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Song of Dragons

Page 11

by D. R. Rosier

  I thought about Brent, and his scent and who he was, and willed the image to change. It wavered again along with a surge of magic, but the water came up blank.

  “It didn’t work on Brent.”

  Lisa nodded, “He’s a mage, he probably has protections against scrying. Still, that can be useful. Have you been practicing using water instead of sight? I bet that’s how water dragons know what’s around them.”

  I really hadn’t, and I should. It was distracting though, I’d have to do it when we weren’t in danger. I just called on my magic, and could feel the humidity in the air, as well as the water in Lisa’s body, and the neighbors. I could feel a number of people around me, and I was sure it wasn’t my imagination because I could also hear their songs.

  The advantage of course, were the songs were only related to life, with water vapor in the air I could sense objects and shapes as well.

  That gave me another idea. I used my magic, and the plate floated across the room, the dishwasher door opened, and I put the plate in a spot, and closed the dishwasher door.

  Lisa looked surprised, “Telekinesis?”

  I shook my head, “Tiny bits of frozen water vapor. I used it to carry the plate, and open the dishwasher.”

  Lisa frowned, “That’s awesome. You need to figure out all the things you can do with water magic.”

  I nodded, “I’ll try. About the only suggested thing I haven’t tried is healing, but I’m sure there’s a lot more stuff I can do.”

  I just wasn’t sure what. I’d have to use my imagination.

  Lisa asked, “Ready for work?”

  “I want to try one more thing, can you go into the bedroom?”

  Lisa nodded, and walked out of the kitchen.

  I didn’t have a plate anymore, so I created a thin sheet of ice on the table, and thought of Lisa. It was easier this time, now that I knew it was possible. A picture of her came up in the bedroom. I wasn’t sure how valid the test was, because I could already feel the water vapor in the other room directly, as well as through the ice.

  I sent my magic through the ice, and created a small pane of ice on the wall. I was pretty sure I did it through the scrying, not directly, and then I willed them to connect.

  “Can you hear me and see me, through the ice?”

  Lisa snickered, “Yes, I’m getting an echo from the kitchen.”

  I knew what she meant, I heard her from the ice and through the house, kind of like we would if we were talking on cell phones from different rooms.

  I frowned, and wondered just how connected the water in my ice sheet and hers was. I picked up my fork, and dropped it on the ice… and heard it hit the floor in the bedroom.

  Lisa squeaked.

  Holy crap. I hadn’t really expected that to work. I could not only scry around the world, I could travel. Of course, I’d need to be at a place to do it first, or have someone I knew well enough to scry already there. I couldn’t scry a place or person I hadn’t seen. Considering I lived in Dallas my whole life, and had been to Austin and Corpus Christie once, that was a very limited amount of places I could go right now.

  “I wonder if all dragons can travel through their element.”

  Lisa came in and smirked, “That’s going to come in handy, if we ever have to run very fast.”

  That was true enough.

  “Work? I’m out of ideas to try.”

  I really was, what I’d already learned kind of felt surreal. Everything I just did had been simple, and I imagined the subtler things I could do, that I’d probably never even consider. It was… depressing in a way, but I’d deal with it. Just me bumbling along made me more powerful than most of the beings on this world, save other dragons that is.

  Still, I wouldn’t get cocky, even the most powerful being can be taken out by a surprise bullet, sword, or dagger.

  Lisa nodded, but sat in my lap and kissed me, lingeringly and thoroughly.

  “We should go. I’m so glad we got together before we discovered the truth about you.”

  The reason why was obvious, I’d never need doubt the reason she was with me. I could imagine having a powerful dragon, even a half dragon as a lover, would be tempting to exploit. She was right, I’d never doubt her. Besides, she was a total badass herself.

  She jumped up, and I followed her out the door.

  It only took about an hour to finish up all the mission reports, I hated paperwork, but if I wanted the danger, excitement, and opportunity to go after bad guys, it was a necessary evil.

