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Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow

Page 4

by Eric William Haluska

  This conspiracy theory and new beliefs infiltrated the Gewerksma, changing the fabric of the Gewerksma. This led many to criticize Neo-Demokrism as insane, its beliefs impractical to implement. But despite the cries from critics, the Gewerksma’s membership grew, with current estimates of its size at around 10 million.

  To combat this reinvigorated Gewerksma, the Empire modernized its economy by removing regulation, established a basic income system called the Progressive Tax Credit (PTC)[38] adjusted to inflation, and developed health savings accounts, believing those measures would help the poor and bring greater prosperity. The nation imposed new incentives to increase green energy and electric car production and is currently investing in innovative technologies to create new jobs, careers other than what the military has to offer. The Miktsrod passed a Carbon Market Payment[39] to reduce pollutants and energy costs for lower income families while also collecting more revenue to fund the government.

  The Empire aided businesses by investing money into Research and Development programs to develop products the government would then buy. They also invested heavily in infrastructure spending, comprised of both public and private spending to strengthen the nation. These new changes gave rise to Neo-Einnerism, which was considered a moderate form of Einnerism. Despite these changes, both Demokrists and Neo-Demokrists viewed these changes as distractions that didn’t address the real issues in society.

  With these aggressive acts, however, by 2045, Zurkerx became the largest economy in Zentari; surpassing Vincra. With this power, the Constitutional Empire helped other countries develop the Zentari Superhighway to connect commerce to create more jobs, and established the Zentari Military Force for the Council to act on aggressions in the region to prevent crises such as the Halusnek Catastrophe and Omericoa-Jekaria Crisis.

  Today, the Constitutional Empire of Zurkerx stands as the most powerful nation. At first skeptical of the Zentari Grand Council, they have come to use the Council to forward their own agenda and power. The population of Zurkerx is currently the second largest at 1.56 billion, and the third fastest growing. Its Gross Domestic Product is Ƶ97,000,000,000,000 and GDP per Capita is Ƶ62,180; both the highest in Zentari.

  Life expectancy is 78 years, which puts Zurkerx at number four in Zentari. Men live to the age of 76 and women to the age of 80; both at number four in Zentari with the average family having three children. Its government budget is Ƶ40.32 trillion, the largest in the region, and also has the lowest debt at Ƶ7.68 trillion[40]. 80% of its budget is devoted to defense and the rest to “Other”[41]. All of this is funded through an 8% sales tax, a basic income tax, a land value tax of 2%, a narcotic tax of 10% on recreational drugs, and a health savings tax of 5% on total salary and wages, which the employer matches up to Ƶ250,000. The Empire’s debt fluctuates depending on tax revenues, but has been gradually decreasing for the last twenty years.

  Zurkerx is the largest polluter, although its CO2 emissions are down by 30%. It has the third highest murder rate at 8 per 100,000, second in highest healthcare costs, lowest taxes, and has the highest-valued currency[42]. Zurkerx has the second-highest guns-to-person ratio at 320 guns per 100 people, not including what the military has. The average citizen makes 58,780 Zureus with 6% of the population making less than Ƶ26,000. Zurkerx is the leader in every major industry and is a reliable exporter, leading to a small surplus of Ƶ23.4 billion, though this fluctuates depending on the year.

  In its current state, the Empire is one of the most advanced nations in Zentari, having been able to form a social contract that most have come to respect. With Zurkerx dominating the region, it has used its power to improve the contemporary Zentari, helping connect Zentari so goods and services flow more efficiently and smoothly to other nations, further stabilizing the region and keeping the peace as Zurkerx exerts its power.

  However, that power will be tested by the Gewerksma, who continue to plague the nation. They hope to usher in their ideals through violence, to impose their will on a society that has flourished. Today is November 6th, 2060, and Zurkerx’s course of action will have a rippling effect across Zentari in this new Post-Modern Era.


  NOVEMBER 6th, 2060

  11:55 P.M.


  The stars and moon glisten in the night sky. In the northwestern corner of Zurkerx lie the Teal Mountains that cover most of the northwest border. These mountains got their name because when the moonlight hits their peaks, they reflect a teal aura, illuminating the surrounding area.

