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Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow

Page 25

by Eric William Haluska

  Hanna tosses her gun to the ground, not overly excited to be talking to the Kren. She unslings the grenade launcher from her back and points it at Indra. He stops and raises his hands and chuckles.

  “Oh, I see they let you play with the big toys now. Do you honestly think that will stop me?”

  He leisurely approaches, unimpressed by the weaponry she holds.

  “Now, my dear, if you could kindly put down your weapon-”

  A popping sound is heard, followed by a beeping sound. Indra flinches as a sticky grenade hits his armored chest.

  “Ah, crap-”

  The grenade explodes. The blast pushes him back violently. He recomposes himself as he rebalances himself.

  “Careful with that thing. You could-”

  Another grenade hits him, detonating and sending him tumbling back.

  “Would you stop-”

  Another grenade hits him, exploding within seconds. Hanna walks forward as she continues to pummel him. She doesn’t keep track of how many shots she has fired. She just wants him to die.

  The firepower overwhelms him and he kneels on the ground. He looks up as another grenade sticks to his head. The grenade explodes and pushes Indra to the ground as the sound of a ticking clock sounds.

  “Damn it,” she says with disappointment as she drops her empty weapon.

  For a moment, she gazes at the Kren. She’s hoping that the grenades have penetrated his thick armor, the shrapnel ending his life. Her hand slowly goes for her pistol, as she is expecting the worst.

  Suddenly, Indra moves as Hanna grabs her sidearm. Indra slowly gets up, enraged that a simple soldier has brought him down. His mask is somewhat damaged, crumbling from the last grenade that hit him.

  “Why you- you bitch! Come here!”

  Indra charges as Hanna takes off. She’s running as fast as she can as she fires at the man, hoping that one of the rounds will penetrate somewhere. Yet, every step she takes, he seems to take three. Desperation takes her as she leaps forward, hoping to gain some distance. She rolls onto the ground, dazing her a bit. Her eyes widen, surprised by whom she sees. She smiles.

  Indra picks up speed. His raging eyes see that she’s smiling, taunting him it seems. Infuriated by her mocking smile, he runs faster, more than ever determined to kill her. He leaps down onto the ground and charges forward.

  As he approaches her, something strikes his face. Caught off guard, he goes flying, skidding across the ground. He flips himself up, trying to figure out what hit him. He sees a figure in bright red armor standing before him.

  The Kren in red taps his mask and it recedes, unveiling his identity. Joseph is already liking his new power suit, an armored outfit that he believes outclasses Indra’s. After years of waiting, the Krenma finally have their new gear from Project Ominous: Kinetic Armor Power Suits (KAPS).

  Like its predecessor, it’s made of titanium, steel, carbon, and aluminum. Underneath the armor are advanced pneumatic artificial muscles and joints, granting him greater mobility. But there are two new features that distinguish it from other power suits. This power suit is powered through the user’s kinetic energy, a feat that Zhas was finally able to accomplish.

  However, this kinetic energy has become more versatile now. The user can strengthen his or her attacks by concentrating its raw power. Yet, the user can also generate an energy-like aura around his armor. This energy, called kinetic armor, provides additional protection against heavier-hitting blows, although this armor weakens the moment it becomes active. In addition, the power suit can absorb a portion of kinetic energy from outside forces, whether it be a bullet striking or a punch being blocked; it absorbs this energy to be stored in its reserves.

  He pulls out his new Nactbu, the same one Marcus used when testing it out.

  “Go! Get out of here! I got this.”

  Hanna scurries back, running to the nearest safety. Joseph then turns towards Indra, looking at him with contempt. His eyes see a man consumed by darkness, blinded by hate. This instability is the reason he betrayed the Empire, why he allowed the Gewerksma’s propaganda to consume him so easily.

  Indra rips off his mask, looking at Joseph unimpressed. He sees that Joseph is wearing a new power suit, a flashy outfit he feels only serves as a decoration. Indra only smiles and picks up his sword as both men walk to each other. Their blades collide, chiming loudly.

  “We meet again, and like before, you will fail in capturing me.”

  “Look who’s talking. Marcus is right, you are unstable-”

  “You still believe in that bullshit, don’t you? You’ll never learn.”

