.

  “I don’t care, but Sam I want you to stay this time and get checked by some of the doctors that are here.”

  Sam didn’t argue which was a surprise to everyone. Sam knew he needed to seek medical attention and was grateful medical personnel were brought along.

  “Are you expecting any trouble?” Major Innes asked.

  “Not really, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. If we do find the people we’re looking for we may not get a second chance to come back and add more men. We may miss that one special opportunity.”

  “Captain Diaz,” Chick called out to the Alpha Company commander.

  “Yes Sir,” Diaz replied and snapped to attention.

  “I would like you to supply Mykal with all the men he needs from Alpha Company. So you know Myk, Captain Diaz and a majority of his men in Alpha Company have worked together for some time. There is a strong bond already formed in Alpha Company. Is that correct Captain Diaz?”

  “Yes Sir, most of Alpha has been training together for many months,” Diaz answered and turned to Mykal. “When Major Chick notified me of this mission, just before the call for volunteers went out, we signed up as a group. We have never had actual combat experience together, but my men are a solid group of Marines, Sir.”

  “Good enough. Mykal will brief you on exactly what he wants to take with him.”

  “Captain Diaz, I will get with you in just a couple of minutes as far as numbers,” Mykal said as he eyed the young Captain who still stood at attention. “I need to go have a discussion with Towbar first,” he said as he looked at the soft spoken Marine. Captain Diaz looked solid, like a professional body builder. He appeared to be in great shape.

  “Yes Sir. I will be waiting. Sir, I want to inform you that I have the best damn company in this entire outfit, Sir,” he raised his voice to praise his men. He cracked a smile hoping the other outfits would hear him. He knew it was good to stir the competitive juices among fellow Marines.

  “I’m sure glad to hear that,” Mykal couldn’t keep from chuckling. Diaz looked young and his black hair seemed to be longer than any other officer he met. Mykal could tell that this man was one who was adored by his followers. Mykal was sure this young Captain would be a good leader despite the fact that he was a ‘Jesus Freak’ like Ski.

  “Captain Diaz, you don’t have to call me Sir,” Mykal whispered. He felt uncomfortable being addressed as Sir, especially by one who was a couple of years his senior.

  “I am aware of that Sir, but my job is to set a good example for my men to follow. I am a firm believer that to lead men effectively one must also be able to lead by example. I understand that you are without rank per se, but you are the Commander of Towbar One. I just want to set the correct example for my men.”

  “Thank you very much Captain Diaz,” Mykal replied. It made him beam with pride that he had such men assigned to him. Guilt tugged on his heart because he knew he never once showed such pure professionalism in his career in the U.S. Air Force. “I’ll get with you shortly.”

  “If you need anything from me Myk, we’ll be over there,” Major Chick pointed to where a majority of the vehicles had stopped. “We’re going to get organized. Set up our base camp.”

  “Sure. I would just like to tell you Sir, you Marines, the ones I’ve had the pleasure to meet, have impressed the hell outta me. I’m not just saying that.”

  “Thank you Myk. We live for the Corps. It is not just for show,” Chick said with a serious expression. “This is who we are and I am confident you will feel that way about every one of these fine young men who volunteered for this mission.”


  “Hey Myk, I haven’t had a chance to talk to you since you have been back,” Staff Sergeant Stanley ‘Ski’ Winczewski said as he joined Mykal and walked with him.

  “Hey Ski, how is it going?” Mykal asked and wondered how the Crew ‘Jesus freak’ and ‘Holy Roller’ had survived all this time in Towbar’s world. Ski still came across as extremely happy. The annoying ‘Bible thumper’ looked unaffected emotionally by all they had been through.

  “I’m doing well. I know this may not mean much to you, but I’ve been witnessing to Towbar’s soldiers, you know, sharing my faith. I think that’s what my calling has been. I think that is the reason why I was left behind.”

  “Well, that’s good I guess,” Mykal said and felt odd. He thought Ski sounded a little crazy.