  Within the Teal Mountains lies the Blue Serpent Canyon, which stretches 1,538 miles. On both sides of the canyon are tall pines that stretch for miles, signifying the start of the taiga forest. A small stream flows through the canyon, leading to the larger Teal River where the Cyanic Delta lies.

  In this canyon lie abandoned buildings left behind from the Industrial Era. These buildings were warehouses used as storage by major manufacturers to keep track of inventory, to ship and send products to retailers across Zentari. They are two-story complexes that have a cafeteria, a conference room, and storage areas that once held products produced by blue-collar workers. The outside of the structures is in shambles, their walls are collapsing, the corroded blue paint chipping, the roof caving in. The facilities were abandoned back in the early 2000s, falling back into the hands of Mother Nature.

  However, Mother Nature has been pushed back by new inhabitants. These warehouses now have been refitted with some new materials and equipment such as AAA guns, mini SAM sites, and metal sheets. The Gewerksma have been making modest upgrades to forward their cause for a society for the working class, protected by the Aussvorh. As a base of operation, this site is one of tens of thousands of headquarters where leadership meets and discusses matters of how to combat and persuade people to join their cause.

  In one of these buildings are fifty Gewerksols who roam inside. In the conference room, there are an additional twenty people, protecting eight high-ranking leaders, their golden stars giving their identity away. Outside the warehouse, ten more Gewerksols roam the perimeter. That is what the two drones see at least.

  While one drone flies in the air, the other, a spider-looking drone, crawls around in the building. This Spider Drone carries a small amount of a chemical known as Agent Xern, an incapacitating agent that has chlorine and other chemical compounds. The Gewerksols remain oblivious to the presence of the drones, their every move being watched.

  Also watching the Gewerksols are twenty-five soldiers as they hide behind the tree line, perfectly camouflaged, their weapons equipped with suppressors. They remain still, knowing any slight movements or noises can blow their cover. They have been sent by the government to investigate one of the abandoned facilities within the Teal Mountains, a mission of high importance. They are here due to a tip coming in that the Gewerksma are prepping for a cyberattack on the city of Zok, planning to shut down vital government agencies and steal information. The government knows that the Gewerksma like to hide in the Teal Mountains due to the range’s isolation from the public.

  To aid them on their mission, these soldiers use the Zappas Monitor System (ZMS), a headset that allows video/radio transmissions among soldiers. The system can toggle Infrared, X-Ray, and Night Vision with the ability to zoom in and out. With amplifiers on each ear, soldiers can hear from longer distances, able to hear conversations hundreds of feet away. ZMS highlights friendlies as blue and foes as red, and comes equipped with a voice recorder and mike that can disguise voices, translate languages, and speak any language. Attached with the ZMS is a bio-chemical mask that covers the soldier’s face, protecting the soldier from any biological or chemical agents.

  The soldiers also wear the Kinetic Warrior Suit[43], a power suit that is powered by the soldier’s kinetic energy. It is made of Kevlar, woven together with diligent gel, silicone gel, and Graphene. Carbon fiber plating and titanium-aluminum plates provide additional protection for the soldier. The Warrior Suit also consists of pneumati
c muscles and joints, giving the soldier greater flexibility.

  To function, the Kinetic Warrior Suit and ZMS rely on the Lithium-ion Cell System (LCS), a power station that relies on two advanced alternators. These alternators convert the kinetic energy into electricity, storing it in two large, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. This power is then utilized by the soldiers to increase their strength and speed, making them a super soldier. The soldiers can use this power to regulate their temperature, allowing them to adjust to any climate. The power can also be used to resist EMPs, which it does by redirecting and dispersing the electromagnetic waves emitted by pulses.

  Currently, there’s additional research being done to further expand the uses of kinetic energy. While much of this work remains classified and not yet implemented, it’s believed that militaries throughout Zentari are trying to develop ways for soldiers to absorb kinetic energy, ranging from bullets to punches, and utilize that energy as a source of additional power. This additional power would be used not only offensively, but also defensively as the soldier can generate an electric armor to provide additional protection. These accessories and advances in technology help make these Zurk soldiers one of the most advanced military units in Zentari, officially called The Red Skulls.