  “I have learned plenty and you’re about to get a lesson from yours truly.”

  Both men swing at each other again, recognizing that only one can win.


  November 18th, 2060

  10:48 A.M.


  The inferno engulfs the Mini APC Marc-12. The roaring fire eclipses the sounds of gunfire that have mostly dominated the city. No one believes anyone could have survived such an explosion, one that would incinerate its unfortunate victims inside. It would be a miracle if someone survived, a horror to the soldiers.

  Then someone jumps onto the burning vehicle. The person appears to be a Kren as he surveys the area around him, looking down at the soldiers as if he’s a god. The Kren jumps off the burning vehicle, making the ground shake beneath his feet. The Kren slowly rises as he stares into the horrified soldiers’ eyes. The Kren takes a few steps forward as he places his right hand on his mask, folding it back.

  “Argus,” a soldier says as he backs up.

  Everyone is motionless. To their horror, someone survived and it happens to be the Vorhrer, Argus. Their mind is telling them shoot him dead and yet, their bodies are numb, in shock to see his god-like presence. Silence grips them as they tone out the sounds around them.

  “The moment of truth has arrived,” says Argus with sinister brashness as he taps his mask that materializes over his face.

  He raises his right fist in the air. He then lowers his arm and points at the cowering soldiers, staring ominously at them. For his comrades, his arrival signals a new reinvigorated counterattack meant to throw the enemy off balance. Their spirits rise as a new surge of confidence grips them, giving them newly rediscovered strength.


  “This is Sergeant Sadara. Be advised, there are hostiles battering and overpowering our soldiers on Wallace Street. They are accompanied by Argus and are in desperate need of assistance.”

  “Sergeant, this is Brockov Unit One. We’ll be there, ETA three minutes.”


  The street comes to life as rebel screams echo throughout the city. Suddenly, hundreds of Gewerksols come running out from the shadows. They open fire recklessly in an attempt to strike fear into their foes’ hearts. Being pushed by the screams of his comrades, Argus charges forward as he draws his Nactbu.

  “Get ready! Here they come!”

  The soldiers get into a defensive posture, fortifying their position. They raise their guns up and open fire. Bullets fly in both directions as both sides suffer losses. Yet, the loss of his comrades doesn’t affect Argus. To him, they serve as a mere sacrifice to usher in a new society, one wherein the workers will finally be liberated. One by one, he slays the soldiers mercilessly, their defense unable to hold him back.

  Argus jumps into a shallow ditch, catching a soldier off guard. The soldier jumps, surprised to see Argus. Argus lifts his sword high and swings down. The soldier lifts his gun in the air, hoping it will protect him. Yet, the Nactbu cuts through with ease. Distraught, the soldier flings his broken gun at Argus, who deflects it with equal ease.

  Realizing he has nothing to lose, the soldier charges forward, trying to tackle the man with all his strength. However, his strength pales in comparison to that of Argus as Argus grabs the hapless soldier, slamming him to the ground.

  The ground around them shakes, disturbing some stones nearby. The
shockwave caused by Argus can be felt by several soldiers. They jump, wondering what’s going on. They turn and look to their right and see one of their companions on the ground. The soldier tries to get back up, but Argus places his foot onto his chest, applying extreme pressure on the soldier.

  The soldier grunts and gasps in agony. The pain is unbearable, pain he has never felt before. Desperate, he grabs Argus’ foot and tries to lift it off him. Yet, his attempts are futile as Argus applies more pressure, causing him to scream. Argus lifts his sword into the air, ready to end his life. With his full might, he thrusts his sword down.

  As his sword is about to pierce, something strikes his left knee. The hit to his knee feels like a hammer, making him cringe a little. He tumbles back as he tries to regain his balance. Seeing an opportunity, the soldier rolls away and flees, lucky to be alive.

  Argus recomposes himself as another bullet flies past him, striking an unfortunate Gewerksol behind him. He looks forward and doesn’t see anyone. It must be a sniper. He then looks up and sees a small glare on the Johnson & Weld Tower.

  “That’s where you are.”