  My phone rang, and I snatched it up.


  Pricilla said, “Brent wants you in his office, now,” and then the bitch hung up on me. Nothing new there.

  I got up and headed toward the elevator, and then got on. I didn’t even look in Pricilla’s direction when I got off, and I walked into Brent’s office.

  “What’s up boss?” I asked curiously as I went over and took a seat.

  He threw a necklace at me, and I barely caught it before it hit my face. Mostly from shock, I was usually faster than that. It was a gold chain, with a small ruby. I could sense the magic in it, but not what it did, something else new since my dragon side woke up. I also finally scented his anger, not anger, he was incensed.

  I raised an eyebrow.

  He said angrily, “Put that on, and then explain to me why you didn’t tell me your dragon woke up?”

  “What is it?”

  He waves his hand, “Theo made it, last night. It’s a concealment enchantment, which will hide your elemental magic as long as you aren’t actively using it. It will also suppress the dragon side of your scent, so shifters and other supernatural beings with sensitive noses will only pick up your siren side.”

  I frowned, “What else does it do?”

  Brent shrugged, “Nothing.”

  I raised an eyebrow, and held the gem up in front of my face, “Call now, or I’ll toss it.”

  Brent said, “What the fuck are you talking…”

  He cut off as his phone rang.


  Brent scowled, and hit the speaker.

  “Hi pops.”

  Theo growled, “Don’t call me that again.”

  I sighed, “Fine. I hid the truth from Brent, because of what you told me. You said you’d spared my life because my dragon was atrophied and too weak to manifest. I wasn’t sure if that knowledge would change your mind, and I knew Brent would have to tell you because of the oaths.

  “Guess what, my dragon was dormant because I live hundreds of miles from the ocean, all it took was a couple of days in Corpus Christie, and a whole lot of damage from an evil spider creature to give me the power to shift. I haven’t changed since, and I’ve been hiding it, how did you find out?”

  That wasn’t entirely true, but I doubt either of them could see past Harold’s wards.

  Theo said, “Gwen, a brown dragon that lives in Austin said she sensed a half breed water dragon, but that it fled the scene quickly. It was far too coincidental that she should feel that when you were down there for two days. As for what I told you, that was back then. I’ve watched you grow up, and I love you. It’s far too late to change my mind.”

  Damn. Now I felt guilty.

  “Okay, I really appreciate the thought, but I’m not wearing something that gives you a constant window into my life. Is it possible I can use my water magic to do the same thing?”

  Theo said, “I don’t think so. We don’t share powers and knowledge between types, but I’ve never known a water dragon to conceal themselves, or their power. Only fire dragons can do that.”

  “Damn, I was hoping you could teach me a few things, now that you know. I’ve figured out a few things, but like my siren abilities I’m sure I’m missing a whole bunch.”

  Theo replied, “What if I promise not to look, unless I hear my name. I can key the magic in that way. I really didn’t have plans to watch you all the time you know, I have my own life. I was only watching now, because
I wanted to see how it played out between you and Brent, and what you were thinking.”

  I sighed, “I’ll trust you. It’s just a matter of time you know, until the truth comes out.”

  Brent asked, “Why?”

  I shrugged, “I’m a shifter, if I get hurt enough, I won’t be able to hold off a shift.”

  Theo cursed at that realization, it had probably been a millennia since it’d happened to him, and I put the necklace on. I’m not sure why I trusted his word, I didn’t really know him despite him being my father, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Plus, no longer worrying about running into dragons would be a relief. I wondered if it would work on sirens too, it probably would, since his song was blocked off to me.

  “Plus, other things will eventually raise suspicions. Like the wards I fought off at the bank, and the lion shifter mage wards which weren’t fully effective on me. I was able to fight them off once I realized Lisa was in real trouble. I’m actually surprised you swallowed that report, I was fast enough to kill him before the wards got me? Really? I’m also much stronger now.”