  The Red Skulls got their name in 1886 when a battalion by the same name were sent on a mission to the town of Guzen, systematically eliminating everyone. This small town was known to harbor the Gewerksma, serving as one of their many bases of operation. At the time, this battalion was within the Brockov where they were known for their brutality and disdain towards Demokrists. The battalion earned their nickname because they spilled so much blood in Guzen, that the skulls of their victims were tainted red. Not even the rain could wash away the blood, which stained the soil and a nearby river red as well.

  The actions of the Red Skulls would earn them condemnation by the Gewerksma and some in the public, viewing the violence as unjust. However, they received praise by others who feared the rising Demokrist threat could undermine the nation’s values. Later that year, they received a Presidential Recognition[44], a controversial move that incorporated them into the military as a special forces unit.

  Eventually, the Empire would combine all its military forces under the banner of the Red Skulls to honor the battalion that fought the Demokrists that day. This was thanks to the Military Efficiency Act[45], an act passed in 2025 by the Royal Party. It created the position of Supreme Commander, giving the individual commanding authority over the Empire’s military, serving second in command under the President, who had supreme authority.

  Conversely, there are three other reasons for the passing of the MEA. The first reason was that Zentari was in an era of peace and stability, tranquility that still lasts to this day. The second reason was that the military wanted their soldiers to be in a constant combat-ready state, ready to fight at a moment’s notice should a national or a regional crisis arise and disrupt the tranquility. This required the soldier to go through four years of training in hopes they would fulfill the military’s requirements.

  However, the final and biggest reason for the MEA’s passage is the fact that automation had taken jobs away. To prevent massive unemployment, the military offered benefits and healthcare as incentives to gain new recruits and keep unemployment low. The military and government hoped they could erode the Gewerksma’s ability to recruit and prevent Demokrism or Neo-Demokrism from becoming more prevalent. It also served to keep the people distracted from the fact they couldn’t seek employment in certain fields of studies that automation had taken away, although the military did start to offer and encourage recruits to take classes they hoped would help people adapt to the changing job market and age of automation.

  For these soldiers, it took several years of training that improved their versatility, efficiency, and durability on the battlefield. Now they must put all their training to the test as their minds focus on the mission.

  Yet, for them to succeed, they need to get an understanding of their environment. That’s where the drones come in, providing live footage to the soldiers’ ZMS. This footage shows that there are eight high-ranking leaders inside, a rare find, surprising the soldiers.

  “Mad Dog, this is Gadget. Be advised, we have multiple hostiles roaming the facility. There is also the presence of eight high-valued targets. Proceed with caution; looks like we hit the jackpot.”

  “Copy, Gadget. We’ll sniff them out.”

  Supreme Commander Marcus Huns gets up, standing in the crouch position. Born in Moskova to a Zurk father and Krukanian mother, the 38-year-old is six feet tall, has black hair, green eyes, and is of medium build. He is a brilliant esteemed individual who’s well-regarded and feared across Zentari.

  Yet, during his youth years, he was immature and arrogant, which led him to be constantly disciplined. Wanting to prove he had a purpose, Marcus joined the military. At first, his arrogance and immaturity got him in trouble, as he believed he was above everyone and that he wasn’t responsible for fixing everyone’s problems. But when he lost a friend to a tragic event, he changed his ways, realizing that as an individual he must help others and not ignore the problems that surround him, even if they don’t directly affect him.

  This new and mature form of him would steer him to join the Krenma, where he would rise to the rank of General at the age of 30 and would become the leader of the Krenma at the same time, becoming an admirable and respectable figure within the military and Zentari. By the time he was 36, he was appointed as the Supreme Commander of Zurkerx.

  He stands up and raises his hand slightly, motioning the soldiers to move up. He has been tasked to lead these Red Skulls on this covert mission, though he rarely goes on missions anymore. This has been due to the bureaucracy back in Moskova, the paperwork and politicians that make his life a living hell, a nightmare he must deal with every day.