  Argus runs towards the building. He bobs and weaves as the bullets strike the ground around him, causing the ground to explode. Argus is nimble, making it hard for Sadara and Donin to hit him. They are surprised that their .50 caliber rifles can’t even pierce the weaker parts of his armor.

  Then an Armored Tortoise MPJ[92] pulls around the corner, coming to an abrupt stop. The automated sentry minigun spins as it picks up a heat signature. It unleashes a flurry of bullets, shredding the pavement. The bullets then hit Argus, halting him and he’s forced to back up. Overwhelmed, he jumps into a nearby ditch. The gun falls silent.

  Losing sight of him, the minigun then turns its attention to the approaching Gewerksols. The minigun revs up and bullets fly out. The Gewerksols stop and book it the other way. They try to flee the spray of bullets, but they are slaughtered like lambs. The soldiers, weary and fatigued, look at the jeep, relieved that help has come.

  As the sentry gun clears them out, four Brockov agents get out. They form a defensive perimeter around the MPJ as a fifth person steps out. Aceso examines the battlefield as his mask folds back. He is looking for Argus, ready to take back his friend from the shadows and cleanse him of his iniquities.

  Argus lifts his head above the pavement and grins malevolently. He was hoping to find Aceso, a man he has wanted to kill since they last talked. Finally, he’ll have the opportunity to sever the bond that holds them together. Then several soldiers run past Argus, oblivious to his presence.

  “Captain Barns, thank God you are here.”

  “Don’t thank me, thank Sergeant Sadara for relaying your location.”

  Aceso continues to survey the land. His eyes glide over the ruined city, trying to find Argus. As he looks around, he spots a head-shape figure in a ditch. He sees the figure is staring at him, its head covered in armor. Aceso locks on, having finally found Argus.

  “Captain, your orders sir?”

  “Lieutenant,” Aceso says as he diverts his attention from Argus. “Take everyone here and provide assistance in other parts of the capital. I’ll stay and deal with Argus. He and I have some unfinished business to do.”

  “Captain, if I’m being honest, that seems dangerous-”

  “None of you are equipped to take on a Kren. As the old saying goes, never fight a Kren unless you are one. Besides, I have two campers behind me watching my back.”

  “I resent that statement,” Sadara says furiously.

  “But Captain-”

  “Don’t worry about me. You have your orders, Lieutenant. Now go.”

  Aceso is direct and disciplined. He is ready to resurrect his old friend, ready to break the devilish bond that grips him. The lieutenant simply nods.

  “You heard the Captain, let’s go.”

  The soldiers look at each other. While they want to stay and help, they know they’ll just get in the way. Not to mention, they don’t want to disobey Aceso, whom they highly regard. They all break off into separate groups, heading to other parts of the city.

  The Brockov agents get into the vehicle. The lieutenant steps inside and stops as he turns towards Aceso.

  “Good luck, Captain.”

  The lieutenant gets in. The MPJ backs up and speeds away, leaving Aceso and Argus. Argus hops out of the ditch and the two men stare at each other.

  “This didn’t have to turn out this way, my friend,” pleads Aceso.

  “I am no longer your friend. Your endorsement of a government that oppresses the workers- our rights, is revolting. I can’t stand you anymore.”

  Argus charges, his sword high in the air. Aceso walks forward, gradually increasing speed as he draws his Nactbu. They go to swing at each other, blocking each other’s attack.

  “This isn’t you, Argus. There is time to change, to forgive-”

  “And forget? No, I only serve to liberate the people from the chains you involuntarily put on them.”

  “I don’t want to kill you.”

  “I don’t expect you to! You are incapable of doing that. I will fill your empty shell with your own blood!”

  The two men push each other back. They deadlock onto each other, waiting for someone to make a move. It’s the first time the two men have ever fought each other. It’s a battle they must fight, a battle that can end only one way.


  “Sergeant Donin. Sergeant Sadara. You shouldn’t have left.”

  “Supreme Commander,” Donin says, flabbergasted. “I’m sorry we left, but we couldn’t allow these bastards to go unpunished. How did you find us?”

  “Sparrow-One relayed your location to me. What’s the situation right now?”

  “Captain Barns has arrived and is fighting Argus, although they’re just staring at each other.”