  Brent glared at me, and I shrugged sheepishly.

  Theo asked, “What are you saying?”

  I shrugged, “It’s more than my life on the line. The other dragons will come after you and Brent right? I’m not sure what I mean, but I worry about it.”

  Theo said, “They might come after me, they wouldn’t bother with Brent. Don’t worry about me, I made my choice, and I can live with the consequences.”

  I took a deep breath, and felt myself tear up at that. Maybe my father truly did love me.

  “Alright, and I’ll continue to be careful.”

  He said, “Do that, because even in a hundred years, when you’re at your full power if not fully grown, they’ll all come for you if necessary. Your only hope if discovered, is to run and use the necklace I gave you to hide.”

  The phone disconnected.

  “Sorry boss, I really do trust you, I just… wasn’t sure how Theo would react to this news.”

  Brent nodded, “Continue to fudge the reports, but I want a verbal report anytime you use your water magic.”

  I sighed, but nodded in agreement, “Anything else?”

  He nodded, “The FBI agents have a few more questions for you and Lisa, but it looks like things are wrapping up. They’ll be up here in ten minutes or so. Anything you want to tell me?”

  I shrugged, “Lisa and Harold know, they were there in the ancient jail when I shifted. Neither will betray me.”

  Brent sighed, “Fine, anything else?”

  I considered telling him what I knew about dragon magic, but I decided not to. I’d tell Lisa, but I had a feeling if I blabbed about magic that they’d kept secret for eons, the water dragons would be even more pissed at me than the rest of them.

  “Not really.”

  I considered then if I should quit and find a safer job. Despite Theo saying not to worry about him, I would worry if the truth came out. Was continuing in this dangerous line of work worth it, if it would eventually betray and out me?

  I wasn’t sure, but it also wouldn’t be any different than two weeks ago. Two weeks ago, before my dragon woke, if I’d been hurt badly enough to force a shift in a shifter, I’d have been dead anyway. That risk of death had never stopped me before. The only difference now, was I’d be deferring my death until later, when the dragons caught up with me, instead of in a battle with some fugitive from justice. I’d even have a good chance to escape given my magic, and I’d be able to hide with my father’s.

  We chatted about nothing in particular, until Lisa and the two agents came up. They asked us several questions, but their vibe had the flavor of going through the motions. I wasn’t at all surprised, when the agents lifted the suspension for both us and Walker security, with the caveat that they’d be paying closer attention to things.

  It would take time for the bureaucracy to catch up and assign Walker security some jobs, maybe a day or two, so Lisa and I spent most of that day at the office and did a little sparring after lunch. It was good practice, not only to incorporate my new strength into my fighting style, but she also insisted I used my water magic to keep track of things around me.

  It was late in the afternoon, when we left to grab dinner at Abuelo’s, I loved their fajitas, and then we headed home…

  Chapter Nineteen

  When we got home, we walked up to the front door of our house. I wrinkled my nose, and then I heard the songs close in from all around us.

  “Nine lion shifters, and ten vampires including the local council, Gene, and the mage.”

  They were coming after us hard this time, putting it all on the line. All three of the old council members, Gene, the vampire mage, five more vampire flunkies, and then the nine lion shifters. I could only assume in that moment, the vampires had heard we’d killed Kara James in that takedown, and they’d went out and recruited the pride and joined forces for the sake of revenge. Normally a pride wouldn’t be teaming up with vampires.

  I also fucked up. We’d only had a few seconds before they closed into range, so I stuck to what I thought was important, and that was the attackers. It had distracted me from the reason I’d wrinkled my nose in the first place, which was the fact I didn’t smell any scents at our front door, not even ours. I should have realized what that meant, that some mage had been there, and used magic to wipe away scents.