  The soldiers stand up and move in, following Marcus as their guns point at the oblivious Gewerksols. Marcus and his troops carry the Mk 45 Puncher[46], a submachine gun that has a rate of fire of 550 RPM and holds thirty .45 caliber caseless telescoped rounds. The entire ammunition acts as the propellant, which is heat-resistant while also holding the primer and copper bullet in place. The rounds are loaded the same way as traditional bullets, but no casings are ejected; rather, the propellant disintegrates, reducing the environmental impact and leaving no evidence that someone was there. The design reduces the weight of the ammunition as well, meaning a soldier can carry more ammo.

  As they creep closer, they stop, halted by Marcus’ upraised fist. They are roughly 50 yards away, within striking range of their targets. Yet, Marcus can see several cameras outside, thanks to his ZMS’ ability to highlight the signature of the cameras. He can see they are low-tech cameras, devices that lack infrared. However, any closer and they’ll be in view of the cameras.

  “Gadget, there are cameras outside. See if you can find the security room.”

  “Copy Mad Dog.”

  Gadget taps on his tablet, redirecting the drone inside on a different course. He is one of four soldiers who are providing oversight, serving as backup if things go awry. The three other soldiers with him are triplets: Albric, Sadara, and Donin Sanz[47], who are carrying the Black Widow Sniper Rifle[48]. Albric tends to be the joker of the siblings, rarely taking a situation seriously, always trying to find a way to occupy himself while trying to put a smile on everyone’s face. Sadara is the serious and sternest of the siblings, taking no crap from anyone as she gives out the orders. Donin is the laid-back kind of fellow, his attitude being apathetic given he usually does what he’s told unless he views it as a dumb idea. Despite their differing personalities, the 24-year-old sergeants get along nicely, their bond as a family impossible to break.

  “Hey guys, you want to hear something?”

  “Would you shut up, Albric? We are on a mission.”

  “Let the poor sap have fun. It’s not like Albric can do much.”

on’t encourage him! This mission is important. Let’s just-”

  “Guys! Guys! I want to tell you. It’s hilarious.”

  “Would you all bolt your mouths shut. God, it’s a freaking nightmare when you all talk at once,” says Gadget as he looks up from his tablet. “Later Albric, later. And if it’s that freaking lightbulb one again, I swear I’ll knock the lights out of you.”

  “Lights? Well, you know how I can brighten up your day? With a lightbulb, that is!”

  The man sighs. Gadget, who is 27 years old, is annoyed by the rusty old joke, his attitude not amused by it. He has dark-brown hair that is slightly tinted red, his eyes matching the color of his hair. His actual name is Arthur Vanderbilt, a staff sergeant within the Tech Division of the Red Skulls. He earned his nickname Gadget from his work on electronic devices, a passion he has held since he was seven years old.

  He looks down, focusing on his tablet. The tablet has two split screens: the left side is the drone in the air while the right is the drone in the complex. He taps the right side of the screen, enlarging it, knowing there’s no need to look from the sky anymore. What’s more important now is the fact that they have just discovered several high-ranking individuals within the Gewerksma, people essential to leadership.

  “So, this is where we strike?” asks a man pointing at the map.

  “Yes,” says another man, sitting at the end of the table. “Zok is a major population center and downtown has a strong manufacturing sector. A cyber-attack on the manufacturers will bring production to a halt. Put it simply, it will turn more people against automation and hopefully convince businesses to hire actual people, not machines. We must do everything we can to undermine and weaken the government.”

  The man folds his hands, sternly looking at the others at the table as they continue their conversation. His name is Gregori Kurt Stein, a proponent of Neo-Demokrist and Vorh. Gregori is a rather short, slender man with blue eyes and brown hair with a noticeable five o’clock shadow. He was the mastermind behind the latest bombing attacks on key manufacturers in the town of Zilra, attacks that killed 50 people. In fact, he has been responsible for twenty other bombings, which have killed an additional 1,250 people.


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