  “So, he’s here,” says Marcus as his voice trails off. “I will be leaving momentarily. Provide cover for Captain Barns. And watch Argus, we can’t allow him to slip away.”

  “Roger that. We’ll keep over-watch.”

  Marcus sighs. He knows that nothing good will come from a fight between two friends. Yet, this isn’t the only event he must juggle. He has been informed that the president is safe, although he was a bit of a hardhead. He is aware of the battle between Joseph and Indra, though he’s confident that Joseph will win this time. The Tower remains offline as Gadget races there to stop the CBW. Best of all, the Red Skulls are pushing the Gewerksma back, easily slaying the Gewerksols. But right now, he must get to Aceso, fearing that Aceso may not have the willpower to do what’s right.

  Marcus walks towards the Phoenix. He has left Tim to go ahead and prepare the aircraft for takeoff. However, while Tim has prepared everything, he now has some free time to look at Marcus’ new outfit.

  “Wow, this is pretty cool. I wish I could wear this,” he says, amazed as he gently taps the armor.

  Then from the corner of his eye, he sees Marcus approaching. In a panic, he taps the screen and the sliding doors conceal the armored outfit. He makes his way to his seat, hoping Marcus didn’t notice he touched his armor.

  Marcus takes a seat. He looks around the aircraft, admiring the beauty of it. His eyes then catch something. He sees that there’s a smudge on the touchscreen, left by a fingerprint. He looks over at Tim.

  “So, Sergeant Grosse, you were looking at my armor, weren’t you?”

  Tim turns white. How did he know I looked at his armor?

  “Well- I- umm-”

  “It looks pretty cool, doesn’t it?” he asks calmly.

  Tim blushes, fantasizing about himself in his outfit. He was expecting Marcus to be a bit outraged that he would touch his armor. And yet, he seems to have no problem with it.

  “Yes, it does,” he says a bit timidly.

  “I’ll make sure to get you one. I’m sure I can coax Zhas into doing so,” Marcus says with a chuckle.

  Tim smiles. He presses a button on the aircraft, acti
vating the hover pads underneath. The aircraft slowly ascends as he presses another button, revving up the twin propulsion engines. When the craft gets several feet off the ground, the engines turn horizontally as they build energy. With another press of a button, the engines thrust the bird forward, its destination, Moskova.


  The Gewerksols have managed to secure the Tower’s perimeter, but are unable to get through the thick walls that separate them from the command rooms. They have tried multiple explosives to blow their way through, but have failed to even make a scratch. Yet, they keep upping the explosives, hoping to eventually breach the defenses.

  While they try to get through these impervious defenses, the government and its allies have launched a full-scale operation to retake the Tower. Despite the firepower they possess, the Red Skulls and Corps have made little progress. The enemy is well-entrenched and are successfully picking off their adversaries with ease.

  The government is so focused on trying to take the Tower that they are oblivious to several Gewerksols hiding behind some decorative shrubs, ready to flank and ambush their prey who have tunnel vision. They point their guns at them, their fingers slowly pulling the trigger.

  Suddenly, they hear a rumbling sound. A few Gewerksols look at each other, baffled by the sound. They see no enemy vehicles, no signs of reinforcements. Yet, the noise grows louder as they wonder if more Gewerksols have come to aid them. But one feels something is wrong. Sensing danger, he turns around and sees an MPJ fast approaching.

  “Oh, shit-”

  The vehicle strikes the Gewerksol. He goes flying in the air as his comrades are bulldozed by three other MPJs.

  “I hope he had insurance,” says the driver humorously.

  The soldiers chuckle. Gadget rolls his eyes. The fate of the Empire depends on them and yet, their demeanor is relaxed, too relaxed. To him, this is a serious situation, one that can’t be lightened by any mood. Marcus is counting on them and if they fail, then there may not be a nation they can call home. A lot is at stake here.

  The MPJs’ sentry miniguns take aim at the entrenched Gewerksols, spraying them with a shower of bullets. The miniguns tear apart the defenses the Gewerksols hastily built, ripping apart their fragile structures like papier-mâché. Forced to take cover, the Gewerksols duck, trying to avoid the stream of bullets. The Red Skulls and Corps look up, relieved that reinforcements have arrived.


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