  Lisa unlocked the door, probably thinking it would be easier to take them and hold them back, if they had to go through the front or back door one at a time. It was a natural thought, one I’d had myself in that moment, and a smart use of a natural choke point when facing superior numbers. Except, there was only one reason for a mage to wipe out scents, and that was that the vampires had already been here earlier.

  Hindsight was a bitch.

  There was a soft snick sound as she pushed open the door, and she looked at me with an alarmed face. Then the world exploded. The door splintered, and a shock wave of fire, sound, and concussion slammed into us and sent us flying.

  I think we’d have both been dead right there, never mind the attackers, if it wasn’t for the enchanted armored bodysuits we were wearing. As it was, the enchantment didn’t last long, and both of us were on fire as we were hurtled across the lawn to land in the street. I put us both out with magic in a reflexive thought, and then took stock in a split second.

  The only weapon I had left was the sword strapped to my back, the explosion had stripped away my knives and guns. I didn’t want to move, I was in so much pain, my skin was covered in burns and my head rang, but if we didn’t move we were dead.

  I rolled and screamed in both pain and anger as I drew my sword, and then lurched to my feet rather unsteadily. The severe burns would heal, and my hair would grow back, but not fast enough to matter in this fight.

  Lisa shot up and disappeared, I heard her song fifty feet away, and assumed, or rather hoped, that she was drinking from one of the shifters in that direction to heal herself.

  I turned toward the vampires coming from the other direction, and then thought better of it. I wanted nothing more than to tear their heads off, but I had one sword, and Lisa was surrounded by nine lion shifters.

  Retreat was the smart thing to do, but it was too late. I turned and started to run in Lisa’s direction, determined to scoop her up and run for it. I was faster than most everyone here, save perhaps Lisa and the five strongest vampires. I started to sing the confusion song, hoping it would aide my escape, but my voice was raw, scratchy, and fucked up. I must have inhaled some fire, or at least burning smoke.

  I made it about twenty feet, but when the vampires saw I’d be able to outrun them, they opened fire. I couldn’t outrun a silver bullet, I couldn’t confuse their aim, and there was absolutely no cover. I felt stinging pain rip through my middle several times, and then an explosion of fire against my back which tossed me ten feet forward, and I screamed as the raw burned front of my body scraped al
ong the cement.

  I think I went a little crazy at that point, because I started to laugh.

  I’d been worried that my dangerous job would one day force me to betray myself, when in truth it was some political vampire shit that had brought me to this point. Fucking vampires, but then they were hardly the first leaders to kill, lie, and sacrifice innocents, to both seize and stay in power. I was just lucky the silver had gone straight through, and not lodged in a bone.

  My body exploded into my dragon form, and all the pain disappeared. I heard several loud curses, and then they emptied their guns at me. I roared, as the silver bullets harmlessly bounced off my scales, and then snaked my head around.

  I released my breath weapon, and controlled it with my magic.

  A swirling storm of magical ice exploded from my mouth, and drove through the closest vampire’s chest, and out the back. Then it twisted, turned, and went through a second. I killed them all that way, like dominos as my magical breath and will destroyed them in a split second.

  Except for Gene that is. Even in my anger, I hadn’t forgotten my love’s request. I growled when the he ran away. Then cursed in my mind, as my eyesight, the match of any eagle’s in this form, saw several humans down the block with their cell phones out, obviously recording the battle.


  There was no hiding now, I’d be all over YouTube in the next fifteen minutes.

  I had more important things to worry about right now, although I only felt four lion shifters and Lisa behind me. I turned and waddled that way to help. I had to admit, that tweaked my ego, I could hear the people watching YouTube and laughing about the clumsy ass baby dragon. Still, my only hope was that the recording started after I’d changed to a dragon, I wasn’t going to shift back now and put my naked body and face to my half-dragon heritage, not if it wasn’t already too late.

  Of course, it probably was too late, my house was in cinders, it wouldn’t take a genius to connect the dots. Damn, I had no clothes at all.


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