  “Anyway, I knew you were coming back. I didn’t know it was going to be with such a big force, but I knew you were coming back and I even told all the guys,” Ski said referring to all the others who had been left behind. “A couple of days ago I told them that you would be coming back any day now. I know they thought I was crazy,” he laughed as if it wasn’t the first time ‘non-believers’ questioned his sanity.

  “How did you know? Did Nidious tell you?”

  “Oh no. I have never talked with that man. I knew because in my prayer time, I felt God laid it on my heart that you and Towbar were going to return. I’m not sure yet, but I think God may want me to stay here and continue to try to reach these lost peoples.”

  “You mean our God is the same God to these people?” Mykal asked and could sense a million questions enter his mind, but he just didn’t have the time. He always hated talking to Ski about ‘religious things’. Ski had a way of making Mykal’s thoughts go all over the place and then back to prick his heart in a convicting way.

  “Oh yeah.” Ski couldn’t keep from smiling. “There is only One God, the God who created everything in existence. Just because we didn’t know about this place a year ago doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. And the thing is, the way I look at it is, He’s not my God. He is God and I am His. He does not belong to us, but rather we belong to Him,” he said like a teacher explaining a simple addition problem to a first grader.

  “That’s a different way of looking at it. But hey, you might wanna go introduce yourself to Alpha Company Commander, Captain Diaz. He’s a, ah, ah,” Mykal paused to think of the right word.

  “A Jesus Freak?” Ski answered for him and started to laugh.

  “Well I wasn’t gonna say Jesus Freak. I was gonna say a religious guy like you,” he chuckled at his embarrassment.

  “Great, he’s a Christian is what you’re trying to say. Okay, I’ll make it a point to introduce myself to him.”

  “I never meant anything bad by the Jesus Freak thing,” Mykal said for all the times he called Ski that to his face and behind his back. “I know you’re serious about your stuff and I’m just not into church and all that religious stuff. Ya know what I mean?”

  “Myk, I sure do and I appreciate that and I accept you for who you are. And as I told you in the past, I honestly wear the name Jesus Freak with pride. No harm done. Now look, what I actually came over here for is, I want you to really think about your life.”

  “Ski, I really don’t have time for the religious stuff right now. I gotta get going.”

  “I know that. I’ll be brief. Do you remember the day we got lost and ended up here all those months ago?”


  “If you remember then you’ll also remember that I came up to you before the inspection and I told you that I know God wanted me to support you. I didn’t have a clue what that meant and I even told you that then. I know it still sounds crazy today, but what happened? We became lost and you basically became the leader because of your connection with Towbar. I felt that God told me to support you and help you because the leadership we did have wasn’t very good and they would have probably gotten all of us killed. Obviously God was right, because He’s never wrong,” Ski avowed. “And because of that God has opened up a door of ministr
y right here so I have no complaints. I live to serve God doing whatever and where ever.”

  “Okay, but what are you getting at?” Mykal asked and looked at his watch as a hint.

  “Since I knew that you would be coming back I have been praying for you. I have been praying for God to give you wisdom, understanding and clear direction, because I know God wants me to be a help for you and I know God wants me to share the truth about salvation and all the stuff I need to say as a good Christian and I will, but,” he paused.

  “But what?”

  “I would never say anything to try to scare you, or to play games with your emotions, cuz you know I’m not like that. But as soon as I heard that you guys were going to fly out over the Soso camp I had a sudden heaviness in my heart. I don’t think you should go Myk. I don’t know what God is trying to say to me, but something is not right. If you were a born again Christian I would probably think differently.”

  “Why would being a Christian make a difference?”

  Ski didn’t hesitate. “Because if you die I would know where you’re going.”

  “You mean heaven and hell?”

  “Yes, our eternal destination.”

  “Why the hell would you say something like that to me?”

  “I have to be honest and say what’s on my heart.”

  “Well you just ruined my friggin day. What, am I gonna die? Is that what you’re trying to say to me?”

  “I didn’t say that Myk. I’m not sure what it actually means and I didn’t mean to ruin your day. But I’m concerned for you,” Ski tried to explain as Mykal turned and stormed off. “Myk don’t please don’t be mad.”


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